The handle OpenThread() had returned,QueueUserApc() thinks it is invalid - c++

I would to use the function--QueueUserApc(),but it returns 0,and GetLastError() returns 6--invalid handle.There is only one handle--the second parameter of the function QueueUserApc(),but it was returned by OpenThread().so what's wrong there??????
part of the code:
void WINAPI My_IDtoHandle(IN PDWORD IDArray,
IN DWORD dwNumber,
OUT PHANDLE * Thread_Handle_Array)
PHANDLE handlearray;
DWORD count = 0;
handlearray = (PHANDLE)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),
for (; count < dwNumber; count++)
handlearray[count] = OpenThread(THREAD_ALL_ACCESS,
if (handlearray[count] == NULL)
printf("Open the thread-%d is failed!\n\n", IDArray[count]);
*Thread_Handle_Array = handlearray;
call the function above:
result = QueueUserAPC((PAPCFUNC)SetEvent,
(ULONG_PTR)(Target_Event_Handle_Array + count));
if (result == 0)
printf("The inserting of the %dth function-SetEvent is failed!\n\n", count + 1);
printf("The error code is %d\n\n", GetLastError());
And the handle the OpenThread returned is strang:

It seems that the problem was attempting to queue an APC to a 64-bit thread from a 32-bit thread.
The documentation says:
Similarly, if a 64-bit process queues an APC to a 32-bit process or vice versa, addresses will be incorrect and the target application will crash.
... which was apparently added in response to a bug report as described in this USENET post seven years ago. At that time it seems that any such call to QueueUserAPC() would fail with ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION but would also crash the target thread.
It seems likely that this issue was later addressed by explicitly blocking any such attempt and reporting ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE.


Ejecting dll by calling CreateRemoteThread : crash

I am trying to make for myself a tool for extracting/releasing dlls from processes. I have already experienced with LoadLibrary and injecting but this time the logic doesn't seem to apply.
This is my code:
HMODULE findModuleOffset(HANDLE proc, char *mod_name) {
//Finds module address in specified process. 0 if not found
HMODULE hMods[2048];
DWORD modules_byte_size;
if (EnumProcessModules(proc, hMods, sizeof(hMods), &modules_byte_size))
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < (modules_byte_size / sizeof(HMODULE)); i++) {
CHAR module_name[MAX_PATH];
// Get the full path to the module's file.
if (GetModuleFileNameExA(proc, hMods[i], module_name, sizeof(module_name))) {
if (strcmp(strrchr(module_name,'.')+1,"exe")!=0 && compareExeName(module_name, mod_name)) {
return hMods[i];
return 0;
bool compareExeName(char *path, char *partial_name) {
//This will substract the filename from path and compare it with partial_name
char *lastSlash = strrchr(path, '\\') + 1;
if (lastSlash != NULL && strstr(lastSlash, partial_name) == lastSlash) return 1;
return 0;
void unload_all_dll(char *dll_name) {
DWORD process_ids[2048];
DWORD process_byte_size; //size of filled process_ids in BYTES (after the call)
DWORD process_count; //count of all elements in process_ids
HMODULE ext_dll_module;
HANDLE opened_process;
HANDLE Hthread;
DWORD thread_exit_code = 1;
CHAR exe_path[1024];
if (EnumProcesses(process_ids, sizeof(process_ids), &process_byte_size)) {
process_count = process_byte_size / sizeof(DWORD);
for (int i = 0; i < process_count; i++) {
thread_exit_code = 0;
if ((opened_process = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, false, process_ids[i])) == NULL) continue;
GetModuleFileNameExA(opened_process, 0, exe_path, MAX_PATH);
if ((ext_dll_module = findModuleOffset(opened_process, dll_name)) != 0) {
while (thread_exit_code == 0) {
if ((Hthread = CreateRemoteThread(opened_process, NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA("kernel32.dll"), "FreeLibrary"), (void*)ext_dll_module, 0, NULL)) == NULL) {
cout<<"Process closed meanwhile or dll unloaded";
break; //process has closed meanwhile
while (WaitForSingleObject(Hthread, 1000) == WAIT_TIMEOUT);
GetExitCodeThread(Hthread, &thread_exit_code);
cout << "Dll unloaded from " << exe_path << endl;
Warning:some variables names might be confusing(I am in hurry)
But every time I try to eject a dll everything crashes(of course,only the apps that contained the specfied dll). I tested everything I could and everything seems fine: the module address returned by findModuleOffset is good(checked against the value given by process explorer). I have no ideea what the return value of createremotethread or thread_exit_code is because the app crashes(it contasins the dll to be Can you help me?
(moving from the comments)
Given that there are threads in the target process that are running code from the dll being unloaded, they are going to crash immediately after the dll gets freed - after all, the very pages of code that the CPU is executing are being unmapped!
To avoid the problem, the running threads have to be notified in some way, so they can terminate before unloading the dll; Windows provides many IPC methods, one rarely used is particularly well-fitted for this case, namely mailslots.
When the dll is injected, the "master" thread that gets created will create a mailslot with a well-known name, and periodically check if there's any message for him. When you want to unload the dlls, instead of brutally injecting a thread that forcefully frees the dll, just ask to your "inside man": post a message to the mailslot asking it to terminate1.
The thread will see that there's a message in the mailslot, take care to possibly terminate the other threads that were started inside the target process (a shared atomic variable + WaitForSingleObject can be used) and, when the cleanup is finished, call FreeLibraryAndExitThread to suicide both the last thread and the dll.
A particularly interesting peculiarity of mailslots is that, if they are created multiple times with the same name, messages sent to such a name will be delivered to all them, so if, as it seems, you want to shut down all the injected dlls at the same time, this greatly simplifies the controlling program - there's not even need to enumerate the running processes.

