Strange behavior while calling properties from REFPROP FORTRAN files - fortran

I am trying to use REFPROPs HSFLSH subroutine to compute properties for steam.
When the same state property is calculated over multiple iterations
(fixed enthalpy and entropy (Enthalpy = 50000 J/mol & Entropy = 125 J/mol),
the time taken to compute using HSFLSH after every 4th/5th iteration increases to about 0.15 ms against negligible amount of time for other iterations. This is turning problematic because my program places call to this subroutine over several thousand times. Thus leading to abnormally huge program run times.
The program used to generate the above log is here:
C refprop check
program time_check
dimension x(ncmax)
real hkj,skj
character hrf*3, herr*255
character*255 hf(ncmax),hfmix
nc=1 !Number of components
hf(1)='water.fld' !Fluid name
hfmix='hmx.bnc' !Mixture file name
hrf='DEF' !Reference state (DEF means default)
call setup(nc,hf,hfmix,hrf,ierr,herr)
if ( write (*,*) herr
call INFO(1,wm,ttp,tnbp,tc,pc,dc,zc,acf,dip,rgas)
write(*,*) 'Mol weight ', wm
h = 50000.0
s = 125.0
x(I) = 0
C ******************************************************
C ******************************************************
do I=1,100
call cpu_time(tstrt)
CALL HSFLSH(h,s,x,T_TEMP,P_TEMP,RHO_TEMP,dl,dv,xliq,xvap,
& cv,cp,VS_TEMP,ierr,herr)
call cpu_time(tstop)
write(*,*),I,' time taken to run hsflsh routine= ',tstop - tstrt
end do
(of course you will need the FORTRAN FILES, which unfortunately I cannot share since REFPROP isn't open source)
Can someone help me figure out why is this happening.?
P.S : The above code was compiled using gfortran -fdefault-real-8
I tried using system_clock to time my computations as suggested by #Ross below. The results are uniform across the loop (image below). I will have to find alternate ways to improve computation speed I guess (Sigh!)

I don't have a concrete answer, but this sort of behaviour looks like what I would expect if all calls really took around 3 ms, but your call to CPU_TIME doesn't register anything below around 15 ms. Do you see any output with time taken less than, say 10 ms? Of particular interest to me is the approximately even spacing between calls that return nonzero time - it's about even at 5.
CPU timing can be a tricky business. I recommended in a comment that you try system_clock, which can be higher precision than CPU_TIME. You said it doesn't work, but I'm unconvinced. Did you pass a long integer to system_clock? What was the count_rate for your system? Were all the times still either 15 or 0 ms?


Retrospectively closing a NetCDF file created with Fortran

I'm running a distributed model stripped to its bare minimum below:
integer, parameter :: &
nx = 1200,& ! Number of columns in grid
ny = 1200,& ! Number of rows in grid
nt = 6000 ! Number of timesteps
integer :: it ! Loop counter
real :: var1(nx,ny), var2(nx,ny), var3(nx,ny), etc(nx,ny)
! Create netcdf to write model output
call check( nf90_create(path="",cmode=nf90_clobber, ncid=nc_out_id) )
! Loop over time
do it = 1,nt
! Calculate a lot of variables
! Write some variables in at each timestep
CALL check( nf90_put_var(ncid=nc_out_id, varid=var1_varid, values=var1, &
start = (/ 1, 1, it /), count = (/ nx, ny, 1 /)) )
! Close the netcdf otherwise it is not readable:
if (it == nt) call check( nf90_close(nc_out_id) )
I'm in the development stage of the model so, it inevitably crashes at unexpected points (usually at the Calculate a lot of variables stage), which means that, if the model crashes at timestep it =3000, 2999 timesteps will be written to the netcdf output file, but I will not be able to read the file because the file has not been closed. Still, the data have been written: I currently have a 2GB file that I can't read. When I ncdump the file it shows
netcdf {
x = 1400 ;
y = 1200 ;
time = UNLIMITED ; // (0 currently)
float var1 (time, y, x) ;
My questions are: (1) Is there a way to close the file retrospectively, even outside Fortran, to be able to read the data that have already been written? (2) Alternatively, is there another way to write the file in Fortran that would make the file readable even without closing it?
When nf90_close is called, buffered output is written to disk and the file ID is relinquished so it can be reused. The problem is most likely due to buffered output not having been written to the disk when the program terminates due to a crash, meaning that only the changes you made in "define mode" are present in the file (as shown by ncdump).
You therefore need to force the data to be written to the disk more often. There are three ways of doing this (as far as I am aware).
nf90_sync - which synchronises the buffered data to disk when called. This gives you the most control over when to output data (every loop step, or every n loop steps, for example), which can allow you to optimize for speed vs robustness, but introduces more programming and checking overhead for you.
Thanks to #RussF for this idea. Creating or opening the file using the nf90_share flag. This is the recommended approach if the netCDF file is intended to be used by multiple readers/writers simultaneously. It is essentially the same as an automatic implementation of nf90_sync for writing data. It gives less control, but also less programming overhead. Note that:
This only applies to netCDF-3 classic or 64-bit offset files.
Finally, an option I wouldn't recommend, but am including for completeness (and I guess there may be situations where this is the best option, although none spring to mind) - closing and reopening the file. I don't recommend this, because it will slow down your program, and adds greater possibility of causing errors.

