What is the return value of the given function on encountering an exception? - c++

checkUsername() checks the username's length, and returns true when length is greater than or equal to 5. Otherwise it returns false.
The function checkUsername() should return false on BadLengthException(), but it doesn't seem to appear as none of the code within checkUsername() and BadLengthException::what() returns false. But still the program is working fine when it encounters a username of length less than 5. What's going on here? How is the return value passed false?
class BadLengthException: public exception{
int n;
BadLengthException(int x) { n=x; };
virtual int what() throw() {
return n;
This function checks the username's length,
and returns true when length is greater than or equal to 5.
Otherwise it returns false.
bool checkUsername(string username) {
bool isValid = true;
int n = username.length();
if(n < 5) {
throw BadLengthException(n); //the problem
for(int i = 0; i < n-1; i++) {
if(username[i] == 'w' && username[i+1] == 'w') {
isValid = false;
return isValid;
int main() {
int T; cin >> T;
while(T--) {
string username;
cin >> username;
try {
bool isValid = checkUsername(username);
if(isValid) {
cout << "Valid" << '\n';
} else {
cout << "Invalid" << '\n';
} catch (BadLengthException e) {
cout << "Too short: " << e.what() << '\n';
return 0;

A function can either return a value or throw an exception, it can't do both, they're mutually exclusive. If it successfully returns a value that means the code didn't throw an exception, and if an exception was thrown then it means it didn't make it to the point of returning a value.
Further to that, capturing the return value is also interrupted, the code jumps right to the catch block you've defined. It's like a hard goto in concept, if you ignore things like automatic object destruction and finally type implementations which will happen in the process of an exception bubbling up.

When the exception is thrown in checkUsername(), it stops processing in that function and returns to the calling function which is main(). Because the call was made in a try block the exception is handled by the catch block.
The if() statement is completely ignored and the catch doesn't care about what happened in that function and just prints "Too short: "


What is the problem with this boolean function?

I was wondering what I may have done wrong in writing this simple function which is supposed to return true if the given number is a prime, or false if not a prime.
bool isPrime(int num)
if (num <= 1)
status = false;
for (int i = 1; i <= num; i++)
if (num % i == 0)
if (dividers == 2)
status = true;
status = false;
return status;
Obviously, my main looks like this:
bool isPrime(int num);
bool status;
int dividers = 0;
int main() {
if (!isPrime)
std::cout << "Not prime" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Prime" << std::endl;
return 0;
I'm a C++ beginner and I'd really appreciate it if someone could help me there and correct my logic.
Have a good day:)
The immediate problem is in this two lines:
if (!isPrime)
The first line calls the function and discards the returned value. The second line converts a pointer to the function to bool. The output of your code does not depend on what you actually do in isPrime.
That is not how you call a function and use its result!
Instead you want
if (isPrime(2)) {
bool isP = isPrime(2);
if (isP) { ...
As mentioned in comments, there are also problems in the implementation of isPrime, but I hope this is enough to set you back on the right track.
PS: You should get rid of the global variable status. You do not need both, the return value and a global that stores the result, and if you can choose, you should definitely go for the return value.

C++ catch error and exit the function

I use try{} catch(){} to handle errors in a function which return a template type.
T get (int iOffset) const
try {
catch (char const* msg) {
std::cout << msg << std::endl;
int index = (m_iReadIdx + iOffset) % m_iBuffLength;
float a = m_ptBuff[index];
return a;
The function would first call checkIndex to check whether the input is out of range and throw an error if so.
However, I don't want the outside get return any value if checkIndex throws an error, because the returned value may be used by other functions or printed out incorrectly. If I put a return in the catch block, I don't know what to return since it's a template. If I don't, the codes following the catch block will still get executed and therefore return a value.
Is there any way to do that? I'm new to C++ and wondering how people usually do the error handling in this condition? THanks!
However, I don't want the outside get return any value if checkIndex throws an error, because the returned value may be used by other functions or printed out incorrectly.
You can always re-throw the exception after logging
T get (int iOffset) const
try {
catch (char const* msg) {
std::cout << msg << std::endl;
throw; // Just re-throw the exception
int index = (m_iReadIdx + iOffset) % m_iBuffLength;
float a = m_ptBuff[index];
return a;
You can also use optional for this situation. One of idea of this construct was to indicate that value cannot be set correctly because of some mistakes.
std::optional< T > get (int iOffset ) const
try {
catch (char const* msg) {
std::cout << msg << std::endl;
return std::optional< T >();
int index = (m_iReadIdx + iOffset) % m_iBuffLength;
float a = m_ptBuff[index];
return return std::optional< T >( a );
Using of such function can look like this:
auto result = get( someOffset );
if( result )
// correct, processing result
One of the easiest way is first to decide: What exactly should your get() return if it cannot return the 'proper' value?
In many cases it is just 0, or -1, or some other special value.
And then the code become very simple:
T get (int iOffset) const
T a;
try {
int index = (m_iReadIdx + iOffset) % m_iBuffLength;
a = m_ptBuff[index];
catch (char const* msg) {
a = special_value_for_errors;
std::cout << msg << std::endl;
return a;

