Possible to force memory alignment on pointer param in C? - c++

I have a function in C which takes a uint8_t * param, which must point to 32-bit aligned memory. Is it possible in C or C++, or with any particular platform's macros, to add some decoration to the parameter, such that the compiler or linker will throw an error at build time if it is not aligned as required?
The idea here is that I want to protect the function against improper use by other users (or me in 6 months). I know how to align the stuff I want to pass to it. I would like to ensure that no one can pass misaligned stuff to it.
Based on this answer, I think the answer to my question is "no", it's not possible to enforce this at build time, but it seems like a useful feature, so I thought I'd check. My work-around is to put assert((((size_t)ptr) % 4) == 0); in the function, so at least I could trap it at runtime when debugging.
In my experience, results are undefined if you cast a misaligned uint8_t* to uint32_t* on many embedded platforms, so I don't want to count on the "correct" result coming out in the end. Plus this is being used on a realtime system, so a slowdown may not be acceptable.
Citations welcome, if there are any.

No, there's nothing in the C or C++ standards that I know of that can force a pointer parameter to hold an appropriate value.
To get the memory, use posix_memalign:
#include <stdlib.h>
int posix_memalign(void **memptr, size_t alignment, size_t size);
The posix_memalign() function shall allocate size bytes aligned on a
boundary specified by alignment, and shall return a pointer to the
allocated memory in memptr. The value of alignment shall be a power of
two multiple of sizeof(void *).
Upon successful completion, the value pointed to by memptr shall be a
multiple of alignment.

For dynamic allocation, have a look at the standard (since C11) aligned_alloc.
For static allocation, I don't know of a standard method, so it'll be compiler dependent. For gcc eg., check the aligned attribute.


what is the difference between memcpy and assignment statement for a single WORD of data?

While reading the source code of RocksDB's skiplist, I have found the following code:
int UnstashHeight() const {
int rv;
memcpy(&rv, &next_[0], sizeof(int));
return rv;
Why it use memcpy? what if use pointer type cast like this:
int UnstashHeight() const {
int rv;
rv = *((int*)&next_[0]);
return rv;
Does memcpy has better portability on supporting different cpu target?
Or there is no difference at all?
I would say:
memcpy is a function, in every way you look at it is not as simple as a machine instruction that should resolve the assignment
the assignment could be optimized by the compiler in some context and simply share the same value in memory between multiple variables declared in your code (obviously if it makes sense)
as being typically mapped on a single machine instruction it has the constraints of the platform it belongs to. As stated in a comment, ARM processor requires data to be aligned to 2,4,8 bytes according to the data we are handling (4 bytes/32bit in that case). If the constraint is not satisfied an interrupt is raised.
memcpy works great on data coming from network or codecs (besides big-endian and little-endian issues) where structures try to use less bytes and bits as possible. That said your WORD can be not aligned to 32-bit boundaries, but memcpy will take care of this.
the assignment target is an instance of an int, the assignment then does not require a check on the destination: it's allocated and valid by definition (the compile guarantee that). The memcpy destination is a pointer, if you use that function widely, you may need to start to check if the destination ptr is not null around in your code.
That said, maybe I'm a little outside your target but there is not enough code to judge the formalism used for the assignment.
My 2 cents