OpenProcess function returns invalid handles

I'm working on an application that creates multiple desktops and gives the user the ability to start whatever applications he desires under the desktop he is currently using.
When that desktop is closed (using a combo key) I want close all applications opened under that desktop. In order to do this I enumarate all processes using the EnumProcesses function and retrive a handle based on every process identifier returned by EnumProcesses using OpenProcess function. Using GetThreadId I retrieve the thread identifier which is used as the parameter for GetThreadDesktop function and the returned handle is compared with the one from my desktop, so I can find out in which desktop the process runs.
At least in theory, this works, because for every process identifier, OpenProcess function returns an invalid handle for GetThreadId (error code 6). I'm running the application as administrator and I enable the SeDebugPrivilege privilege.
I don't understand why the returned handle is always invalid, here is the code that I use:
void iterateProcesses(HDESK threadDesktop)
EnableDebugPriv(); // functions enables the SeDebugPrivilege privilege
int found = 0;
int wanted = 0;
DWORD aProcesses[1024], cbNeeded, cProcesses;
unsigned int i;
EnumProcesses(aProcesses, sizeof(aProcesses), &cbNeeded);
cProcesses = cbNeeded / sizeof(DWORD);
for (i = 0; i < cProcesses; i++)
if (aProcesses[i] != 0)
if (GetThreadDesktop(checkProcess(aProcesses[i])) == threadDesktop)
DWORD checkProcess(DWORD processID)
HANDLE hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, TRUE, processID);
GetLastError(); // if in the manifest file under 'UAC execution level'
// the application does not requests for administrator rights
// GetLastError() will return code 5 (access denied)
DWORD dwThreadId = GetThreadId(hProcess);
GetLastError(); // return code 6 (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE)
// dwThreadId returned is always 0 because the handle is not valid
return dwThreadId;
Your error checking is wrong. Please read the documentation again. Only call GetLastError if the function failed.
It's reasonable that you will only be able to get all access to a process handle if you are executing elevated. But you do need to check the value returned by OpenProcess, as described in the documentation. Only proceed if that value indicates success. Otherwise, call GetLastError to find out why.
You are expected to pass a thread handle to GetThreadId. hProcess is a process handle. Hence the ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE error code. But again, you are not checking for errors properly. You must first check the return value, as stated in the documentation. Only if that indicates failure do you call GetLastError.
I'm not sure how you can expect to get a single thread from a process. Processes can, and do, have many threads. Indeed threads can be created and destroyed so perhaps the thread you are looking for is not there anymore. All the same, here's how to enumerate threads in a process:

How to check if WriteFile function is done

I want to check if the WriteFile function is done writing to UART so that i can call ReadFile on the same ComDev without causing an Exception.
It seems the WriteFile function can return before writing is done.
BOOL WriteCommBlock(HANDLE * pComDev, char *pBuffer , int BytesToWrite)
fComPortInUse = 1;
BOOL bWriteStat = 0;
DWORD BytesWritten = 0;
COMSTAT ComStat = {0};
OVERLAPPED osWrite = {0,0,0};
if(WriteFile(*pComDev,pBuffer,BytesToWrite,&BytesWritten,&osWrite) == FALSE)
short Errorcode = GetLastError();
if( Errorcode != ERROR_IO_PENDING )
short breakpoint = 5; // Error
Sleep(1000); // complete write operation TBD
fComPortInUse = 0;
return (FALSE);
fComPortInUse = 0;
return (TRUE);
I used Sleep(1000) as an workaround, but how can i wait for an appropriate time?
You can create a Event, store it in your overlapped structure and wait for it to be signalled. Like this (untested):
BOOL WriteCommBlock(HANDLE * pComDev, char *pBuffer , int BytesToWrite)
fComPortInUse = 1;
BOOL bWriteStat = 0;
DWORD BytesWritten = 0;
COMSTAT ComStat = {0};
OVERLAPPED osWrite = {0,0,0};
HANDLE hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
if (hEvent != NULL)
osWrite.hEvent = hEvent;
if(WriteFile(*pComDev,pBuffer,BytesToWrite,&BytesWritten,&osWrite) == FALSE)
short Errorcode = GetLastError();
if( Errorcode != ERROR_IO_PENDING )
short breakpoint = 5; // Error
WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, INFINITE);
fComPortInUse = 0;
return (FALSE);
fComPortInUse = 0;
return (TRUE);
Note that depending on what else you are trying to do simply calling WaitForSingleObject() might not be the best idea. And neither might an INFINITE timeout.
Your problem is the incorrect use of the overlapped I/O, regardless to the UART or whatever underlying device.
The easiest (though not necessarily the most optimal) way to fix your code is to use an event to handle the I/O completion.
// ...
OVERLAPPED osWrite = {0,0,0};
osWrite.hEvent = CreateEvent(FALSE, NULL, NULL, FALSE);
if(WriteFile(*pComDev,pBuffer,BytesToWrite,&BytesWritten,&osWrite) == FALSE)
DWORD Errorcode = GetLastError();
// ensure it's ERROR_IO_PENDING
WaitForSingleObject(osWrite.hEvent, INFINITE);
Note however that the whole I/O is synchronous. It's handles by the OS in an asynchronous way, however your code doesn't go on until it's finished. If so, why do you use the overlapped I/O anyway?
One should use it to enable simultaneous processing of several I/Os (and other tasks) within the same thread. To do this correctly - you should allocate the OVERLAPPED structure on heap and use one of the available completion mechanisms: event, APC, completion port or etc. Your program flow logic should also be changed.
Since you didn't say that you need asynchronous I/O, you should try synchronous. It's easier. I think if you just pass a null pointer for the OVERLAPPED arg you get synchronous, blocking, I/O. Please see the example code I wrote in the "Windows C" section of this document:
Your Sleep(1000); is of no use, it will only execute after the writefile completes its operation.You have to wait till WriteFile is over.
if(WriteFile(*pComDev,pBuffer,BytesToWrite,&BytesWritten,&osWrite) == FALSE)
You must be knowing that anything inside conditionals will only execute if the result is true.
And here the result is sent to the program after completion(whether complete or with error) of WriteFile routine.
OK, I missed the overlapped I/O OVL parameter in the read/write code, so It's just as well I only replied yesterday as a comment else I would be hammered with downvotes:(
The classic way of handling overlapped I/O is to have an _OVL struct as a data member of the buffer class that is issued in the overlapped read/write call. This makes it easy to have read and write calls loaded in at the same time, (or indeed, multiple read/write calls with separate buffer instances).
For COM posrts, I usually use an APC completion routine whose address is passed in the readFileEx/writeFileEx APIs. This leaves the hEvent field of the _OVL free to use to hold the instance pointer of the buffer so it's easy to cast it back inside the completion routine, (this means that each buffer class instance contains an _OVL memebr that contains an hEvent field that points to the buffer class instance - sounds a but weird, but works fine).

