Prevent SAS EG from outputting every dataset in datastep - sas

I'm new to SAS EG, I usually use BASE SAS when I actually need the program, but my company is moving heavily toward EG. I'm helping some areas with some code to get data they need on an ad-hoc basis (the code won't change though).
However, during processing, we create many temporary files that are just iterations across months. I.E. if the user wants data from 2002 - 2016, we have to pull all those libraries and then concatenate them with our results. This is due to high transactional volume, the final dataset is limited to a small number of observations. Whenever I run this program though, SAS outputs all 183 of the datasteps created in the macro, making it very ugly, and sometimes the "Output Data" that appears isn't even output from the last datastep, but from an intermediary step, making it annoying to search through for the 'final output dataset'.
Is there a way to limit the datasets written to "Output Data" so that it only shows the final dataset - so that our end user doesn't need to worry about being confused?
Above is an example - There's a ton of output data sets that I don't care to see. I just want the final, which is located (somewhere) in that list...
Version is SAS E.G. 7.1

EG will always automatically show every dataset that was created after the program ends. If you don't want it to show any intermediate tables, delete them at the very last step in your process.
In your case, it looks as if your temporary tables all share the name TRN. You can clean it up as such:
/* Start of process flow */
<program statements>;
/* End of process flow*/
proc datasets lib=work nolist nowarn nodetails;
delete TRN:;
Be careful if you do this. Make sure that all of your temporary tables follow the same prefix naming scheme, otherwise you may accidentally delete tables that you need.
Another solution is to limit the number of datasets generated, and have a user-created link to the final dataset. There's an article about it here.

The alternate solution here is to add the output dataset explicitly as an entry on your process flow, and disregard the OUTPUT window unless you need to investigate something from the intermediary datasets.
This has the advantage that it lets you look at the intermediary datasets if something goes wrong, but also lets you not have to look through all of them to see the final dataset.
You should be able to add the final output dataset to the process flow once it's created once easily, and then after that one time it will be there for you to select to look at.


Sas program optimization to use less workspace

I had one main program in sas, in that another 2 sas programs are being called.
These 2 sas programs create formats using proc format cntlin from large data sets and are temporary means residing in workspace. These formats are used in sas program to assing format to some variables.
In main sas program almost 15 large data sets are created in work library.
Some proc sql joins and data step merges are happening
We have index creation on data sets using proc datasets.
We also used proc sort
Where ever possible used where instead of if
It had mprint mlogic symbolgen options enabled
And some small logic wise performance tuning is done.
Here most part of dataset creation is done in work library. If we clear total work space previously created formats are lost. We dont want to loose formats untill end of job because these are used in entire sas program.
It is taking 1TB of sas workspace to accomplish all this job. So i wanted to reduce this usage space.
Can you guys someone please suggest what are all optimizations we can do to use less space as well as memory.
Write the format catalogs to a different folder.

SAS view permanent inputs/outputs of a project or program

Is there any way to view all permanently stored datasets used by or created by a SAS project (or program, if this is not possible)? I have been tasked with creating a matrix of data inputs and outputs for 40 different SAS projects, each of which contains at least 50 programs. Needless to say there are THOUSANDS of temporary datasets created, but all I am interested in are the permanent ones. After manually checking one project, I noticed that the project process flow does not contain many permanently stored inputs (i.e. from libraries other than WORK) and it is very time consuming to check the properties of each dataset to see if it is temporary or not.
Three other things of note-
1. None of the code is documented.
2. I did not write any of it.
3. I am using SAS enterprise guide
it is not exactly clear what you are asking for. You may want to check out the table sashelp.Vcolumn which will contain a list of all permanent data sets and lists variables of each table. If your project stored all data sets in one library you could try:
proc sql;
select * from sashelp.vcolumn
where libname ="yourprojectslibrary";

Lookup primary keys in multiple tables

the problem I'm solving has many simple solutions but what I need is to find the way to reduce the time and memory needed for the process.
On the one side I have a table with a few hundred ID's and on the other 40 monthly tables and counting.
Each of the tables has between 500 000 to 1 mln records each for unique id. Each table has few thoustand variables but i only need 10-20 of them.
I need to lookup the tables to find the latest table when particular id from base table occur and get variable values that I need.
The newest month table is being calculated every day so many id's from previous months may occur again so I cannot just create indexed dictionary ( and variables) once. Also I can't afford creating new dictionary based on all tables every day.
Visual description
I came up with some ideas but I need your help to find the most efficient concept:
Concatenate all monthly tables with variables needed, sort ascending ID and month, select using data step. Use join or merge with base table.
Problem: too much memory needed to set all tables.
Alternatively I used proc append in loop. Unfortunately not very time and memory efficient.
Inner join with all of the tables separately in loop:
Low memory use but very time consuming.
Create dictionary based on all months besides the latest and update it every day.
Problem: Large dictionary table.
Now I'm looking for smart concepts how to solve this kind of problem. Maybe hash objects.. but how?
I would greatly appreciate it if you give me some feedback on this case.
Thank you!
If someone was to write some code to generate some dummy data based on your specs they may be able to provide a more specific answer to your question. But without sample data it's hard to know the best way without trial and error.
Instead I've paraphrased some of my old answers into a more comprehensive list of things you can check.
Below are some ways to boost performance (roughly in order of performance improvement, YMMV):
Index the fields in each table that you will be joining on or using in a where clause. Not all fields are good candidates for indexes so do a little research on how to determine this before indexing.
Reduce the number of rows as early in the process as possible (ie. use a where clause to get rid of anything you don't care about).
If the joins are still time consuming, consider replacing them with hash table lookups.
Compression. When you build the datasets make sure you use the compress=yes option if you're not already. This will shrink the size of the table on disk resulting in less disk I/O (the slowest part of querying).
If the steps are IO intensive, consider using views rather than creating temporary tables.
Make sure you are using proc append to append datasets together to reduce IO (sounds like you are, just adding this for completeness). Append the smaller dataset to the larger dataset. Alternatively use a view to 'append' them without duplicating overhead.
Limit the columns you are processing by using a keep statement (reduces IO).
Check column lengths - make sure you're not using a field length of $255 to store something that only needs a length of $20 etc...
Use the SAS SPDE (Scalable Performance Data Engine). It allows you to partition your SAS datasets into multiple files and optionally spread them across different disks. Once your SAS datasets reach a certain size you can see performance improvements. I generally tend to use SPD libnames any time a dataset grows > 10G. No additional SAS modules are requires - this is enabled as part of Base SAS.

