How to use variable this way c++ - c++

Im making a c++ program wherein there are multiple variables for example:
var1, var2, var3, var4;
i want to use it for a for loop like:
for(int x; x<=5; x++){
if(var1==1){cout << "hi";}
But instead of typing var1 i want to make it var"x" where x is equal to 1.
I remember from my batch programming days(not exact) i can use this like:
set x=1
echo var%x%
then the output will be var1.

You can do this, using macros, but I really don't think it is a good idea. Why not use arrays instead? With arrays you can reference the index you want, so instead of var1, var2, var3, ... it will be var[0], var[1], var[2], ... Much more C++ like, anyway.
When using arrays, I would even recommend thinking in one of the container classes C++ offers, such as std::vector, or std::array. To have a simple array of integer variables in a vector, simply declare one such as: std::vector<int> intVec, to extract a specific element use the at function, such as which will extract the first element. Really use, almost any other approach, than macros.
Having said that, to do it in a macro you would need to make a macro like this:
#define var(x) var##x
var(1) = 2; // resolves to var1 = 2;
Macros are compile time however, so using them in a loop, by passing a variable to it, will not work the way you would expect. So calling int x = 1; var(x) = 2; would not set var1 to 2, but rather attempt to set varx to 2.
The macro solution comes with a number of disadvantages, one is making your less readable, another is making your code more error prone, and lastly, why stir away from the "C++ way"?

You can make use of command line arguments while invoking your program executable.
prog.exe 3 4 1 6
This way your program will receive 5 command line arguments, the first being the program name itself.
The code will look something like this:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// For the above example, argc = 5
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
// make use of argv[i]
This may not be exactly what you want to do, but confirms to your idea of multiple variables var1 i.e. argv[1]

It is possible to this in many script programming but unfortunately no direct support is available in C++.
Some ways around are use of arrays (if possible) or an array of pointers to actual variables.
int vars[5] = {...};
for(int x = 0; x < 5; x++){
if(var[x]==1){cout << "hi";}
int var0 = 2, var1 = 42, var2 = 7;
int *const pvars[] = {&var0, &var1, &var2};
for(int x = 0; x < 3; x++) {
if(*(pvars[x]) == 1)
cout << "hi";
or as mentioned in this comment
int var0 = 2, var1 = 42, var2 = 7;
for(auto &var = {var0, var1, var2}) {
if(var == 1)
cout << "hi";


Preprocessor directive to simulate a notation

In C++, is there a methodology by means of the preprocessor to substitute for a variable name followed by an index number by: its name followed by '[' followed by the index number, followed by ']'?
As an example, if I write:
int main(void)
int var[64];
var0 = 0;
var1 = 1;
var2 = 2; // etc...
return 0;
int main(void)
int var[64];
var[0] = 0;
var[1] = 1;
var[2] = 2; // etc...
return 0;
#define is going to be the closest you can get.
#define var0 var[0]
#define var1 var[1]
However, it should be noted if you're going to use the above, you may as well just do it manually in the first place, since you're typing everything out anyway.
No. Thanks to language creators! There is no way to make syntax analysis (string parsing) inside macro definition.
It would be the real hell to read such programs.

Commands with Variables in ROOT

I am trying to create a simple loop that calls data from sequential channels. I have channels numbered 1-8 (named qL1 - qL8) and need to call the qL*->Draw(); command for all of them.
Is there a way to use a loop to continually update the number in the command? I believe the equivalent code in a c shell would be:
for {set i 1} {$i <= 8} {incr i} {
As stated in the title, I am trying to write a macro for ROOT. Thanks.
put everything into an array/vector
well, you can fill your channels (I assume TH1 here, but it should work similarly for TGraph, TTree, etc) into an array/vector first, since they are pointers anyhow:
TH1* qL[9]; // nine elements to have indices matching
qL[1] = qL1;
qL[2] = qL2;
qL[3] = qL3;
qL[4] = qL4;
qL[5] = qL5;
qL[6] = qL6;
qL[7] = qL7;
qL[8] = qL8;
for (int i = 1 ; i <= 8 ; i++) { qL[i]->Draw() ; }
though that probably doesn't gain you much.
use ROOT's directory mechanism and use string manipulation
What might be better suited is to work with root's directory management (if you anyhow get your channels from an input file, that should be a straight forward solution):
for (int i = 1 ; i <= 8 ; i++) {
TH1* localhist = (TH1*) gDirectory->Get(Form("qL%d",i));
Here, Form(...) is a cstring and the syntax for Form is the same as for printf (google is your friend). And Get looks for an object of which the name is the cstring provided. (be aware of the room for confusion in TH1* variablename = new TH1F( NAME, TITLE , ...), what matters is the NAME and not the variablename)
preprocessor macros
you can use a preprocessor (e.g. boost) to concatenate the string part (qL) of your variable with a number and use this in a preprocessor macro which takes the number as argument.
#include <boost/preprocessor/cat.hpp>
#define qL(i) BOOST_PP_CAT(qL, i)
TH1* qL1 = new TH1F("test","test",1,0,1);
The problem with this is, that the argument must be known at compile time, if you put this in a for loop, you'll get errors because qLi is not known.
Which can be done in preprocessor, though not sure if this will greatly work out on the long run
#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/repeat_from_to.hpp>
#define HHHHH(z,n,zz) BOOST_PP_CAT(qL, n) zz
No. If only your channels names were an array, e.g. qL[N], where N=0, 1, ..., 7, that would be possible with something like
for (Int_t i=0; i<8; i++)

