Conceptual Question
Say we have simple example like this:
void foo(std::unique_ptr<int> ptr)
std::cout << *ptr.get() << std::endl;
int main()
std::unique_ptr<int> uobj = std::make_unique<int>(4);
foo(uobj ); // line-(1) Problem ,but Alternative -> foo(std::move(uobj ))
std::unique_ptr<int> uobjAlt = uobj; // line-(2) Problem ,but Alternative -> std::unique_ptr<int> uobjAlt = std::move(uobj);
We know simply std::unique_ptr bound with concept of resource owning by single owner with moving resource among multiple owners while shared_ptr has opposite aspect.
As example shown above, when you look at line-(1) & line-(2) you notice that some standard rules are being violated because std::unique_ptr has(deleted) no both copy constructors and copy assignable operators defined, but In order to avoid compilation errors we have to use std::move function instead.
Why modern C++ compiler cannot automatically generate instructions to move the resource among unique pointers in line-(1) and line-(2)? because we know unique pointer intentionally design for that. Why should we use std::move explicitly to instruct the machine to move ownership of the resource?
std::unique_ptr nothing but class template.we know that, But situations addressed in line-1 and line -2 having issues while compiler complain about copying unique_pointers not allowed(deleted functions).why we having these kind of errors why c++ standard and compiler vendors cannot override this concept?
Unique Pointer intentionally designed for the purpose of moving resource while passing its ownership, when we pass it as function/constructor argument or assign to another unique pointer, it conceptually should move resource with ownership nothing else, but why we should use std::move to convey compiler to actual move, why don't we have a freedom to call line-(1) and line-(2) as it is? (while intelligent compiler generate automatic move operation among unique pointers for us, unless there is const or non-const reference passing).
(Sorry for long description and broken English) Thank you.
unique_ptr is useful to free memory for you automatically when uobj goes out of scope. That's its job. So, since it has 1 pointer it has to free, it has to be unique, and hence its name: unique_ptr!
When you do something like this:
std::unique_ptr<int> uobjAlt = uobj;
You're issuing a copy operation, but, you're not supposed to copy the pointer, because copying means that both objects uobjAlt and uobj must both be freed, which will directly lead to a segmentation fault and a crash. So, by using std::move, you're moving ownership from one object to another.
If you want to have multiple pointers to a single object, you should consider using std::shared_ptr.
This has nothing to do with whether the compiler can do this. It certainly could work that way, and in fact, it did work that way prior to C++11 with std::auto_ptr<>. It was horrible.
std::auto_ptr<int> x = std::auto_ptr<int>(new int(5));
std::auto_ptr<int> y = x;
// Now, x is NULL
The problem here is that the = sign usually means "copy from x to y", but in this case what is happening is "move from x to y, invalidating x in the process". Yes, if you are a savvy programmer you would understand what is going on here and it wouldn't surprise you, at least not all of the time. However, in more common situations it would be horribly surprising:
Here's MyClass.h:
class MyClass {
std::auto_ptr<Type> my_field;
Here's MyClass.cpp:
void MyClass::Method() {
Here's Functions.h:
// Which overload, hmm?
void SomeFunction(Type &x);
void SomeFunction(std::auto_ptr<Type> x);
void OtherFunction(const std::auto_ptr<Type> &x);
Now you have to look at three different files before you can figure out that my_field is set to NULL. With std::unique_ptr you only have to look at one:
void MyClass::Method() {
Just looking at this one function I know that it's wrong, I don't have to figure out which overload is being used for SomeFunction, and I don't have to know what the type of my_field is. There's definitely a balance that we need to have between making things explicit and implicit. In this case, the fact that you couldn't explicitly tell the difference between moving and copying a value in C++ was such a problem that rvalue references, std::move, std::unique_ptr, etc. were added to C++ to clear things up, and they're pretty amazing.
The other reason why auto_ptr was so bad is because it interacted poorly with containers.
// This was a recipe for disaster
std::vector<std::auto_ptr<Type> > my_vector;
In general, many templates worked poorly with auto_ptr, not just containers.
