RapidJSON get member name of Value - c++

Wondering if it's possible to extract the name of a rapidjson::Value directly from it.
For instance, assume we have the following JSON data:
{ /*some data*/ },
{ /*some more data*/ }
And I retrieve the "name" array from it:
rapidjson::Value& myJSONArray = document["name"];
Can I retrieve "name" back from that Value? Something like this:
std::string memberName = myJSONArray.GetMemberName(); // returns "name"

No. It is not possible because an array may not be within an object.
You may use iterator.
Value::MemberIterator itr = document.FindMember("name");
string n = itr->name.GetString();
Value& v = itr->value;

Iterators for object has name and value properties
std::pair<bool, std::string> iterate_items()
constexpr std::string_view stringJson = R"([ {"k1": "v1"}, {"k2": "v2"}, {"k3": "v3"}, {"k4": "v4"} ])";
// Wrap input stream for rapidjson reading
rapidjson::MemoryStream memorystreamFile( stringJson.data(), stringJson.length() );
rapidjson::Document documentJson; // Create root rapidjson object
documentJson.ParseStream( memorystreamFile ); // Parse json file
if( documentJson.IsArray() == true ) // Yes, we know it is an array :)
for( auto const& it : documentJson.GetArray() ) // iterate array
if( it.IsObject() == true ) // They are all objects
auto const& _name = it.MemberBegin()->name; // get name
auto const& _value = it.MemberBegin()->value; // get value
std::cout << _name.GetString() << _value.GetString() << "\n"; // dump it
return std::pair<bool, std::string>( true, std::string() );
Tutorial with RapidJSON


How to convert any value to an object and add members with boost::property_tree json

I have a program that modifies a JSON document if necessary. The program has to add a child to another value whether or not it's an already an object. The program should behave like so:
If the object with key "x" does not exist, create object with key "x" and add value y as a child.
If the object with key "x" DOES exist, set value y as a child.
If the key "x" exists and is ANY OTHER type, delete it, create an object with the key "x" and then add value y as a child.
I see ways to test if property tree values exist or whether they are specified types, but none to test if it's an object or not an object.
Here's a simple program I made illustrating what I mean:
#include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
#include <boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
const char *json = "{"
"\"object\" : { \"mighty\" : \"wind\" },"
"\"boolean\" : true"
void printTree( std::string name, boost::property_tree::ptree tree )
std::cout << "Pass '" << name << "'" << std::endl;
std::stringstream ss;
boost::property_tree::write_json( ss, tree );
std::cout << ss.str() << std::endl;
catch( std::exception &e )
std::cout << "Could not make create json: " << e.what() << std::endl;
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
boost::property_tree::ptree tree;
// Load it
std::istringstream ss_json( json );
boost::property_tree::read_json( ss_json, tree );
// Add a value to an object that doesn't exist
tree.put( "none.value", "hello!" );
// Print to see
printTree( "Nonexistent value test", tree );
// Add a value to the object
tree.put( "object.value", "bello!" );
// Print this one
printTree( "Adding value test", tree );
// Convert boolean to an object and add a value
tree.put( "boolean.value", "mello!" );
// Print it
printTree( "Converting value test", tree );
The output will be:
Pass 'Nonexistent value test'
"object": {
"mighty": "wind"
"boolean": "true",
"none": {
"value": "hello!"
Pass 'Adding value test'
"object": {
"mighty": "wind",
"value": "bello!"
"boolean": "true",
"none": {
"value": "hello!"
Pass 'Converting value test'
Could not make create json: <unspecified file>: ptree contains data that cannot be represented in JSON format
You can see in the output, the last step fails to convert to JSON (doesn't throw when I try to set it).
How can I achieve scenario 3 in my list above?
If the key "x" exists and is ANY OTHER type, delete it, create an object with the key "x" and then add value y as a child. Also, they don't observe any of the JSON data types.
Your plan is pretty doomed. Property Tree is not a JSON library. Property Trees can have data and child nodes at the same node. E.g.
ptree p;
auto& x = p.put_child("x", {});
write_json(std::cout, p);
"x": "hello"
But adding
/*auto& a = */ p.put_child("x.a", {});
write_json(std::cout, p);
Fails with Live On Coliru
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::wrapexcept<boost::property_tree::json_parser::json_parser_error>'
what(): <unspecified file>: ptree contains data that cannot be represented in JSON format
A workaround would be to remove any value prior to or when adding properties:
auto& a = p.put_child("x.a", {});
a.add("prop1", 123);
a.add("prop2", "one two three");
a.add("b.prop1", "nesting");
write_json(std::cout, p);
Would print Live On Coliru
Finer notes
It might seem more efficient to check the presence of a value before clearing it:
if (x.get_value_optional<std::string>()) {
But due the the stringly typed nature of Property Tree storage there's no difference as the condition will just always be true for std::string. (Similarly there's no way to retrieve a value by reference.)
Note ALSO that when setting the n.prop1 nested property, you MAY have to also check that b has no value if you don't control the source data, because otherwise it would fail again.
Assuming that your object graph structure is reasonably predictable (or even static), I'd suggest getting it over with ahead of time:
for (auto key : { "x", "x.a", "x.a.b" }) {
if (auto child = p.get_child_optional(key)) {
std::cout << "clearing " << key << std::endl;
Which can be generalized with a helper:
clear_values("x.a.b", p);
Which could be implemented as
void clear_values(ptree::path_type path, ptree& p) {
if (path.empty())
auto head = path.reduce();
auto child = p.get_child_optional(head);
if (child) {
clear_values(path, *child);
In fact with such a helper it might become opportune to also create the expected hierarchy on the fly:
void clear_values(ptree::path_type path, ptree& p, bool create = false) {
if (path.empty())
auto head = path.reduce();
auto child = p.get_child_optional(head);
if (!child && create) {
child = p.put_child(head, {});
if (child) {
clear_values(path, *child, create);
Now it would even work well without any pre-existing data:
Live On Coliru
#include <boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using boost::property_tree::ptree;
void clear_values(ptree::path_type path, ptree& p, bool create = false) {
if (path.empty())
auto head = path.reduce();
auto child = p.get_child_optional(head);
if (!child && create) {
child = p.put_child(head, {});
if (child) {
clear_values(path, *child, create);
int main() {
ptree p;
clear_values("x.a.b", p, true);
auto& a = p.get_child("x.a");
a.add("prop1", 123);
a.add("prop2", "one two three");
a.add("b.prop1", "nesting");
write_json(std::cout, p);
"x": {
"a": {
"b": {
"prop1": "nesting"
"prop1": "123",
"prop2": "one two three"