Acessing/Adressing variables with strings and int in Arduino

There's already a question about adressing variables with strings in Arduino, but the answers given didn't apply to my problem.
I have multiple sensors (around 14 and the number might increase) connected to my Arduino, I also have relays, engines and RFIDs. I'm creating a function that checks if all of the sensors are active.
The idea is basically this:
#define Sensor_1 2
#define Sensor_2 3
#define Sensor_3 4
#define Sensor_4 5
#define Sensor_5 6
int checkSensors(){
int all_active = 0;
int num_sens = 5;
int n;
int active_sens = 0;
for(n= 1; n <= num_sens; n++) {
if( !digitalRead("Sensor_" + n)) {
active_sens= active_sens+ 1;
else {
all_active = 0;
return ( all_active);
if(active_sens== num_sens) {
all_active = 1;
The problem is: I want to address the variable Sensor_n, but I can't find out a way to do it. The error message I get is referring to the digitalRead("Sensor_" + n ) command.
error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'uint8_t {aka unsigned char}' [-fpermissive]
I already tried to use "Sensor_" in a String = "Sensor_", I've tried to force a typecast to uint8_t, but the error message says that it loses precision.
I also tried the .toCharArray command, but it failed as well.
Is there a way to access a variable through a string + int?
I'm more familiar with the "loose" variables in PHP, so this is giving me a lot of trouble.
There are a few issues with your code. First you can't get the value of a variable or a define by dynamically using a string that is the name of the variable. It doesn't work that way in C. The easiest approach is to use an array and then just index through it. To make this work well I've changed the for loop to count from 0 since the array is indexed starting at 0. I changed the all_active logic assuming that at some point later you are going to want to know how many sensors are active instead of just whether they are all active or not. If you don't want that, then your logic is also more complicated than needed. It could just return 1 at the end of the for loop since all must have passed the test to get there.
#define Sensor_1 2
#define Sensor_2 3
#define Sensor_3 4
#define Sensor_4 5
#define Sensor_5 6
int sensors[] = {Sensor_1, Sensor_2, Sensor_3, Sensor_4, Sensor_5};
int checkSensors(){
int all_active = 1;
int num_sens = 5;
int n;
int active_sens = 0;
for(n= 0; n < num_sens; n++){
if( !digitalRead(sensors[n])){
active_sens= active_sens+ 1;
else {
all_active = 0;
return all_active;
In C this line will not work
if( !digitalRead("Sensor_" + n))
you cannot build a string like this in C. Since you didn't post the function digitalRead() I presume it takes a char* type, here a string, which in C you could build like this
char senstr[50];
sprintf(senstr, "Sensor_%d", n);
if (!digitalRead(senstr)) { ...
As a side issue, please get used to iterating loops from 0. You add 1 to interface with humans.

Iteration to create variables

I was just curious to know if there is way to create a new variable with a new name every time a loop is executed.
For example:
#include <iostream>
int main()
for (int x = 1 ; x<=5 ; x++)
int a_x;
return 0;
5 new variables should be created with names a_1, a_2, ..., a_5
The above code just shows what I am looking for and is not the answer.
Is this possible without using arrays?
No, there is no way to do what you've outlined (directly). Here are several possible alternatives:
First off, if you do not need the "variables" to be accessible outside the loop, just use a normal local variable:
for (int x = 1; x <= 5; ++x) {
int a = whatever; // This will be freshly redeclared & reinitialised in each iteration
If the bounds of the iteration are known at compile time, you can use an array:
std::array<int, 5> a;
for (int x = 0; x < a.size(); ++x) {
If the bounds are only known at runtime, use a dynamic array:
std::vector<int> a(the_runtime_size);
for (int x = 0; x < a.size(); ++x) {
If you really need individual variables for some reason (and you know the number at compile time), you could resort to preprocessor tricks with Boost.Preprocessor. But that is far above beginner level:
#include <boost/preprocessor>
#define DECLARE_MY_VARIABLE(z, idx, name) \
int BOOST_PP_CAT(name, BOOST_PP_CAT(_, idx));
The code above will expand to:
int a_0; int a_1; int a_2; int a_3; int a_4;
You could of course take this several steps further, to have each of the variables of a different type, or name them by names instead of by indices. It will just require more macro magic.
Disclaimer: Do NOT use this approach unless you very clearly know you need it. Even then, reconsider twice before you actually do that. And if you still do, document it heavily. Stuff like this should generally be hidden deep inside a library under a nice & clean user-friendly interface.
No you can't do that in C++.
The best thing to do in this case would be to create an array of ints and use the for loop to populate them.
int a_x[5];
for (int x = 1 ; x<=5 ; x++)
a_x[x - 1] = /*ToDo - something*/
Note that
arrays are zero-based: can you see how I've used x - 1. The normal thing to do would be to rebase x in the for loop though: for (int x = 0 ; x < 5; ...
arrays are not initialised. You must populate the contents.
While many will assume that this is impossible, it can be achieved with the preprocessor. It is necessary that the loop count is known at compile time. Here I use the Boost Preprocessor Library. The example for PP_REPEAT does almost exactly what you want.
#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/repeat.hpp>
#define DECL(z, n, text) text ## n = n;
int main()
BOOST_PP_REPEAT(5, DECL, int a_) // expands to int a_0 = 0; int a_1 = 1; ...
return 0;
Please remember: this is certainly not what you want. You probably want to use an array. Do only use this if you are absolutely certain that you need it.