If the compiler were allowed to auto-infer move semantics for types such as std::unique_ptr, code like this would break:
template<typename T> void simple_swap(T& a, T& b) {
T tmp = a;
a = b;
b = tmp;
The above counts on tmp being a copy of a (because it continues to use a as the left-hand side of as assignment operator). There is code in the standard algorithms which actually requires temporary copies of container values. Inferring moves would break them, causing crashes at run-time. This is why std::auto_ptr was warned against ever being used in STL containers.
I'm a seasoned C developer who is just now getting into C++, and I must admit, I'm very confused about how many ways there are to create, retain, and destroy C++ objects. In C, life is simple: assignment with = copies on the stack, and malloc/free manage data on the heap. C++ is far from that, or so it seems to me.
In light of that, here are my questions:
What are all the ways to create a C++ object? Direct/copy constructor, assignment, etc. How do they work?
What are all the different initialization syntaxes associated with all these types of object creation? What's the difference between T f = x, T f(x);, T f{x};, etc.?
Most importantly, when is it correct to copy/assign/whatever = is in C++, and when do you want to use pointers? In C, I got very used to throwing pointers around a lot, because pointer assignment is cheap but struct copying is less so. How do C++'s copy semantics affect this?
Finally, what are all these things like shared_ptr, weak_ptr, etc.?
I'm sorry if this is a somewhat broad question, but I'm very confused about when to use what (not even mentioning my confusion about memory management in collections and the new operator), and I feel like everything I knew about C memory management breaks down in C++. Is that true, or is my mental model just wrong?
To sum things up: how are C++ objects created, initialized, and destroyed, and when should I use each method?
First of all, your memory management skills are useful in C++, just they are a level below the C++ way of doing things, but they are there...
About your questions, they are a bit broad, so I'll try to keep it short:
1) What are all the ways to create a C++ object?
Same as C: they can be global variables, local automatic, local static or dynamic. You may be confused by the constructor, but simply think that every time you create an object, a constructor is called. Always. Which constructor is simply a matter of what parameters are used when creating the object.
Assignment does not create a new object, it simply copies from one oject to another, (think of memcpy but smarter).
2) What are all the different initialization syntaxes associated with all these types of object creation? What's the difference between T f = x, T f(x);, T f{x};, etc.?
T f(x) is the classic way, it simply creates an object of type T using the constructor that takes x as argument.
T f{x} is the new C++11 unified syntax, as it can be used to initialize aggregate types (arrays and such), but other than that it is equivalent to the former.
T f = x it depends on whether x is of type T. If it is, then it equivalent to the former, but if it is of different type, then it is equivalent to T f = T(x). Not that it really matters, because the compiler is allowed to optimize away the extra copy (copy elision).
T(x). You forgot this one. A temporary object of type T is created (using the same constructor as above), it is used whereever it happens in the code, and at the end of the current full expression, it is destroyed.
T f. This creates a value of type T using the default constructor, if available. That is simply a constructor that takes no parameters.
T f{}. Default contructed, but with the new unified syntax. Note that T f() is not an object of type T, but instead a function returning T!.
T(). A temporary object using the default constructor.
3) Most importantly, when is it correct to copy/assign/whatever = is in C++, and when do you want to use pointers?
You can use the same as in C. Think of the copy/assignment as if it where a memcpy. You can also pass references around, but you also may wait a while until you feel comfortable with those. What you should do, is: do not use pointers as auxiliary local variables, use references instead.
4) Finally, what are all these things like shared_ptr, weak_ptr, etc.?
They are tools in your C++ tool belt. You will have to learn through experience and some mistakes...
shared_ptr use when the ownership of the object is shared.
unique_ptr use when the ownership of the object is unique and unambiguous.
weak_ptr used to break loops in trees of shared_ptr. They are not detected automatically.
vector. Don't forget this one! Use it to create dynamic arrays of anything.
PS: You forgot to ask about destructors. IMO, destructors are what gives C++ its personality, so be sure to use a lot of them!
This is a fairly broad question, but I'll give you a starting point.
