AWS S3 Bucket endpoint - amazon-web-services

I have created a bucket and trying to use from an application and it is giving the following error:
"error: S3ServiceException:The bucket you are attempting to access must be addressed using the specified endpoint."
I am using this format: s3://bucketname. I know the format is not an issue because I am able to use this format for another public bucket. I think the permissions on my bucket may be an issue but I am not sure.
Can someone pl. help? Thank you in advance.

May be this can help you a bit I used this command to copy mine images in bucket on S3 from linux command line. Please see I also use trailing /
//these commands are bidirectional
// . is showing current directory in which you are
// bucketname & region are mandatory
aws s3 cp . s3://bucketname/foldername/ --recursive --include "*" --region ap-southeast-1


Delete a weird object in s3 bucket

I somehow endedup creating a weird object name in aws s3 bucket which is something like: 
I tried deleting it from aws cli, aws-sdk-go and from the aws console as well. Nothing seems to work. Has anyone faced an issue like this and how did you counter it?
P.S: My bucket contains 24 giga bytes of data.
Using aws-cli, I moved the objects I wanted to keep to another folder. After that, I ran:
$ aws s3 rm s3://mybucket/public/0 --recursive
# where 0 is the directory containing the object I wanted to delete
It is likely that the name of the file includes some unprintable characters, or something that looks from in an HTML page. You can use an API call to delete it, but the hard part would be finding the exact filename!
I would use the AWS CLI to get a list of all Keys:
aws s3api list-objects-v2 --bucket my-bucket --query Contents[].Key
Then find the offending object and delete it:
aws s3 rm XXX

Unable to copy from S3 to Ec2 instance

I am trying to copy a file from S3 to an Ec2 instance, here is the strange behavior
Following command runs perfectly fine and show me the contents of s3, that I want to access
$aws s3 ls
2016-05-05 07:40:57 folder1
2016-05-07 15:04:42 my-folder
then I issue following command (also successful)
$ aws s3 ls s3://my-folder
2016-05-07 16:44:50 6007 myfile.txt
but when I try to copy this file, I recive an error as follows
$aws s3 cp s3://my-folder/myfile.txt ./
A region must be specified --region or specifying the region in a
configuration file or as an environment variable. Alternately, an
endpoint can be specified with --endpoint-url
I simply want to copy txt file from s3 to ec2 instance.
At least modify the above command to copy the contents. I am not sure about region as If I visit S3 from web it says
"S3 does not require region selection"
What is happening on the earth?
Most likely something is not working right, you should not be able to list the bucket if your regions is not setup as default in the aws configure.
Therefore from my experience with S3 if this works:
aws s3 ls s3://my-folder
then this should work as well:
aws s3 cp s3://my-folder/myfile.txt ./
However if it's asking you for region, then you need to provide it.
Try this to get the bucket region:
aws s3api get-bucket-location --bucket BUCKET
And then this to copy the file:
aws s3 cp --region <your_buckets_region> s3://my-folder/myfile.txt ./
If I visit S3 from web it says
"S3 does not require region selection"
S3 and bucket regions can be very confusing especially with that message. As it is the most misleading information ever IMO when it comes to s3 regions. Every bucket has got specific region (default is us-east-1) unless you have enabled cross-region replication.
You can choose a region to optimize latency, minimize costs, or
address regulatory requirements. Objects stored in a region never
leave that region unless you explicitly transfer them to another
region. For more information about regions, see Accessing a Bucket: in
the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
How about
aws s3 cp s3://my-folder/myfile.txt .
# or
aws s3 cp s3://my-folder/myfile.txt myfile.txt
I suspect the problem is something to do with the local path parser.
aws cli s3 fileformat parser
It is kinda strange because aws cli read the credential and region config.
The fix is specifying the region, below explains how to get the bucket region if you cant get it from the cli.
aws s3 cp s3://xxxxyyyyy/2008-Nissan-Sentra.pdf myfile.pdf --region us-west-2

AWS CLI moving file with wildcard (asterisk) in path

I am attempting to move a file, from on s3 location to another, using an activity in a AWS data pipeline.
The command I am using is:
(aws s3 mv s3://foobar/Tagger/out//*/lastImage.txt s3://foobar/Tagger/testInput/lastImage.txt)
But I receive the following error:
A client error (404) occurred when calling the HeadObject operation: Key "Tagger/out//*/lastImage.txt" does not exist
But, if I replace the "*" with the specific directory name, it will work. The problem is I won't always know the name of the directory, so I was hoping I could use the "*" as a wild card.
Wildcards in the AWS S3 CLI only work when using the --recursive flag.
So this should work for you:
aws s3 mv s3://foobar/Tagger/out/ s3://foobar/Tagger/testInput/ --recursive --exclude "*" --include "*/lastImage.txt"
Unfortunately, this will recreate the entire directory structure in your target location, and I'm not immediately sure that can be solved by just using the AWS CLI.

