Adapter pattern : Why would we need to subclass the Adaptee? - c++

For an Object Adapter design, GoF states :
makes it harder to override Adaptee behavior. It will require subclassing Adaptee and making Adapter refer to the subclass rather than the Adaptee itself
My question is that why is this subclassing required when we are creating the clases as follows :
class Target {
public :
virtual void op() = 0 ;
} ;
class Adaptee {
public :
void adapteeOp() {cout<<"adaptee op\n" ;}
} ;
class Adapter : public Target {
Adaptee *adaptee ;
public :
Adapter(Adaptee *a) : adaptee(a) {}
void op() {
// added behavior
cout<<"added behavior\n" ;
adaptee->adapteeOp() ;
// more added behavior
cout<<"more added behavior\n" ;
} ;
main() { //client
Adapter adapter(new Adaptee) ;
adapter.op() ;
I have not been able to appreciate the requirement for subclassing as mentioned by GoF when I am able to override the behavior here also.
Please explain what is the point that I am missing out.

I have not been able to appreciate the requirement for subclassing as mentioned by GoF when I am able to override the behavior here also.
I see your confusion. Your example is too simple as it only contains cout statements. I wouldn't qualify adding cout statements before and after a call to one of Adaptees methods as adding any significant behavior. You need to consider more complex scenarios.
Imagine that you want to add newFunctionality to the Adaptee that uses the protected data from Adaptee. You can't modify the Adaptee so the only option you have is to subclass it.
class NewAdaptee : public Adaptee {
public :
void adapteeOp() {
cout<<"adaptee op\n" ; //step 3
void newFunctionality() { //use protected members from Adaptee }
} ;
The above code demonstrates a more complex use case of adding functionality to the Adaptee where subclassing is the only way to achieve this. So you now want to start using this new Adaptee in your Adapter. If you go with the object adapter option, you will need to start using a NewAdaptee reference in the Adaptor
class Adapter : public Target {
NewAdaptee *adaptee ;
//more code follows
This has the immediate issue that your Adapter can no longer be passed any direct subclasses of Adaptee. This is what they mean when they say It will require subclassing Adaptee and making Adapter refer to the subclass rather than the Adaptee itself. This would take away the advantage of the object adapter approach which was to allow a single adapter to work with all the subclasses of the Adaptee.
Note : In the class adapter approach, NewAdaptee would actually be your adapter and would also inherit Target.


Which pattern to use in order to execute new code by just adding new subclasses of a base class?

I am trying to figure out a pattern to avoid code duplication in a situation similar to the one bellow:
std::list<int> error_list;
void validate()
if( validate_0001() == false )
{ error_list.push_back(1); }
if( validate_0002() == false )
{ error_list.push_back(2); }
The method 'validate' is public in a class responsible for performing different actions, in the example validations, each one with an unique id. I want to be able to add a new action by just extending a base class, without the need to create a new method and add its call and its error handling inside the validate method.
I'm suggesting you use validating decorators (Here is a Java example)
abstract class Validation {
final List<Integer> list;
Validation(List<Integer> list) {
this.list = list;
public abstract int error();
class FirstValidation extends Validation {
public FirstValidation(List<Integer> list) {
public int error() {
return 0;
You can't really extend a single function from a base class without extending the whole class.
One thing you can do is make the validation methods in a separate class and extend it by the two other classes. Another thing you can do is make the validations as an abstract class and implement it as you please in the child classes,the disadvantage of this approach is that you would have to provide the implementation in each of the child classes.

