Binary search given slightly inaccurate results - c++

The problem I am trying to solve is the following: I get N rectangular paper strips with 1cm width and length C. I need to cut the strips at a height where the sum of the areas of the cut strip is equal to A. You can see an example bellow for which N = 5, the strips are of length, 5,3,6,2 and 3 cm and A = 3cm where the cut is made at 4cm.
Note that I'm looking here for the red area.
The input is given as follows. The first line in each case begins with two integers N (1 ≤ N ≤ 10^5) and A (1 ≤ A ≤ 10^9) representing respectively the number of strips and the expected resulting area. The next line contains N integers, representing the length C_i (1 <= C_i <= 10^4) of each strip.
The input ends with A = C = 0, which should not be processed.
For each test case, output a single line, the height H of the cut that must be done so that the sum of the area of the cut strips is equal to A cm². Print the answer with 4 decimal places. Output ":D" if no cutting is required, or "-.-" if it’s impossible.
This problem can be found here
My idea for solving this problem was to use a binary search where I pick a height in the middle of the strips and make it larger or smaller depending on whether my cut was too high or too low. My implementation of the problem is given bellow:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <iomanip>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int main(){
vector<int> v; // Vector that holds paper heights
int n; // Number of papers
double h, // Height of the cut
sum, // Area sum
min_n, // Minimum height for cut to happen
max_n, // Maximum height for cut to happen
a; // Desired final area
// Set desired output
cout << fixed << setprecision(4);
/* Get number of papers and desired area,
terminates if N = A = 0
while(cin >> n >> a && (n||a)){
v.resize(n); // Resize vector to fit all papers
// Get all paper sizes
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
cin >> v[i];
/* Sort the vector in decreasing order to
simplify the search
max_n = v[0]; // Largest possible cut is at the height of the largest paper
min_n = 0; // Smallest possible cut is at the base with height 0
// Iterate until answer is found
// Initialize cut height as the average of smallest and largest cut sizes
h = (min_n + max_n)/2;
/* The area sum is equal to the sum of the areas of each cut, which is
given by the height of the paper minus the cut height. If the cut is
higher than the paper, the cut has area 0.
sum = 0;
// Using mascoj sugenstion, a few changes were added
int s; // Temporary variable to hold number of time h is subtracted
for(int i=0; i<n;i++){
if(v[i] <= h) break; // From here onward cut area is 0 and there is no point adding
sum += v[i]; // Removed the subtraction inside of the for loop
s++; // Count how many paper strips were used
sum -= h*s // Subtracts the area cut from the s paper strips
// If the error is smaller than the significant value, cut height is printed
if(std::abs(sum-a) < 1e-5){
// If no cut is needed print :D else print cut height
(h < 1e-4 ? cout << ":D" << endl : cout << h << endl);
// If max_n is "equal" to min_n and no answer was found, there is no answer
else if(max_n - min_n < 1e-7){
cout << "-.-" << endl;
// Reduces search interval
sum < a ? max_n = h : min_n = h;
return 0;
The problem is, after submitting my answer I keep getting a 10% error. The website has a tool for comparing the output of you program with the expected output so I ran a test file with over 1000 randomly generated test cases and when I compared both I got a rounding error on the 4th decimal case, unfortunately, I don't have the file nor the script to generate test cases for me anymore. I tried changing the acceptable error to a smaller one but that didn't work. I can't seem to find the error, does any of you have an idea of what is happening?
ps: Although the problem doesn't say on the description, you can get cuts with fractions as heights

Might be your problem, maybe not: This line is exacerbating floating point error: sum += v[i]-h;
Floating points are only so accurate and compounding this error over a larger summation adds up. I would try using multiplication on h and subtracting that from the total sum of applicable lengths. Should be well within the range of the double precision format so I wouldn't worry about overrunning the format.

