Allow binding to any data-* attribute on an ember component - ember.js

I am designing a library whereby I would like to allow the user to supply any data attributes they might like.
{{my-component data-type='hello' data-name='world'}}
I don't know ahead of time which data attributes they might like to bind to so can't add them to the attributeBindings array.
Is there a workaround for this?

Use the didReceiveAtts hook of your component:
let newAttrs = params.newAttrs;
let attributeBindings = Ember.A();
if(attr.indexOf('data-')>= 0){
this.set('attributeBindings', attributeBindings);
Look that Sample twiddle
Updated, after deprecation:
Since arguments of didReceiveAttrs function are deprecated, you need to change the code as the following:
let attributeBindings = Ember.A();
if(attr.indexOf('data-')>= 0){
this.set('attributeBindings', attributeBindings);
See updated twiddle.

I guess after v3.10 you can do this without any hacks with the angle bracket invocation (and if required pass further using the ...attributes). So in my simplest case it was as simple as
<MyComponent data-aaa="bbb"/>


How to maintain unknown/wildcard queryParams through a transition?

I have a route (route-a) that transitions to another route (route-b) and I am trying to find a way for the destination URL to maintain the all query parameters, even if route-b does not know about them in advance.
For example, if a user visits, and the transition to route-b happens like this:
afterModel(model, transition) {
this.transitionTo('route-b', model, {queryParams:}) // transition route-a to route-b
...the ultimate URL will be — without the query params.
Now, I realize the "Ember way" is to define the queryParams on route-b's controller in advance, but in this particular use-case, I do not know the queryParams in advance. Route B consumes any and all query params provided to it, which means they would be impossible to enumerate in advance.
How can I transition to a new route without dropping query parameters that are not specifically enumerated on the destination route's controller?
Is there a way to handle unknown queryParams, or is there the notion of a wildcard for queryParams (similar to *path routes)?
Update: I'm not marking this as the answer, because as jelhan notes below, using a computed property for this key is explicitly identified as a no-no in the docs. But it worked for our use-case, and it might for others, though I'm guessing it may break down if you have additional queryParams in other routes that might conflict when Ember attempts to combine them.
Previous answer:
My solution here ended up using Ember's computed method to auto-generate the Array of query params by parsing the URL.
queryParams: computed("router.location", function () {
let qp = this.get("router.location").getURL().split("?")[1];
if (qp) {
let qpAsObj = JSON.parse(
'{"' +
.replace(/"/g, '\\"')
.replace(/&/g, '","')
.replace(/=/g, '":"') +
return Object.keys(qpAsObj)
If you don't want to subsequently maintain those query params on the page/model the next time a user re-visits that page ("sticky query params"), you will also need to remove the queryParams on the route:
resetController(controller) {
// unset all queryParams when leaving the route
controller.queryParams.forEach(v => {
controller.set(v, null)
This solution is... not ideal, but it works and we have tests written to ensure that we will catch any errors if it breaks going forward.

Ember active link

I have a route where I want to make a sibling route's link-to's active as well. I have tried using current-when in the link-to, but it's not working for me.
my routes are as follows
When I navigate to //projects/:project_id route, the right link is set to active. I want the same link to be active on the //projects/:project_id/users/:user_id route.
My link-to in the parent //projects hbs template is
{{#link-to "projects.project" item.projectID current-when="projects.user" tagName="tr"}}
What am I doing wrong here?
I was able to get it to initially work when the route is rendered by using an edited version of #ykaragol's helper function and link-to...
{{#link-to "projects.project" item.projectName active=(calculate-active 'projects.user projects.project' item.projectName) tagName="tr"}}
compute(params, hash){
var pathname = window.location.pathname.split('/');
var pathProj = pathname[2];
var currRoute = this.get('currentRouteName');
var routes = params[0].split(' ');
if( ($.inArray( currRoute, routes) > -1) && (pathProj == params[1]) ){
return true;
return false;
But it's not updating when I click on a different project...
If routes don't have dynamic segments, it works as described in docs. I've tested it within this twiddle.
But I couldn't make it work while using dynamic segment. Please check this twiddle. I suspect this maybe a bug. You can ask this question in slack.
By the way, as a workaround, you can pass a boolean to the currentWhen property (as mentioned in docs). So you can write a helper or a computed property to calculate it with a regex.
As a second workaround, you can handle active property of link-to by yourself. Try this twiddle.