A C++ issue with multiple inheritance, templates and static variables

I have a code similar to the following:
template<class ObjType>
class jsonable
static map<string, jsonElem> config;
virtual void setConfig() = 0;
//other fields and methods in public/private
class user : public jsonable<user>
virtual void setConfig();
//other fields and methods in public/private
class client : user
virtual void setConfig() {user::setConfig(); /* more config */}
//other fields and methods in public/private
The main idea of this code is to save in static variables data related to the class referenced in the template. The problem comes when I want to inherit from the user class: the static variable is shared between user and client classes, instead of one static variable for each class.
I've tried to do something like:
class client : user, jsonable<client>
But a bunch of problems appeared (many methods with same name, and some other related to inherit 2 times the same class). I don't know if there is an elegant way of do this, or even if there is a way at all. (I'm a bit newbie in c++)
Any idea would be welcome! :). And of course, I can "copy" all the contents of user into client but... I would like to do not do that until there are no more options.
In order to add context and details to the question, I'm going to explain a bit what I'm doing (or want to do).
Jsonable is a class that provides the ability to serialize into Json another class (helped by
To achive this, it uses a static map to store each jsonable-field name and its info (type and position relative to the start of the class in memory, so it can be serialized and deserialized).
The problem comes if a class inherits from another class that inherits from jsonable. Both shares that map, so only the baseclass data is consider when serializing/deserializing. Hope this explanation helps to understand...
Edit2: Giving a full code in a question seems very overkilling to me. If someone wants something to compile, I've uploaded a git repo:
Really thanks to all the people who have put interest on this question!.
A possible solution can be derive client from both user (because it is a user) and jsonable<client> as (private/public apart)
class user : public jsonable<user>
virtual void setConfig();
//other fields and methods in public/private
class client: public user, public jsonable<client>
virtual void setConfig()
// more config, referred to jsonable<client>::map
because it has to implement jsonable for itself (regardless of user).
This is the so-called "stacked parallelogram" inhertiance pattern very common in multiple interface implementations as modular behavior.
Now user and client have each their own configuration
If I understand your problem correctly: you want client to be a user, but also have all the per-class statics defined in jsonable?
Have you considered composition over inheritance? This could work either way:
1) make user a component of client
class client : public jsonable<client>
user parent; // could also be a pointer
void setConfig() {parent.setConfig(); /* more config */}
/* ... */
2) make jsonable a component:
class user
jsonable<user> userjson; // public, private, whatever is appropriate for your design
/* ... */
class client : public user
jsonable<client> clientjson;
/* ... */

DryIoc - specifying dependency when using constructor injection

Using DryIoc if I register two implementations of the same contract - how can control which implementation to use when using constructor injection?
I see you can you register with a key or metadata - is it possible (using an attribute?) to control with implementation is injected? Or should I require a collection and figure out the correct implementation in the ctor?
You can specify what dependency to consume in constructor via Made.Of strongly-typed spec, like so:
() => new SomeClient(Arg.Of<IDep>("service key of impl")));
Here is the related SO answer with more options.
Attributed registration is supported via MEF Attributed Model:
public class SomeClient {
public SomeClient([Import("x")]IDep dep) {}
[Export("x", typeof(IDep))]
public class X : IDep {}
[Export("y", typeof(IDep))]
public class Y : IDep {}
// in composition root:
using DryIoc.MefAttributedModel;
container = new Container().WithMefAttributedModel();
container.Resolve<SomeClient>(); // will inject X