FIO runtime different than gettimeofday()

I am trying to measure the execution time of FIO benchmark. I am, currently, doing so wrapping the FIO call between gettimeofday():
gettimeofday(&startFioFix, NULL);
FILE* process = popen("fio --name=randwrite --ioengine=posixaio rw=randwrite --size=100M --direct=1 --thread=1 --bs=4K", "r");
gettimeofday(&doneFioFix, NULL);
and calculate the elapsed time as:
double tstart = startFioFix.tv_sec + startFioFix.tv_usec / 1000000.;
double tend = doneFioFix.tv_sec + doneFioFix.tv_usec / 1000000.;
double telapsed = (tend - tstart);
Now, the question(s) is
telapsed time is different (larger) than the runt by FIO output. Can you please help me in understanding Why? as the fact can be seen in FIO output:
randwrite: (g=0): rw=randwrite, bs=4K-4K/4K-4K/4K-4K, ioengine=posixaio, iodepth=1
Starting 1 thread
randwrite: (groupid=0, jobs=1): err= 0: pid=3862: Tue Nov 1 18:07:50 2016
write: io=102400KB, bw=91674KB/s, iops=22918, runt= 1117msec
and the telapsed is:
telapsed: 1.76088 seconds
what is the actual time taken by FIO execution:
a) runt given by FIO, or
b) the elapsed time by getttimeofday()
How does FIO measure its runt? (probably, this question linked to 1.)
PS: I have tried to replace the gettimeofday(with std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now()), but it also behaves the same (by same, I mean it also gives larger elapsed time than runt)
Thank you in advance, for your time and assistance.
A quick point:gettimeofday() on Linux uses a clock that doesn't necessarily tick at a constant interval and can even move backwards (see and ) - this may make telapsed unreliable (or even negative).
Your gettimeofday/popen/gettimeofday measurement (telapsed) is going to be: the fio process start up (i.e. fork+exec on Linux) elapsed + fio initialisation (e.g. thread creation because I see --thread, ioengine initialisation) + fio job elapsed (runt) + fio stopping elapsed + process stop elapsed). You are comparing this to just runt which is a sub component of telapsed. It is unlikely all the non-runt components are going to happen instantly (i.e. take up 0 usecs) so the expectation is that runt will be smaller than telapsed. Try running fio with --debug=all just to see all the things it does in addition to actually submitting I/O for the job.
This is difficult to answer because it depends on what you want you mean when you say "fio execution" and why (i.e. the question is hard to interpret in an unambiguous way). Are you interested in how long fio actually spent trying to submit I/O for a given job (runt)? Are you interested in how long it takes your system to start/stop a new process that just so happens to try and submit I/O for a given period (telapsed)? Are you interested in how much CPU time was spent submitting I/O (none of the above)? So because I'm confused I'll ask you some questions instead: what are you going to use the result for and why?
Why not look at the source code? shows runt comes from ts->runtime[ddir]. You can see it is initialised by a call to set_epoch_time() ( ), is updated by update_runtime() ( ) which is called from thread_main().

Run part of program inside Fortran code for a limited time

I wanted to run a code (or an external executable) for a specified amount of time. For example, in Fortran I can
call system('./run')
Is there a way I can restrict its run to let's say 10 seconds, for example as follows
call system('./run', 10)
I want to do it from inside the Fortran code, example above is for system command, but I want to do it also for some other subroutines of my code. for example,
call performComputation(10)
where performComputation will be able to run only for 10 seconds. The system it will run on is Linux.
Ah, I see - you want to call a part of the current program a limited time. I see a number of options for that...
Option 1
Modify the subroutines you want to run for a limited time so they take an additional parameter, which is the number of seconds they may run. Then modify the subroutine to get the system time at the start, and then in their processing loop get the time again and break out of the loop and return to the caller if the time difference exceeds the maximum allowed number of seconds.
On the downside, this requires you to change every subroutine. It will exit the subroutine cleanly though.
Option 2
Take advantage of a threading library - e.g. pthreads. When you want to call a subroutine with a timeout, create a new thread that runs alongside your main program in parallel and execute the subroutine inside that thread of execution. Then in your main program, sleep for 10 seconds and then kill the thread that is running your subroutine.
This is quite easy and doesn't require changes to all your subroutines. It is not that elegant in that it chops the legs off your subroutine at some random point, maybe when it is least expecting it.
Imagine time running down the page in the following example, and the main program actions are on the left and the subroutine actions are on the right.
... something ..
... something ...
f_pthread_create(,,,YOUR_SUB,) start processing
sleep(10) ... calculate ...
... calculate ...
... calculate ...
... something ..
... something ...
Option 3
Abstract out the subroutines you want to call and place them into their own separate executables, then proceed as per my original answer below.
Whichever option you choose, you are going to have to think about how you get the results from the subroutine you are calling - will it store them in a file? Does the main program need to access them? Are they in global variables? The reason is that if you are going to follow options 2 or 3, there will not be a return value from the subroutine.
Original Answer
If you don't have timeout, you can do
call system('./run & sleep 10; kill $!')
Yes there is a way. take a look at the linux command timeout
# run command for 10 seconds and then send it SIGTERM kill message
# if not finished.
call system('timeout 10 ./run')
# finishes in 10 seconds with a return code of 0 to indicate success.
sleep 10
# finishes in 1 second with a return code of `124` to indicate timed out.
timeout 1 sleep 10
You can also choose the type of kill signal you want to send by specifying the -s parameter. See man timeout for more info.