Not sure to understand your algorithm but I think that can be done a lot simpler using a map instead a vector.
In the following example the map mp memorize how much (the value) strips are of a given lenght (the key).
An advantage of the map is ordered.
Next you can see how much you have to save (not to cat) and calculate the level of the cut starting from zero, adding 1 when appropriate and adding a fraction when neccessary.
Hope the following example can help
#include <map>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
int main()
int n;
int n2;
int v;
int cut;
int a;
std::map<int, std::size_t> mp;
long long int sum;
long long int ts;
std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(4);
while( (std::cin >> n >> a) && ( n || a ) )
n2 = 0;
sum = 0LL;
for ( auto i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i )
std::cin >> v;
if ( v > 0 )
sum += v;
// mp is a map, so the values are ordered
// ts is "to save"; sum of lenghts minus a
ts = sum - a;
// cut level
cut = 0;
// while we can add a full cm to the cut level
while ( (ts > 0LL) && (n2 > 0) && (ts >= n2) )
ts -= n2;
if ( cut >= mp.cbegin()->first )
n2 -= mp.cbegin()->second;
if ( (ts == 0LL) && (cut == 0) )
std::cout << ":D" << std::endl; // no cut required (?)
else if ( n2 == 0 )
std::cout << "-.-" << std::endl; // impossible (?)
std::cout << (cut + double(ts) / n2) << std::endl;
p.s.: observe that a is defined as an integer in the page that you link.


Biggest valued, 'H' shaped area in matrix?

I got the task where I must find the H shaped region which has the biggest sum of numbers in it. Under 'H' shaped region, tha task meant this, consisting of 7 elements and never changing:
x x
x x
The matrix's size must be 33 or bigger than that, and I don't have to work with rotated 'H' shape. However, it can move upwards and downwards if the matrix is that big (for example a 46 matrix).
I thought of first counting a "maximum" value, starting from the [0][0] element. However, I can't figure out how to move this region-counting along. Could you help me out, please?
Here's my code so far:
int main(){
int n = 3;
int m = 4;
int mtx[n][m] = {
//counting the maximum H value
int max = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
max += mtx[i][0];
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
max += mtx[i][2];
max += mtx[1][1];
int counter = 0;
int j = 0;
int k = 0;
//finding if there is bigger
while(counter >max){
//questioned area, not sure what to do here
if(counter < max){
max = counter;
return 0;
As mentioned in a comment, knowing the single maximum element in the matrix does not help to find the maximum H shape. A concrete counter example:
0 1 0 5
9 1 1 5
0 1 0 5
Maximum element is 9 but maximum sum H shape is
1 0 5
1 1 5
1 0 5
You would need to add more information to know whether the maximum element is part of the maximum H: Only if max_element + 6*min_element > 7*second_smallest_element you can be sure that max_element is part of the biggest sum H. This condition could be refined, but it cannot be made such that the biggest element is always part of the biggest sum H, because thats not true in general (see counter example above).
As suggested in another comment, you should write a function that given coordinates of the upper left corner calculates the sum of elements in the H shape:
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
int H_sum(const std::array<std::array<int,4>,3>& matrix, int x0,int y0){
// A E
// BDF
// C G
int sum = matrix[x0][y0]; // A
sum += matrix[x0+1][y0]; // B
sum += matrix[x0+2][y0]; // C
sum += matrix[x0+1][y0+1]; // D
sum += matrix[x0][y0+2]; // E
sum += matrix[x0+1][y0+2]; // F
sum += matrix[x0+2][y0+2]; // G
return sum;
int main() {
std::array<std::array<int,4>,3> mtx{
for (const auto& row : mtx){
for (const auto& e : row){
std::cout << e;
std::cout << "\n";
std::cout << H_sum(mtx,0,0);
This is of course only something to get you started. Next you have to carefully consider what are the maximum indices you can pass to H_sum without going out-of-bounds. Then write a nested loop to scan all positions of the H and remember the maximum value encountered.
Last but not least, what I described so far is a brute force approach. You calculate sum for all possible H shapes, remember the maximum, and are done. Maybe there is a clever trick to avoid adding all elements multiple times (for example in a larger matrix, the right leg of one H is the left leg of a different H). Though before applying such tricks and trying to be clever I strongly suggest to write something that is perhaps slow but correct, easy to read and verify.