How can you get the return value of a Windows thread?

I was just wondering if it is possible (and if so, how) to get the return value of a thread in C++ (Windows). I have several threads, and I use WaitForMultipleObjects(...) on them. This waits until a thread is done, and returns the index of said thread, and all is well. However, I want to be able to obtain the return value of the thread that finished using its handle.
For example:
DWORD WINAPI Thread1(void *parameter){
if(...) return 0;
else return -1;
DWORD WINAPI Thread2(void *parameter){
if(...) return 1;
else return 0;
int main(){
HANDLE t1 = CreateThread(0, 0, Thread1, NULL, 0, 0);
HANDLE t2 = CreateThread(0, 0, Thread2, NULL, 0, 0);
HANDLE *threads = new HANDLE[2];
threads[0] = t1;
threads[1] = t2;
int result = WaitForMultipleObjects(2, threads, false, INFINITE);
if(result == 0){
//get the threads value here:
int retVal = SomeFunction(t1); //What is SomeFunction?
I have tried to use GetExitCodeThread(thread) but I'm assuming this returns a system exit code, as it always gives me a very strange integer. Does anyone know a way, or a workaround?
GetExitCodeThread is the correct function. Here is the MSDN description of what it does:
This function returns immediately. If the specified thread has not
terminated and the function succeeds, the status returned is
STILL_ACTIVE. If the thread has terminated and the function succeeds,
the status returned is one of the following values:
The exit value specified in the ExitThread or TerminateThread function.
The return value from the thread function.
The exit value of the thread's process.
The problem with most programmer is that they don't pay attention to compiler warnings. At level 4 (/W4), the compiler produces following warning when returning -1 from a function that is returning DWORD:
warning C4245: 'return' : conversion from 'int' to 'DWORD', signed/unsigned mismatch
you need to check for STILL_ACTIVE for the values one of these threads may still be active
You can use C++ 11's threads concepts using std::future.
See an example below.
int ReturnFrmThread() {
return 100;
int main() {
std::future<int> GetRetVal= std::async(ReturnFrmThread); // Execution of ReturnFrmThread starts
int answer = GetAnAnswer.get(); // gets value as 100;
// Waits until ReturnFrmThread has finished