Correct way to serialize binary data in C++

After having read the following 1 and 2 Q/As and having used the technique discussed below for many years on x86 architectures with GCC and MSVC and not seeing a problems, I'm now very confused as to what is supposed to be the correct but also as important "most efficient" way to serialize then deserialize binary data using C++.
Given the following "wrong" code:
int main()
std::ifstream strm("file.bin");
char buffer[sizeof(int)] = {0};
int i = 0;
// Experts seem to think doing the following is bad and
// could crash entirely when run on ARM processors:
i = reinterpret_cast<int*>(buffer);
return 0;
Now as I understand things, the reinterpret cast indicates to the compiler that it can treat the memory at buffer as an integer and subsequently is free to issue integer compatible instructions which require/assume certain alignments for the data in question - with the only overhead being the extra reads and shifts when the CPU detects the address it is trying to execute alignment oriented instructions is actually not aligned.
That said the answers provided above seem to indicate as far as C++ is concerned that this is all undefined behavior.
Assuming that the alignment of the location in buffer from which cast will occur is not conforming, then is it true that the only solution to this problem is to copy the bytes 1 by 1? Is there perhaps a more efficient technique?
Furthermore I've seen over the years many situations where a struct made up entirely of pods (using compiler specific pragmas to remove padding) is cast to a char* and subsequently written to a file or socket, then later on read back into a buffer and the buffer cast back to a pointer of the original struct, (ignoring potential endian and float/double format issues between machines), is this kind of code also considered undefined behaviour?
The following is more complex example:
int main()
std::ifstream strm("file.bin");
char buffer[1000] = {0};
const std::size_t size = sizeof(int) + sizeof(short) + sizeof(float) + sizeof(double);
const std::size_t weird_offset = 3;
buffer += weird_offset;
int i = 0;
short s = 0;
float f = 0.0f;
double d = 0.0;
// Experts seem to think doing the following is bad and
// could crash entirely when run on ARM processors:
i = reinterpret_cast<int*>(buffer);
buffer += sizeof(int);
s = reinterpret_cast<short*>(buffer);
buffer += sizeof(short);
f = reinterpret_cast<float*>(buffer);
buffer += sizeof(float);
d = reinterpret_cast<double*>(buffer);
buffer += sizeof(double);
return 0;
First, you can correctly, portably, and efficiently solve the alignment problem using, e.g., std::aligned_storage::value>::type instead of char[sizeof(int)] (or, if you don't have C++11, there may be similar compiler-specific functionality).
Even if you're dealing with a complex POD, aligned_stored and alignment_of will give you a buffer that you can memcpy the POD into and out of, construct it into, etc.
In some more complex cases, you need to write more complex code, potentially using compile-time arithmetic and template-based static switches and so on, but so far as I know, nobody came up with a case during the C++11 deliberations that wasn't possible to handle with the new features.
However, just using reinterpret_cast on a random char-aligned buffer is not enough. Let's look at why:
the reinterpret cast indicates to the compiler that it can treat the memory at buffer as an integer
Yes, but you're also indicating that it can assume that the buffer is aligned properly for an integer. If you're lying about that, it's free to generate broken code.
and subsequently is free to issue integer compatible instructions which require/assume certain alignments for the data in question
Yes, it's free to issue instructions that either require those alignments, or that assume they're already taken care of.
with the only overhead being the extra reads and shifts when the CPU detects the address it is trying to execute alignment oriented instructions is actually not aligned.
Yes, it may issue instructions with the extra reads and shifts. But it may also issue instructions that don't do them, because you've told it that it doesn't have to. So, it could issue a "read aligned word" instruction which raises an interrupt when used on non-aligned addresses.
Some processors don't have a "read aligned word" instruction, and just "read word" faster with alignment than without. Others can be configured to suppress the trap and instead fall back to a slower "read word". But others—like ARM—will just fail.
Assuming that the alignment of the location in buffer from which cast will occur is not conforming, then is it true that the only solution to this problem is to copy the bytes 1 by 1? Is there perhaps a more efficient technique?
You don't need to copy the bytes 1 by 1. You could, for example, memcpy each variable one by one into properly-aligned storage. (That would only be copying bytes 1 by 1 if all of your variables were 1-byte long, in which case you wouldn't be worried about alignment in the first place…)
As for casting a POD to char* and back using compiler-specific pragmas… well, any code that relies on compiler-specific pragmas for correctness (rather than for, say, efficiency) is obviously not correct, portable C++. Sometimes "correct with g++ 3.4 or later on any 64-bit little-endian platform with IEEE 64-bit doubles" is good enough for your use cases, but that's not the same thing as actually being valid C++. And you certainly can't expect it to work with, say, Sun cc on a 32-bit big-endian platform with 80-bit doubles and then complain that it doesn't.
For the example you added later:
// Experts seem to think doing the following is bad and
// could crash entirely when run on ARM processors:
buffer += weird_offset;
i = reinterpret_cast<int*>(buffer);
buffer += sizeof(int);
Experts are right. Here's a simple example of the same thing:
int i[2];
char *c = reinterpret_cast<char *>(i) + 1;
int *j = reinterpret_cast<int *>(c);
int k = *j;
The variable i will be aligned at some address divisible by 4, say, 0x01000000. So, j will be at 0x01000001. So the line int k = *j will issue an instruction to read a 4-byte-aligned 4-byte value from 0x01000001. On, say, PPC64, that will just take about 8x as long as int k = *i, but on, say, ARM, it will crash.
So, if you have this:
int i = 0;
short s = 0;
float f = 0.0f;
double d = 0.0;
And you want to write it to a stream, how do you do it?
How do you read back from a stream?
Presumably whatever kind of stream you're using (whether ifstream, FILE*, whatever) has a buffer in it, so readFromStream(&f) is going to check whether there are sizeof(float) bytes available, read the next buffer if not, then copy the first sizeof(float) bytes from the buffer to the address of f. (In fact, it may even be smarter—it's allowed to, e.g., check whether you're just near the end of the buffer, and if so issue an asynchronous read-ahead, if the library implementer thought that would be a good idea.) The standard doesn't say how it has to do the copy. Standard libraries don't have to run anywhere but on the implementation they're part of, so your platform's ifstream could use memcpy, or *(float*), or a compiler intrinsic, or inline assembly—and it will probably use whatever's fastest on your platform.
So, how exactly would unaligned access help you optimize this or simplify it?
In nearly every case, picking the right kind of stream, and using its read and write methods, is the most efficient way of reading and writing. And, if you've picked a stream out of the standard library, it's guaranteed to be correct, too. So, you've got the best of both worlds.
If there's something peculiar about your application that makes something different more efficient—or if you're the guy writing the standard library—then of course you should go ahead and do that. As long as you (and any potential users of your code) are aware of where you're violating the standard and why (and you actually are optimizing things, rather than just doing something because it "seems like it should be faster"), this is perfectly reasonable.
You seem to think that it would help to be able to put them into some kind of "packed struct" and just write that, but the C++ standard does not have any such thing as a "packed struct". Some implementations have non-standard features that you can use for that. For example, both MSVC and gcc will let you pack the above into 18 bytes on i386, and you can take that packed struct and memcpy it, reinterpret_cast it to char * to send over the network, whatever. But it won't be compatible with the exact same code compiled by a different compiler that doesn't understand your compiler's special pragmas. It won't even be compatible with a related compiler, like gcc for ARM, which will pack the same thing into 20 bytes. When you use non-portable extensions to the standard, the result is not portable.