For a given number N, how do I find x, S.T product of (x and no. of factors to x) = N?

to find factors of number, i am using function void primeFactors(int n)
# include <stdio.h>
# include <math.h>
# include <iostream>
# include <map>
using namespace std;
// A function to print all prime factors of a given number n
map<int,int> m;
void primeFactors(int n)
// Print the number of 2s that divide n
while (n%2 == 0)
printf("%d ", 2);
m[2] += 1;
n = n/2;
// n must be odd at this point. So we can skip one element (Note i = i +2)
for (int i = 3; i <= sqrt(n); i = i+2)
// While i divides n, print i and divide n
while (n%i == 0)
int k = i;
printf("%d ", i);
m[k] += 1;
n = n/i;
// This condition is to handle the case whien n is a prime number
// greater than 2
if (n > 2)
m[n] += 1;
printf ("%d ", n);
cout << endl;
/* Driver program to test above function */
int main()
int n = 72;
map<int,int>::iterator it;
int to = 1;
for(it = m.begin(); it != m.end(); ++it){
cout << it->first << " appeared " << it->second << " times "<< endl;
to *= (it->second+1);
cout << to << " total facts" << endl;
return 0;
You can check it here. Test case n = 72.
How do I solve above problem using above algo. (Can it be optimized more ?). I have to consider large numbers as well.
What I want to do ..
Take example for N = 864, we found X = 72 as (72 * 12 (no. of factors)) = 864)
There is a prime-factorizing algorithm for big numbers, but actually it is not often used in programming contests.
I explain 3 methods and you can implementate using this algorithm.
If you implementated, I suggest to solve this problem.
Note: In this answer, I use integer Q for the number of queries.
O(Q * sqrt(N)) solution per query
Your algorithm's time complexity is O(n^0.5).
But you are implementating with int (32-bit), so you can use long long integers.
Here's my implementation:
O(sqrt(maxn) * log(log(maxn)) + Q * sqrt(maxn) / log(maxn)) algorithm
You can reduce the number of loops because composite numbers are not neccesary for integer i.
So, you can only use prime numbers in the loop.
Calculate all prime numbers <= sqrt(n) with Eratosthenes's sieve. The time complexity is O(sqrt(maxn) * log(log(maxn))).
In a query, loop for i (i <= sqrt(n) and i is a prime number). The valid integer i is about sqrt(n) / log(n) with prime number theorem, so the time complexity is O(sqrt(n) / log(n)) per query.
More efficient algorithm
There are more efficient algorithm in the world, but it is not used often in programming contests.
If you check "Integer factorization algorithm" on the internet or wikipedia, you can find the algorithm like Pollard's-rho or General number field sieve.
Well,I will show you the code.
# include <stdio.h>
# include <iostream>
# include <map>
using namespace std;
const long MAX_NUM = 2000000;
long prime[MAX_NUM] = {0}, primeCount = 0;
bool isNotPrime[MAX_NUM] = {1, 1}; // yes. can be improve, but it is useless when sieveOfEratosthenes is end
void sieveOfEratosthenes() {
for (long i = 2; i < MAX_NUM; i++) { // it must be i++
if (!isNotPrime[i]) //if it is prime,put it into prime[]
prime[primeCount++] = i;
for (long j = 0; j < primeCount && i * prime[j] < MAX_NUM; j++) { /*foreach prime[]*/
// if(i * prime[j] >= MAX_NUM){ // if large than MAX_NUM break
// break;
// }
isNotPrime[i * prime[j]] = 1; // set i * prime[j] not a you see, i * prime[j]
if (!(i % prime[j])) //if this prime the min factor of i,than break.
// and it is the answer why not i+=( (i & 1) ? 2 : 1).
// hint : when we judge 2,prime[]={2},we set 2*2=4 not prime
// when we judge 3,prime[]={2,3},we set 3*2=6 3*3=9 not prime
// when we judge 4,prime[]={2,3},we set 4*2=8 not prime (why not set 4*3=12?)
// when we judge 5,prime[]={2,3,5},we set 5*2=10 5*3=15 5*5=25 not prime
// when we judge 6,prime[]={2,3,5},we set 6*2=12 not prime,than we can stop
// why not put 6*3=18 6*5=30 not prime? 18=9*2 30=15*2.
// this code can make each num be set only once,I hope it can help you to understand
// this is difficult to understand but very useful.
void primeFactors(long n)
map<int,int> m;
map<int,int>::iterator it;
for (int i = 0; prime[i] <= n; i++) // we test all prime small than n , like 2 3 5 7... it musut be i++
while (n%prime[i] == 0)
cout<<prime[i]<<" ";
m[prime[i]] += 1;
n = n/prime[i];
int to = 1;
for(it = m.begin(); it != m.end(); ++it){
