Does the Identity Server require the database to be high availability? - wso2

We are working on setting up the wso2 production environment and the question came up about the importance of having high availability databases on the identity server side. We have concerns regarding access tokens. Does the IDS manage all that information or is it shared among the other DBs? Also, if the DB happens to go down on the IDS side, will it case all of wso2 to crash? Will APIs no longer be available for use? I can't seem to find much documentation on the matter.
Thanks you.

Database high availability is needed for WSO2 products.Tokens will be saved in the database. If database goes down, Identity server will not function properly.


Replace HTTP sessions in Cloud using REDIS cache

We have HTTP sessions in on-premise application. We want to migrate application to Cloud. We got the direction to use REDIS cache implementation in Cloud to replace HTTP sessions.
Do we save user specific(HTTP Session) data in REDIS? Is there any other elegant way to handle this scenario?
Thanks in advance.
Assuming you're talking about a legacy app, you can set Redis (Azure Redis Cache) as your State Provider.
Here's a link about it:
Yes it is possible and Redis is one of the pinpoint solutions for this kind of requirements. It is super fast in-memory key/value store just like sessions(get/set). Most of the modern frameworks come along with built-in session support for Redis. Even it is a legacy app, you may integrate easily(there could some libraries that do that). You may just use commands such as SET, GET, EXPIRE, EXISTS, DEL for a session store.
If it is going to be just string/string you may go with string, if you have some json values you may use hash. Both solutions provide EXPIRE option for you to not store forever and manage your memory.
I am not familiar with Azure side but AWS has ElastiCache service that supports Redis. Another option could be installing one in a EC2 instance for on-prem.

How to configure WSO2 identity server to avoid single point of failure?

My Company wants to setup wso2 identity server cluster on 3 machines such that if one machine fails, the cluster still works.
All the wso2 documentation shows clustering with shared user store and database but does not mention how to avoid single point of failure.
As per my understanding, the only way to do the same is to form an external ldap cluster as user store and an external database cluster. But that would be much complex and hard to manage.
Can we configure the wso2's embedded ldap to replicate and sync with other node's embedded ldap?
Is there any other way to avoid single point of failure in wso2?
No, you can't use embedded LDAP.
You should avoid using embedded LDAP in production at all costs. It will sure get corrupted with concurrent requests and growth the of data. And you will not be able to recover at all. It's just there for testing purposes.
If you want to avoid any single point of failures due to DB or LDAPs, you should be using DB and LDAP clustered as instructed by the respective provider. And point the common LB URL to the WSO2 server.

advantage of WSO2 AS instead of other application servers

Why would anyone use WSO2 Application Server instead of other application servers?
I rather encountered only problems with it, mainly due to class loading issues, so I would appreciate if someone could point out what are the advantages or the use cases when using WSO2-AS really makes a difference.
I can see the benefits of other standalone WSO2 products, but as far as the AS is concerned, I would rather rely on more lightweight servers and just package the libraries I need.
There are number of advantages on WSO2 Application Server.
1.) It provides in-built support for multi-tenancy, in case if you have isolated departments like organization there is no real need to have number of server instances you could simply create a new tenant.
2.) Automatic lazy loading support for tenants, web applications and web services. In a production system a particular tenant/web application/web service can be ideal for sometime it's a waste to allocate hardware resources continuously to such ideal applications specially if you use IaaS. WSO2 application server can detect such ideal tenant/web application/web service and release their resources and tenant/web application/web service will load again when a new request dispatch to the particular tenant/web application/web service.
3.) Wide range of deployment options, support to deploy on-premise, public or private IaaS , public or private PassS such as Apache Stratos. An an example one can deploy his application into WSO2 App Cloud ( instantly without downloading anything, later he can get same experience one of above platforms.
4.) Deployment synchronization feature, a clustered environment you may have very large number of nodes and upgrading application version and configuration changes across the cluster can be headache. Using Deployment synchronization feature you can modify only one node labeled as manger node and Deployment synchronization will take care about synchronize changes across the cluster automatically and consistently.
5.) When developing applications on WSO2 Application Server you can leverage carbon platform level features such as identity, registry, logging, distributed caching, multi-tenancy etc. As an example one can use identity features provided by the platform to mange users, roles permissions also for authentication and authorization without write something own.
6.) Inbuilt support for security standards such SSO among other WSO2 products.
7.) In-build monitoring capability for web services and web application through WSO2 BAM.
8.) Enhanced and rich dashboard for applications and services which facilitate to basic statistics, application management, security wizards, code generations, Try -It tools, run time logging configurations etc.
9.) Enhanced classloading mechanism (starting from AS 5.1.0), within one Application server instance you can have number of virtual server environments per application level. As an example one can specify an application run on minimal Tomcat mode or can assign to run Carbon mode which is ( Tomcat + Carbon platform).
When it come to your specific issue if you can specify your Application Server version and elaborate more on your classloading issue I can provide you more specific answer.
Having said above I want to mention that I'm from WSO2.