Binary How The Processor Distinguishes Between Two Same Byte Size Variable Types

I'm trying to figure out how it is that two variable types that have the same byte size?
If i have a variable, that is one byte in size.. how is it that the computer is able to tell that it is a character instead of a Boolean type variable? Or even a character or half of a short integer?
The processor doesn't know. The compiler does, and generates the appropriate instructions for the processor to execute to manipulate bytes in memory in the appropriate manner, but to the processor itself a byte of data is a byte of data and it could be anything.
The language gives meaning to these things, but it's an abstraction the processor isn't really aware of.
The computer is not able to do that. The compiler is. You use the char or bool keyword to declare a variable and the compiler produces code that makes the computer treat the memory occupied by that variable in a way that makes sense for that particular type.
A 32-bit integer for example, takes up 4 bytes in memory. To increment it, the CPU has an instruction that says "increment a 32-bit integer at this address". That's what the compiler produces and the CPU blindly executes it. It doesn't care if the address is correct or what binary data is located there.
The size of the instruction for incrementing the variable is another matter. It may very well be another 4 or so bytes, but instructions (code) are stored separately from data. There may be many instructions generated for a program that deal with the same location in memory. It is not possible to formally specify the size of the instructions beforehand because of optimizations that may change the number of instructions used for a given operation. The only way to tell is to compile your program and look at the generated assembly code (the instructions).
Also, take a look at unions in C. They let you use the same memory location for different data types. The compiler lets you do that and produces code for it but you have to know what you're doing.
Because you specify the type. C++ is a strongly typed language. You can't write $x = 10. :)
It knows
char c = 0;
is a char because of... well, the char keyword.
The computer only sees 1 and 0. You are in command of what the variable contains.
you can cast that data also into what ever you want.
char foo = 'a';
if ( (bool)(foo) ) // true
int sumA = (byte)(foo) + (byte)(foo);
// sumA == (97 + 97)
Also look into data casting to look at the memory location as different data types. This can be as small as a char or entire structs.
In general, it can't. Look at the restrictions of dynamic_cast<>, which tries to do exactly that. dynamic_cast can only work in the special case of objects derived from polymorphic base classes. That's because such objects (and only those) have extra data in them. Chars and ints do not have this information, so you can't use dynamic_cast on them.