cout << it->first << " appeared " << it->second << " times "<< endl;
to *= (it->second+1);
cout << to << " total facts" << endl;
int main()
//first init for calculate all prime numbers,for example we define MAX_NUM = 2000000
// the result of prime[] should be stored, you primeFactors will use it
//second loop for i (i*i <= n and i is a prime number). n<=MAX_NUM
int n = 72;
n = 864;
return 0;
My best shot at performance without getting overboard with special algos.
The Erathostenes' seive - the complexity of the below is O(N*log(log(N))) - because the inner j loop starts from i*i instead of i.
#include <vector>
using std::vector;
void erathostenes_sieve(size_t upToN, vector<size_t>& primes) {
vector<bool> bitset(upToN+1, true); // if the bitset[i] is true, the i is prime
// if i is 2, will jump to 3, otherwise will jump on odd numbers only
for(size_t i=2; i<=upToN; i+=( (i&1) ? 2 : 1)) {
if(bitset[i]) { // i is prime
// it is enough to start the next cycle from i*i, because all the
// other primality tests below it are already performed:
// e.g:
// - i*(i-1) was surely marked non-prime when we considered multiples of 2
// - i*(i-2) was tested at (i-2) if (i-2) was prime or earlier (if non-prime)
for(size_t j=i*i; j<upToN; j+=i) {
bitset[j]=false; // all multiples of the prime with value of i
// are marked non-prime, using **addition only**
Now factoring based on the primes (set in a sorted vector). Before this, let's examine the myth of sqrt being expensive but a large bunch of multiplications is not.
First of all, let us note that sqrt is not that expensive anymore: on older CPU-es (x86/32b) it used to be twice as expensive as a division (and a modulo operation is division), on newer architectures the CPU costs are equal. Since factorisation is all about % operations again and again, one may still consider sqrt now and then (e.g. if and when using it saves CPU time).
For example consider the following code for an N=65537 (which is the 6553-th prime) assuming the primes has 10000 entries
size_t limit=std::sqrt(N);
size_t largestPrimeGoodForN=std::distance(
std::upper_limit(primes.begin(), primes.end(), limit) // binary search
// go descendingly from limit!!!
for(int i=largestPrimeGoodForN; i>=0; i--) {
// factorisation loop
We have:
1 sqrt (equal 1 modulo),
1 search in 10000 entries - at max 14 steps, each involving 1 comparison, 1 right-shift division-by-2 and 1 increment/decrement - so let's say a cost equal with 14-20 multiplications (if ever)
1 difference because of std::distance.
So, maximal cost - 1 div and 20 muls? I'm generous.
On the other side:
for(int i=0; primes[i]*primes[i]<N; i++) {
// factorisation code
Looks much simpler, but as N=65537 is prime, we'll go through all the cycle up to i=64 (where we'll find the first prime which cause the cycle to break) - a total of 65 multiplications.
Try this with a a higher prime number and I guarantee you the cost of 1 sqrt+1binary search are better use of the CPU cycle than all the multiplications on the way in the simpler form of the cycle touted as a better performance solution
So, back to factorisation code:
#include <algorithm>
#include <math>
#include <unordered_map>
void factor(size_t N, std::unordered_map<size_t, size_t>& factorsWithMultiplicity) {
while( !(N & 1) ) { // while N is even, cheaper test than a '% 2'
N = N >> 1; // div by 2 of an unsigned number, cheaper than the actual /2
// now that we know N is even, we start using the primes from the sieve
size_t limit=std::sqrt(N); // sqrt is no longer *that* expensive,
vector<size_t> primes;
// fill the primes up to the limit. Let's be generous, add 1 to it
erathostenes_sieve(limit+1, primes);
// we know that the largest prime worth checking is
// the last element of the primes.
size_t largestPrimeIndexGoodForN=primes.size()-1;
largestPrimeIndexGoodForN<primes.size(); // size_t is unsigned, so after zero will underflow
// we'll handle the cycle index inside
) {
bool wasFactor=false;
size_t factorToTest=primes[largestPrimeIndexGoodForN];
while( !( N % factorToTest) ) {
wasFactor=true;// found one
N /= factorToTest;
if(1==N) { // done
if(wasFactor) { // time to resynchronize the index
std::upper_bound(primes.begin(), primes.end(), limit)
else { // no luck this time
} // done the factoring cycle
if(N>1) { // N was prime to begin with

