Output to Table instead of Graph in Stata - stata

In Stata, is there a way to redirect the data that a command does into a table instead of a graph?
Example: if someone created a normal probability distribution of data with the pnorm var_name command, is there a way to redirect the data so that instead of appearing in a graph, it appears in a table?

To add to #Noobie's answer:
Different commands work in different ways. There's no better short summary.
What you can look out for includes
generate() options that produce new variables. (There is absolute rule that the options have this name, but that or a similar name is the most common single variety.)
Options that allow saving results to new datasets.
Saved results, especially those visible after return list or ereturn list. These can be quite elaborate, e.g. saving of matrices of counts after tabulate.
More broadly, Stata commands aren't functions! One characteristic of a function, as so named in many languages or programs, is that there is a result, with special cases where the result is void or null. There clearly are statistical programs which in broad terms hinge on calling functions which have results, and what you see displayed is often a side-effect of that. Stata commands don't work like that in the sense that the results of a program can be various. In the case of commands designed just to show something, the "result" may be a display. It's worth noting that Mata, which underlies and underpins Stata, is more recognisably a C-like language, with (e.g.) many matrix extensions, which is based on functions (and much else).

Yes and no. It really depends on the command you are using. You should look at the help files first.
For instance, pnorm does not allow that. You can create the data yourself using the formula for pnorm described in the help file, where the cumulative distribution at some point is plotted against the so-called plotting position.
Other Stata commands allow you to generate the points directly. This is the case for kdensity for instance.


How to use uncertainties to weight residuals in a Savitzky-Golay filter.

Is there a way to incorporate the uncertainties on my data set into the result of the Savitzky Golay fit? Since I am not passing this information into the function, I asume that it is simply calcuating the 'best fit' via an unweighted least-squares process. I am currently working with data that has non-uniform uncertainty, and so the fit of the data could be improved by including the errors that I have for my main dataset.
The wikipedia page for the Savitzky-Golay filter suggests how I might go about alter the process of calculating the coefficients of the fit, and I am staring at the code for scipy.signal.savgol_filter, but I cannot get my head around what I need to adjust so that this will do what I want it to.
Are there any ready-made weighted SG filters floating about? I find it hard to believe that no-one else has ever needed this tool in Python, but maybe I have missed something.
Check out this Python module: https://github.com/surhudm/savitzky_golay_with_errors
This python script improves upon the traditional Savitzky-Golay filter
by accounting for errors or covariance in the data. The inputs and
arguments are all modelled after scipy.signal.savgol_filter
Matlab function sgolayfilt supports weights. Check the documentation.

Stata: Esttab of xtreg with time fixed effects

I'm trying to save output from several hundred eststo's storing results of bivariate probability models into one excel file using esttab. It works for xtlogit(both ,re and ,pa), xtprobit (both ,re and ,pa) and for the linear probability model xtreg (both standard and ,fe. However, when I use xtreg y x i.year, fe I get the error message too many base levels specified. Google doesn't help me much.
I've been trying for an hour to create a reproducible example but the stata datasets all work fine. It does not seem to be due to the number of years or the fact that different specifications have data for different years. Still, the normal xtreg, fe' works, the problem only appears with time dummies. The weirdest thing is that it works for all subsets of my variables but not for the whole list (again just the time fixed effects specifications).
Does anyone have an idea how to proceed? Using drop(*.year) works whenever the problem does not arise (so in specifications where it works, I get outputs without the year dummies) but does not prevent the too many base levels specified error; ,nobaselevels has no apparent effect as well. Is there a way to remove the time fixed effects from eststo before I pass those on to esttab? Any workaround would be appreciated as well.
The problem you might be facing is that of Stata creating different base levels for the factor variable year, in different regressions.
Try fixing the factor variable base level beforehand with fvset:
fvset base <some_number> year
Check help fvset and the manual entry for details. Also, read the source given below, which contains more information.
Source: two posts from Statalist; one from Tim Wade and another by Jeff Pitblado.

Stata : generate/replace alternatives?