Call different processing functions for attributes in an XML element

When handling XML attributes in C++, how should different operations be run for different attributes?
Currently, I have something like this:
// get list of attributes for an XML element into member called 'attributes'
// ...
// run appropriate functions for each attribute
for (auto attribute : attributes)
auto name = attribute.name;
auto value = attribute.value;
if (name == "x")
else if (name == "y")
For just a few attribute names, this isn't so bad - but with a larger number (>15) this starts to look messy and I'm concerned about performance issues.
What might be a better way of handling XML attributes like this?
You can use a std::unordererd_map<std::string, std::function<void (const std::string&)>> and set it up with appropriate lambda functions:
std::unordererd_map<std::string, std::function<void (const std::string&)>> attrProcessors = {
{ "X", [](const std::string& value) {
// Do something with value
} } } ,
{ "Y", [](const std::string& value) {
// Do something with value
} } }
// run appropriate functions for each attribute
for (auto attribute : attributes)
auto name = attribute.name;
auto value = attribute.value;
auto processorEntry = attrProcessors.find(name);
if(processorEntry != attrProcessors.end()) {
I am not so sure though that maintenace of the map entries would be easier to read than the if / else if cascade.
On the other hand you won't need to create an extra function for each attribute name.

Iterate through a vector of objects and find a variable that matches one pulled from a text file

