Invoke slot asynchronously without connecting to it using clear line of code - c++

I have encountered quite freaky bug - QAction::trigger caused blocking dialog to appear, which caused my server which called trigger to go stuck (eg. not able to process socket signals until dialog was closed).
I figured out a workaround. I connect signal void triggerWorkaround() to slot QAction::trigger using Qt::QueuedConnection and I emit it:
QObject::connect(this, &HackClass::triggerWorkaround,, &QAction::trigger, Qt::QueuedConnection);
emit triggerWorkaround();
QObject::disconnect(this, nullptr,, nullptr);
But that's three lines of confusing code. Is there a non-confusing method to do this? I have found QMetaObject::invokeMethod, but frankly, that's 10 times more confusing than my current solution. Also, I don't want to ever use method name as string!

You can separate that into a function QueuedInvoke like this:
//overload for methods/slots
//the slot gets invoked in the thread where the QObject lives
template <typename Object, typename T>
void QueuedInvoke(Object* object, T (Object::* f)()){
QObject signalSource;
QObject::connect(&signalSource, &QObject::destroyed,
object, f, Qt::QueuedConnection);
//overload for functors
//the functor gets invoked in the thread where the contextObject lives
//or in the current thread if no contextObject is provided
template <typename Func>
void QueuedInvoke(Func&& f, QObject* contextObject = QAbstractEventDispatcher::instance()){
QObject signalSource;
QObject::connect(&signalSource, &QObject::destroyed,
contextObject, std::forward<Func>(f), Qt::QueuedConnection);
This will leverage the destroyed() signal emitted from the temporary QObject to post a queued event into the event loop. The slot/functor is actually invoked when the event loop processes that event.
So, Instead of the 3 lines you posted, You can use the above function like this:
QueuedInvoke(, &QAction::trigger);
My answer is based on this great answer about executing a functor in a given QThread. You can refer to it for more details.


QLabel not updating image content [duplicate]