Adding pairs to a vector C++

So, I'm attempting to add pairs to a vector, but they must successfully pass 2 criteria:
Their weight or 2nd value is greater than or equal to zero. and throws a string error if it does.
The vector must not already contain the key or the first value
It specifically must be done while the function returns a void type, however for some reason, this logic doesn't seem to be working. Any suggestions?
void add(KEY_T key, WEIGHT_T weight)
bool contains = false;
if (weight < 0)
std::cout << "ERROR, invalid weight" << std::endl; //Throw error.
for (int x = 0; x < _valueToWeightMap.size(); x++)
if (_valueToWeightMap[x].first == key)
contains = true;
if (weight > 0 && contains == false)
_valueToWeightMap.push_back(std::make_pair(key, weight));
Here is the main:
int main()
DiscreteDistribution<std::string> dist1;
dist1.add("Helmet", -1);
dist1.add("Gloves", 5);
dist1.add("Gloves", 5);
dist1.add("cloud", 8);
For some reason, I'm not getting an error when I try to add Helmet as -1. Any suggestions?
This line:
std::cout << "ERROR, invalid weight" << std::endl; //Throw error.
does not do what the comment says (throw an error). This line:
throw "ERROR, invalid weight"; //Throw error.
does. However, I strongly recommend that you only ever throw exceptions derived from std::exception. This:
throw std::range_error("ERROR, invalid weight"); //Throw error.
is much better.

Searching a vector of object pointers

I have a Player class where each object of the type Class has a name, wins, losses, and draws. Each object of the Player class is created by calling the_player = new Player(the_name). When the user inputs a new name to add a Player object to the program a pointer is pushed into a vector AllPlayers. The program should check before pushing the new pointer that the desired player does not already exist in said vector. I have to do this check several times throughout my program so I thought I'd write a function for it. Here is my function:
int findPlayer(vector<Player*> &vals, string name_in)
for (int i = 0; i < vals.size(); i++){
if (vals[i]->getName() == name_in){
cout << vals[i]->toString() << endl;
return i;
return -1;
When the option is requested to add a new Player the following code is used:
do {
cout << "Name: ";
cin >> the_name;
if (findPlayer(AllPlayers, the_name) != -1){
cerr << "Player already exists\n";
} while (findPlayer(AllPlayers, the_name) != -1);
the_player = new Player(the_name);
For some reason, though, every time I try to add a new player it throws "Player already exists" and never leaves the do-while loop. This is even true when the AllPlayers vector is empty. I added a cout << findPlayer(AllPlayers, the_name) for debugging and it printed 4192252 which I assume is the largest element possible in a vector.
So the question is: Why does it return 4192252 rather than -1?
If vals is empty then the for loop is never entered and the function exits without hitting a return statement. Meaning that you get a random value returned instead, in this case 4192252 happens to be in the return register. Your compiler warnings will have told you this if you read them.
What you think, what will be returned from findPlayer if vals is empty?
Is it defined?
If the vector is empty, you don't enter the loop at all, so don't reach a return statement and don't return a valid value. You should enable compiler warnings to catch this error.
Otherwise, you only check the first item, and return immediately whether or not it matched. You want to return if you find a match, but keep looking otherwise, and only return -1 if there is no match:
for (int i = 0; i < vals.size(); i++){
if (vals[i]->getName() == name_in){
cout << vals[i]->toString() << endl;
return i;
return -1;
The find player function should be something like:
int findPlayer(vector<Player*> &vals, string name_in)
if(vals.size() == 0)
return -1;
for (int i = 0; i < vals.size(); i++){
if (vals[i]->getName() == name_in){
cout << vals[i]->toString() << endl;
return i;
return -1;
Rewrite the function the following way
bool findPlayer( const std::vector<Player*> &vals, const std::string &name_in )
std::vector<Player*>::size_tyoe i = 0;
while ( i < vals.size() && vals[i]->getName() != name_in ) ++i;
return i != vals.size();
Take into account that member function getName has to be defined with qualifier const.
As for your function then it returns nothing in case when the vector is empty or returns -1 in case when the first element of the vector does not coincide with the string.
Take into account that there is standard algorithm std::find_if declared in header <algorithm> that can be used instead of your function.

