How does encryption works between aws ELB and instances - amazon-web-services

For an aws classic load balancer with a https listener, the aws ELB docs says that "If the HTTPS listener sends requests to the instances on port 443, communication from the load balancer to the instances is encrypted". I want to know that how communication between the ELB and the instances can be encrypted without having an ssl certificate on the instances and if this communication is encrypted then which keys are used to encrypt it? and how does the instances decrypt the data at their end?

You would have to install an SSL certificate on each of the instances. It could be the same certificate you have installed on the ELB (if it wasn't an ACM generated certificate) or it could be another SSL certificate or a self-signed SSL certificate.
Whatever SSL certificate is installed on the instance is what will be used to encrypt communication between the ELB and the instance.


AWS Elb backend authentication

I was reading about backend authentication option in AWS ELB.
What it mentions is there is a instance public key (.pem encoded) to be configured in ELB.
What I could not understand is what is this key or certificate?
Since it is optional will the traffic will still be encrypted between ELB and EC2 instances if port 443 is used.
There is no details mentioned on how to actually do this.
Basically I want end to end encryption from user to elb and elb to ec2.
Basically what this is saying is that if you what encryption in transit for the entire journey you will need to install an SSL certificate on your EC2 instance. The journey will look like the below.
client ---(HTTPS)--> load balancer ---(HTTPS)--> EC2 host
You will need to either purchase an SSL, or use a free option such as certbot on your server.
Then once you have this you will need to configure for the web server software you are running. Below are some instructions for common web servers:
Ensure that your target group is configured for HTTPS port 443 traffic, to have the load balancer forward requests to HTTPS on your backend.
If the load balancer to EC2 host is not encrypted (plain HTTP) the clients traffic to load balancer will still be encrypted, but after this will be forward in HTTP.

Can I use a self-signed certificate on an AWS instance if the load balancer has a valid CA certificate?

We are using Cloudflare, which points to an AWS load balancer in front of an EC2 instance. The goal here is to have end-to-end encryption but I am trying to understand which parts of this setup actually require a certificate from a Certificate Authority, and whether or not we can use a complete set of free certificates between Cloudflare and AWS.
Cloudflare - We can use their free Universal SSL certificate to secure the traffic from Cloudflare to the load balancer.
AWS Load Balancer - We can use a free AWS certificate which is attached to the load balancer. This same certificate cannot be installed on the EC2 instance.
EC2 Instance - Can we use a self-signed certificate here, or do we need to continue purchasing certificates from a recognised authority? My understanding here is that, yes, we can just use a self-signed certificate and everything will be secure without raising any warnings about the self-signed nature of the certificate, as long as the load balancer has a valid CA certificate from Amazon or other authority.
Cloudflare is set to Full SSL mode which does not validate the origin certificate and will allow it to be self-signed, but I assume this only applies to the load balancer in our case.
You can use whichever SSL you want on the instance, self signed or from a certificate authority.
By doing this the data will be encrypted in transit between your load balancer and the EC2 instance.
It is only the AWS services that require either an ACM cert or an uploaded cert from a valid certificate authority.
Ensure that your servers are kept private if you're using self signed certificates.

Installing SSL on EC2 as well as load balancer

I have an ec2 instance behind Application ELB in AWS. I want to apply SSL to both ec2 instance as well as loadbalancer. For ec2 instance i have purchased ssl and installed it and it is working fine. For load balancer i will be using the free AWS ACM certificate and installing it on load balancer. Will this have any issues? i.e. installing SSL on both places ec2 and elb.
It will not have any issues but it does come with a caveat. The traffic in to the Application Load Balancer (ALB) will be encrypted and the ACM cert will be validated by the client. The traffic to the host from the ALB will also be encrypted but the certificate on the host will not be validated.
It looks like ALB Backend Authentication is on AWS's roadmap per the reference below. The reason given for it not being a priority is summarized in this quote from the AWS Engineer who wrote the first reference:
The role that server certificates play in TLS is to authenticate the server, so that it can’t be impersonated or MITM. ALBs run exclusively on our Amazon VPC network, a Software Defined Network where we encapsulate and authenticate traffic at the packet level.
The upside of this is you can use self-signed certs on your hosts to save money when using an ALB or ELB in front of them.
If you need to ensure the certificate on the host is valid you can use a Classic Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). See the reference for more details.
AWS ALB Validation TLS Reply
AWS ELB Configure Backend Authentication
If you use SSl/TSL at ELB, it will handle the encryption/decryption of the HTTPS connections (freeing your EC2 instance's CPU to do other work).
If you use an HTTPS/SSL connection for your back end, you can enable authentication on the back-end instance. This authentication can be used to ensure that back-end instances accept only encrypted communication, and to ensure that the back-end instance has the correct certificates.
Using SSL/TLS on both ELB and Backend can create problems since ELB HTTPS listener does not support Client-Side SSL certificates.
I have considered that you are using a 2-way SSL (Mutual or Client Authentication)

SSL on ELB+nginx

I have an Application Load balancer and 1 EC2 instance currently behind it. Before, I was using another CA for receiving SSL certificates for my domain which was running on the EC2 with nginx. Now, I use SSL from Amazon's Certificate Manager for the load balancer's listener.
Should the domain's certificate be purchased individually on each EC2 instance for https connection to my application after moving it behind the ELB?
Is there any other way to establish https connection without using the separate certificates on the EC2 instances and with just the ACM on the load balancer?
You can use the same certificate on EC2.
But whenever you need to update the certificate you have to change in EC2.
If you have the EC2 in a private subnet (Not accessible to the internet)
you can use the self-signed certificate (self signed certificate nginx).
I encountered this problem and solved it by using the self-signed certificate.
You can use self-signed certificates on the EC2 instances to enable the load balancer to talk to your EC2 instances via https - the load balancer will not to certificate validation, so you do not need commercial certs.

AWS adding load balancer and autoscaling to existing https instance using let's encrypt

I have an existing EC2 instance running Apache2 where I set https on, using let's encrypt service. Now I'd like to create an autoscaling group (with 1 to 3 of these instances) and a load balancer and I'd like to keep my https certificate.
Which is the best way to do that?
If the SSL certificate is going to be installed on each EC2 instance, then you can just setup port 443 on the load balancer as a TCP listener, and it will pass the traffic on port 443 directly to the instance, where the SSL certificate will be served.
Note that this is going to require Let's Encrypt be working on each instance that gets created. It will really be easier for you to get a new (free) certificate via the AWS ACM service, and install that on the load balancer.