I learned FORTRAN the old fashioned way, sitting at a card punch console. I was once offered the use of some punch card "correction tape" that appeared to be the correct width to cover one column of the card.
I declined the offer of "candy from a stranger" but later wondered if it was for real, or just a gag.
It's sobering to see there are no tags here for punch-card or punched card or even Hollerith!
I remember that stuff. Thin opaque Mylar.
I tried to use it once or twice, but it was always easier to remake the card.
Bad old days.
I remember having myself (year : 1979) covered wrong holes with a piece of tape and drilled right holes with a spike of compass, just because my office was far from the card punch console.
I don't remember using correction tape, but do remember hand punches where you had to manually press two or more keys for a single alpha character or punctuation mark. I also remember working with decks of cards containing binary machine codes - you wouldn't want to use correction tape with those.
RE: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.7, AOO417m1(Build:9800) - Rev. 46059c9192, 2019-09-03 12:04.
I need to sum non-integer entries across a range of cells, but without including the decimal values (complicated by some cells being text). I started with ROUNDDOWN, then TRUNC, then FLOOR. I'm driving myself nuts trying to find a clean code (or even an arbitrarily extensible ugly code) for what would be the following:
The above doesn't work, of course, since TRUNC() doesn't apply to ranges, but it conveys what I'm trying to do in a nutshell -- some of the cells contain text, which SUM() ignores (luckily), but they flummox TRUNC, so I needed to handle the text problem.
I started with ISNUMBER, just to get the ball rolling; ISTEXT has fewer characters, but it's not worth fixing that right now.
FLOOR was equally disappointing for ranges:
I tried variations of =SUM(IF(... and searches for ROUNDDOWN range (and variations on that) and such pseudocode as "IFTEXT" and "SUMTRUNC" (and variations on that). I found info on ROUNDDOWN(SUM(... and so forth, but not "SUM(ROUNDDOWN(..." or any equivalent.
In my delirium, I got silly and even tried:
To be clear: {2.9→2 + 2.9→2 + 2.9→2 = 6} ≠ {2.9+2.9+2.9 = 8.7→8}. I'm looking for a 6, not an 8 (I'd joke about sixes and sevens, but I'm way past pumpkin o'clock and 2.428571 takes up too much space).
My current test-kludge is:
It ends at AX7 only because of the char count. I hope to SUM the whole row in a single sweep, but that ain't gonna cut it. I could do it in large chunks in multiple cells, and then add those cells up, but oy gevalt.
Since it's already ugly anyway, I could use the following to save a few characters, but this would only mean being able to extend the range maybe 6 further cells (not much point in that):
I'm seriously considering simply going down a bunch of rows (to below my data cells) and entering the following, then copying the cell and pasting it to a complementary range, and telling the SUM cells to just sum up their respectively shadowed rows (instead of the data rows that they sit in):
Sorry for the rambling; I need sleep. This started as a need, then multiple failed attempts became a grudge match of principle and obstinacy, and now I'm just plugging away at it out of blind habit developed over the past 2-3 days (hopefully I won't forget what the purpose was).
In summary...: ++?????++ Out of Cheese Error +++DIVIDE BY CUCUMBER.
I'm comfortable enough with macros, though it's been ~7 years (and that was in Excel). Thanks in advance, even if the answer is that I'm stuck with one of these! 🙂
EDIT: I don't see a way to attach a .csv here (though I could open the .csv with Notepad, and copy-and-paste the contents if that would help anyone), so here's a set of pics:
I use Google Cloud Speech Transcription as following :
video_client = videointelligence.VideoIntelligenceServiceClient()
features = [videointelligence.enums.Feature.SPEECH_TRANSCRIPTION]
operation = video_client.annotate_video(gs_video_path, features=features)
result = operation.result(timeout=3600)
And I present the transcript and store the transcript in Django Objects using PostgreSQL as following :
transcriptions = response.annotation_results[0].speech_transcriptions
for transcription in transcriptions:
best_alternative = transcription.alternatives[0]
confidence = best_alternative.confidence
transcript = best_alternative.transcript
if SpeechTranscript.objects.filter(text = transcript).count() == 0:
SpeechTranscript.objects.create(text = transcript,
confidence = confidence)
print(f"Adding -> {confidence:4.10%} | {transcript.strip()}")
For instance the following is the text that I receive from a sample video :
94.9425220490% | I refuse to where is it short sleeve dress shirt. I'm just not going there the president of the United States is a visit to Walter Reed hospital in mid-july format was the combination of weeks of cajoling by trump staff and allies to get the presents for both public health and political perspective wearing a mask to protect against the spread of covid-19 reported in advance of that watery trip and I quote one presidential aide to the president to set an example for a supporters by wearing a mask and the visit.