How to configure aws CLI to s3 cp with anonymous user

I need to download files recursively from a s3 bucket. The s3 bucket lets anonymous access.
How to list files and download them without providing AWS Access Key using an anonymous user?
My command is:
aws s3 cp s3://anonymous#big-data-benchmark/pavlo/text/tiny/rankings/uservisits uservisit --region us-east --recursive
The aws compains that:
Unable to locate credentials. You can configure credentials by running "aws configure"
You can use no-sign-request option
aws s3 cp s3://anonymous#big-data-benchmark/pavlo/text/tiny/rankings/uservisits uservisit --region us-east --recursive --no-sign-request
you probably have to provide an access keys and secret key, even if you're doing anonymous access. don't see an option for anonymous for the AWS cli.
another way to do this, it to hit the http endpoint and grab the files that way.
In your case:
You will get and XML listing all the keys in the bucket. You can extract the keys and issues requests for each. Not the fastest thing out there but it will get the job done.
For example:
for getting the files curl should be enough. for parsing the xml depending on what you like you can go as lo-level as sed and as high-level as a proper language.
hope this helps.

How to move files from amazon ec2 to s3 bucket using command line

In my amazon EC2 instance, I have a folder named uploads. In this folder I have 1000 images. Now I want to copy all images to my new S3 bucket. How can I do this?
First Option sm3cmd
Use s3cmd
s3cmd get s3://AWS_S3_Bucket/dir/file
Take a look at this s3cmd documentation
if you are on linux, run this on the command line:
sudo apt-get install s3cmd
or Centos, Fedore.
yum install s3cmd
Example of usage:
s3cmd put my.file s3://pactsRamun/folderExample/fileExample
Second Option
Using Cli from amazon
Like #tedder42 said in the comments, instead of using cp, use sync.
Take a look at the following syntax:
aws s3 sync <source> <target> [--options]
aws s3 sync . s3://my-bucket/MyFolder
More information and examples available at Managing Objects Using High-Level s3 Commands with the AWS Command Line Interface
aws s3 sync your-dir-name s3://your-s3-bucket-name/folder-name
Important: This will copy each item in your named directory into the s3 bucket folder you selected. This will not copy your directory as a whole.
Or, you can use the following command for one selected file.
aws s3 sync your-dir-name/file-name s3://your-s3-bucket-name/folder-name/file-name
Or you can use a wild character to select all. Note that this will copy your directory as a whole and also generate metadata and save them to your s3 bucket folder.
aws s3 sync . s3://your-s3-bucket-name/folder-name
To copy from EC2 to S3 use the below code in the Command line of EC2.
First, you have to give "IAM Role with full s3 Access" to your EC2 instance.
aws s3 cp Your_Ec2_Folder s3://Your_S3_bucket/Your_folder --recursive
Also note on aws cli syncing with s3 it is multithreaded and uploads multiple parts of a file at one time. The number of threads however, is not configurable at this time.
aws s3 mv /home/inbound/ s3://test/ --recursive --region us-west-2
This can be done very simply. Follow the following steps:
Open the AWS EC2 on console.
Select the instance and navigate to actions.
Select instances settings and select Attach/Replace IAM Role
When this is done, connect to the AWS instance and the rest will be done via the following CLI commands:
aws s3 cp filelocation/filename s3://bucketname
Hence you don't need to install or do any extra efforts.
Please note... the file location refers to the local address. And the bucketname is the name of your bucket.
Also note: This is possible if your instance and S3 bucket are in the same account.
We do have a dryrun feature available for testing.
To begin with I would assign ec2-instance a role to be able read
write to S3
SSH into the instance and perform the following
vi tmp1.txt
aws s3 mv ./ s3:// --dryrun
If this works then all you have to do is either create a script to
upload all files with specific from this folder to s3 bucket
I have done the wrritten the following command in my script to move
files older than 2 minutes from current directory to bucket/folder
cd dir; ls . -rt | xargs -I FILES find FILES -maxdepth 1 -name
'*.txt' -mmin +2 -exec aws s3 mv '{}' s3://