return statements when doing Extract Method

Let's say you have a very long method, like this:
int monster()
int rc = 0;
// some statements ...
if (dragonSlayer.on_vacation()) {
cout << "We are screwed!\n";
if (callTheKing() == true)
return 1;
return 2;
} else {
cout << "We are saved!\n";
// rest of long method...
return rc;
and I'm working on skeletonizing the code. I want to extract the dragon slaying part to
int handleDragon() {
if (dragonSlayer.on_vacation()) {
cout << "We are screwed!\n";
if (callTheKing() == true)
return 1;
return 2;
} else {
cout << "We are saved!\n";
return 0; // ?
and replace the code in monster() with a call to handleDragon().
But there is a problem. There is a return statement in the middle of that part. If I keep the part where the return code of handleDragon() is handled, it will keep the litter in the big method.
Besides using exceptions, is there an elegant and safe way to refactor this piece of code out of the monster method? How should these types of situations be handled?
Return 0 from the handleDragon method if the dragon slayer is available:
int handleDragon() {
if (dragonSlayer.on_vacation()) {
cout << "We are screwed!\n";
if (callTheKing() == true)
return 1;
return 2;
} else {
cout << "We are saved!\n";
return 0;
Then back in the monster method, if the return value was greater than zero, return that value, otherwise carry on:
// some statements ...
int handleDragonResult = handleDragon();
if (handleDragonResult > 0) {
return handleDragonResult;
// rest of long method...
You should also document the handleDragon method, to explain the value that gets returned.
enum DragonHandled { DHSuccess, DHKing, DHNoKing };
inline DragonHandled askForKing()
if (callTheKing())
return DHKing;
return DHNoKing;
DragonHandled handleDragon()
if (dragonSlayer.on_vacation()) {
cout << "We are screwed!\n";
return askForKing();
cout << "We are saved!\n";
return DHSuccess;
int monster()
DragonHandled handled = handleDragon();
if( handled != DHSuccess )
return handled; // enum to int is an implicit cast
return more_statements(...);
Except for a function that returns an actual signed number, I would not return int. If the result has a meaning, define that meaning properly (that is: an enum).
A function does something, and whatever it does, should be visible in its name. So there should be a verb in a function's name (handledragon(), callTheKing()). monsters isn't a verb, it isn't something you can do. If I see an identifier monsters, I'd think it's a container for monsters.
Checking if(x == true) is just useless noise, since if(x) is terser, simpler and just as true.
Couldn't you do this:
int handleDragon() {
int rc = 0;
if (dragonSlayer.on_vacation()) {
cout << "We are screwed!\n";
if (callTheKing() == true)
rc = 1;
rc = 2;
} else {
cout << "We are saved!\n";
return rc;
and then:
int monster()
int rc = 0;
// some statements ...
rc = handleDragon();
// rest of long method...
return rc;
or if you want to do something with the return code:
int monster()
int rc = 0;
// some statements ...
int handleDragonReturnCode = handleDragon();
if(handleDragonReturnCode == 0) {
// do something
else {
// do something else
// rest of long method...
return rc;
Is this what you want? On a general note, avoid using magic numbers like 1 and 2 for your return codes. Use constants, #define, or enum.
Concerning return, try to have one exit point from your function. As you have found out, having multiple return statements can make refactoring hard (as well as understanding the logic unless it's really simply).
The question was about the strategy so I think the answer by Richard Fearn is a good one.
To make it into a refactoring pattern it would look something like:
Context: A section in the middle of a larger method is to be extracted.
Problem: The section contains return statements.
Extract the code to a new method returning the same type as the larger method.
Find a value of that type that does not mean anything. Call that value CONTINUE.
Add a statement at the end of the new method that returns CONTINUE.
In the larger method test the return value from the new method for CONTINUE. If it is not then return that value.
This would be the principal approach. As the next step you could refactor the return values from the new method to something more meaningful (like in the answer from sbi). And you'd have to find a way to handle the case where the return type isn't a scalar or simple type, returning a NULL object or some such.