blocking the values after a specific date

I've got the following question.
I'm trying to run a partial least square forecast on a data model I have. Issue is that I need to block certain line in order to have the forecast for a specific time.
What I want would be the following. For June, every line before May 2014 will be blocked (see the screenshot below).
For May , every line before April 2014 will be blocked (see the screenshot below).
I was thinking of using a delete through a proc sql to do so but this solution seems to be very brutal and I wish to keep my table intact.
Question : Is there a way to block the line for a specific date with needing a deletion?
Many thanks for any insight you can give me as I've never done that before and don't know if there is a way to do that (I did not find anything on the net).
Edit : The aim of the blocking will be to use the missing values and to run the forecast on this missing month namely here in June 2014 and in May 2014 for the second example
I'm not sure what proc you are planning to use, but you should be able to do something like the below.
It builds a control data set, based on a distinct set of dates, including a filter value and building a text data set name. This data set is then called from a data null step.
Call execute is a ridiculously powerful function for this sort of looping behaviour that requires you to build strings that it will than pass as if they were code. Note that column names in the control set are "outside" the string and concatenated with it using ||. The alternative is probably using quite a lot of macro.
proc sql;
create table control_dates as
select distinct
put(nuov_date,mon3.)||'_results' as out_name
from [csv_import];
data _null_;
set control_dates;
call execute(
'data '||out_name||';
set control_dates
call execute('proc [analysis proc] data='||out_name||';run;');

Interleaving output from two different procedures with a by value

I have a large SAS dataset and I would like to make a series of tables and charts using by value processing. I am outputing these to a PDF.
Is there any way to get SAS to alternate between the table and the chart as it goes through the data? Right now, I have to print all of the tables first and then print the charts. If it were just 4 tables/charts, then I would be ok writing
Here is a simple example:
data sample;
input byval $ item $ amount;
A X 15
A Y 16
A Z 12
B X 25
B Y 10
B Z 18
symbol1 i=j;
proc print data=sample;
by byval;
var item amount;
proc gplot uniform data=sample;
by byval;
plot amount*item;
This prints 2 tables, followed by 2 charts.
I would like the Chart for "A" to come after the table for "A" so that the reader can flip through the pdf and always see the associated charts and tables together.
I could write separate procs for each one, but then the gplot won't have a uniform axis (and it gets messy if I have 100 different groups instead of 2).
I thought about pumping them into greplay but then you can't use titles with "#BYVAL1".
Is there any easy way to do this?
I've never used it, but it may be worth checking out ODS DOCUMENT. This allows you to store the output of all your procedures and then reference specific items from them using PROC DOCUMENT.
Below is a link to the SAS website with useful information about this, in particular the paper by Cynthia Zender for the SAS Global Forum 2009.
Cynthia also regularly contributes to the SAS Support Communities website (, so it may be worth asking on there if you are still stuck.
Good luck
I don't know of any way to do what you ask directly. GREPLAY is probably the closest you'll come; the primary problem is that SAS processes the PROCs linearly, first processing the entire PROC PRINT, then the entire PROC GPLOT. GREPLAY would allow you to redisplay the output, but if that doesn't work for your needs due to the #BYVAL issue, I'm not sure there's a better solution. Perhaps you can modify the title afterwards (not sure if GREPLAY allows this)?
You could try using ODS LAYOUT, but I don't think that would be any better. The one way it could be better is if you can work out having two columns on a 'page', one column being the PROC PRINT outputs, one the PROC GPLOT, and then print the columns one page than the other. I don't think this is possible, but it might be worth exploring.
You might also try setting up a macro to do each BYVAL separately, defining the axis in a uniform manner manually (ie, defining it based on your own calculation of the correct axis parameters, as an argument to the macro). That is probably the easiest solution that might still allow #BYVAL to work properly.
You might also try browsing about Richard DeVenezia's site ( ) which has a lot of examples of SAS/GRAPH solutions. He also posts on SAS-L ( sometimes, not sure if I've seen him on StackOverflow. He's probably the person most likely to be able to answer the question that I know of.