in depth explanation of the side effects interface in clojure overtone generators

I an new to overtone/supercollider. I know how sound forms physically. However I don't understand the magic inside overtone's sound generating functions.
Let's say I have a basic sound:
(definst sin-wave [freq 440 attack 0.01 sustain 0.4 release 0.1 vol 0.4]
(* (env-gen (lin-env attack sustain release) 1 1 0 1 FREE)
(+ (sin-osc freq)
(sin-osc (* freq 2))
(sin-osc (* freq 4)))
I understand the ASR cycle of sound envelope, sin wave, frequency, volume here. They describe the amplitude of the sound over time. What I don't understand is the time. Since time is absent from the input of all functions here, how do I control stuffs like echo and other cool effects into the thing?
If I am to write my own sin-osc function, how do I specify the amplitude of my sound at specific time point? Let's say my sin-osc has to set that at 1/4 of the cycle the output reaches the peak of amplitude 1.0, what is the interface that I can code with to control it?
Without knowing this, all sound synth generators in overtone doesn't make sense to me and they look like strange functions with unknown side-effects.
Overtone does not specify the individual samples or shapes over time for each signal, it is really just an interface to the supercollider server (which defines a protocol for interaction, of which the supercollider language is the canonical client to this server, and overtone is another). For that reason, all overtone is doing behind the scenes is sending signals for how to construct a synth graph to the supercollider server. The supercollider server is the thing that is actually calculating what samples get sent to the dac, based on the definitions of the synths that are playing at any given time. That is why you are given primitive synth elements like sine oscillators and square waves and filters: these are invoked on the server to actually calculate the samples.
I got an answer from droidcore at #supercollider/Freenode IRC
d: time is really like wallclock time, it's just going by
d: the ugen knows how long each sample takes in terms of milliseconds, so it knows how much to advance its notion of time
d: so in an adsr, when you say you want an attack time of 1.0 seconds, it knows that it needs to take 44100 samples (say) to get there
d: the sampling rate is fixed and is global. it's set when you start the synthesis process
d: yeah well that's like doing a lookup in a sine wave table
d: they'll just repeatedly look up the next value in a table that
represents one cycle of the wave, and then just circle around to
the beginning when they get to the end
d: you can't really do sample-by sample logic from the SC side
d: Chuck will do that, though, if you want to experiment with it
d: time is global and it's implicit it's available to all the oscillators all the time
but internally it's not really like it's a closed form, where you say "give me the sample for this time value"
d: you say "time has advanced 5 microseconds. give me the new value"
d: it's more like a stream
d: you don't need to have random access to the oscillators values, just the next one in time sequence

Timing commands in cpp project (windows)

I hope someone could help me with this (And english is not my native language so I'm sorry in advance for any grammar or spelling mistakes):
As part of a project I'm coding, I need to time some commands. More specifically: I have 2 sets of commands (Lets call them set A and set B) - I need to to execute set A, then wait for a specific number of milliseconds (calculated in set A), then execute set B. I did it using the Sleep(time) command between the sets.
Now, I need to incorporate another set of commands (Set C) that will run in a loop in the time between the sets A and B instead of simply doing nothing. Meaning, instead of the time the program was idle before (waiting the specified number of milliseconds) I need it to loop the C set - but the catch is that it has to loop C exactly the same time it would have waited in the idle time.
How can I do this without using threads? (And generally keep it as simple as possible)
I guess the "work-time" for the set of commands in C is known. And C is a loop which can/shall finish when the wait time has expired.
In this case I'd suggest to use a performance counter to count down the wait time. Depending on what is calculated and what overhaed is introduced in C the accuracy to obtain can be in the microseconds range.
Pseudo code:
Delay = 1000
Do A
CounterBegin = GetCounter()
// and now the C loop
while ((GetCounter() - CounterBegin) < Delay) {
Do C
Do B
Note: The counter values are to be converted into times by using the counter frequency. See the link above to get the details.