Django - sort records by custom column - django

I can't figure out how to make admin able to sort records using custom column - hours_to_deadline (when they clicks on the column header). In my case, it's timedelta.
class JobAdmin(SuperModelAdmin):
list_display = ['id', 'identificator', 'created', 'invoice__estimated_delivery','hours_to_deadline','customer__username', 'language_from__name', 'language_to__name',
'delivery__status', 'confirmed', 'approved', 'invoice__final_price']
def hours_to_deadline(self,obj):
return (obj.invoice.estimated_delivery - now())
return None
I found this solution:
But in my case, I can't just do sum or something similar.
Do you know what to do?

You cannot order by a field that is not an actual database field, because all the sorting is done on the database level. If it has a value related somehow to a database field you can do something like that in the model definition:
hours_to_deadline.admin_order_field = 'database_field'
You can read more about it at

Answer is: ordering = ('-id',)
class JobAdmin(SuperModelAdmin):
list_display = ['id', 'identificator', 'created', 'invoice__estimated_delivery','hours_to_deadline','customer__username', 'language_from__name', 'language_to__name',
'delivery__status', 'confirmed', 'approved', 'invoice__final_price']
ordering = ('-id',)
def hours_to_deadline(self,obj):
return (obj.invoice.estimated_delivery - now())
return None


How to add foreign-key column to dj-stripe admin?

I would like to add plan names to dj-stripe django admin so I can see a readable name for what each subscription is associated with. Adding "cancel_at" worked, but I can't use the name of a Product from a Plan.
In my_app\ I do this:
from djstripe.models import Subscription
from djstripe.admin import StripeModelAdmin, SubscriptionItemInline
class SubscriptionAdmin(StripeModelAdmin):
list_display = ("plan__product__name", "customer", "status", "cancel_at")
list_filter = ("status", "cancel_at_period_end")
list_select_related = ("customer", "customer__subscriber")
inlines = (SubscriptionItemInline,)
def _cancel(self, request, queryset):
"""Cancel a subscription."""
for subscription in queryset:
_cancel.short_description = "Cancel selected subscriptions" # type: ignore # noqa
actions = (_cancel,), SubscriptionAdmin)
Which produces this error:
Subscription has no field named 'plan__product__name'
How do I add extra columns in dj-stripe that require foreign key lookups?
One solution is to make a callable then reference it in the modeladmin class.
Per the docs:
Set list_display to control which fields are displayed on the change list page of the admin.
There are four types of values that can be used in list_display. All but the simplest may use the display() decorator is used to
customize how the field is presented:
A callable that accepts one
argument, the model instance. For example:
def upper_case_name(obj):
return ("%s %s" % (obj.first_name, obj.last_name)).upper()
class PersonAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = (upper_case_name,)
Which means in my case I can do this to add a combined tier + interval column:
#admin.display(description='Subscription Tier and Interval')
def subscription_tier_interval(obj):
return ("%s - %s" % (, obj.plan.interval))
class SubscriptionAdmin(StripeModelAdmin):
list_display = ("customer", "status", subscription_tier_interval, "cancel_at")
list_filter = ("status", "cancel_at_period_end")
list_select_related = ("customer", "customer__subscriber")
inlines = (SubscriptionItemInline,)
def _cancel(self, request, queryset):
"""Cancel a subscription."""
for subscription in queryset:
_cancel.short_description = "Cancel selected subscriptions" # type: ignore # noqa
actions = (_cancel,), SubscriptionAdmin)