What is the uintptr_t data type?

What is uintptr_t and what can it be used for?
First thing, at the time the question was asked, uintptr_t was not in C++. It's in C99, in <stdint.h>, as an optional type. Many C++03 compilers do provide that file. It's also in C++11, in <cstdint>, where again it is optional, and which refers to C99 for the definition.
In C99, it is defined as "an unsigned integer type with the property that any valid pointer to void can be converted to this type, then converted back to pointer to void, and the result will compare equal to the original pointer".
Take this to mean what it says. It doesn't say anything about size.
uintptr_t might be the same size as a void*. It might be larger. It could conceivably be smaller, although such a C++ implementation approaches perverse. For example on some hypothetical platform where void* is 32 bits, but only 24 bits of virtual address space are used, you could have a 24-bit uintptr_t which satisfies the requirement. I don't know why an implementation would do that, but the standard permits it.
uintptr_t is an unsigned integer type that is capable of storing a data pointer (whether it can hold a function pointer is unspecified). Which typically means that it's the same size as a pointer.
It is optionally defined in C++11 and later standards.
A common reason to want an integer type that can hold an architecture's pointer type is to perform integer-specific operations on a pointer, or to obscure the type of a pointer by providing it as an integer "handle".
It's an unsigned integer type exactly the size of a pointer. Whenever you need to do something unusual with a pointer - like for example invert all bits (don't ask why) you cast it to uintptr_t and manipulate it as a usual integer number, then cast back.
There are already many good answers to "what is uintptr_t data type?". I will try to address the "what it can be used for?" part in this post.
Primarily for bitwise operations on pointers. Remember that in C++ one cannot perform bitwise operations on pointers. For reasons see Why can't you do bitwise operations on pointer in C, and is there a way around this?
Thus in order to do bitwise operations on pointers one would need to cast pointers to type uintptr_t and then perform bitwise operations.
Here is an example of a function that I just wrote to do bitwise exclusive or of 2 pointers to store in a XOR linked list so that we can traverse in both directions like a doubly linked list but without the penalty of storing 2 pointers in each node.
template <typename T>
T* xor_ptrs(T* t1, T* t2)
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(t1)^reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(t2));
Running the risk of getting another Necromancer badge, I would like to add one very good use for uintptr_t (or even intptr_t) and that is writing testable embedded code.
I write mostly embedded code targeted at various arm and currently tensilica processors. These have various native bus width and the tensilica is actually a Harvard architecture with separate code and data buses that can be different widths.
I use a test driven development style for much of my code which means I do unit tests for all the code units I write. Unit testing on actual target hardware is a hassle so I typically write everything on an Intel based PC either in Windows or Linux using Ceedling and GCC.
That being said, a lot of embedded code involves bit twiddling and address manipulations. Most of my Intel machines are 64 bit. So if you are going to test address manipulation code you need a generalized object to do math on. Thus the uintptr_t give you a machine independent way of debugging your code before you try deploying to target hardware.
Another issue is for the some machines or even memory models on some compilers, function pointers and data pointers are different widths. On those machines the compiler may not even allow casting between the two classes, but uintptr_t should be able to hold either.
-- Edit --
Was pointed out by #chux, this is not part of the standard and functions are not objects in C. However it usually works and since many people don't even know about these types I usually leave a comment explaining the trickery. Other searches in SO on uintptr_t will provide further explanation. Also we do things in unit testing that we would never do in production because breaking things is good.