I use Stata since several years now, along with other languages like R.
Stata is great, but there is one thing that annoys me : the generate/replace behaviour, and especially the "... already defined" error.
It means that if we want to run a piece of code twice, if this piece of code contains the definition of a variable, this definition needs 2 lines :
capture drop foo
generate foo = ...
While it takes just one line in other languages such as R.
So is there another way to define variables that combines "generate" and "replace" in one command ?
I am unaware of any way to do this directly. Further, as #Roberto's comment implies, there are reasons simply issuing a generate command will not overwrite (see: replace) the contents of a variable.
To be able to do this while maintaining data integrity, you would need to issue two separate commands as your question points out (explicitly dropping the existing variable before generating the new one) - I see this as method in which Stata forces the user to be clear about his/her intentions.
It might be noted that Stata is not alone in this regard. SQL Server, for example, requires the user drop an existing table before creating a table with the same name (in the same database), does not allow multiple columns with the same name in a table, etc. and all for good reason.
However, if you are really set on being able to issue a one-liner in Stata to do what you desire, you could write a very simple program. The following should get you started:
program mkvar
version 13
syntax anything=exp [if] [in]
capture confirm variable `anything'
if !_rc {
drop `anything'
generate `anything' `exp' `if' `in'
You then would naturally save the program to mkvar.ado in a directory that Stata would find (i.e., C:\ado\personal\ on Windows. If you are unsure, type sysdir), and call it using:
mkvar newvar=expression [if] [in]
Now, I haven't tested the above code much so you may have to do a bit of de-bugging, but it has worked fine in the examples I've tried.
On a closing note, I'd advise you to exercise caution when doing this - certainly you will want to be vigilant with regard to altering your data, retain a copy of your raw data while a do file manipulates the data in memory, etc.

How do I wrap large matrix-style output in Stata

I would like to wrap large matrix-style output, as per the corr commands wrap option in an ado file. Unfortunately, corr is not implemented as an ado-file, and pwcorr, which is implemented as an ado-file that I might model my approach on is missing the wrap option.
It would be useful to understand both how do do this for a fixed output width, and also useful to know how to base the definition of width for fixed output to the width of current window settings.
I use matlist for displaying most of my matrices, and it will also take care of wrapping.
More complicated output can be handled by being creative when making the matrix. I find the dotz option of matlist often helpful in that respect. Another trick I use a lot is the fact that a column and name can have two parts: an "equation name" which can be shared with multiple rows or columns and a "row or column name within the equation".
If you need more flexibility you can look at frmttable.

Weka: Classifier and ReplaceMissingValues

I am relatively new to the data mining area and have been experimenting with Weka.
I have a dataset which consists of almost 8000 records related to customers and items they have purchased. 58% of this data set has missing values for the "Gender" attribute.
I want to find the missing gender values based on the other data I do have.
I first thought I could do this using a classifier algorithm in Weka using a training set to build a model. Based on examples I saw online, I tried this with pretty much all the available algorithms available in Weka using a training set that consisted of 60-80% of the data which did not have missing values. This gave me a lower accuracy rate than I wanted (80-86% depending on the algorithm used)
Did I go about this correctly? Is there a way to improve this accuracy? I experimented with using different attributes, different pre-processing of the data etc.
I also tried using the ReplaceMissingValues filter on the complete dataset to see how that would handle the missing values. However, it just changed all the missing values to "Female" which obviously cannot be the case. So I'm wondering also wondering if I need to use this filter in my situation or not.
It sounds like you went about it in the correct way. The ReplaceMissingValues filter replaces the missing values with the most frequent of the non-missing values I think, so it is not what you want in this case.
A better way to get an idea of the true accuracy of your gender-predictor would be to use cross-validation instead of the training/test split (Weka has a separate option for that). 80-86% may seem low, but keep in mind that random guessing will only get you about 50%, so it's still a lot better than that. To try to get better performance, pick a classifier that performs well and then play with its parameters until you get better performance. This is likely to be quite labour-intensive (although you could of course use automated methods for tuning, see e.g. Auto-WEKA), but the only way to improve the performance.
You can also combine the algorithm you choose with a separate feature selection step (Weka has a special meta-classifier for this). This may improve performance, but again you'll have to experiment to find the particular configuration that works for you.