Simple loop, which one I would get more performance and which one is recommended? defining a variable inside a loop or outside of it?

Variable outside of the loop
int number = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 10000; i++){
number = 3 * i;
or Variable inside of the loop
for(int i = 0; i < 10000; i++){
int number = 3 * i;
Which one is recommended and which one is better in performance?
This is just an example to exhibit what I mean, All I wanna know is if defining a variable inside a loop and outside a loop means the same thing , or there's a difference.
Time to learn something early: any optimization you could make on something like this will be irrelevant in the face of printf.
Printf will be very, very slow. You could quintuple the math and get no measurable speed decrease. It's just the nature of printing to the terminal.
As for your edited question, there is no difference defining it in the loop or out. Imagine that
for (i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
int a = i * 3;
is just the same as
int forloop::a; // This doesn't work, the idea is to show it just changes the scope
for (i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
a = i * 3;
They will produce identical code, unless you start needing to use that variable outside of the loop it is defined in, because it is defined in the local scope of the loop. So...more like this:
int forloop::a; // Still not valid code, just trying to show an explanation
namespace forloop {
for (i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
a = i * 3;
} // namespace forloop
If this is unclear please let me know I'll go into more detail or explain differently.
Do not bother you with performance at first: make it safe before everything.
I would just quote Scott Meyers (Effective C++) for your concern:
"Postpone declarations as far as you can".
Thus, the second pattern is safer.
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 10000; i++){
j = 3 * i;
// Use of j out of control!!!
int k = j * 5;
Now with the second pattern:
for(int i = 0; i < 10000; i++){
int j = 3 * i;
// j not declared at this point.
// You get informed of the mistake at compile time, which is far much better.
int k = j * 5;
You do have a C++ tag, and you mention "declaring a string" in the question. Therefore there might be a performance difference (and yes, the printf could swamp it). Declaring a non-simple variable means calling a constructor, which might mean a non-trivial amount of work. In that case, declaring it inside of the loop could be hiding significant work in what appears to be an innocent declaration.
In general, the answer is that if you really care about performance - and treating the sample code as only an example of the difference between two places to declare a variable - then for non-simple variables, it is better to declare it outside the loop, unless the semantics require a fresh version of a temporary at each iteration.
There are likely many other places first to look at if performance is an issue, but one consideration is always moving loop invariants out of loops, especially if it is much easier for you to tell that it is invariant than for the compiler. And what looks like a declaration, can, in C++, fall into that category.
If, for (silly) example, you have
int k = 43;
for ( int i = 0; i < N; ++i )
int j = 17 + k; // k was previously defined outside the loop, but doesn't change in it
l = j * j; // l was also declared outside the loop
any good optimizing compiler can recognize that k is constant, and that j is always assigned 60, and l is assigned 3600 N times, and the loop can simply be removed and replaced with a single assignment to l. Here k and j are both loop invariants.
But a not-quite-so-good compiler might miss even one link in that chain, and wind up creating the loop.
It gets harder for the compiler to figure things out when you have
Foo k( 43 ); // a class that takes an int argument to its constructor
for( int i = 0; i < N; ++i )
Bar j( k ); // a Bar takes an int argument, adds 17 and stores it.
l = j.squared();
Same invariants. Not as easy to detect without looking inside the workings of bar; and if the constructor and squared method aren't inline, we've just made it slower.
In this case, printf("%d", i * 3) would be better than defining the variable at all.
To answer your question and not nitpicking:
The difference between the 2 variants is, that you are declaring your variable number in different "variable environments" - by which I mean that the scope changes. A variable environment is given by your curly braces { ... }. Everytime you open a new curly brace like this { ... { ... } ... }, you declare a new variable environment inside the old one, which means, that if you declare numbers like so:
{ ... { int numbers; ... } ... }
this variable will only be visible or existent in the innermost environment. So
{ ... { int numbers; ... } ... do_something(numbers); ... }
will give a compiler error.
And to your concerns about performance: Neither variant is better performing. Most, if not all compilers will give the same assembly.