Determining the alignment of C/C++ structures in relation to its members

Can the alignment of a structure type be found if the alignments of the structure members are known?
Eg. for:
struct S
a_t a;
b_t b;
c_t c[];
is the alignment of S = max(alignment_of(a), alignment_of(b), alignment_of(c))?
Searching the internet I found that "for structured types the largest alignment requirement of any of its elements determines the alignment of the structure" (in What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory) but I couldn't find anything remotely similar in the standard (latest draft more exactly).
Many thanks for all the answers, especially to Robert Gamble who provided a really good answer to the original question and the others who contributed.
In short:
To ensure alignment requirements for structure members, the alignment of a structure must be at least as strict as the alignment of its strictest member.
As for determining the alignment of structure a few options were presented and with a bit of research this is what I found:
c++ std::tr1::alignment_of
not standard yet, but close (technical report 1), should be in the C++0x
the following restrictions are present in the latest draft: Precondition:T shall be a complete type, a reference type, or an array of
unknown bound, but shall not be a function type or (possibly
cv-qualified) void.
this means that my presented use case with the C99 flexible array won't work (this is not that surprising since flexible arrays are not standard c++)
in the latest c++ draft it is defined in the terms of a new keyword - alignas (this has the same complete type requirement)
in my opinion, should c++ standard ever support C99 flexible arrays, the requirement could be relaxed (the alignment of the structure with the flexible array should not change based on the number of the array elements)
c++ boost::alignment_of
mostly a tr1 replacement
seems to be specialized for void and returns 0 in that case (this is forbidden in the c++ draft)
Note from developers: strictly speaking you should only rely on the value of ALIGNOF(T) being a multiple of the true alignment of T, although in practice it does compute the correct value in all the cases we know about.
I don't know if this works with flexible arrays, it should (might not work in general, this resolves to compiler intrinsic on my platform so I don't know how it will behave in the general case)
Andrew Top presented a simple template solution for calculating the alignment in the answers
this seems to be very close to what boost is doing (boost will additionally return the object size as the alignment if it is smaller than the calculated alignment as far as I can see) so probably the same notice applies
this works with flexible arrays
use Windbg.exe to find out the alignment of a symbol
not compile time, compiler specific, didn't test it
using offsetof on the anonymous structure containing the type
see the answers, not reliable, not portable with c++ non-POD
compiler intrinsics, eg. MSVC __alignof
works with flexible arrays
alignof keyword is in the latest c++ draft
If we want to use the "standard" solution we're limited to std::tr1::alignment_of, but that won't work if you mix your c++ code with c99's flexible arrays.
As I see it there is only 1 solution - use the old struct hack:
struct S
a_t a;
b_t b;
c_t c[1]; // "has" more than 1 member, strictly speaking this is undefined behavior in both c and c++ when used this way
The diverging c and c++ standards and their growing differences are unfortunate in this case (and every other case).
Another interesting question is (if we can't find out the alignment of a structure in a portable way) what is the most strictest alignment requirement possible. There are a couple of solutions I could find:
boost (internally) uses a union of variety of types and uses the boost::alignment_of on it
the latest c++ draft contains std::aligned_storage
The value of default-alignment shall be the most stringent alignment requirement for any C++ object type whose size is no greater than Len
so the std::alignment_of< std::aligned_storage<BigEnoughNumber>>::value should give us the maximum alignment
draft only, not standard yet (if ever), tr1::aligned_storage does not have this property
Any thoughts on this would also be appreciated.
I have temporarily unchecked the accepted answer to get more visibility and input on the new sub-questions
There are two closely related concepts to here:
The alignment required by the processor to access a particular object
The alignment that the compiler actually uses to place objects in memory
To ensure alignment requirements for structure members, the alignment of a structure must be at least as strict as the alignment of its strictest member. I don't think this is spelled out explicitly in the standard but it can be inferred from the the following facts (which are spelled out individually in the standard):
Structures are allowed to have padding between their members (and at the end)
Arrays are not allowed to have padding between their elements
You can create an array of any structure type
If the alignment of a structure was not at least as strict as each of its members you would not be able to create an array of structures since some structure members some elements would not be properly aligned.
Now the compiler must ensure a minimum alignment for the structure based on the alignment requirements of its members but it can also align objects in a stricter fashion than required, this is often done for performance reasons. For example, many modern processors will allow access to 32-bit integers in any alignment but accesses may be significantly slower if they are not aligned on a 4-byte boundary.
There is no portable way to determine the alignment enforced by the processor for any given type because this is not exposed by the language, although since the compiler obviously knows the alignment requirements of the target processor it could expose this information as an extension.