Optimising number of queries within a DRF ModelSerializer

Within Django Rest Framework's serialiser it is possible to add more data to the serialised object than in the original Model.
This is useful for when calculating statistical information, on the server-side, and adding this extra information when responding to an API call.
As I understand, adding extra data is done using a SerializerMethodField, where each field is implemented by a get_... function.
However, if you have a number of these SerializerMethodFields, each one can be querying the Model/database separately, for what might be essentially the same data.
Is it possible to query the database once, store the list/result as a data member of the ModelSerializer object, and use the result of the queryset in many functions?
Here's a very simple example, just for illustration:
############## Model
class Employee(Model):
SALARY_TYPE_CHOICES = (('HR', 'Hourly Rate'), ('YR', 'Annual Salary'))
salary_type = CharField(max_length=2, choices=SALARY_TYPE_CHOICES, blank=False)
salary = PositiveIntegerField(blank=True, null=True, default=0)
company = ForeignKey(Company, related_name='employees')
class Company(Model):
name = CharField(verbose_name='company name', max_length=100)
############## View
class CompanyView(RetrieveAPIView):
queryset = Company.objects.all()
serializer_class = CompanySerialiser
class CompanyListView(ListAPIView):
queryset = Company.objects.all()
serializer_class = CompanySerialiser
############## Serializer
class CompanySerialiser(ModelSerializer):
number_employees = SerializerMethodField()
total_salaries_estimate = SerializerMethodField()
class Meta:
model = Company
fields = ['id', 'name',
def get_number_employees(self, obj):
return obj.employees.count()
def get_total_salaries_estimate(self, obj):
employee_list = obj.employees.all()
salaries_estimate = 0
HOURS_PER_YEAR = 8*200 # 8hrs/day, 200days/year
for empl in employee_list:
if empl.salary_type == 'YR':
salaries_estimate += empl.salary
elif empl.salary_type == 'HR':
salaries_estimate += empl.salary * HOURS_PER_YEAR
return salaries_estimate
The Serialiser can be optimised to:
use an object data member to store the result from the query set,
only retrieve the queryset once,
re-use the result of the queryset for all extra information provided in SerializerMethodFields.
class CompanySerialiser(ModelSerializer):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(CompanySerialiser, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.employee_list = None
number_employees = SerializerMethodField()
total_salaries_estimate = SerializerMethodField()
class Meta:
model = Company
fields = ['id', 'name',
def _populate_employee_list(self, obj):
if not self.employee_list: # Query the database only once.
self.employee_list = obj.employees.all()
def get_number_employees(self, obj):
return len(self.employee_list)
def get_total_salaries_estimate(self, obj):
salaries_estimate = 0
HOURS_PER_YEAR = 8*200 # 8hrs/day, 200days/year
for empl in self.employee_list:
if empl.salary_type == 'YR':
salaries_estimate += empl.salary
elif empl.salary_type == 'HR':
salaries_estimate += empl.salary * HOURS_PER_YEAR
return salaries_estimate
This works for the single retrieve CompanyView. And, in fact saves one query/context-switch/round-trip to the database; I've eliminated the "count" query.
However, it does not work for the list view CompanyListView, because it seems that the serialiser object is created once and reused for each Company. So, only the first Company's list of employees is stored in the objects "self.employee_list" data member, and thus, all other companies erroneously get given the data from the first company.
Is there a best practice solution to this type of problem? Or am I just wrong to use the ListAPIView, and if so, is there an alternative?
I think this issue can be solved if you can pass the queryset to the CompanySerialiser with data already fetched.
You can do the following changes
class CompanyListView(ListAPIView):
queryset = Company.objects.all().prefetch_related('employee_set')
serializer_class = CompanySerialiser`
And instead of count use len function because count does the query again.
class CompanySerialiser(ModelSerializer):
number_employees = SerializerMethodField()
total_salaries_estimate = SerializerMethodField()
class Meta:
model = Company
fields = ['id', 'name',
def get_number_employees(self, obj):
return len(obj.employees.all())
def get_total_salaries_estimate(self, obj):
employee_list = obj.employees.all()
salaries_estimate = 0
HOURS_PER_YEAR = 8*200 # 8hrs/day, 200days/year
for empl in employee_list:
if empl.salary_type == 'YR':
salaries_estimate += empl.salary
elif empl.salary_type == 'HR':
salaries_estimate += empl.salary * HOURS_PER_YEAR
return salaries_estimate
Since the data is prefetched, serializer will not do any additional query for all. But make sure you are not doing any kind of filter because another query will execute in that case.
As mentioned by #Ritesh Agrawal, you simply need to prefetch the data. However, I advise to do the aggregations directly inside the database instead of using Python:
class CompanySerializer(ModelSerializer):
number_employees = IntegerField()
total_salaries_estimate = FloatField()
class Meta:
model = Company
fields = ['id', 'name',
'total_salaries_estimate', ...
class CompanyListView(ListAPIView):
queryset = Company.objects.annotate(
then=F('employees_salary') * Value(8 * 200)
output_field=IntegerField() #optional a priori, because you only manipulate integers
serializer_class = CompanySerializer
I haven't tested this code, but I'm using the same kind of syntax for my own projects. If you encounter errors (like 'cannot determine type of output' or similar), try wrapping F('employees_salary') * Value(8 * 200) inside an ExpressionWrapper(..., output_field=IntegerField()).
Using aggregation, you can apply filters on the queryset afterwards. However, if you're prefetching your related Employees, then you cannot filter the related objects anymore (as mentioned in the previous answer). BUT, if you already know you'll need the list of employees with hourly rate, you can do .prefetch_related(Prefetch('employees', queryset=Employee.object.filter(salary_type='HR'), to_attr="hourly_rate_employees")).
Relevant documentation:
Query optimization
Hope this will help you ;)

