How can I fix “Error: Failure during raster IO”? - r-raster

I'm trying to working with 12 high resolution LANDSAT images at 30m resolution (1.4 Gb per image) as covariates in a species distribution model.
But I get the following error: “Error: Failure during raster IO” when extracting values from my raster stack.
preds <- suppressWarnings( raster::stack(files))
envtrain <- extract(preds, train)
I read some suggestion to reduce the images area, but it's not good for me.

This almost certainly means that your raster file is corrupted. Try downloading it again. And why do you use suppressWarnings. Remove that and look at the warnings... (and show them to us!)


OpenCV resize returns empty image when aspect ratio is inverted

I'm using the OpenCV library in a CUDA C++ environment to resize an image obtained by GPU processing.
A crucial step of the processing involves resampling the image and INVERTING the aspect ratio.
Example problem:
Resize a 2000 x 500 and transform it into a 500 x 2000 image using CUDA
This is attempted by the following OpenCV command:
Where d_src and d_dst are the proper GpuMats with 2000 x 500 and 500 x 2000 size.
The maximum permitted resize is a square of either 2000x2000 or 500x500. The function behaves as expected as long as the aspect ratio is not inverted. I have also attempted making the interpolation in two steps, either by expansion and reduction:
Going from 2000x500 to 2000x2000 to 500x2000.
Going from 2000x500 to 500x500 to 500x2000.
Both these approaches fail and are not preferred since they consume a considerable amount of extra GPU memory.
Has anyone experienced a similar problem with this function? Could somebody help me out?
Thank you in advance
Nevermind. This problem can be solved by setting the size parameters to auto:

How to make image comparison in openCV more coarse

I am writing a code on raspberry pi in python to compare two images using mean squared error. The project is an personal home security thing.
My main goal is to detect a change between the images that I capture from pi camera(if something is added to the current image or something removed from the image) but right now my code is too sensitive. It is affected by change in background lighting, which I do not want.
I have two options in front of me, to either scrape my current logic and start a new one or improve my current logic to account for these noise(if I can call them that). I am searching for ways to improve my logic but I wanted some guidance on how to go about it.
My biggest fear being, am I wasting time kicking a dead horse or should I just look for some other algorithm to detect a change in image or should I use edge detection
import numpy as np
import cv2
import os
from threading import Thread
######Function Definition########################################
def mse(imageA, imageB):
# the 'Mean Squared Error' between the two images is the
# sum of the squared difference between the two images;
# NOTE: the two images must have the same dimension
err = np.sum((imageA.astype("int") - imageB.astype("int")) ** 2)
err /= int(imageA.shape[0] * imageA.shape[1])
# return the MSE, the lower the error, the more "similar"
# the two images are
return err
def compare_images(imageA, imageB):
# compute the mean squared error
m = mse(imageA, imageB)
def capture_image():
##shell command to click photos
##original image Path variable
original_image_path= "/home/pi/Downloads/python-compare-two-images/originalimage.png"
##original_image_args is a shell command to click photos
original_image_args="raspistill -o "+original_image_path+" -w 320 -h 240 -q 50 -t 500"
##read the greyscale of the image in to the variable original_image
original_image=cv2.imread(original_image_path, 0)
##Three images
image_args="raspistill -o /home/pi/Downloads/python-compare-two-images/Test_Images/image.png -w 320 -h 240 -q 50 --nopreview -t 10 --exposure sports"
#created a new thread to take pictures
#Thread started
flag = 0
image1 = cv2.imread((image_path+image1_name), 0)
compare_images(original_image, image1)
A first improvement is to adjust a gain to compensate for the global variation of the light. Like taking the average intensity of the two images and correcting one with the ratio of the intensities.
This can fail in case of an change of the foreground, which will influence the global average. If that change in the foreground doesn't have a too large area, you can get an estimate by robust fitting of a linear model y = a.x.
A worse, but unfortunately common, scenario, is when the background illumination changes in a non-uniform way. A partial solution is to try and fit a non-uniform gain model such as one obtained by bilinear interpolation between gains estimated at the corners, or a finer subdivision of the image.
The topic of change detection is a very studied field. One of the basic options is to model each one of the pixels as a Gaussian distribution by sampling a lot of images for each pixel and calculate the mean and variance of each pixel.
For the pixels that tend to change when there is change in lighting the variance of the pixels will be bigger than the ones that don't change as much.
In order to detect movement for a certain pixel you just need to choose what is the probability you consider as an unordarinry change in the pixel value and use the Gaussain distribution you calculated to find what is the corresponding value that is considered unordarinry.
To make this solution efficient for your raspberry pi you will need to first do an "offline" calculation of the values for each pixel that will be the threshold values for which the change in the pixel value is considered movement and store them in a file and than in the "online" sage you will just compare each pixel to the calculated value.
For the "offline" stage i recommend using images that were recorder during the entire day in order to get all the variation you need per pixel. This stage of curse can be done on your computer and only the output file will be uploaded to the raspberry pi