COM port read - Thread remains alive after timeout occurs

I have a dll which includes a function called ReadPort that reads data from serial COM port, written in c/c++. This function is called within an extra thread from another WINAPI function using the _beginthreadex. When COM port has data to be read, the worker thread returns the data, ends normaly, the calling thread closes the worker's thread handle and the dll works fine.
However, if ReadPort is called without data pending on the COM port, when timeout occurs then WaitForSingleObject returns WAIT_TIMEOUT but the worker thread never ends. As a result, virtual memory grows at about 1 MB every time, physical memory grows some KBs and the application that calls the dll becomes unstable. I also tryied to use TerminateThread() but i got the same results.
I have to admit that although i have enough developing experience, i am not familiar with c/c++. I did a lot of research before posting but unfortunately i didn't manage to solve my problem.
Does anyone have a clue on how could i solve this problem? However, I really want to stick to this kind of solution. Also, i want to mention that i think i can't use any global variables to use some kind of extra events, because each dll's functions may be called many times for every COM port.
I post some parts of my code below:
The Worker Thread:
unsigned int __stdcall ReadPort(void* readstr){
DWORD dwError; int rres;DWORD dwCommModemStatus, dwBytesTransferred;
int ret;
char szBuff[64] = "";
ReadParams* params = (ReadParams*)readstr;
ret = SetCommMask(params->param2, EV_RXCHAR | EV_CTS | EV_DSR | EV_RLSD | EV_RING);
if (ret == 0)
return -1;
ret = WaitCommEvent(params->param2, &dwCommModemStatus, 0);
if (ret == 0)
return -2;
ret = SetCommMask(params->param2, EV_RXCHAR | EV_CTS | EV_DSR | EV_RLSD| EV_RING);
if (ret == 0)
return -3;
if (dwCommModemStatus & EV_RXCHAR||dwCommModemStatus & EV_RLSD)
rres = ReadFile(params->param2, szBuff, 64, &dwBytesTransferred,NULL);
if (rres == 0)
switch (dwError = GetLastError())
return -4;
return -5;
return 0;
return 0;
return 0;}
The Calling Thread:
int WINAPI StartReadThread(HANDLE porthandle, HWND windowhandle){
HANDLE hThread;
unsigned threadID;
ReadParams readstr;
DWORD ret, ret2;
readstr.param2 = porthandle;
hThread = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex( NULL, 0, ReadPort, &readstr, 0, &threadID );
ret = WaitForSingleObject(hThread, 500);
if (ret == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
if (readstr.param1 != NULL)
// Send message to GUI
return 0;
else if (ret == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
ret2 = CloseHandle(hThread);
return -1;
ret2 = CloseHandle(hThread);
if (ret2 == 0)
return -2;
Thank you in advance,
Don't use WaitCommEvent. You can call ReadFile even when there is no data waiting.
Use SetCommTimeouts to make ReadFile itself timeout, instead of building a timeout on the inter-thread communications.
Change the delay in the WaitForSingleObject call to 5000 or 10000 and I bet your problem frequency goes way down.
Edwin's answer is also valid. The spawned thread does not die because you closed the thread handle.
There is no guarantee that the ReadPort thread has even started by the time you are timing out. Windows takes a LONG time to start a thread.
Here are some suggestions:
You never check the return value of beginthreadex. How do you know the thread started?
Use whatever synchronization method with which you are comfortable to sync the ReadPort thread startup with StartReadThread. It could be as simple as an integer flag that ReadPort sets to 1 when its ready to work. Then the main thread can start its true waiting at that point. Otherwise you'll never know short of using a debugger what's happening between the 2 threads. Do not time out from the call to WaitForSingleObject in StartReadThread until your sync method indicates that ReadPort is working.
You should not use strcpy to copy the bytes received from the serial port with ReadFile. ReadFile tells you how many bytes it read. Use that value and memcpy to fill the buffer.
Look here and here for info on how to have ReadFile time out so your reads are not indefinite. Blocking forever on Windows is a recipe for disaster as it can cause zombie processes you cannot kill, among other problems.
You communicate no status to StartReadThread about what happened in the ReadPort thread. How do you know how many bytes ReadPort placed into szBuff? To get the theads exit code, use GetExitCodeThread. Documented here. Note that you cannot use GetExitCodeThread if you've closed the thread handle.
In your calling thread after a timeout you close the threadhandle. This will only stop you from using the handle. The worker thread however is still running. You should use a loop which waits again.