Adding operations on Model without adding code to Model

Say i have an hierarchy of Shape objects, each has its own data (polyline has list of vertices, circle has a center and radius, etc).
I want to be able to perform operations on each shape, such as Draw, Snap to some point, split to two shapes at a specific point, etc.
One way to do it is to add a method to Shape interface for each operation. However, in that case i will have to modify my model interface every time a new operation is added. It does not sound correct to me. I thought of the following solution and would like to here your opinion or other solutions.
I will add an interface of ShapeOperationsFactory and the following method to Shape interface:
class Shape
virtual ShapeOperationFactory* createShapeOperationsFactory() = 0;
class Circle : public Shape
virtual ShapeOperationsFactory* createShapeOperationsFactor();
ShapeOperationsFactory* Circle::createShapeOperationsFactory()
return new CircleShapeOperationsFactory();
ShapeOperationsFactory will be able to create a set of operations classes that are specific for the shape:
class ShapeOperationsFactory
virtual ShapeDrawer* createDrawer() = 0;
virtual ShapeSnapper* createSnapper() = 0;
virtual ShapeSplitter* createSplitter() = 0;
class CircleShapeOperationsFactory : public ShapeOperationsFactory
virtual ShapeDrawer* createDrawer();
virtual ShapeSnapper* createSnapper();
virtual ShapeSplitter* createSplitter();
ShapeDrawer* CircleShapeOperationsFactory::createDrawer()
return new CircleShapeDrawer();
ShapeSnapper* CircleShapeOperationsFactory::createSnapper()
return new CircleShapeSnapper();
ShapeSplitter* CircleShapeOperationsFactory::createSplitter()
return new CircleShapeSplitter();
In this implementation the Shape interface will not change when new operations are added. For new shape i will need to implement a new operations factory and a class per operation. For new operations i will need to add a method to the operations factory class and a class implementing the operation for each shape.
Making your classes more modular by creating an Operator class I think is great, but this is not really a factory. Factory usually involved creating an object base on some message, for example on a unserialization process.
For your case you could have an Operator member in your base class and in the constructor of your derived class you assign that member to the appropriate Operator derived class.
A solution could be to use the visitor design pattern. The purpose of this design pattern :
the visitor design pattern is a way of separating an algorithm from an object structure on which it operates. A practical result of this separation is the ability to add new operations to existing object structures without modifying those structures. It is one way to follow the open/closed principle.
The principle is simple:
You create a visitor class:
class Visitor
virtual void visit(Circle*) = 0;
virtual void visit(Polyline*) = 0;
You add this method to Shape:
virtual void accept(class Visitor*) = 0;
Then you implements this method in each Shape sub class.
void Circle::accept(Visitor *v)
And then you have to create one visitor per operation:
class Drawer: public Visitor
void visit(Circle* c)
void visit(Polyline*p)
You could also delegate each visit method to a service: (visit(Circle* c) to a CircleDrawer).
void visit(Circle* c)
void visit(Polyline*p)
If you want to add an operation, you will have to create a new visitor sub class.
If you want to add a shape, you will have to add a new method on each visitor.
The visitor collaborare really well with the composite design pattern (heavily use in gui programming). The visitor pattern can be used in addition with the composite pattern. The object structure can be a composite structure. In this case in the implementation of the accept method of the composite object the accept methods of the component object has to be invoked.
I am not a c++ programmer, feel free to edit and make the code syntactically correct.