What's known in C as a "stack variable" is also called an object with "automatic storage". The lifetime of an object with automatic storage is fairly easy to understand: it's created when control reaches the point it's defined, and then destroyed when it goes out of scope:
int main() {
int foo = 5; // creation of automatic storage
foo = 1;
// end of function; foo is destroyed.
Now, a thing to note is that = 5 is considered part of the initialization syntax, while = 1 is considered an assignment operation. I don't want you to get confused by = being used for two different things in the language's grammar.
Anyway, C++ takes automatic storage a bit further and allows arbitrary code to be run during the creation and destruction of that object: the constructors and destructors. This gives rise to the wonderful idiom called RAII, which you should use whenever possible. With RAII, resource management becomes automatic.
what are all these things like shared_ptr, weak_ptr, etc.?
Good examples of RAII. They allow you to treat a dynamic resource (malloc/free calls) as an automatic storage object!
Most importantly, when is it correct to copy/assign/whatever = is in C++, and when do you want to use pointers? In C, I got very used to throwing pointers around a lot, because pointer assignment is cheap but struct copying is less so. How do C++'s copy semantics affect this?
const references everywhere, especially for function parameters. const refs avoid copies and prevent modification of the object. If you can't use const ref, chances are a normal reference is suitable. If for some reason you want to reset the reference or set it to null, use a pointer.
What are all the ways to create a C++ object? Direct/copy constructor, assignment, etc. How do they work?
In short, all constructors create objects. Assignment doesn't. Read a book for this.
There are many ways of implicit object creating in C++ apart from explicit ones. Almost all of them use copy-constructor of the object's class. Remember: Implicit copying may require the copy constructor and/or assignment operator of a T type to be declared in public scope depending on where copying occurs. So in course:
a) explicit creation of a brand new object in stack:
T object(arg);
b) explicit copying of an existing object:
T original(arg);
T copy(original);
If T class has no copy constructor defined default implementation is created by compiler. It attempts to create an exact copy of the passed object. This is not always what programmer want, so custom implementation may be useful sometimes.
c) explicit creation of a brand new object in heap:
T *ptr = new T(arg);
d) implicit creation of a brand new object which constructor takes only one parameter and has no explicit modifier, for instance:
class T
T(int x) : i(x) {}
int i;
T object = 5; // actually implicit invocation of constructor occurs here
e) implicit copying of an object passed to a function by value:
void func(T input)
// here `input` is a copy of an object actually passed
int main()
T object(arg);
func(object); // copy constructor of T class is invoked before the `func` is called
f) implicit copying of an exception object handling by value:
void function()
throw T(arg); // suppose that exception is always raised in the `function`
int main()
try {
} catch (T exception) { // copy constructor of T class is invoked here
// handling `exception`
g) Creation of a new object using assignment operator. I haven't used word 'copy' because in this case an assignment operator implementation of a particular type matters. If this operator is not implemented default implementation is created by compiler, btw it has the same behavior as default copy constructor.
class T
T(int x) : i(x) {}
T operator=() const
return T(*this); // in this implementation we explicitly call default copy constructor
int main()
T first(5);
T second = first; // assingment operator is invoked
Well, that's what I am able to remember without looking into Stroustrup's book. May be something is missed.
While I was writing this, some answer was accepted so I stop at this point. May the details I listed will be useful.
Implementation 1:
foo(const Bar x);
Implementation 2:
foo(const Bar & x);
If the object will not be changed within the function, why would you ever copy it(implementation 1).
Will this be automatically optimized by the compiler?
Summary: Even though the object is declared as const in the function declaration, it is still possible that the object be edited via some other alias &.
If you are the person writing the library and know that your functions don't do that or that the object is big enough to justify the dereferencing cost on every operation, than
foo(const Bar & x); is the way to go.
Part 2:
Will this be automatically optimized by the compiler?
