The system cannot find the file specified Visual Studio 2015 - c++

I just started programming, but I keep on getting problems with headers and stuff.
So, whenever I try and run the code
// ConsoleApplication4.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "std_lib_facilities.h"
int main()
return 0;
I get this warning saying
Unable to start program 'C:\Users\Gebruiker\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\ConsoleApplication4\Debug\ConsoleApplication4.exe'.
The system cannot find file specified.
Additionally, the Build outputs:
1>------ Build started: Project: ConsoleApplication4, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1>c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 14.0\vc\include\hash_map(17): error C2338: <hash_map> is deprecated and will be REMOVED. Please use <unordered_map>. You can define _SILENCE_STDEXT_HASH_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS to acknowledge that you have received this warning.
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========_
As you might've noticed, I'm following Bjarne Stroustrup's book on this, and he doesn't specify how to deal with this at all.
Anyways, the std_lib_facilities.h header is in the same folder as ConsoleApplication.cpp, just as he tells me to do.
I don't actually think this has anything to do with this program in particular, since I face this problem with all the projects I make.
Oh yes, I have to say that I've checked multiple related questions to this, but the questions didn't match mine.
I also tried to #include "../std_lib_facilities.h" and #include "../../std_lib_facilities.h", with no results.(Same with stdafx.h) I've tried "building" the program, but I don't actually know what that does, and if I should build the solution or the cpp, and when to debug....
The answer surely isn't in the book, since I've continued on to chapter 8, not doing the exercises because I cannot get the thing to work.
(Please also tell me if I messed something up in this question, i.e. that I need to talk less, give more details or something)

Here is how to remove a deprecation error:
How to fix "<hash_map> is deprecated and will be REMOVED. Please use <unordered_map>"?
If it still does not run, just go to the project directory and remove all Debug\Release folders Visual Studio creates after you run with Debug\Release configuration. Usually works for me.

Try creating "new project" / C++ console application; with your code and without any include statements. - Peter K
This fixed the problem for me, and I basically just copy-pasted the code and it worked.
I also had the hash_map error, because it is no longer supported in MSVS 2017.
This especially happens since one often still finds the old header off of Bjarne Stroustrup's website. Here is the link to the new header provided by Baum Mit Augen (Stroustrup's updated version)
If you're not using the header provided by Bjarne Stroustrup but one you made yourself, one you found on the internet or also one provided by a book, follow this tutorial from a previous answer by WindyFields. (Thanks a lot for that) (Be sure to check their answer out if this doesn't fix it)
If you encountered this problem, you probably messed with the settings when making a new project (like me).
This is a condensation of the comments provided by the community, none of these answers are mine.


CS0012 error when building Origami (Hololens 101 tutorial)

I have been tortured by the CS0012 error for one week (reported problem)
Briefly speaking, I follow the Holograms 101 tutorial. When I tried to deploy the holograms to Hololens at the end of Chapter 1, I encountered two errors and the build failed. Two errors are:
The type "CoreApplicationView" is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly "Windows, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null, ContentType=WindowsRuntime".
The type "CoreWindow" is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly "Windows, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null, ContentType=WindowsRuntime".
I have searched online for solutions but I turned out to find some same questions without a valid solution, or solutions which didn't work for me.
I'm using win10 OS, Visual Sudio Community 2017 Version 15.7.1, Unity 2017.2.0f3.
I was wondering whether the errors have something to do with Assembly-CSharp-firstpass. After generating the APP, under the dir Origami/App/GeneratedProjects/UWP there is only one folder Assembly-CSharp but no Assembly-CSharp-firstpass. I also tried to search anything related to Assembly-CSharp-firstpass under the Origami dir but there's nothing. However, I never encountered the error "Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll is not found" which some people reported.
Anybody has experience with this problem? Thanks a lot in advance for any help!!
Okay guys, let me answer my own question. I have figured it out.
If you also use win10, VS2017, and unity 2017 (I'm using 2017.2, but I guess this should also work for 2017.3/4), then in the case of these two annoying "assembly that is not referenced" problem, check whether you have a reference called "windows" under Origami assembly->References. If it is not there, then right click References, on the left side you will see a "Browse", under the Browse, browse to add the reference which is supposed to be at:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\UnionMetadata\10.0.17134.0\Facade\windows.winmd
I hope this helps you guys. Good luck!