Parent property is not bind to the child (Ember 2.8)

My code:
= validating-form onsubmit=(action 'signUp')
= input-field value=username
span {{usernameError}}
submit(event) {
console.log(this.get('username') //undefined
actions: {
signUp() {
console.log(this.get('username')) // value from input
As you can see the basic idea is some value in input gets validated in validating-form component and then if everything is fine it'll call some controller action or set some properties.
The problem is that apparently this form component isn't bind to properties from controller, even though its child component (input-field) is. Can you tell me what am I doing wrong here?
If I have to bind it explicitely, is there some way to do that with multiple properties at once?
The problem is that the standard input element isn't two-way bound to your username variable. You can bind it quickly using the action and mut helpers.
(example in handlebars, but you should be able to convert to emblem easily enough)
<input value={{username}} onblur={{action (mut username) value='target.value'}}>
This is saying:
on the onblur event
mut(ate) the username
to match the current target.value - which is the value of the input box
You can see evidence of this working in this twiddle
The other option is Input Helpers
I've not used these, as they don't follow the current Ember thinking of Data Down Actions Up, but it should be as simple as:
{{input value=username}}
And this will two-way-bind directly username.

How to render an Ember template to a string? [duplicate]

I just want to run the template string against an object and examine the result
I have a string that is a template. I've "compiled" it. Now I want to run it against an object and examine the result.
But this doesn't work:
var template = '<div>{{#each items}}<div>{{item}}</div>{{/each}}</div>';
var compiled = Ember.Handlebars.compile(template);
var result = compiled({ items: [1, 2, 3] }); // ERRORS
What I want to get is the DOM result of running my compiled string against an object. In other words, a set of DOM elements that looks something like this:
It appears that Ember.Handlebars.compile is very tightly coupled to other parts of an Ember application, to the point it expects a lot of things to be populated in the context I'm passing ot the compiled function. I have yet to figure out what all of these things are, or if there is a better way to create a context to pass to the compiled function.
Other things:
I don't want to use plain "non-Ember" Handlebars.
I'd like to avoid creating an Ember Application if I can.
I don't really want to answer questions about "why" I want to do this. This is what I want to do. :P
Why do you want to do this? ;)
Honestly the easiest way to do this will be to create a view. Ember hooks up a bunch of fancy rendering stuff when it calls compile due to the data binding etc, so it's difficult to create it straight from the compile function (it passes in a slew of additional stuff, like buffers etc...)
var view = Ember.View.extend({
template:Ember.Handlebars.compile('hello <div>{{#each item in view.items}}<div>{{item}}</div>{{/each}}</div>')
var foo = view.create({ items: [1, 2, 3] });
// you must wait for all bindings to sync before you can check the contents of #blah:
var empty = $('#blah').html(); // this will be empty{
var notEmpty = $('#blah').html(); // this will have the proper result in it
or you can hook up to the didInsertElement callback
var foo = view.create(blah);
foo.didInsertElement = function(){
The bindings are still in tact when you create a Ember handlebars template, so you can modify the object passed in and it will update the template.

Force a controller to always act as a proxy to a model in Ember

I'm looping through a content of an ArrayController whose content is set to a RecordArray. Each record is DS.Model, say Client
{{# each item in controller}}
balance is a property of the Client model and a call to item.balance will fetch the property from the model directly. I want to apply some formatting to balance to display in a money format. The easy way to do this is to add a computed property, balanceMoney, to the Client object and do the formatting there:
App.Client = DS.Model({
balance: DS.attr('balance'),
balanceMoney: function() {
// format the balance property
return Money.format(this.get('balance');
This serves well the purpose, the right place for balanceMoney computed property though, is the client controller rather than the client model. I was under the impression that Ember lookup properties in the controller first and then tries to retrieve them in the model if nothing has been found. None of this happen here though, a call to item.balanceMoney will just be ignored and will never reach the controller.
Is it possible to configure somehow a controller to act always as a proxy to the model in all circumstances.
UPDATE - Using the latest version from emberjs master repository you can configure the array controller to resolve records' methods through a controller proxy by overriding the lookupItemController method in the ArrayController. The method should return the name of the controller without the 'controller' suffix i.e. client instead of clientController. Merely setting the itemControllerClass property in the array controller doesn't seem to work for the moment.
lookupItemController: function( object ) {
return 'client';
This was recently added to master:
As of this writing it is not in any released versions. It will mostly likely be part of 1.0.0.pre.3.
If you're only after formatting, another possibility is to make a handlebars helper. You could implement your own {{formatMoney item.balance}} helper, for instance.
For something more general, I made this one to wrap an sprintf implementation (pick one of several out there):
Ember.Handlebars.registerHelper('sprintf', function (/*arbitrary number of arguments*/) {
var options = arguments[arguments.length - 1],
fmtStr = arguments[0],
params =, 1, -1);
for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
params[i] = this.get(params[i]);
return vsprintf(fmtStr, params);
And then you can do {{sprintf "$%.2f" item.balance}}.
However, the solution #luke-melia gave will be far more flexible--for example letting you calculate a balance in the controller, as opposed to simply formatting a single value.
A caveat I should have mentioned because it's not obvious: the above solution does not create a bound handlebars helper, so changes to the underlying model value won't be reflected. There's supposed to be a registerBoundHelper already committed to Ember.js which would fix this, but that too is not released yet.