WSO2 Stratos - Multi-tenant application development

I am exploring the product WSO2 stratos ,watched some of the webinar recordings. I would like to create an application and expose it as SAAS.One of the webex recordings cover this in detail , but it is not explaining the multi-tenancy on data storage. Is there any tutorial available for the same ? I would like to use shared schema for data storage. What kind of database can i use for this ( For eg: MySql,MongoDB,Cassandra etc ) Is it possible to use some frame works like Athena ? I am just trying to do a kind of POC and then i need to decide whether this platform really fits for the application that i am thinking to build
You can create databases through WSO2 Storage Server in StratosLive which can be accessed via You need to create a database and attach a user to it. Then you can access that database from your webapp (you will get a jdbc url) as you do it in normal cases. Also, you can create Cassandra keyspaces in the Storage Server. But we dont have the MongoDB support at the moment. There is no documentation on this yet.
Yes, you're right. Multi-tenant data architecture is up to the user to decide. This white paper from Microsoft explains multi-tenant data architecture nicely. The whitepaper however is written assuming you're using an RDBMS. I haven't played around with Athena so it's difficult to say how it'll map with what Stratos provides. The data architecture might be different when you're using a NoSQL DB and different DBs have different ways of filtering a set of data by a given tenant (or an ID). So probably going by the whitepaper it'll map to,
Different DBs -> Different keyspaces
Different tabeles -> Different column families
Shared schema -> Shared column family
Better to define your application characteristics before hand and then choose an appropriate DB

Best approach(es) or technolog(y/ies) for this specific problem?

I have a web-based interface for handing invoices, customer records and other transaction records which interacts currently with a database of all the aforementioned stored upon the same machine. As you can imagine, this is quite a simple set-up consisting of a web-app (PHP) and a database (MySQL). However, the ideal scenario is to keep the records on the machine they are currently on (easy) and move the web-app to another server within the same network (again, easy) ... but in addition, provide facilities on a public-facing website for managing accounts by customers and so forth. The problem is this - the public-facing web server is located in a completely separate location as it is a dedicated server provided by a well-known ISP.
What would be the best way to enable the records to be accessible from this other server whilst ensuring that all communications are secure. Speed is not a huge factor, although any outages on either side should be handled gracefully. Initially my thoughts went towards web services (XML-RPC/SOAP/Hessian), but these options seem to present difficulties (security being the main one, overcomplexity as well).
The web-app must remain PHP-based. The public-facing site is likely to be PHP-based as well, although Python (likely using Django) is another option. The introduction of any other technologies (Java etc) is not a problem, although it is preferred if they be Linux-friendly (so .NET would not be the best fit here).
Apologies if this question is somewhat verbose and vague. I am testing the water somewhat in regards to this kind of problem. Any advice or suggestions gratefully received.
I've done something similar. You can expose a web service to the internet that will do the database access, but requests to the service must match a strong hashed and salted password (which will be secured on the ISP's server in the DMZ.)
Either this or some sort of public/private key encryption scheme.
OK, this might seem a bit silly, but what if you just used mysql replication?
Instead of using all sorts of fancy web services, just have a master sql server on one machine, then have it replicate to another server that holds the slave sql server as well as the web app