There are too many errors for the IntelliSense engine to function correctly

Please leave the window-installer tag in - this Q/A is not for
C++ experts, but for people like me, who use C++ when they have to.
They may face this potential time-waster, and need a quick fix to get
msi.h or other includes operational quickly. VS2017 templates must
have changed quite a bit - I didn't see this issue before.
Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition with all available C++ components installed (perhaps this problem does not exist in the professional edition?).
File => New => Project... => Visual C++\Windows Desktop\Windows Console Application => OK.
Do a quick test build to verify there are no errors. Right click solution => Build. As stated no errors should show up.
Now add this include for msi.h directly below #include stdafx.h right above the main() function in the console appliation's CPP file:
#include <msi.h>
// And just to make things link:
#pragma comment(lib, "msi.lib")
A red error chevron should show up in the top left corner at the start of the first line comment saying on hover: "There are too many errors for the IntelliSense engine to function correctly, some of which may not be visible in the editor. PCH warning: an unknown error occurred. An IntelliSense PCH file was not generated."
Doing a build now should reveal numerous errors. In my case from wincrypt.h - and it got me thinking about WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN - see answer below. I thought such basics would already be included.
I keep seeing this problem in all new C++ Windows Console Application projects, but when I try in an older project created with Visual Studio 2013 it compiles correctly with msi.h included along with the link pragma.
Judging from the error message there must be something wrong with the precompiled header (PCH). This is what threw me off.
UPDATE: Others have asked about the same error message for other include files (not MSI related). I guess this is a generic problem that strikes every now and then - probably with classes that are in little use (or include Windows.h - perhaps)?
As a general suggestion this might be a hidden dependency problem (an include that is missing), or an incorrect order of the include files (you need to change the order of your includes for some technical reason that is not immediately obvious) or a incorrect or missing define (like seen in the answer below the line underneath). My take on it: get on and search for similar sample code.
These issues can be quite clunky to work out for those of us who need C++ occasionally, and otherwise be "well known" for the C++ pros (who fix it in seconds as second nature). C++ pros: please keep in mind that issues such as these can kill a whole day's worth of productivity for those of us forced to clunk around with C++ when we need to - and have no C++ pros around to ask - terrible situation that! :-) - I hereby declare a "be nice to your C++ guru - if you got them - day!").
In stdafx.h, try adding this after #pragma once and before other includes:
// Windows Header Files:
#include <windows.h>
Now try to rebuild your solution and see if the problem has disappeared.
Though simple, the strangeness of the error message (seen in the question above) can throw people off course trying to figure out what is wrong. Also, this behavior seems new in VS2017 - template change.
It looks like including <atlstr.h> will also work, so that probably makes my problem more obscure. Could have sworn I tried this though - maybe after I made project settings changes that made it fail still (exactly what I hope to help others avoid).
If only these basic includes could be present in the file but commented out so they could be enabled quickly in sequence for testing - without any fuss.

Build error referring to yvals.h in a cantata++ test project

I am testing c++ source codes using the tool cantata++. I created a project, built it and encounter the following error message.
error I9282: the global scope has no "_invalid_parameter" C:\LegacyApp\VisualStudio2005\VC\include\yvals.h 167
I find this error wierd, because yvals.h is not really a file in my source codes. What does this error message imply?
You'll find that yvals.h is probably included by one of the many system header files the Microsoft compiler includes, and you are only seeing it in the error message because the Cantata++ instrumenter is finding a problem with it. My guess would be that there is some problem with the settings in either Cantata++, your Visual Studio project or a mismatch between the two meaning they are not using the same settings.
In order to help diagnose the problem it would help to know a few things about the setup you have, and the code you are building when you get the error.
As Joachim Wuttke said, I would suggest you contact the Cantata Technical Support team directly if you are still having problems with this issue. They will be able to provide you with further information to help solve the problem.