Maintain the order of json data when serializing

I have a data set like this.
'album_name': 'Dear John',
'artist': 'Loney Dear',
'tracks': [
'Airport Surroundings',
'Everything Turns to You',
'I Was Only Going Out',
when I serialize it, my json file does not look like the same every time. Because order of 'tracks' change every time.
I was looking at 'to_representation' but since this data doesn't have a Key i failed to implement it as i expected.
Can any one give a hint, to make sure that 'tracks' always in same order.
This where i am so far,
class QaDetailSerializer(ModelSerializer):
"""Serializer to map the Model instance into JSON format."""
album_name = CharField(source='album_name')
artist = StringRelatedField()
tracks = TracksSerializer()
class Meta:
"""Meta class to map serializer's fields with the model fields."""
order_by = (('id',))
model = Qa
fields = (
class TracksSerializer(ModelSerializer):
def to_representation(self, value):
representation = super().to_representation(value)
attributes_dict = representation['tracks']
attribute_keys_sorted = sorted(attributes_dict.keys())
sorted_attribute_dict = collections.OrderedDict()
for key in attribute_keys_sorted:
sorted_attribute_dict[key] = attributes_dict[key]
representation['paraphrases'] = sorted_attribute_dict
return representation
The problem you are experiencing is database problem not serializer problem.
You never told your database how to sort your tracks so each time database return tracks in different order.
In your Track model (not serializer) add this Meta class
class Track(models.Model):
class Meta:
ordering = ("pk",)
this will cause your tracks to be always ordered by primary key.
You can order by any other field and you can also order by multiple fields
i.e ordering = ("music_type", "name")

Django unique_together with nullable ForeignKey

I'm using Django 1.8.4 in my dev machine using Sqlite and I have these models:
class ModelA(Model):
field_a = CharField(verbose_name='a', max_length=20)
field_b = CharField(verbose_name='b', max_length=20)
class Meta:
unique_together = ('field_a', 'field_b',)
class ModelB(Model):
field_c = CharField(verbose_name='c', max_length=20)
field_d = ForeignKey(ModelA, verbose_name='d', null=True, blank=True)
class Meta:
unique_together = ('field_c', 'field_d',)
I've run proper migration and registered them in the Django Admin. So, using the Admin I've done this tests:
I'm able to create ModelA records and Django prohibits me from creating duplicate records - as expected!
I'm not able to create identical ModelB records when field_b is not empty
But, I'm able to create identical ModelB records, when using field_d as empty
My question is: How do I apply unique_together for nullable ForeignKey?
The most recent answer I found for this problem has 5 year... I do think Django have evolved and the issue may not be the same.
Django 2.2 added a new constraints API which makes addressing this case much easier within the database.
You will need two constraints:
The existing tuple constraint; and
The remaining keys minus the nullable key, with a condition
If you have multiple nullable fields, I guess you will need to handle the permutations.
Here's an example with a thruple of fields that must be all unique, where only one NULL is permitted:
from django.db import models
from django.db.models import Q
from django.db.models.constraints import UniqueConstraint
class Badger(models.Model):
required = models.ForeignKey(Required, ...)
optional = models.ForeignKey(Optional, null=True, ...)
key = models.CharField(db_index=True, ...)
class Meta:
constraints = [
UniqueConstraint(fields=['required', 'optional', 'key'],
UniqueConstraint(fields=['required', 'key'],
UPDATE: previous version of my answer was functional but had bad design, this one takes in account some of the comments and other answers.
In SQL NULL does not equal NULL. This means if you have two objects where field_d == None and field_c == "somestring" they are not equal, so you can create both.
You can override Model.clean to add your check:
class ModelB(Model):
def validate_unique(self, exclude=None):
if ModelB.objects.exclude(, \
raise ValidationError("Duplicate ModelB")
super(ModelB, self).validate_unique(exclude)
If used outside of forms you have to call full_clean or validate_unique.
Take care to handle the race condition though.
#ivan, I don't think that there's a simple way for django to manage this situation. You need to think of all creation and update operations that don't always come from a form. Also, you should think of race conditions...
And because you don't force this logic on DB level, it's possible that there actually will be doubled records and you should check it while querying results.
And about your solution, it can be good for form, but I don't expect that save method can raise ValidationError.
If it's possible then it's better to delegate this logic to DB. In this particular case, you can use two partial indexes. There's a similar question on StackOverflow - Create unique constraint with null columns
So you can create Django migration, that adds two partial indexes to your DB
# Assume that app name is just `example`
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX model_b_2col_uni_idx ON example_model_b (field_c, field_d)
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX model_b_1col_uni_idx ON example_model_b (field_c)
WHERE field_d IS NULL;
DROP INDEX model_b_2col_uni_idx;
DROP INDEX model_b_1col_uni_idx;
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
dependencies = [
operations = [
Add a clean method to your model - see below:
def clean(self):
if Variants.objects.filter("""Your filter """).exclude(
raise ValidationError("This variation is duplicated.")
I think this is more clear way to do that for Django 1.2+
In forms it will be raised as non_field_error with no 500 error, in other cases, like DRF you have to check this case manual, because it will be 500 error.
But it will always check for unique_together!
class BaseModelExt(models.Model):
is_cleaned = False
def clean(self):
for field_tuple in self._meta.unique_together[:]:
unique_filter = {}
unique_fields = []
null_found = False
for field_name in field_tuple:
field_value = getattr(self, field_name)
if getattr(self, field_name) is None:
unique_filter['%s__isnull' % field_name] = True
null_found = True
unique_filter['%s' % field_name] = field_value
if null_found:
unique_queryset = self.__class__.objects.filter(**unique_filter)
unique_queryset = unique_queryset.exclude(
if unique_queryset.exists():
msg = self.unique_error_message(self.__class__, tuple(unique_fields))
raise ValidationError(msg)
self.is_cleaned = True
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not self.is_cleaned:
super().save(*args, **kwargs)
One possible workaround not mentioned yet is to create a dummy ModelA object to serve as your NULL value. Then you can rely on the database to enforce the uniqueness constraint.