So I have a vector of objects
vector<Module*> moduleVector;
and I need to iterate through it and compare an attribute from the object to another attribute I'm pulling from a text file
I'm using an ifstream and getLine() to store the element that needs to be compared to the object's attribute (fileD is the opened file, markModId is the string variable)
getline(fileD, markModId, ' ');
But I am unsure of how I can refer to the object's attributes in an iterator. So my question is,
how do I compare the attribute from the file to the object using an iterator?
For reference here is my object constructor (id is the attribute I want to compare)
Module::Module(string id, string title, string lecturer, int
code = id;
name = title;
lect = lecturer;
cwWeight = courseworkWeight;
exMark = 0; //ex mark initialised as 0
Map to store coursework marks
map<string, float> CWmarks;
//cwMarks.clear(); //cw marks map cleared
//create a map that stores
And exMark is the attribute that needs to be added to the object. All attributes in the Module constructor are private.
How do I compare the attribute from the file to the object using an
Short answer: Suppose you have an iterator std::vector<Module*>::iterator iter you can access the public members of Module class like:
(*iter)->/*public member*/;
Long answer: First of all, you need a getter for private member id and one setter for exMark, by which you can get the id of each Module and compare to the id from the file and then set its exMark to some value.
std::string getId()const { return code; }
void setExMark(const double newMark) { exMark = newMark; }
If you want to change the first true instance of Module, you can use std::find_if for finding the Module:
std::string idFromFile = "two";
auto Condition = [&idFromFile](Module* element){ return element->getId() == idFromFile; };
auto iter = std::find_if(moduleVector.begin(), moduleVector.end(), Condition);
if(iter != moduleVector.end())
(*iter)->setExMark(10.0); // see this
// ^^^^^^^^^
See a sample code here
For multiple instances you can do:
for(auto iter = moduleVector.begin(); iter != moduleVector.end(); ++iter)
if ( (*iter)->getId() == idFromFile)
Note: In modern C++ you can use smart pointers, instead of raw pointers, which will delete the objects automatically as it goes out of scope.
Simply dereference the iterator to access its Module* pointer, then you can access the object using operator-> however you want, eg:
for (std::vector<Module*>::iterator iter = moduleVector.begin(), end = moduleVector.end(); iter != end; ++iter)
Module *m = *iter;
if (m->code == markModId)
m->exMark = ...;
Or, if you are using C++11 or later, let the compiler handle the iterator for you:
for (Module *m : moduleVector)
if (m->code == markModId)
m->exMark = ...;
Or, use a lambda with one of the standard iteration algorithms, eg:
std::for_each(moduleVector.begin(), moduleVector.end(),
[&](Module *m)
if (m->code == markModId)
m->exMark = ...;
If you are only interested in updating 1 Module, then break the loop when the the desired Module is found:
for (std::vector<Module*>::iterator iter = moduleVector.begin(), end = moduleVector.end(); iter != end; ++iter)
Module *m = *iter;
if (m->code == markModId)
m->exMark = ...;
break; // <-- add this
for (Module *m : moduleVector)
if (m->code == markModId)
m->exMark = ...;
break; // <-- add this
auto iter = std::find_if(moduleVector.begin(), moduleVector.end(),
[&](Module *m) { return (m->code == markModId); });
if (iter != moduleVector.end())
Module *m = *iter;
m->exMark = ...;

rapidjson - recursively change key value with nested field

I have a Json record with nested object and object arrays, the keys in those field contain spaces, I want to change all spaces to _, so I have to iterate all keys in the json object.
My idea is to write a depth first search to iterate all nested keys using ConstMemberIterator, my question is how can I change the key by given its iterator?
The example below represents my idea:
void DFSReplaceSpaceInKeys(Value::ConstMemberIterator& itr) {
// Replace space in nested key
std::string s(itr->name.GetString());
std::replace(s.begin(), s.end(), ' ', '_');
// set new string to key
itr->name.SetString(s, ?.GetAllocator()); // <----- How can I get the document allocator?
std::cout << "new key: " << itr->name.GetString() << std::endl;
// recursive call in DFS
if (itr->value.GetType() == Type::kObjectType) {
A Json record example:
"a": {"b": [{"c": [...]}, {...}]
You can pass an allocator as parameter. I also think you should better pass Value& to represent a node.
void DFSReplaceSpaceInKeys(Value& value, Value::AllocatorType& allocator) {
if (value.IsObject()) {
for (Value::ConstMemberIterator itr = value.MemberBegin(); itr != MemberEnd(); ++itr)
// Modify itr->name here...
DFSReplaceSpaceInKeys(itr->value, allocator);
else if (value.IsArray()) {
for (Value::ConstIterator itr = value.Begin(); itr != value.End(); ++itr)
DFSReplaceSpaceInKeys(*itr, allocator);
// ...
Document d;
DFSReplaceSpaceInKeys(d, d.GetAllocator());
If you only need to do the task as mentioned, you may just use the SAX API, which can be easier and faster. Check capitalize example.
rapidjson::Document::AllocatorType& allocator = doc.GetAllocator();
auto news_obj= news_info["news_feature"].GetObject();
auto title_keyword = news_obj.FindMember ("title_keyword");
if (title_keyword != news_obj.MemberEnd()) {
title_keyword->name.SetString ("title_keywords", allocator);