basic nestled loop calculate prime numbers between 1 - 239, inclusive

I am working on a program in which I must print out the number of primes, including 1 and 239, from 1 - 239 ( I know one and or two may not be prime numbers, but we will consider them as such for this program) It must be a pretty simple program because we have only gone over some basics. So far my code is as such, which seems like decent logical flow to me, but doesnt produce output.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int x;
int n = 1;
int y = 1;
int i = 0;
while (n<=239)
{x = n % y;
if (x = 0)
if (y < n)
while (i == 2)
cout << n;
return 0;
The way I want this to work is to take n, as long as n is 239 or less, and preform modulus division with every number from 1 leading up to n. Every time a number y goes evenly into n, a counter will be increased by 1. if the counter is equal to 2, then the number is prime and we print it to the screen. Any help would be so greatly appreciated. Thanks
std::cout << std::to_string(2) << std::endl;
for (unsigned int i = 3; i<240; i += 2) {
unsigned int j = 3;
int sq = sqrt(i);
for (; j <= sq; j += 2) if (!(i%j)) break;
if (j>sq) std::cout << std::to_string(i) << std::endl;
first of all, the prime definition: A prime number (or a prime) is a natural number greater than 1 that has no positive divisors other than 1 and itself.
so you can skip all the even numbers (and hence ... i+=2).
Moreover no point to try to divide for a number greater than sqrt(i), because then it will have a divisor less than sqrt(i) and the code finds that and move to the next number.
Considering only odd numbers, means that we can skip even numbers as divisors (hence ... j+=2).
In your code there are clearly beginner errors, like (x = 0) instead of x==0. but also the logic doesn't convince. I agree with #NathanOliver, you need to learn to use a debugger to find all the errors. For the rest, good luck with the studies.
lets start with common errors:
first you want to take input from user using cin
cin>>n; // write it before starting your while loop
if (x = 0)
should be:
if (x == 0)
change your second while loop to:
while (i == 2){
cout << n;