94.3865835667% | Mask wearing is because well science our best way to slow the spread of the coronavirus. Yes trump or Matthew or 3 but if you know what he said while doing sell it still anybody's guess about what can you really think about NASCAR here is what probably have a mass give you probably have a hospital especially and that particular setting were you talking to a lot of people I think it's but I do believe it. Have a a time and a place very special line trump saying I've never been against masks but I do believe they have a time and a place that isn't exactly a ringing endorsement for mask wearing.
94.8513686657% | Republican skip this isn't it up to four men over the perfumer's that wine about time and place should be a blinking red warning light for people who think debate over whether last for you for next coronavirus. They are is finally behind us time in a place lined everything you need to know about weird Trump is like headed next time he'll get watery because it was a hospital and will continue to express not so scepticism to wear masks in public house new CDC guidelines recommending that mask to be worn inside and one social this thing is it possible outside he sent this?
92.9862976074% | He wearing a face mask as agreed presidents prime minister's dictators Kings Queens and somehow. I don't see it for myself literally main door he responded this way back backstage, but they said you didn't need it trump went to Michigan to this later and he appeared in which personality approaching Mark former vice president Joe Biden
94.6677267551% | In his microwave fighting for wearing a mask and he walked onto the stage where it is massive mask there's nobody understands and there's any takes it off you like to have it hanging off you. I think it makes them feel good frankly if you want to know the truth who's got the largest basket together. Seen it because trump thinks that maths make him and people generally I guess what a week or something is resistant wearing one in public from 1 today which has had a correlation between the erosion of the public's confidence and trump have the corner coronavirus and his number is SE6 a second term in the 67.
94.9921131134% | The coronavirus pandemic in the heels of national and swings they both lots of them that show trump slipping further and further behind former vice president Joe Biden when it comes to General Election good policy would seem to make for good politics at all virtually every infectious disease expert believes that wearing masks in public is our best to contain the spread of coronavirus until a vaccine would do well to listen to buy on this one a mare is the point we make episode every Tuesday and Thursday make sure to check them all out.
What is the predicted size of a transcript that is generated within the speech transcription results. What decides the size of each transcript ? What is the max and minimum character length ? How should I design my SQL table column size, in order to be prepared for the expected transcript size ?
As I mentioned in the comments, the Video Intelligence transcripts are splits with roughly 50-60 seconds from the video.
I have created a Public Issue Tracker case, link, so the product team can clarify this information within the documentation. Although, I do not have an eta for this request, I encourage you to follow the case's thread.
I want to learn face, track it and delete from the database. So I send a string, lets say 'temp' to the Learn Face block and after success I send the same 'temp' string to the peopleID of the People Tracker block. But I'm getting either:
ALTracker.GenericTracker :registerTarget:0
ALMotion: ALTracker.PeopleConverterImplParamsInfos ALValue is not an array.
error or the robot does not track only the face, but can stare on the head-shaped part of pepper's box, even though he's supposed to track the face he has remembered. Should I use another peopleID? Maybe peopleID is a number?
Your guess is right. PeopleID is a number. But the problem is that you might not track the person you have just learned the face, because there is no association between faceID and peopleId (as far as I know), i.e., Pepper doesn't know 'temp' belongs to which peopleId. You might encounter this problem when several person are standing in front of Pepper and you want Pepper tracks 'temp'.
I got this code from google code :
void QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent::deviceDiscovered(const QBluetoothDeviceInfo &info)
But how to get rssi distance from `QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent ?
I tried with
QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent serviceInfo;
quint i =serviceInfo.device().rssi();
here i = -43
how to convert it to distance?