Reducing queries for manytomany models in django

It turns out the real question is - how do I get select_related to follow the m2m relationships I have defined? Those are the ones that are taxing my system. Any ideas?
I have two classes for my django app. The first (Item class) describes an item along with some functions that return information about the item. The second class (Itemlist class) takes a list of these items and then does some processing on them to return different values. The problem I'm having is that returning a list of items from Itemlist is taking a ton of queries, and I'm not sure where they're coming from.
class Item(models.Model):
# for archiving purposes
archive_id = models.IntegerField()
users = models.ManyToManyField(User, through='User_item_rel',
# for many to one relationship (tags)
tag = models.ForeignKey(Tag)
sub_tag = models.CharField(default='',max_length=40)
name = models.CharField(max_length=40)
purch_date = models.DateField(
date_edited = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
price = models.DecimalField(max_digits=6, decimal_places=2)
buyer = models.ManyToManyField(User, through='Buyer_item_rel',
comments = models.CharField(default='',max_length=400)
house_id = models.IntegerField()
class Meta:
ordering = ['-purch_date']
def shortDisplayBuyers(self):
if len(self.buyer_item_rel_set.all()) != 1:
return "multiple buyers"
return self.buyer_item_rel_set.all()[0]
def listBuyers(self):
return self.buyer_item_rel_set.all()
def listUsers(self):
return self.user_item_rel_set.all()
def tag_name(self):
return self.tag
def sub_tag_name(self):
return self.sub_tag
def __unicode__(self):
and the second class:
class Item_list:
def __init__(self, list = None, house_id = None, user_id = None,
archive_id = None, houseMode = 0):
self.list = list
self.house_id = house_id
self.uid = int(user_id)
self.archive_id = archive_id
self.houseMode = houseMode
def ret_list(self):
return self.list
So after I construct Itemlist with a large list of items, Itemlist.ret_list() takes up to 800 queries for 25 items. What can I do to fix this?
Try using select_related
As per a question I asked here
Dan is right in telling you to use select_related.
select_related can be read about here.
What it does is return in the same query data for the main object in your queryset and the model or fields specified in the select_related clause.
So, instead of a query like:
select * from item
followed by several queries like this every time you access one of the item_list objects:
select * from item_list where item_id = <one of the items for the query above>
the ORM will generate a query like:
select item.*, item_list.*
from item a join item_list b
where item = b.item_id
In other words: it will hit the database once for all the data.
You probably want to use prefetch_related
Works similarly to select_related, but can deal with relations selected_related cannot. The join happens in python, but I've found it to be more efficient for this kind of work than the large # of queries.
Related reading on the subject