I work in Qt and when I press the button GO I need to continuously send packages to the network and modify the interface with the information I receive.
The problem is that I have a while(1) in the button so the button never finishes so the interface is never updated. I thought to create a thread in the button and put the while(){} code there.
My question is how can I modify the interface from the thread? (For example how can I modify a textBox from the thread ?
Important thing about Qt is that you must work with Qt GUI only from GUI thread, that is main thread.
That's why the proper way to do this is to notify main thread from worker, and the code in main thread will actually update text box, progress bar or something else.
The best way to do this, I think, is use QThread instead of posix thread, and use Qt signals for communicating between threads. This will be your worker, a replacer of thread_func:
class WorkerThread : public QThread {
void run() {
while(1) {
// ... hard work
// Now want to notify main thread:
emit progressChanged("Some info");
// Define signal:
void progressChanged(QString info);
In your widget, define a slot with same prototype as signal in .h:
class MyWidget : public QWidget {
// Your gui code
// Define slot:
public slots:
void onProgressChanged(QString info);
In .cpp implement this function:
void MyWidget::onProgressChanged(QString info) {
// Processing code
textBox->setText("Latest info: " + info);
Now in that place where you want to spawn a thread (on button click):
void MyWidget::startWorkInAThread() {
// Create an instance of your woker
WorkerThread *workerThread = new WorkerThread;
// Connect our signal and slot
connect(workerThread, SIGNAL(progressChanged(QString)),
// Setup callback for cleanup when it finishes
connect(workerThread, SIGNAL(finished()),
workerThread, SLOT(deleteLater()));
// Run, Forest, run!
workerThread->start(); // This invokes WorkerThread::run in a new thread
After you connect signal and slot, emiting slot with emit progressChanged(...) in worker thread will send message to main thread and main thread will call the slot that is connected to that signal, onProgressChanged here.
P.s. I haven't tested the code yet so feel free to suggest an edit if I'm wrong somewhere
So the mechanism is that you cannot modify widgets from inside of a thread otherwise the application will crash with errors like:
QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type 'QTextBlock'
(Make sure 'QTextBlock' is registered using qRegisterMetaType().)
QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type 'QTextCursor'
(Make sure 'QTextCursor' is registered using qRegisterMetaType().)
Segmentation fault
To get around this, you need to encapsulate the threaded work in a class, like:
class RunThread:public QThread{
void run();
void resultReady(QString Input);
Where run() contains all the work you want to do.
In your parent class you will have a calling function generating data and a QT widget updating function:
class DevTab:public QWidget{
void ThreadedRunCommand();
void DisplayData(QString Input);
Then to call into the thread you'll connect some slots, this
void DevTab::ThreadedRunCommand(){
RunThread *workerThread = new RunThread();
connect(workerThread, &RunThread::resultReady, this, &DevTab::UpdateScreen);
connect(workerThread, &RunThread::finished, workerThread, &QObject::deleteLater);
The connection function takes 4 parameters, parameter 1 is cause class, parameter 2 is signal within that class. Parameter 3 is class of callback function, parameter 4 is callback function within the class.
Then you'd have a function in your child thread to generate data:
void RunThread::run(){
QString Output="Hello world";
emit resultReady(Output);
Then you'd have a callback in your parent function to update the widget:
void DevTab::UpdateScreen(QString Input){
Then when you run it, the widget in the parent will update each time the emit macro is called in the thread. If the connect functions are configured properly, it will automatically take the parameter emitted, and stash it into the input parameter of your callback function.
How this works:
We initialise the class
We setup the slots to handle what happens with the thread finishes and what to do with the "returned" aka emitted data because we can't return data from a thread in the usual way
we then we run the thread with a ->start() call (which is hard coded into QThread), and QT looks for the hard coded name .run() memberfunction in the class
Each time the emit resultReady macro is called in the child thread, it's stashed the QString data into some shared data area stuck in limbo between threads
QT detects that resultReady has triggered and it signals your function, UpdateScreen(QString ) to accept the QString emitted from run() as an actual function parameter in the parent thread.
This repeats every time the emit keyword is triggered.
Essentially the connect() functions are an interface between the child and parent threads so that data can travel back and forth.
Note: resultReady() does not need to be defined. Think of it as like a macro existing within QT internals.
you can use invokeMethod() or Signals and slots mechanism ,Basically there are lot of examples like how to emit a signal and how to receive that in a SLOT .But ,InvokeMethod seems interesting .
Below is example ,where it shows How to change the text of a label from a thread:
QObject *obj = NULL; //global
QLabel *label = new QLabel("test");
obj = label; //Keep this as global and assign this once in constructor.
Next in your WorkerThread you can do as below:
//file2.cpp (ie.,thread)
extern QObject *obj;
void workerThread::run()
for(int i = 0; i<10 ;i++
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(obj, "setText",
emit finished();
you start thread passing some pointer to thread function (in posix the thread function have the signature void* (thread_func)(void*), something equal under windows too) - and you are completely free to send the pointer to your own data (struct or something) and use this from the thread function (casting pointer to proper type). well, memory management should be though out (so you neither leak memory nor use already freed memory from the thread), but this is a different issue