Since we established that they are not always equivalent, and the conditions for equivalence is non-trivial, it would generally be very hard for the compiler to ensure them, so almost certainly no
you ask,
“If the object will not be changed within the function, why would you ever copy it(implementation 1).”
well there are some bizarre situations where an object passed by reference might be changed by other code, e.g.
namespace g { int x = 666; }
void bar( int ) { g::x = 0; }
int foo( int const& a ) { assert( a != 0 ); bar( a ); return 1000/a; } // Oops
int main() { foo( g::x ); }
this has never happened to me though, since the mid 1990s.
so, this aliasing is a theoretical problem for the single argument of that type.
with two arguments of the same type it gets more of a real possibility. for example, an assignment operator might get passed the object that it's called on. when the argument is passed by value (as in the minimal form of the swap idiom) it's no problem, but if not then self-assignment generally needs to be avoided.
you further ask,
“Will this be automatically optimized by the compiler?”
no, not in general, for the above mentioned reason
the compiler can generally not guarantee that there will be no aliasing for a reference argument (one exception, though, is where the machine code of a call is inlined)
however, on the third hand, the language could conceivably have supported the compiler in this, e.g. by providing the programmer with a way to explicitly accept any such optimization, like, a way to say ”this code is safe to optimize by replacing pass by value with pass by reference, go ahead as you please, compiler”
Indeed, in those circumstances you would normally use method 2.
Typically, you would only use method 1 if the object is tiny, so that it's cheaper to copy it once than to pay to access it repeatedly through a reference (which also incurs a cost). In TC++PL, Stroustrup develops a complex number class and passes it around by value for exactly this reason.
It may be optimized in some circumstances, but there are plenty of things that can prevent it. The compiler can't avoid the copy if:
the copy constructor or destructor has side effects and the argument passed is not a temporary.
you take the address of x, or a reference to it, and pass it to some code that might be able to compare it against the address of the original.
the object might change while foo is running, for example because foo calls some other function that changes it. I'm not sure whether this is something you mean to rule out by saying "the object will not be changed within the function", but if not then it's in play.
You'd copy it if any of those things matters to your program:
if you want the side effects of copying, take a copy
if you want "your" object to have a different address from the user-supplied argument, take a copy
if you don't want to see changes made to the original during the running of your function, take a copy
You'd also copy it if you think a copy would be more efficient, which is generally assumed to be the case for "small" types like int. Iterators and predicates in standard algorithms are also taken by value.
Finally, if your code plans to copy the object anyway (including by assigning to an existing object) then a reasonable idiom is to take the copy as the parameter in the first place. Then move/swap from your parameter.
What if the object is changed from elsewhere?
void f(const SomeType& s);
void g(const SomeType s);
int main() {
SomeType s;
std::thread([&](){ /* s is non-const here, and we can modify it */}
// we get a const reference to the object which we see as const,
// but others might not. So they can modify it.
// we get a const *copy* of the object,
// so what anyone else might do to the original doesn't matter
What if the object is const, but has mutable members? Then you can still modify the object, and so it's very important whether you have a copy or a reference to the original.
What if the object contains a pointer to another object? If s is const, the pointer will be const, but what it points to is not affected by the constness of s. But creating a copy will (hopefully) give us a deep copy, so we get our own (const) object with a separate (const) pointer pointing to a separate (non-const) object.
There are a number of cases where a const copy is different than a const reference.
Is auto_ptr good to work with only for local variables?
If I need to work with classes too, do i need copied pointer ?
The auto_ptr destructor does deallocate the memory, so you are correct. Once you leave the auto_ptr's scope the thing you're pointing to will go away. You might be looking for something like a shared_ptr, which is a reference counted smart pointer. It will be part of the next C++ standard. Boost has an implementation of it, and it's also part of the TR1 library. If your compiler supports std::tr1 entities then you should have the shared_ptr.
As pointed out in comments, auto_ptr copy semantics cause a transfer of ownership that does not necessarily result in deletion of the object. So, an auto_ptr type variable can be assigned to another, and could be used as a function return value. The key with auto_ptr is that only one of them at a time can reference a particular entity.
I think I was assigning the traits of scoped_ptr to auto_ptr incorrectly and a little unfairly. My own bias is against auto_ptr because that transfer of ownership causes a side effect on the source object that is not normally associated with copying.
You aren't required to use pointers in C++ in many cases, so you may not need any kind of smart pointer:
struct Foo {
int bar;
int twice_bar()
return 2 * bar;
int twice_x(int x)
Foo f; = x;
return f.twice_bar();
I'm trying to learn C++, and trying to understand returning objects. I seem to see 2 ways of doing this, and need to understand what is the best practice.