Finding divisor pairs

I'm trying to solve this exercise and I have no idea how to improve perfomance of my code. Problems occure when program have to handle over 500,000 unique numbers(up to 2,000,000 as in description). Then it took 1-8s to loop over all this numbers. Tests I have used are from, and I testing it by command
program.exe < > result.out
You are given a sequence of n integer a1, a2, ... an. You should determine the number of such ordered pairs(i, j), that i, j equeals(1, ..., n), i != j and ai is divisor of aj.
The first line of input contains one integer n(1 <= n <= 2000000)
The second line contains a sequence of n integers a1, a2, ..., an(1 <= ai <= 2000000).
In the first and only line of output should contain one integer, denoting the number of pairs sought.
For the input data:
2 4 5 2 6
the correct answer is: 6
Explanation: There are 6 pars: (1, 2) = 4/2, (1, 4) = 2/2, (1, 5) = 6/2, (4, 1) = 2/2, (4, 2) = 4/2, (4, 5) = 6/2.
For example:
- with 2M in total numbers and 635k unique numbers, there is 345mln iterations in total
- with 2M in total numbers and 2mln unqiue numbers, there is 1885mln iterations in total
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <time.h>
#define COUNT_SAME(count) (count - 1) * count
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int n; // Total numbers
scanf("%d", &n);
clock_t start, finish;
double duration;
int minVal = 2000000;
long long *countVect = new long long[2000001]; // 1-2,000,000; Here I'm counting duplicates
unsigned long long counter = 0;
unsigned long long operations = 0;
int tmp;
int duplicates = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
scanf("%d", &tmp);
if (countVect[tmp] > 0) { // Not best way, but works
} else {
if (minVal > tmp)
minVal = tmp;
countVect[tmp] = 1;
start = clock();
int valueJ;
int sqrtValue, valueIJ;
int j;
for (int i = 2000000; i > 0; --i) {
if (countVect[i] > 0) { // Not all fields are setted up
if (countVect[i] > 1)
counter += COUNT_SAME(countVect[i]); // Sum same values
sqrtValue = sqrt(i);
for (j = minVal; j <= sqrtValue; ++j) {
if (i % j == 0) {
valueIJ = i / j;
if (valueIJ != i && countVect[valueIJ] > 0 && valueIJ > sqrtValue)
counter += countVect[i] * countVect[valueIJ];
if (i != j && countVect[j] > 0)
counter += countVect[i] * countVect[j];
finish = clock();
duration = (double)(finish - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf("Loops time: %2.3f", duration);
std::cout << "s\n";
std::cout << "\n\nCounter: " << counter << "\n";
std::cout << "Total operations: " << operations;
std::cout << "\nDuplicates: " << duplicates << "/" << n;
return 0;
I know, I shouldn't sort the array at beginning, but I have no idea how to make it in better way.
Any tips will be great, thanks!
Here is improved algorithm - 2M unique numbers within 0.5s. Thanks to #PJTraill!
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <time.h>
#define COUNT_SAME(count) (count - 1) * count
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int n; // Total numbers
scanf("%d", &n);
clock_t start, finish;
double duration;
int maxVal = 0;
long long *countVect = new long long[2000001]; // 1-2,000,000; Here I'm counting duplicates
unsigned long long counter = 0;
unsigned long long operations = 0;
int tmp;
int duplicates = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
scanf("%d", &tmp);
if (countVect[tmp] > 0) { // Not best way, but works
} else {
if (maxVal < tmp)
maxVal = tmp;
countVect[tmp] = 1;
start = clock();
int j;
int jCounter = 1;
for (int i = 0; i <= maxVal; ++i) {
if (countVect[i] > 0) { // Not all fields are setted up
if (countVect[i] > 1)
counter += COUNT_SAME(countVect[i]); // Sum same values
j = i * ++jCounter;
while (j <= maxVal) {
if (countVect[j] > 0)
counter += countVect[i] * countVect[j];
j = i * ++jCounter;
jCounter = 1;
finish = clock();
duration = (double)(finish - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf("Loops time: %2.3f", duration);
std::cout << "s\n";
std::cout << "\n\nCounter: " << counter << "\n";
std::cout << "Total operations: " << operations;
std::cout << "\nDuplicates: " << duplicates << "/" << n;
return 0;
I expect the following to work a lot faster than the OP’s algorithm (optimisations oblique):
(The type of values and frequencies should be 32-bit unsigned, counts 64-bit – promote before calculating a count, if your language would not.)
Read the number of values, N.
Read each value v, adding one to its frequency freq[v] (no need to store it).
(freq[MAX] (or MAX+1) can be statically allocated for probably optimal initialisation to all 0)
Calculate the number of pairs involving 1 from freq[1] and the number of values.
For every i in 2..MAX (with freq[i] > 0):
Calculate the number of pairs (i,i) from freq[i].
For every multiple m of i in 2m..MAX:
(Use m as the loop counter and increment it, rather than multiplying)
Calculate the number of pairs (i,m) from freq[i] and freq[m].
(if freq[i] = 1, one can omit the (i,i) calculation and perform a variant of the loop optimised for freq[i] = 1)
(One can perform the previous (outer) loop from 2..MAX/2, and then from MAX/2+1..MAX omitting the processing of multiples)
The number of pairs (i,i) = freq[i]C2 = ( freq[i] * (freq[i] - 1) ) / 2 .
The number of pairs (i,j) = freq[i] * freq[j] for i ≠ j.
This avoids sorting, sqrt and division.
Other optimisations
One can store the distinct values, and scan that array instead (the order does not matter); the gain or loss due to this depends on the density of the values in 1..MAX.
If the maximum frequency is < 216, which sounds very probable, all products will fit in 32 bits. One could take advantage of this by writing functions with the numeric type as a template, tracking the maximum frequency and then choosing the appropriate instance of the template for the rest. This costs N*(compare+branch) and may gain by performing D2 multiplications with 32 bits instead of 64, where D is the number of distinct values. I see no easy way to deduce that 32 bits suffice for the total, apart from N < 216.
If parallelising this for n processors, one could let different processors process different residues modulo n.
I considered keeping track of the number of even values, to avoid a scan of half the frequencies, but I think that for most datasets within the given parameters that would yield little advantage.
Ok, I am not going to write your whole algorithm for you, but it can definitely be done faster. So i guess this is what you need to get going:
So you have your list sorted, so there are a lot of assumptions you can make from this. Take for instance the highest value. It wont have any multiples. The highest value that does, will highest value divided by two.
There is also one other very usefull fact here. A multiple of a multiple is also a multiple. (Still following? ;)). Take for instance the list [2 4 12]. Now you've found (4,12) as a multiple pair. If you now also find (2,4), then you can deduce that 12 is also a multiple of 2.
And since you only have to count the pairs, you can just keep a count for each number how many multiples it has, and add that when you see that number as a multiple itself.
This means that it is probably best to iterate your sorted list backwards, and look for divisors instead.
And maybe store it in some way that goes like
[ (three 2's ), (two 5's), ...]
ie. store how often a number occurs. Once again, you don't have to keep track of it's id, since you only need to give them the total number of pairs.
Storing your list this way helps you, because all the 2's are going to have the same amount of multiples. So calculate once and then multiply.