There is also no portable way (at least in C) to determine how a compiler will actually align an object although many compilers have options to provide some level of control over the alignment.
I wrote this type trait code to determine the alignment of any type(based on the compiler rules already discussed). You may find it useful:
template <class T>
class Traits
struct AlignmentFinder
char a;
T b;
enum {AlignmentOf = sizeof(AlignmentFinder) - sizeof(T)};
So now you can go:
std::cout << "The alignment of structure S is: " << Traits<S>::AlignmentOf << std::endl;
The following macro will return the alignment requirement of any given type (even if it's a struct):
#define TYPE_ALIGNMENT( t ) offsetof( struct { char x; t test; }, test )
Note: I probably borrowed this idea from a Microsoft header at some point way back in my past...
Edit: as Robert Gamble points out in the comments, this macro is not guaranteed to work. In fact, it will certainly not work very well if the compiler is set to pack elements in structures. So if you decide to use it, use it with caution.
Some compilers have an extension that allows you obtain the alignment of a type (for example, starting with VS2002, MSVC has an __alignof() intrinsic). Those should be used when available.
As the others mentioned, its implementation dependant. Visual Studio 2005 uses 8 bytes as the default structure alignment. Internally, items are aligned by their size - a float has 4 byte alignment, a double uses 8, etc.
You can override the behavior with #pragma pack. GCC (and most compilers) have similar compiler options or pragmas.
It is possible to assume a structure alignment if you know more details about the compiler options that are in use. For example, #pragma pack(1) will force alignment on the byte level for some compilers.
Side note: I know the question was about alignment, but a side issue is padding. For embedded programming, binary data, and so forth -- In general, don't assume anything about structure alignment if possible. Rather use explicit padding if necessary in the structures. I've had cases where it was impossible to duplicate the exact alignment used in one compiler to a compiler on a different platform without adding padding elements. It had to do with the alignment of structures inside of structures, so adding padding elements fixed it.
If you want to find this out for a particular case in Windows, open up windbg:
Windbg.exe -z \path\to\somemodule.dll -y \path\to\symbols
Then, run:
dt somemodule!CSomeType
I don't think memory layout is guaranteed in any way in any C standard. This is very much vendor and architect-dependent. There might be ways to do it that work in 90% of cases, but they are not standard.
I would be very glad to be proven wrong, though =)
I agree mostly with Paul Betts, Ryan and Dan. Really, it's up to the developer, you can either keep the default alignment symanic's which Robert noted about (Robert's explanation is just the default behaviour and not by any means enforced or required), or you can setup whatever alignment you want /Zp[##].
What this means is that if you have a typedef with floats', long double's, uchar's etc... various assortments of arrays's included. Then have another type which has some of these oddly shaped members, and a single byte, then another odd member, it will simply be aligned at whatever preference the make/solution file defines.
As noted earlier, using windbg's dt command at runtime you can find out how the compiler laid out the structure in memory.
You can also use any pdb reading tool like dia2dump to extract this info from pdb's statically.
Modified from Peeter Joot's Blog
C structure alignment is based on the biggest size native type in the structure, at least generally (an exception is something like using a 64-bit integer on win32 where only 32-bit alignment is required).
If you have only chars and arrays of chars, once you add an int, that int will end up starting on a 4 byte boundary (with possible hidden padding before the int member). Additionally, if the structure isn’t a multiple of sizeof(int), hidden padding will be added at the end. Same thing for short and 64-bit types.
struct blah1 {
char x ;
char y[2] ;
sizeof(blah1) == 3
struct blah1plusShort {
char x ;
char y[2] ;
// <<< hidden one byte inserted by the compiler here
// <<< z will start on a 2 byte boundary (if beginning of struct is aligned).
short z ;
char w ;
// <<< hidden one byte tail pad inserted by the compiler.
// <<< the total struct size is a multiple of the biggest element.
// <<< This ensures alignment if used in an array.
sizeof(blah1plusShort) == 8
I read this answer after 8 years and I feel that the accepted answer from #Robert is generally right, but mathematically wrong.
To ensure alignment requirements for structure members, the alignment of a structure must be at least as strict as the least common multiple of the alignment of its members. Consider an odd example, where the alignment requirements of members are 4 and 10; in which case the alignment of the structure is LCM(4, 10) which is 20, and not 10. Of course, it is odd to see platforms with such alignment requirement which is not a power of 2, and thus for all practical cases, the structure alignment is equal to the maximum alignment of its members.
The reason for this is that, only if the address of the structure starts with the LCM of its member alignments, the alignment of all the members can be satisfied and the padding between the members and the end of the structure is independent of the start address.
Update: As pointed out by #chqrlie in the comment, C standard does not allow the odd values of the alignment. However this answer still proves why structure alignment is the maximum of its member alignments, just because the maximum happens to be the least common multiple, and thus the members are always aligned relative to the common multiple address.