Unit Testing abstract classes and or interfaces

I'm trying to start using Unit Testing on my current project in Visual Studio 2010. My class structure, however, contains a number of interface and abstract class inheritance relationships.
If two classes are derived from the same abstract class, or interface I'd like to be able to share the testing code between them. I'm not sure how to do this exactly. I'm thinking I create a test class for each interface I want to test, but I'm not sure the correct way to feed my concrete classes into the applicable unit tests.
OK here's an example. Say I have an interface IEmployee , which is implemented by an abstract class Employee, which is then inherited by the two concrete classes Worker and Employee. (Code show below)
Now say I want to create tests that apply to all IEmployees or Employees. Or alternatively create specific tests for specific types of Employees. For example I may want to assert that setting IEmployee.Number to a number less then zero for any implementation of IEmployee throws an exception. I'd prefer to write the tests from the perspective of any IEmployee and then be able to use the tests on any implementation of IEmployee.
Here's another example. I may also want to assert that setting the vacation time for any employee to a value less then zero throws and error. Yet I may also want to have different tests that apply to a specific concrete version of Employee. Say I want to test that Worker throws an exception if they are provided more then 14 days vacation, but a manager can be provided up to 36.
public interface IEmployee
string Name {get; set;}
int Number {get; set;}
public abstract class Employee:IEmploee
string Name {get; set;}
int Number {get;set;}
public abstract int VacationTime(get; set;)
public abstract class Worker:IEmployee
private int v;
private int vTime;
public abstract int VacationTime
return VTime;
if(value>36) throw new ArgumentException("Exceeded allowed vaction");
if(value<0)throw new ArgumentException("Vacation time must be >0");
vTime= value;
public void DoSomWork()
public abstract class Manager:IEmployee
public abstract int VacationTime
return VTime;
if(value>14) throw new ArgumentException("Exceeded allowed vaction");
if(value<0)throw new ArgumentException("Vacation time must be >0");
vTime= value;
public void DoSomeManaging()
So I guess what I'm looking for is a work flow that will allow me to nest unit tests. So for example when I test the Manager class I want to first test that it passes the Employee and IEmployee tests, and then test specific members such as DoSomeManaging().
I guess I know what you mean. I had the same issue.
My solution was to create a hierarchy also for testing. I'll use the same example you show.
First, have an abstract test class for the base IEmployee.
It has two main things:
i. All the test methods you want.
ii. An abstract method that returns the desired instance of the IEmployee.
public abstract class IEmployeeTests
protected abstract GetIEmployeeInstance();
public void TestMethod1()
IEmployee target = GetIEmployeeInstance();
// do your IEmployee test here
Second, you have a test class for each implementation of IEmployee, implementing the abstract method and providing appropriate instances of IEmployee.
public class WorkerTests : IEmployeeTests
protected override GetIEmployeeInstance()
return new Worker();
public class ManagerTests : IEmployeeTests
protected override GetIEmployeeInstance()
return new Manager();
You can see everything works as expected and VS gives you the expected test methods for each WorkerTests and ManagerTests classes in the TestView window.
You can run them and have the test results for each implementation of the IEmployee interface, having to create the tests only in the base IEmployeeTests class.
You can always add specific test for the derived WorkerTests and ManagerTests classes.
The question would be now, what about classes that implement multiple interfaces, let's say EmployedProgrammer?
public EmployedProgrammer : IEmployee, IProgrammer
We don't have multiple inheritance in C#, so this is not an option:
public EmployedProgrammerIEmployeeTests : IEmployeeTests, IProgrammerTests
// this doesn't compile as IEmployeeTests, IProgrammerTests are classes, not interfaces
For this scenario, a solution is to have the following test classes:
public EmployedProgrammerIEmployeeTests : IEmployeeTests
protected override GetIEmployeeInstance()
return new EmployedProgrammer();
public EmployedProgrammerIProgrammerTests : IProgrammerTests
protected override GetIProgrammerInstance()
return new EmployedProgrammer();
public abstract class IProgrammerTests
protected abstract GetIProgrammerInstance();
public void TestMethod1()
IProgrammer target = GetIProgrammerInstance();
// do your IProgrammerTest test here
I'm using this with good results.
Hope it helps.
What I think you want to do is create unit tests for methods in abstract classes.
I'm not sure it makes sense to want to test a protected method on an abstract class, but if you insist simply extend the class in a class used exclusively for unittesting. That way you can expose the protected methods on the abstract class you want to test through public methods on the extending class that simply call through to the method on the abstract class.
If you have methods in abstract classes that you want unittested, I suggest refactoring them into separate classes and simply expose them as public methods and put those under test. Try looking at your inheritance tree from a 'test-first' perspective and I'm pretty sure you'll come up with that solution (or a similar one) as well.
It seems that you have described "composite unit testing" which is not supported by Visual Studio 2010 unit tests. Such things can be done in MbUnit according to this article. It is possible to create abstract tests in Visual Studio 2010 which is probably not exactly what you want. Here is description how to implement abstract tests in VS (Inheritance Example section).
Use microsoft moles for better testing. so you can mock the abstract base class / static methods etc easily. Please refer the following post for more info
BenzCar benzCar = new BenzCar();
new MCar(benzCar)
Drive= () => "Testing"
}.InstanceBehavior = MoleBehaviors.Fallthrough;
var hello = child.Drive();
Assert.AreEqual("Benz Car driving. Testing", hello);
The desire to run the same test against multiple classes usually means you have an opportunity to extract the behavior you want to test into a single class (whether it's the base class or an entirely new class you compose into your existing classes).
Consider your example: instead of implementing vacation limits in Worker and Manager, add a new member variable to Employee, 'MaximumVacationDays', implement the limit in the employee class' setter, and check the limit there:
abstract class Employee {
private int maximumVacationDays;
protected Employee(int maximumVacationDays) {
this.maximumVacationDays = maximumVacationDays
public int VacationDays {
set {
if (value > maximumVacationDays)
throw new ArgumentException("Exceeded maximum vacation");
class Worker: Employee {
public Worker(): Employee(14) {}
class Manager: Employee {
public Manager(): Employee(36) {}
Now you have only one method to test and less code to maintain.