Finding perimeter of a recursively modified square

I have a square of side length 1 . Now, after each second, each square of side L will break into four squares each of side L/2.
I need the compute the total perimeter of the resulting figure, where total perimeter is defined as the sum of lengths of all line segments in the resulting figure. For example, the total perimeter of the image on the left is 4L while that on the right is 6L - 4L from the regular square edges and 2L from the internal line segments.
My code:
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
#define mod 1000000007
int main() {
int s;
long long int ans=4;
for(int i=1;i<=s;i++)
return 0;
Since the final answer might not fit in a 64-bit signed integer, I am required to compute the answer modulo 1000000007.
For example, after 0 seconds, the length is 4.
After 1 second, the length is 6.
I am not getting the correct output. PLease help
Solve it recursively - let P(L, n) be the "perimeter" of the figure obtained after n iterations, starting with an LxL square. So, P(L, n+1) = 4*P(L/2,n) - 2*L. Also, since the perimeter is linear, P(L/2, n) = P(L, n)/2, giving you P(L,n) = 2*P(L,n-1) - 2*L. Substitute L=1 and run your loop.
int s;
long long int ans=4;
for(int i=1;i<=s;i++)
ans = 2*(ans-1);
The perimeter after s seconds will be : 4+2(2^s-1)
int main()
int s;
cout << "Enter Time: ";
cin >> s;
cout << "Perimeter = " << (4 + 2 * (pow( 2, s ) - 1));
You have an undivided square. When you split the square into 4 equal squares, you are essentially adding half of the initial perimeter. The outer walls of the original square are included as is in the new perimeter, and add to that the length of the 2 lines drawn inside it, the length of each of which is equal to the side of the square.
noOfsqaures = 1;
oldSide = 1; //one sqaure of side 1
oldPerimeter = 4*oldSide;
loop for the number of seconds
newPerimeter = oldPerimeter + 2*oldSide*noOfSquares
oldSide = oldSide/2; //for the next iteration
oldPermiter = newPermeter //for the next iteration
noOfSquares = noOfSquares*4;
o/p: 4(initial value) +
2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + ...
I think it would help you for coding. If you need I will give you code
for(int i=1;i<=s;i++)