Option 1:
QList<Weight *> ret;
Weight *weight = new Weight(cname, "Weight");
return &ret;
Option 2:
QList<Weight *> *ret = new QList();
Weight *weight = new Weight(cname, "Weight");
return ret;
(of course, I may not understand this yet either).
Which way is considered best-practice, and should be followed?
Option 1 is defective. When you declare an object
QList<Weight *> ret;
it only lives in the local scope. It is destroyed when the function exits. However, you can make this work with
return ret; // no "&"
Now, although ret is destroyed, a copy is made first and passed back to the caller.
This is the generally preferred methodology. In fact, the copy-and-destroy operation (which accomplishes nothing, really) is usually elided, or optimized out and you get a fast, elegant program.
Option 2 works, but then you have a pointer to the heap. One way of looking at C++ is that the purpose of the language is to avoid manual memory management such as that. Sometimes you do want to manage objects on the heap, but option 1 still allows that:
QList<Weight *> *myList = new QList<Weight *>( getWeights() );
where getWeights is your example function. (In this case, you may have to define a copy constructor QList::QList( QList const & ), but like the previous example, it will probably not get called.)
Likewise, you probably should avoid having a list of pointers. The list should store the objects directly. Try using std::list… practice with the language features is more important than practice implementing data structures.
Use the option #1 with a slight change; instead of returning a reference to the locally created object, return its copy.
i.e. return ret;
Most C++ compilers perform Return value optimization (RVO) to optimize away the temporary object created to hold a function's return value.
In general, you should never return a reference or a pointer. Instead, return a copy of the object or return a smart pointer class which owns the object. In general, use static storage allocation unless the size varies at runtime or the lifetime of the object requires that it be allocated using dynamic storage allocation.
As has been pointed out, your example of returning by reference returns a reference to an object that no longer exists (since it has gone out of scope) and hence are invoking undefined behavior. This is the reason you should never return a reference. You should never return a raw pointer, because ownership is unclear.
It should also be noted that returning by value is incredibly cheap due to return-value optimization (RVO), and will soon be even cheaper due to the introduction of rvalue references.
passing & returning references invites responsibilty.! u need to take care that when you modify some values there are no side effects. same in the case of pointers. I reccomend you to retun objects. (BUT IT VERY-MUCH DEPENDS ON WHAT EXACTLY YOU WANT TO DO)
In ur Option 1, you return the address and Thats VERY bad as this could lead to undefined behaviour. (ret will be deallocated, but y'll access ret's address in the called function)
so use return ret;
It's generally bad practice to allocate memory that has to be freed elsewhere. That's one of the reasons we have C++ rather than just C. (But savvy programmers were writing object-oriented code in C long before the Age of Stroustrup.) Well-constructed objects have quick copy and assignment operators (sometimes using reference-counting), and they automatically free up the memory that they "own" when they are freed and their DTOR automatically is called. So you can toss them around cheerfully, rather than using pointers to them.
Therefore, depending on what you want to do, the best practice is very likely "none of the above." Whenever you are tempted to use "new" anywhere other than in a CTOR, think about it. Probably you don't want to use "new" at all. If you do, the resulting pointer should probably be wrapped in some kind of smart pointer. You can go for weeks and months without ever calling "new", because the "new" and "delete" are taken care of in standard classes or class templates like std::list and std::vector.
One exception is when you are using an old fashion library like OpenCV that sometimes requires that you create a new object, and hand off a pointer to it to the system, which takes ownership.
If QList and Weight are properly written to clean up after themselves in their DTORS, what you want is,
QList<Weight> ret();
Weight weight(cname, "Weight");
return ret;
As already mentioned, it's better to avoid allocating memory which must be deallocated elsewhere. This is what I prefer doing (...these days):
void someFunc(QList<Weight *>& list){
// ... other code
Weight *weight = new Weight(cname, "Weight");
// ... later ...