Digital signal decimation using gnuradio lib

I write application where I must process digital signal - array of double. I must the signal decimate, filter etc.. I found a project gnuradio where are functions for this problem. But I can't figure how to use them correctly.
I need signal decimate (for example from 250Hz to 200Hz). The function should be similar to resample function in Matlab. I found, the classes for it are:
rational_resampler_base_fff Class source
fir_filter_fff Class source
Unfortunately I can't figure how to use them.
gnuradio and shared library I have installed
Thanks for any advice
EDIT to #jcoppens
Thank you very much for you help.
But I must process signal in my code. I find classes in gnuradio which can solve my problem, but I need help how set them.
Functions which I must set are:
low_pass(doub gain, doub sampling_freq, doub cutoff_freq, doub transition_width, window, beta)
use "window method" to design a low-pass FIR filter
gain: overall gain of filter (typically 1.0)
sampling_freq: sampling freq (Hz)
cutoff_freq: center of transition band (Hz)
transition_width: width of transition band (Hz).
The normalized width of the transition band is what sets the number of taps required. Narrow –> more taps
window_type: What kind of window to use. Determines maximum attenuation and passband ripple.
beta: parameter for Kaiser window
I know, I must use window = KAISER and beta = 5, but for the rest I'm not sure.
The func which I use are: low_pass and pfb_arb_resampler_fff::filter
I solved the resampling using libsamplerate
I need signal decimate (for example from 250Hz to 200Hz)
WARNING: I expressed the original introductory paragraph incorrectly - my apologies.
As 250 Hz is not related directly to 200 Hz, you have to do some tricks to convert 250Hz into 200Hz. Inserting 4 interpolated samples in between the 250Hz samples, lowers the frequency to 50Hz. Then you can raise the frequency to 200Hz again by decimating by a factor 4.
For this you need the "Rational Resampler", where you can define the subsample and decimate factors. Something like this:
This means you would have to do something similar if you use the library. Maybe it's even simpler to do it without the library. Interpolate linearly between the 250 Hz samples (i.e. insert 4 extra samples between each), then decimate by selecting each 4th sample.
Note: There is a Signal Processing forum on stackexchange - maybe this question might fall in that category...
More information: If you only have to resample your input data, and you do not need the actual gnuradio program, then have a look at this document:
There are several links to other documents, and a link to libresample, libresample4, and others, which may be of use to you. Another, very interesting, page is:
Finally, from the same source as the pdf above, check their snd program. It may solve your problem without writing any software. It can load floating point samples, resample, and save again:
EDIT: And yet another solution - maybe the simplest of all: Use Matlab (or the free Octave version):
pkg load signal
t = linspace(0, 10*pi, 50); % Generate a timeline - 5 cycles
s = sin(t); % and the sines -> 250 Hz
tr = resample(s, 5, 4); % Convert to 200 Hz
plot(t, s, 'r') % Plot 250 Hz in red
hold on
plot(t, tr(1:50)) % and resampled in blue
Will give you:

SuperResolution nextFrame bug

In the superresolution (gpu/super_resolution.cpp) sample (built with vc11 compiler) the the following line:
//Ptr superRes;
results the following error error (tried with multipe test videos):
and if I change the optical flow method to simple, it takes forever to run (stopped 30 min with an i7 2600k)
Any idea?
The BTV SuperResolution algorithm was oriented for small input videos. And it use a lot of memory for inner buffers. Your video has large resolution [768 x 576] and you upscale it with factor 4. Try to reduce scale factor, temporal radius or input resolution (for example upscale only a part of frame).

jpegtran.exe not correctly rotating image

I have a freshly compiled libjpeg version 9 and tried running jpegtran.exe in command line with the arguments:
.\jpegtran.exe -rotate 180 -outfile test_output1.jpg testimg.jpg
testimg.jpg: test_output1.jpg:
As you can see it does rotate the image but it clips it and it's not put together correctly. The usage.txt file that comes with the package isn't totally up to date because I had to use the -outfile switch instead of what it says:
jpegtran uses a command line syntax similar to cjpeg or djpeg. On
Unix-like systems, you say:
jpegtran [switches] [inputfile] >outputfile
On most non-Unix systems, you say:
jpegtran [switches] inputfile outputfile
where both the input and output files are JPEG
To specify the coded JPEG representation used in the output file,
jpegtran accepts a subset of the switches recognized by cjpeg:
-optimize Perform optimization of entropy encoding parameters.
-progressive Create progressive JPEG file.
-arithmetic Use arithmetic coding.
-restart N Emit a JPEG restart marker every N MCU rows, or every N MCU blocks if "B" is attached to the number.
-scans file Use the scan script given in the specified text file.
See the previous discussion of cjpeg for more details about these
switches. If you specify none of these switches, you get a plain
baseline-JPEG output file. The quality setting and so forth are
determined by the input file.
The image can be losslessly transformed by giving one of these
-flip horizontal Mirror image horizontally (left-right).
-flip vertical Mirror image vertically (top-bottom).
-rotate 90 Rotate image 90 degrees clockwise.
-rotate 180 Rotate image 180 degrees.
-rotate 270 Rotate image 270 degrees clockwise (or 90 ccw).
-transpose Transpose image (across UL-to-LR axis).
-transverse Transverse transpose (across UR-to-LL axis).
Oddly enough (or maybe not), if I execute .\jpegtran.exe -rotate 180 -outfile test_output2.jpg test_output1.jpg I get the original image back without any clipping issues. It's flipping the clipped parts but just not lining it up right with the rest of the image.
I get the same result by executing jpegtran.exe -rotate 90 twice.
Also, I tried it on a larger .jpg file which resulted in the same issue but the file size was 18KB smaller for the output. I imagine the issue is related to this.
Edit - I also found this blurb which seems to describe the problem:
jpegtran's default behavior when transforming an odd-size image is
designed to preserve exact reversibility and mathematical consistency
of the transformation set. As stated, transpose is able to flip the
entire image area. Horizontal mirroring leaves any partial iMCU
column at the right edge untouched, but is able to flip all rows of
the image. Similarly, vertical mirroring leaves any partial iMCU row
at the bottom edge untouched, but is able to flip all columns. The
other transforms can be built up as sequences of transpose and flip
operations; for consistency, their actions on edge pixels are defined
to be the same as the end result of the corresponding
transpose-and-flip sequence.
The -trim switch works, if you can call it that, and trims out the disorganized data but the image is smaller and lost data.
Adding the -perfect switch which supposedly stops the above from happening results in this: transformation is not perfect for output and no image.
So is it not possible to losslessly rotate a .jpg? I could, myself, go into paint and reconstruct the original image by simply moving the edge lines into their correct place. Is there a method to do this within libjpeg?
A lossless rotation works with whole DCT blocks contained within the JPEG file. These blocks are always 8x8 or 16x16 pixels (depending on the compression downsampling settings). The file contains a width and height so the extra pixels can be thrown away when the image is decoded, but there's no way to move the clipping from the right/bottom edge to the left/top edge. The software is doing the best it can with an impossible problem.
As you've discovered the way around this problem is to make the width and height evenly divisible by 16. You'll find that images from cameras for example will have this property.