Upload to Ionic Cloud with specific credentials - ionic2

I have 2 different accounts in Ionic Cloud, one is personal and the other is the professional one.
I've logged out from both of them and then I want to create a new app_id in my professional account.
So I run $ionic io init to generate the account, but the app gets created in my personal account no matter what I do.
Is there any way to specify the credentials when generating the app? Or does anybody know how to definitely log out of the account for ionic-cli?

My question was answered in the github account, so I'm posting the answer just in case finds it useful.
Just with $ionic login I can change the current account.


How to make a Gmail API app Internal without having a Google workspace account

I have developed a desktop app that uses the Gmail API to download emails from only my own Gmail account. When I try to make the app "Internal", I am told that I cannot do so, because I am not a Google workspace user. So I started the verification process and went thru the first step - the domain verification process. After this step, I received this email from api-oauth-dev-verification#google.com:
Thank you for your patience while we reviewed your project.
It looks like your app is only used by the people in your domain, so your project doesn’t need to be verified.
(Learn more about internal vs. public users).
Note: internal use and personal use are different.
Applications for Internal Use
If this is correct, please let us know by replying to this email. We'll then close your request, and you can update your project from public to internal by following these steps:
to Google Cloud Console
Select the project ID: getEmails (id: getemails-354519)
Go to OAuth Consent Screen under APIs & Services
Go to User Type
Select Make Internal
Click Save**
But every time I try to make the app internal, I am prevented from doing so with the same message "Because you are not a Google Workspace user, you can only make your app available to external users".
How do I get around this Catch-22 situation? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have developed a desktop app that uses the Gmail API to download emails from only my own Gmail account. When I try to make the app "Internal", I am told that I cannot do so, because I am not a Google workspace user.
To set an app as internal you would need to have created that app on google cloud console using a user on your google worksapce domain. You can not set an app to internal if you have created it on a standard google gmail user.
So I started the verification process and went thru the first step - the domain verification process. After this step, I received this email from api-oauth-dev-verification#google.com:
If this app is being only used by you why would you want to verify it? verification is only needed when your going to have additional users then yourself.
But every time I try to make the app internal, I am prevented from doing so with the same message "Because you are not a Google Workspace user, you can only make your app available to external users".
Again you need to login and create the app from a user on your workspace domain not on a normal gmail user.
How do I get around this Catch-22 situation? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If its single user, and you don't have a workspace domain. Don't verify it there's no need to.

Bulk delete users from Google Cloud Identity Platform

I've been googling around, reading the google cloud platform docs but can't find the answer to bulk deleting users from the Identity Platform.
We have a dev application that we use for testing. We want to remove all authenticated users and start fresh. See below the image where I multi select and get no option to delete all the users.
I've searched for gcloud cli commands to do this but with no luck, the documentation on this functionality is not well surfaced.
I would be happy with answers to:
Bulk delete through the G cloud UI
Delete ALL authenticated users through gcloud cli
Delete all users per tenant
You can make use of the Identity Toolkit API for bulk deleting users.
If you read through the Admin APIs guide for Identity Platform on Google Cloud, you will also notice that they recommend using the Admin APIs for user management.
What you are looking for is:
projects.accounts.lookup for looking up all users (or projects.tenants.accounts.lookup if you want to look up for a specific tenant).
projects.accounts.bachDelete for bulk-deleting users in your project (or projects.tenants.accounts.batchDelete if you want to target a specific tenant).

Google Cloud API Services Oauth with a Testing App

I have a small personal-use only app that logs into a [throw away] gmail account to pull out an auth-token so it can then run a scheduled job (turning on/off my home cameras). Its dead simple and works, except that the app is in GCP TEST mode and it looks like the gmail auth expires in 7 days.
I highly doubt based on the below requirements that I can promote the app, and I dont want to publish it regardless. I tried GCP Support and wound up here. Im sure Im not the only person that has dealt with the 7 day expiration on a personal project. Any ideas?
If you check the documentation for oauth2#expiration
A Google Cloud Platform project with an OAuth consent screen configured for an external user type and a publishing status of "Testing" is issued a refresh token expiring in 7 days.
The key hear is setting your project into production.
What you are showing in that image are requirements for application verification. You shouldn't have to go though verification for a single user app.
Try just setting it to prodcution and then wait a week and see if it still expires. It shouldn't
I highly doubt based on the below requirements
Unfortunately with the new security restrictions. I wouldn't doubt anything these days. They keep changing the rules.

Find the owner of an existing project number

A long time ago a former colleague created a project in the Google Cloud Platform to access Google Analytics from a third party BI tool. I want to make adjustments to this project but currently no one knows who this person was or what E-Mail / user account he or she used.
Is it possible to retrieve the user from a Google Cloud project number or a Google service account (.....#developer.gserviceaccount.com) or is there any other way I may have missed to find out who that user was?
Thank you.
There is no way to find the project number that was used to create the service account. Even if you could there would be no way of finding out which user account it is that owns it.
You will need to crate a new project with a new service account.

Admin SDK for multiple google apps accounts

My team is trying to develop a product for the google apps marketplace and I am having issues with the workflow in the new ADMIN SDK.
With the now deprecated Provisioning API we simply ask for a username and password from the account we are trying to manage.
With the ADMIN SDK it seems as though they would need to go enable the API, create a key and do a lot of manual work for this to happen. This really is a tough option for us as the technical level of our clients is not likely to be able to make this transition.
Is there something like the work flow for the provisioning API where they can enable management from a third party or a recommended workflow for a developer to build an application that can access any number of google apps accounts?
A use case for this is say I want to develop a different option for a console, I want to build a console web app and simply ask for credentials or easy setup routine and allow our users to manage their google apps account in a different way.
Thanks in advance,
The Admin SDK Directory and Reports APIs work correctly with 2-legged OAuth 1.0a which is what the Google Apps Marketplace currently supports and automates. You do need to turn the Admin SDK on under "Register for additional APIs" from your Vendor Profile page on the marketplace. Also, the Administrative APIs for the domain must be turned on. You'll get a generic error that the domain cannot use the APIs if it's off in which case you can direct the client to the exact CPanel page where they can turn it on.