QList<Weight *> list;
Even better -- avoid new completely and using std::vector:
void someFunc(std::vector<Weight>& list){
// ... other code
Weight weight(cname, "Weight");
// ... later ...
std::vector<Weight> list;
You can always use a bool or enum if you want to return a status flag.
Based on experience, do not use plain pointers because you can easily forget to add proper destruction mechanisms.
If you want to avoid copying, you can go for implementing the Weight class with copy constructor and copy operator disabled:
class Weight {
std::string name;
std::string desc;
Weight (std::string n, std::string d)
: name(n), desc(d) {
std::cout << "W c-tor\n";
~Weight (void) {
std::cout << "W d-tor\n";
// disable them to prevent copying
// and generate error when compiling
Weight(const Weight&);
void operator=(const Weight&);
Then, for the class implementing the container, use shared_ptr or unique_ptr to implement the data member:
template <typename T>
class QList {
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<T>> v;
QList (void) {
std::cout << "Q c-tor\n";
~QList (void) {
std::cout << "Q d-tor\n";
// disable them to prevent copying
QList(const QList&);
void operator=(const QList&);
void append(T& t) {
Your function for adding an element would make use or Return Value Optimization and would not call the copy constructor (which is not defined):
QList<Weight> create (void) {
QList<Weight> ret;
Weight& weight = *(new Weight("cname", "Weight"));
return ret;
On adding an element, the let the container take the ownership of the object, so do not deallocate it:
QList<Weight> ql = create();
ql.append(*(new Weight("aname", "Height")));
// this generates segmentation fault because
// the object would be deallocated twice
Weight w("aname", "Height");
Or, better, force the user to pass your QList implementation only smart pointers:
void append(std::shared_ptr<T> t) {
And outside class QList you'll use it like:
Weight * pw = new Weight("aname", "Height");
Using shared_ptr you could also 'take' objects from collection, make copies, remove from collection but use locally - behind the scenes it would be only the same only object.
All of these are valid answers, avoid Pointers, use copy constructors, etc. Unless you need to create a program that needs good performance, in my experience most of the performance related problems are with the copy constructors, and the overhead caused by them. (And smart pointers are not any better on this field, I'd to remove all my boost code and do the manual delete because it was taking too much milliseconds to do its job).
If you're creating a "simple" program (although "simple" means you should go with java or C#) then use copy constructors, avoid pointers and use smart pointers to deallocate the used memory, if you're creating a complex programs or you need a good performance, use pointers all over the place, and avoid copy constructors (if possible), just create your set of rules to delete pointers and use valgrind to detect memory leaks,
Maybe I will get some negative points, but I think you'll need to get the full picture to take your design choices.
I think that saying "if you're returning pointers your design is wrong" is little misleading. The output parameters tends to be confusing because it's not a natural choice for "returning" results.
I know this question is old, but I don't see any other argument pointing out the performance overhead of that design choices.
I need a smart pointer for my project which can be send to several methods as parameter. I have checked auto_ptr and shared_ptr from boost. But IMO, that is not suitable for my requirements. Following are my findings
auto_ptr : When passed to another method, ownership will be transferred and underlying pointer will get deleted when that method's scope ends. We can workaround this by passing auto_ptr by reference, but there is no compile time mechanism to ensure it is always passed by reference. If by mistake, user forgot to pass a reference, it will make problems.
boost::shared_ptr : This looks promising and works correctly for my need. But I feel this is overkill for my project as it is a very small one.
So I decided to write a trivial templated pointer container class which can't be copied by value and take care about deleting the underlying pointer. Here it is
template <typename T>
class simple_ptr{
simple_ptr(T* t){
pointer = t;
delete pointer;
T* operator->(){
return pointer;
T* pointer;
simple_ptr(const simple_ptr<T>& t);
Is this implementation correct? I have made copy constructor as private, so that compiler will alert when someone tries to pass it by value.
If by chance the pointer is deleted, delete operation on the destructor will throw assertion error. How can I workaround this?
I am pretty new to C++ and your suggestion are much appreciated.
Please use boost::scoped_ptr<> as suggested by Martin York, because it:
Does exactly what you want (it's a noncopyable pointer)
Has no overhead above that of a standard C pointer
Has been carefully crafted by super-intelligent C++ wizards to make sure it behaves as expected.