How to properly create QUdpSocket on non-gui thread ? Readyread not emitted

I'm writing a network library that wraps the QUdpSocket:
QAbstractSocket *UdpNetworkStreamer::addConnection()
QUdpSocket *udpSocket = new QUdpSocket(this);
udpSocket->bind(connection.port, QUdpSocket::ShareAddress);
bool ret = udpSocket->joinMulticastGroup(QHostAddress(connection.ip));
connect(udpSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readyRead()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
return udpSocket;
create a new QUdpSocket.
connect to its readyRead signal.
call readDatagram when readyRead is raised.
All is working fine when I use the library from a Qt GUI application.
The problem starts when another user includes the library used outside of a Qt GUI application.
He calls the addConnection (which creates the socket and calls connect on the readyRead)
The thread on which the addConnection is called is non-Qt.
The addConnection seems to end successfully but the readyRead is never emitted.
Calling read (even though no readyRead was emitted) leads to a successful datagram read.
Fixes that did not work :
moving the the UDP socket thread to the this->thread
QUdpSocket *udpSocket = new QUdpSocket();
I tried to simulate the problem by calling:void
QFuture<void> future = QtConcurrent::run(this,
&MainWindow::CreateMulticastConnection, testHandle);
This also led to same symptoms as the one the user had with my library, meaning the readyRead wasn't emitted.
QSignalSpy - I've activated a spy on the readyRead signal; the counter kept on being zero although I could read data directly from the socket. The spy gave valid results (i.e. progressed) when used the socket was initialized on the main thread.
My Questions:
What am I missing and doing wrong ?
What is the simplest way of having the readyRead emitted even though it is not created on the main GUI thread - I couldn't find any sample that works with no GUI or outside Qt threads.
I ended up solving the problem this way :
void MainWindow::OpenConnection()
QThread *t = new QThread();
SocketWrapper *w= new SocketWrapper();
w->metaObject()->invokeMethod(w, "CreateSocket", Qt::QueuedConnection);
You must call invokeMethod() with the thread the socket wrapper was movedTo() upon creation of the socket, so that the thread that creates the socket will have a running event loop.
In addition to that, the CreateSocket() needs to be a slot in the SocketWrapper, something like that :
class SocketWrapper : public QObject
explicit SocketWrapper(QObject *parent = 0);
public slots:
void readyRead();
void CreateSocket();
QUdpSocket *_socket;
My guess is that you need to add Q_OBJECT macro to the beginning of the class from where you need to emit the signal. Unless you do this, the signal-slot mechanism will not function properly.

Qt slot argument is corrupted

The original code is to big to be posted here. Basically, I'm doing this:
class MySuperClass
QThread thread;
MyClass myObject;
connect( this, &MySuperClass::onKill, &myObject, &MyClass::stop );
connect( &thread, &QThread::started, &myObject, &MyClass::loop );
connect(&myObject, &MyClass::finished, &thread, &QThread::quit );
myObject.moveToThread( &thread );
connect( this, &MySuperClass::changed, &myObject, &MyClass::onChange );
void do()
emit changed(0);
'onKill - stop' signal/slot have no parameters and work fine. No problem here.
Problem is 'changed - onChange' pair. They have one parameter of type uint32_t (which I have registered).
When I call method do of MySuperClass from the main thread the signal is emitted, the slot onChange is called but it's parameter is not 0!
It's some big number like 3043426304.
The funny part is: if I change connection type to DirectConnection - parameter is zero; if I change connection type to QueuedConnection - parameter is zero too! How can this be? Isn't AutoConnection either Queued or Direct?
I'm very puzzled by this. First of all: how stack allocated integer type parameter may be corrupted like that? I'd understand if it was something heap-allocated or used in multiple threads.
My second question is: how should I do this connection properly? Does the order of connect and moveToThread matter?
Question 1 is answered by Chris. For question 2 (I did not see that the first time around)...
This is how to setup an object running in a seperate thread:
// Create the myObject object in its own thread
QThread* myThread= new QThread(); // you can assign `this` as parent if you want...
MyObject* myObject= new MyObject(0); // Assign no parent here (for QObject)
QObject::connect(myThread, &QThread::started, myObject, &MyObject::run, Qt::QueuedConnection);
You mostly have it correct. I think you are missing the "myThread->start()" function to kick the thread off. In your object creation its important to know that any dynamic allocations will be created in the parent thread space since the constructor runs before you move it to the thread. So its best to instantiate any objects you need inside the run() slot.
Any interaction with object once you start the thread should be via slots/signals.
Once you start the thread, it will emit started and your run() slot will be called.
The order of connect and moveToThread does not matter so long as you do all this before you call myThread->start()
This is good for starting up a thread. There are some rules that may help you terminating the thread cleanly as well... but that's probably going off-topic