QJson data serialization order

I have implemented a code that will take input from QLineEdit and the data will be saved in a json file format.
void MainWindow::fileWriteOperationJson()
QString filename = "C:/Users/.../Documents/Qt/save.json";
QFile saveFile(filename);
if (!saveFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly))
qWarning("Couldn't open save file.");
QJsonObject obj; //this is the root
QJsonArray personalData;
QJsonObject json;
json["name"] = ui->nameLineEdit->text();
json["address"] = ui->addressLineEdit->toPlainText();
obj["personalData"] = personalData;
QTextStream out(&saveFile);
out << QJsonDocument(obj).toJson(QJsonDocument::Indented);
Problem: When I open the json file, I want to find my data in the below format:
"name" = xyz
"address" = xyz
But, I am having result like this,
"address" = xyz
"name" = xyz
How to get this intended order?
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format and as such, the structure is important, but the order of items is not.
If you need to print the items in a specific order, you'll need to extract them from Json into suitable data structures and handle that yourself.
Alternatively, you could save to a different format, but note that Qt's XML will act the same as Json. Perhaps a CSV may be more useful to you.
Qt generates JSON data with keys sorted alphabetically. AFAIK, there is no option to get around it. You could try encapsulating objects with a single key/value pair into an array, though, and preserve the order:
{"address": xyz},
{"name": xyz}
Or you could try using a different storage format altogether.
The underlying problem is that QMap does not have an ordered form.
Here's a possible solution by subclassing QVariantMap:
#include <QtCore>
class OrderedVariantMap : public QMap<QString, QVariant> {
// Test:
// OrderedVariantMap test_map;
// test_map.insert("xxx", 1);
// test_map.insert("aaa", 2);
// test_map.insert("kkk", 3);
// test_map["321"] = 4;
// test_map["000"] = 5;
// test_map["123"] = 6;
// qDebug() << "QMap.keys()" << test_map.keys();
// qDebug() << "QMap.orderedKeys()" << test_map.orderedKeys();
// QVariant test_variant;
// test_variant.setValue(test_map);
// qDebug() << "test_variant.typeName()" << test_variant.typeName();
// OrderedVariantMap test_map_recovered = qvariant_cast<OrderedVariantMap>(test_variant);
// qDebug() << "test_map_recovered.orderedKeys()" << test_map_recovered.orderedKeys();
// Test results:
// QMap.keys() ("000", "123", "321", "aaa", "kkk", "xxx")
// QMap.orderedKeys() ("xxx", "aaa", "kkk", "321", "000", "123")
// test_variant.typeName() OrderedVariantMap
// test_map_recovered.orderedKeys() ("xxx", "aaa", "kkk", "321", "000", "123")
OrderedVariantMap ( );
~OrderedVariantMap ( );
clear ( );
void // QMap::iterator
insert ( const QString &key,
const QVariant &value );
operator[] ( const QString &key );
const QVariant
operator[] ( const QString &key ) const;
const QString
orderedKey ( int index ) const;
const QVariant
orderedValue ( int index ) const;
orderedKeys ( ) const ;
QStringList Ordered_Keys;
#include "OrderedVariantMap.h"
OrderedVariantMap::OrderedVariantMap ( ) : QMap ( ) {
OrderedVariantMap::~OrderedVariantMap ( ) {
OrderedVariantMap::orderedKeys ( ) const {
return Ordered_Keys;
OrderedVariantMap::clear ( ) {
void // QMap::iterator
OrderedVariantMap::insert ( const QString &key,
const QVariant &value ) {
QMap::insert(key, value);
OrderedVariantMap::operator[] ( const QString &key ) {
return QMap::operator [](key);
const QVariant
OrderedVariantMap::operator[] ( const QString &key ) const {
return this->value(key);
const QString
OrderedVariantMap::orderedKey ( int index ) const {
return Ordered_Keys[index];
const QVariant
OrderedVariantMap::orderedValue ( int index ) const {
return this->value(Ordered_Keys[index]);
More functionality could be provided, for example an ordered iterator.