Basic example code compiling help required - I can't get any SDK examples to work

I'm very new to C++; I've worked with several SDKs now on various applications and every time come across the problem that I can't get the 'example code' to compile. This is a very broad question basically regarding ANY example code that is given over the net - what is the standard procedure to make things compile? I know how to compile code that I've written myself but when given a large project containing several CPP and H files, what do I start with? My first port of call, to open 'main.cpp' in Dev-C++ and hit the 'compile' button generally throws up errors about header files not being available and so on.
I won't give a specific example as this has happened several times. I feel as someone getting to grips with C++ that I would learn a lot quicker if I could start with code that works and tweak it myself rather than having to fumble around building things up piece by piece.
The most recent example is a set of example code provided by a company which 10 files:
Running the .exe file works absolutely fine; however if I open main.c and press compile, I receive many error messages. As an example, the first two lines of code in main.c are:
#include "simple.h"
#include <sdl_text_support.h>
This alone spews the error messages:
1: expected unqualified-id before "public"
1: expected `,' or `;' before "public"
2: In file included from trial.c
Clearly I am doing something very wrong as this code must have compiled for someone else in the past to have generated the .exe file. Again this is not an isolated issue, I have this problem all the time.
Since Dev-C++ is perfectly equipped to deal with plain old C files, I can't see that that is the issue. Secondly, simple.h is definitely included in the correct directory. The second include though, sdl_text_support.h is obviously not in my file list above. I have searched the rest of the SDK and found the file lurking elsewhere. How do I explicitly reference the location of the header file using Dev-C++?
Any general tutorial to how to compile pre-made projects or help of any kind would be greatly appreciated.
I like this page:
I am not familiar with DevC++, but you cannot assume that if you can open main.c and press a button, then everything will work out. No build system is that smart.
If you write your own code (and you understand compiling and linking) then you can keep your files in order and know exactly how to build everything; someone else's codebase may come with a makefile or some other guide to it's organization, but you'll have to learn how to use a good build system, and the one you're using sounds inadequate.
open the project by simple.dsw instead of main.cpp and it should work .

C++ Compiler Error C2371 - Redefinition of WCHAR

I am getting C++ Compiler error C2371 when I include a header file that itself includes odbcss.h. My project is set to MBCS.
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\include\odbcss.h(430) :
error C2371: 'WCHAR' : redefinition; different basic types 1>
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\include\winnt.h(289) :
see declaration of 'WCHAR'
I don't see any defines in odbcss.h that I could set to avoid this. Has anyone else seen this?
This is a known bug - see the Microsoft Connect website:
The error doesn't occur if you compile your app as Unicode instead of MBCS.
There are a half-dozen posts on various forums around the web about this - it seems to potentially be an issue when odbcss.h is used in the presence of MFC. Most of the answers involve changing the order of included headers (voodoo debugging). The header that includes odbcss.h compiles fine in it's native project, but when it is included in a different project, it gives this error. We even put it in the latter project's stdafx.h, right after the base include for MFC, and still no joy. We finally worked around it by moving it into a cpp file in the original project, which does not use MFC (which should have been done anyway - but it wasn't our code). So we've got a work-around, but no real solution.
This error happens when you redeclare a variable of the same name as a variable that has already been declared. Have you looked to see if odbcss.h has declared a variable you already have?
does this help?
Content from the thread:
Bruno van Dooren [MVP VC++] but i know the solution of this problem.
it solves by changing project setting of "Treat wchar_t as Built-in
Type" value "No (/Zc:wchar_t-)". But I am using "Xtreme Toolkit
Professional Edition" for making good look & Feel of an application,
when i fix the above problem by changing project settings a new
linking errors come from Xtreme Toolkit Library. So what i do to fix
this problem, in project setting "Treat wchar_t as Built-in Type"
value "yes" and i wrote following statements where i included wab.h
header file. You can change that setting on a per-codefile basis so
that only specific files are compiled with that particular setting. If
you can solve your problems that way it would be the cleanest
#define WIN16
#include "wab.h"
#undef WIN16
and after that my project is working fine and all the things related to WAB is also working fine. any one guide me, is that the right way
to solve this problem??? and, will this have any effect on the rest of
project?? I wouldn't worry about it. whatever the definition, it is a
16 bit variable in both cases. I agree that it isn't the best looking
solution, but it should work IF WIN16 has no other impact inside the
wab.h file.
Kind regards, Bruno van Dooren
Remove only "_nos_pam"