I got the link
Understanding ibeacon distancing
but how to get the transmitter power? to calculate the distance according to formula?
Make sure you understood the implications of QBluetoothDeviceInfo::rssi(). Calling this functions returns immediately with the last stored value when the device was scanned last. If you only receive one advertisement-packet, which happens to be at e.x. -90dB, and then immediately connect, this function will keep returning -90 until you disconnect from it and scan it again. Connected devices usually don't send advertisement-packets so the RSSI you can read via Qt won't be updated during the connection.
As for proximity, it's not so easy to get good values. To accurately convert from RSSI to geometric distance you must know the sender's original/intended signal-strength (or TX-power-level == RSSI at 1m distance). This value will differ between devices. To make things worse, in practice it can also vary by a huge margin depending on things like the sender's battery-level, physical orientations of sender/receiver to eachother, quality of individual parts, random interference from other RF devices....
The BLE-folk has a blog explaining how you should do it. You can read it up here. The linked article doesn't read or assume the theoretical maximum RSSI of the sender but instead it propoposes to gather multiple RSSI-values over time (+ do some mean/mode filtering), and use the current mean-value in comparison with the previous value to determine if you are approaching or moving away from the sender. Paired with some fine-tuning using real-world data you gotta collect, plus documentation-reading and common-sense, you could probably develop a proximity calculation for many or even most sender-devices which would be accurate to about one meter or even less at close proximity. In the end it's a tradeoff between how many devices you wish to 'calibrate' for and those you are okay with having shifted values due to higher or lower TX-power-levels.
The downside being - you can't test for every possible device on the market and as I said earlier, different devices have different TX-power-levels. With this approach you can develop an algorithm to get pretty good measurements for devices which have approximately equal signal-configurations but others will seem far off. The article's author talks about creating different profiles for different vendors but that's not really gonna help (consider two identical beacons ("big/small"), one for large and one for small indoor locations - with RSSI alone you can't reliably determine if you're close to the small beacon or in medium range to the big one unless they identify themselves via GAP or otherwise (forget MAC-addresses if you plan to deploy on MacOS or iOS).
Also, prepare yourself for the joyride that is Android BLE development. Some vendors know that their BLE implementation is so terribly bad and broken, they even disabled the HCI-Logging-Feature on all their ROMs to hide it. Others can be BLE-nuked like Win98 by ethernet, back in the days.
I am looking for a program that can make burndown charts which does not
assume that just because a day passes by, all work time for that day
automatically is assumed to have turned into progress for the current
sprint. I am thus not particularly interested in finishing a sprint at
some specific date, however I am interested in keeping track of if the
estimate is accurate.
I am only intending to use this for private programming (and
non-programming) projects, so it does not have to be a full fledged
scrum team solution (although I assume it would be).
To better explain what I am looking for, let's imagine I have a project
"Paint my house" with a single sprint consisting of nine tasks:
Buy paint, brushes and cleaning liquid.
Wash the North wall.
Wash the West wall.
Wash the South wall.
Wash the East wall.
Paint the North wall.
Paint the West wall.
Paint the South wall.
Paint the East wall.
Since this will be done in my spare time, at any day I might down-prioritize
this and do other stuff. And the painting is highly dependent
on the weather as well. Therefore a calender day passing does in
absolutely no way imply that the project will make progress for that day.
Every single application that I have found that can make burndown charts
fails utterly to fit this scenario. They all assume "calender time
passing equals progress". I want to supply the expected progress manually.
Any suggestions for a tool that is able to handle a project in this way?
(Related questions, but which does not provide me with an answer to my question.
How have you implemented SCRUM for working alone?,
Using Scrum on a "Personal Time" Project)
Every single application that I have found that can make burndown charts fails utterly to fit this scenario.
That's because the whole point of a burndown chart is to predict when the sprint will finish, and to know whether you're on schedule or not. If you cannot paint because it rains, then you cannot make progress and you're then behind schedule, as the burndown chart will show. But if you make time a variable, then you have no schedule -- progress becomes independent of time -- and the trendline is completely unpredictable. So there's no point of having a burndown chart if the progression of time is unknown.
I think you are looking for something like kanban instead of scrum.
Here's an example of a chart in kanban.
HTH (6 months later)