Modify Django Admin Page - django

I have a django admin where the name for the login was changed and after logging in the page is cut off. I went in to modify the page but it appears there is no admin/index under templates. I have looked throughout the project and can not find it anywhere. Is there an easy way to locate the files needed to proceed with the project?


Cpanel Django ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS on Admin/Auth/User and Admin/Auth/Group Pages

I'm doing a project for a client using Django and have finally installed it on CPanel.
Everything seems to be working great, but when I try to access the admin panel, the tables group or user has an error because it says it's doing a lot of redirections.
In the admin panel, I just have this:
When I try to register something, it loads the page, like this:
But when I try to access the tables, it shows me an ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS, as shown in the following picture:
It basically says that it's not working and to try to delete my cookies. I did that, and nothing worked. In the I only have the admin path so the redirection problem is not from something I miscofigured there.
I haven't modified the installation parameters for besides the Allowed_Host variable to allow the URL of the page, the database connection using PostgreSQL and its working, and the variables of the static files are also working.
So I'm feeling deadlocked because I can't find an answer to this and I don't believe I'm the first one experiencing this.
EDIT: The only new thing that I found is this and as I said I haven't even created files yet so I don't know what Index is this:
If someone knows anything, please let me know.

Django-Machina forum panel not showing in wagtail admin panel

I have a wagtail project being developed, essentially a blog with a forum. I chose django-machina as the forum I want to use because of how modular it is and how well it integrates into existing projects.
I followed the instructions in the documentation without issue, and the install was a success. I can access the app by going to /forum on my project.
However, the next step in the documentation refers to using the forum admin panel. My wagtail admin menu does not have a section for forum and I can't access the django admin panel as it is a wagtail project.
Where exactly can I access the django-machina forum admin panel in a wagtail project? Or would I have to recreate it somehow?
Jake, it's not so difficult. Let your project be named 'my_project'. So than we should go to my_project/my_project/ There we see something like this:
And what this string say to us? It show how to get the vanilla django-admin! Ok, now just go to and run your forum! ;)
Unless the documentation specifically mentions Wagtail, it's more likely that the admin panel shows up in the Django admin backend rather than the Wagtail one. On a standard Wagtail project this is found at the URL /django-admin/, but it depends on what you have specified in your project's file.

Customization of Django admin page to add button

I want to add additional button in the admin page other than save , delete and save and continue button.I do know that I should change the default page of admin but I couldn't able to implement it.I can understand it theortically but not in practical.I want steps to change the default program of Django admin page.I need a demo for it.I need a little brief explaination.
go to your site packages directory then to django then contrib then admin and then templates. There you will find all the templates. Copy the templates, and then in your command line type collectstatics, now you have your admin templates and your admin statics files. You can modify this button

How to change 'Django Administration' name to a custom name in admin login and admin page

I am trying to change the name of django administration to custom name how do i do that.Is there any way completely customize the admin page give it more professional look
There are several ways to customize the Django admin.
First of all, you can always override any template (see docs : it is actually using this very case as example)
Starting with Django 1.7, it will be accessible via settings :
Finally, you could use a admin skin app such as the wonderful Grappelli wich already provides a similar setting :
Hope this helps,
Copy the admin templates to your project template folders (if you don't know how, just create an admin subdirectory in your project/templates folder).
The django branding is located in: base_site.html file.
You can find the source of it either in your django installed package or by checking the source code in github:
Additionally with this method you can also completely override the default admin implementation, if you are not familiar or you don't want to spend so much time in it, you can also use a ready to use package such as grapelli: or django suit:
Note that branding will change in the next django release, the user will be able to define those in the settings file:

Django admin action for photologue gallery change

I have a photologue site set up and I really wanted to add an admin action so that when looking at a list of photos in the Django admin I can select a few and mark their respective checkboxes and via an admin action change them to some other gallery. How can something like this be implemented? I already got creating an admin class without having to write the photologue package and adding the action.. but have got no clue on how to send the "gallery" parameter.
Actually I think I got the answer after some more googling in this tutorial here (a bit old but it appears to work) link