QThread finished() emitting fails if called inside window closing

I have done an application with some threads. Everything seems to work ok if I call my stopConsumer inside a keypressedEvent. But If I call it inside a destructor of closeEvent.. it fails.
My QThread class that has a run method like this one:
void Consumer::run()
forever {
// do something something
// do something something
// do something something
//-------------------------------- check for abort
if(abort) {
qDebug() << "abort..";
} abortMutex.unlock();
//-------------------------------- check for abort
qDebug() << "Consumer > emit finished()";
emit finished();
void Consumer::stopConsume() {
abort = true;
and a method in the MainWindow:
void initConsumers()
consumer1 = new Consumer(....);
connect(consumer1, SIGNAL(finished()),
this, SLOT(deleteConsumer()));
void stopConsumer() {
if(consumer1!=NULL) {
qDebug() << "stopConsumer";
If I have a keypressed that calls stopConsumer.. it's ok, deleteConsumer is reached.
If I call stopConsumer inside the MainWindow destructor or inside a MainWindow closeEvent.. the slot deleteConsumer is never reached!
Any ideas?
Given that the Consumer class and your MainWindow have different thread affinities, the call you make to connect inside initConsumers() is likely using a Qt::QueuedConnection, which means that the deleteConsumer() slot won't get called immediately.
If you would like to ensure that the consumer gets deleted from the destructor of your main window (or equivalently, from a close event), one possible solution is to call stopConsume() on the consumer, then wait until the thread is no longer running (see, then call deleteConsumer() directly.
Here's an example of what I described above:
It's not advisable to switch the connection type to Qt:DirectConnection since that will cause the deleteConsumer() function to be called from the body of Consumer::run(), which will likely crash your application.
Part of the problem here is that you're deriving from QThread, which is not how it is supposed to be used. You can read about why deriving from QThread is wrong here.
Instead, what you should be doing is deriving your class from QObject, creating a QThread object and moving the derived QObject instance to that thread.
class Consumer : public QObject
void finished();
private slots:
void run();
QThread pThread = new QThread;
Consumer pObject = new Consumer;
// move the pObject to the thread
You can then control the thread with signals and slots.
// assuming you've added a run slot function to the Consumer class
connect(pThread, SIGNAL(started()), pObject, SLOT(run()));
connect(pObject, SIGNAL(finished()), pThread, SLOT(quit()));
connect(pObject, SIGNAL(finished()), pObject, SLOT(deleteLater()));
// Note the thread cleans itself up here, but if the app is quitting,
// waiting on the thread to finish may be required instead
connect(pThread, SIGNAL(finished()), pThread, SLOT(deleteLater()));
And start the thread: -
Used this way, it also enables multiple objects to be moved to a single new thread, rather than creating a new thread per object instance.

QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread

I tried doing what you guys told me in comments ... :
Citizen * c = new Citizen(this);
QThread thread;
connect(&thread, SIGNAL(started()), c, SLOT(ProcessActions()));
This produces even more errors:
QThread: Destroyed while thread is still running
ASSERT failure in QThread::setTerminationEnabled(): "Current thread was not started with QThread.", file c:\ndk_buildrepos\qt-desktop\src\corelib\thread\qthread_win.cpp, line 542
Invalid parameter passed to C runtime function.
Invalid parameter passed to C runtime function.
QObject::killTimers: timers cannot be stopped from another thread
I am having problems with this error ... I'm stuck on this for 2 days already and can't get a solution.
class Citizen : public QThread
QNetworkAccessManager * manager;
private slots:
void onReplyFinished(QNetworkReply* net_reply);
Citizen(QObject * parent);
void run();
Citizen::Citizen(QObject * parent)
manager = new QNetworkAccessManager;
connect(_net_acc_mgr, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)),
this, SLOT(onReplyFinished(QNetworkReply*)));
void Citizen::onReplyFinished(QNetworkReply* net_reply)
emit onFinished(net_reply);
void Citizen::run()
QEventLoop eLoop;
connect(manager, SIGNAL( finished( QNetworkReply * ) ), &eLoop, SLOT(quit()));
qDebug() << "loaded google!";
When manager->get() gets executed, I get the following error:
QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.
(Parent is QNetworkAccessManager(0xc996cf8), parent's thread is QThread(0xaba48d8), current thread is Citizen(0xca7ae08)
When eLoop.exec() gets executed:
QObject::startTimer: timers cannot be started from another thread
I start this thread in the following manner:
Citizen * c = new Citizen(this);
Why does this happen? How to solve this?
QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.
You get this because you are creating the QNetworkAccessmanager in the constructor of Citizen, which is being called in the "original" thread. When the Citizen object is moved to the new thread the QNetworkAccessmanager still has its thread affinity set to the original thread but in the run call it will attempt to create the QNetworkReply object ( and probably other objects aswell ) in the new thread. Which produces the warning above.
If you create the manager in the run slot(or at any point after the Citizen object is moved to the new thread) that will not happen.
However you still have some issues. For instance, the Citizen class really doesn't need to be a QThread. It needlessly complicates it. It will suffice for your purpose(afaict) to subclass a QObject. Just make a normal slot and connect that to the QThread::started() signal. And as OrcunC pointed out you need to make sure that the QThread instance is properly scoped.
For more on threading:
QThread *thread = new QThread;
Citizen *worker = new Citizen;
//startWorking can be equivalent of the run function
//in your current implementation and this is where you should
//create the QNetworkAccessManager
I will just try to answer why you are seeing QThread: Destroyed while thread is still running error.
If you do this
void mtMethod () {
Citizen * c = new Citizen(this);
QThread thread;
connect(&thread, SIGNAL(started()), c, SLOT(ProcessActions()));
The thread object will be destroyed when you exit the function but the thread that has been started is still running !. Qt is warning you that you should either stop the thread or create the thread object in a bigger scope. (i.e make it a member function of your class). Something like this :
class myClass
virtual ~myClass ();
QThread mythread;
mythread.stop ();
void myClass::mtMethod () {
Citizen * c = new Citizen(this);
connect(&mythread, SIGNAL(started()), c, SLOT(ProcessActions()));
I don't believe the new thread exists until run is called. So the constructor is a different thread than run(). What happens if you move the creation of the manager object from the constructor to run()? I imagine that will fix the first error, if not the timer error as well.
Also, I think many people are still building threads the way you are, but you might want to check out this.
You need to consider thread affinity. That error message is not lying or insane, it's telling you exactly what's wrong.
Your problems are mostly due to trying to subclass QThread. Even though the documentation recommends it, it is not the best way to use QThread. Please see this question and answer for more information and links.
I haven't figured out the startTimers error although it could be related to the first one. In any case, you should be able to fix the first error. I have run into this problem in Qt a few times and I find this to be the "best" way to work around it is to create an initialize function and a cleanUp function. All members of the class are pointers that are initialized to NULL until run is called. Note that "best" is in quotes because there are sure to be differing opinions but it works for most situations for me.
class Citizen : public QThread {
QNetworkAccessManager * manager;
private slots:
void onReplyFinished(QNetworkReply* net_reply);
Citizen(QObject * parent);
void run();
void initialize();
void cleanUp();
Citizen::Citizen(QObject * parent) :
manager(NULL) {
void Citizen::onReplyFinished(QNetworkReply* net_reply) {
emit onFinished(net_reply);
void Citizen::run() {
QEventLoop eLoop;
connect(manager, SIGNAL( finished( QNetworkReply * ) ),
&eLoop, SLOT(quit()));
qDebug() << "loaded google!";
void Citizen::initialize() {
manager = new QNetworkAccessManager;
connect(_net_acc_mgr, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)),
this, SLOT(onReplyFinished(QNetworkReply*)));
void Citizen::cleanUp() {
delete manager;
disconnect(_net_acc_mgr, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)),
this, SLOT(onReplyFinished(QNetworkReply*)));