While I can't see any problems with your implementation (after applying the changes suggested by ChrisW), C++ has many dark corners and I would not be surprised if there is some obscure corner case which you, I and the others here have failed to spot.
What you have done is boost::scoped_ptr
Please also read comment by j_random_hacker.
Is this implementation correct? I have made copy constructor as private ...
You could do the same for the assignment operator:
simple_ptr& operator=(const simple_ptr<T>& t);
A const version of the dereference operator might be useful too, and, smart pointers usually define the other kind of dereference operator as well:
const T* operator->() const { return pointer; }
const T& operator*() const { return *pointer; }
T& operator*() { return *pointer; }
If by chance the pointer is deleted, delete operation on the destructor will throw assertion error. How can I workaround this?
Do you mean, if I do this:
//create instance
Car* car = new Car;
//assign to smart ptr
simple_ptr<Car> ptr(car);
//explicit delete
delete car;
//... assertion when ptr is destroyed ...
A way (I don't know if it's a good way) to prevent that is to declare the constructor, and/or the destructor, and/or the delete operator of the T class as private, and say that simple_ptr is a friend of the T class (so that only the simple_ptr class can create and/or destroy and/or delete instances of T).
Marking the new operator as private in T class seems to be impossible as I have to modify all the classes which will be used with simple_ptr
Yes that's true: to do my suggestion immediately above, you would need to modify the class definitions.
If your question is "how can I make double deletes impossible, without modifying class definitions?" then I think the answers are:
You can't: it's up the application code (which uses these classes) to be careful
You can: by providing your own heap manager i.e. your own implementation of global operator new and global operator delete and, in your smart_ptr code, interrogate your heap manager to see whether this incarnation of this pointer is still allocated, before you delete it
To answer your first question, the best assurance you can get that this is correct is to implement a test harness around it to do some simple task, and make sure you get the behavior you expect. For me, that is far better comfort the code is right than the opinion of some random person reading it.
As for your second question, you work around delete throwing an assertion error by setting pointer to some marker value after you delete it the first time. Something like:
if (pointer) {
delete pointer;
pointer = NULL;
} else {
error("Attempted to free already freed pointer.");
The problem you're going to run into here is that your overloaded -> operator returns the value of the pointer, which means whoever you return this to can also call delete, causing the check I propose above not to work. For example:
simple_ptr<int> myPtr = someIntPointer;
delete myPtr.operator->(); /* poof goes your pointered memory region */
I might recommend that you not rely on the operator-> overloading, and just require that those using this class call a method that dereferences the pointer internally before passing that value back to the user.
Hope this helps.
You should user a boost::scoped_ptr<> as has been mentioned already.
In general though, if you need to make a class non-copyable, you should inherit from boost::noncopyable, i.e.
#include <boost/utility.hpp>
class myclass : boost::noncopyable
This does all the work of making it non-copyable and is nicely self-documenting.
You've got two choices:
boost::scoped_ptr already detailed by j_random_hacker, because it's non-copyable (doesn't share ownership like shared_ptr) and non-movable (doesn't transfer ownership like auto_ptr. auto_ptr has a copy constructor, but that one does not copy. It moves the original pointer to *this). boost::scoped_ptr is exactly what you need.
const auto_ptr doesn't allow transfer of ownership. And take your parameter by reference to const (auto_ptr<T> const&). If the writer of a function accepts by value instead, it still won't work if you try passing a const auto_ptr, because its copy constructor needs a non-const auto_ptr.
Until C++1x, boost::scoped_ptr is the best choice for your needs, or a const auto_ptr if you have to use official standard stuff (read this). In C++1x, you can use std::unique_ptr as a better alternative to auto_ptr, because you have to explicitly state when you want to transfer ownership. Trying to copy it will result in a compile time error. unique_ptr is detailed a little in this answer.
I've seen sometimes usage of simple DISABLE_COPY macros:
#define DISABLE_COPY(Class) \
Class(const Class &); \
Class &operator=(const Class &);
So it's a common practice to define copy constructor and assignment operator as private for your task.