on opencart v2.3 I did create a module from manufacturer
I created a table on mysql similar to manufacturer table and I duplicated this files
and changed manufacturer to enchere and also inside the files i changed manufacturer to enchere and the class names too
but when i uploaded the files to my opencart in the same folders where manufacturer are I didn't see no where enchere
can someone help me plz
You have to go to System>Users>User Groups>Edit to your group then give access to the new module, you can do a small search to be sure search for catalog/enchere you will find it unselected, once you select it it will appear.
We have an ERP where scanned documents are stored.
The link to a documents comes in the format localhost:8080/doc/PONo=121212
We would like this link to be dynamically used on Navision in a Purchase Order workflow. For example when the document is attached to the ERP using the PO No. 121212 and the same number is filled as a field in Navision, then a link with the format localhost:8080/doc/PONo={PONo} should take you to the ERP; where {PONo} is selected from Navision.
Not quite sure that I understood your requirement. But from what if the goal is to Navigate from NAV to that external ERP it can be achieved.
Just create a text variable or read from a setup(if any) the general link to your ERP.
So you will get a link in the following format localhost:8080/doc/PONo=%1.
On validate of a required field or OnAction use STRSUBSTNO to substitute %1 with your PO number.
After the link is ready and updated you can use something like HYPERLINK(STRSUBSTNO(LinkTxt,PurchaseHeader."External Document No.")) or whatever field contains the Document No. in your other ERP.
In the Schema Browser, Toad automatically includes the schema name in the name of database objects. For example, when I click on a procedure to see it's source, it goes:
Is there a way to disable this? Such that it shows
This would make copying code and running it in other schema's a lot easier!
This is not intuitive at all, but the Schema Browser is using the Editor option to include schema names. See the Editor|Open/Save page in Options. Set the "Owner name" value accordingly in the "Object loading" group box.
Always include - always includes schema name
Never include - never includes schema name
Include on loads from other schemas - includes name when the object is not owned by the logged on schema
I want to index few csv files in solr and build search engine using sunburnt for solr,
from sunburnt import SolrInterface
si = sunburnt.SolrInterface("http://localhost:8985/solr/practice")
I get an error:
Key error: id
I am using python 2.7.11, Solr - 6.1, sunburnt 0.6
I found same post here in stackoverflow but it just had one answer and its link is not working now.
I am stuck. please guide me what should I do.
I have to build search engine which can search over multiple fields and over multiple files. I found that sunburnt is best for my case. Any suggestions?
Are your providing an Id for your document or not ? In Solr schema.xml generally id is defined as a Unique Key and is a required parameter. Generally CSV files may have or not have an id field inside them . If not present , using DataImportHandler you can send a file with id . But for a quick fix solution , go to your schema.xml , look for a field declared as id .Remove required=true parameter from this field . Also look for a uniqueKey tag defined in your schema.xml generally defined at the top of a schema.xml file . Remove it completely and try again by restarting the server. If this error resolves, you can further spend your time exploring how to send id as a parameter to your documents . An id for a document is required to uniquely identify it , otherwise same document could be indexed by Solr multiple times, there by creating duplicate documents in the index, which is not desirable at all . Hope this helps :)
I've inherited an opencart site and am completely new to the cms. From what I've been able to gather, it was built by a competent developer but then went through a hack-it-up development team, and then on to me. So, I really don't know what all to expect from it.
I currently have a module that is rendering in the left sidebar and I don't know why it's rendering there. The only file I can find in the file stack related at all to this "module" is a single template file within the catalog directory structure called:
All of the other installed modules on the site seem to have lots of other files associated with them, whose locations are verified by the research I've done on creating opencart modules: ie, module files in the following directories:
From what I've been able to find though, this single file (affiliate_profile_select.tpl) is the only file in the file stack that is associated with this module.
I can't find anything related to this module, and/or file, inside any of the vqmod php or xml files.
I can't find anything related to this module in the admin area. I've tried searching through all of the installed modules for other generic identifiers (the section view is rendering at the very top of the left-sidebar on most non-logged-in pages, so I'm looking for layout locations of "Left Sidebar" and positions less than 2), but haven't found anything.
And yet, the section is obviously rendering on the site, so it has to be there somewhere. In fact, it's rendering in two places. It's also in the top-content section of the mobile view of the home page.
Right now it's almost feeling like it was a module that had been written, installed, and configured, and then someone deleted all but one of the files associated with the module. Could a situation like that happen?
Is there any way to track this issue down by querying the database? Or would the template inclusion obviously be inside a file somewhere and I just need to find it? To complicate matters, the hosting company doesn't allow remote login with a console (from what I can tell). Otherwise I'd just have run a grep for the filename in case someone had just thrown an "include()" statement in somewhere. The only place I've checked for something like that so far was in the left-sidebar template file:
but it's just a simple for-loop that echoes out the module views.
Any help or direction on how I might be able to track this problem down would be of significant help.
In Opencart, .tpl (template) files are always called by controllers which as you probably guessed are in catalog/controller/. An if it's a module (showing in left sidebar position, it's probably going to be in catalog/controller/module/. First order of business would be to find the controller that's calling the template you referred to. I'd probably start by getting into a shell and doing something like this from the site's docroot:
grep -r affiliate_profile_select .
From there you should be able to find the associated module controller and any other logic involved. Sometimes people use vQmod to add something on to a pre-existing module so that can possibly explain the lack of other similarly named files.
I'm writing an app which saves and loads documents both locally and on iCloud. Locally is working fine, but I'm having a problem with iCloud.
The documents are saved as a package - the UIDocument reads and writes an NSFileWrapper which contains an image file, a thumbnail file, and an info plist. When I save the document to iCloud and then look at the files under 'Manage Storage', I see the individual files instead of the packages; and more importantly when I search for files using NSMetadataQuery it returns an NSMetadataItem for each of the individual files instead of the packages. As a result, my app doesn't realise there are any packages to load and iCloud is pretty useless.
I thought that if I set up the document type and exported the UTI correctly that the packages would be treated properly. Was that right? If so, what's the checklist for setting up a document type as a package? I have:
Added a document type
set LSTypeIsPackage to YES (I've tried string YES and bool YES)
set CFBundleTypeExtensions to an array containing one string: the file suffix
set LSHandlerRank to Owner
Exported a UTI with the same identifier
set it to conform to com.apple.package
added a UITypeTagSpecification dictionary, containing an array for the key public.filename-extension, which contains one string: the file suffix
I've also tried adding a matching Imported UTI to match the exported one, but no luck there.
What did I miss?
UPDATE: I notice that the OP in this question is seeing the behaviour I want (even though he doesn't want it) so it must be possible.
Based on this I tried removing the LSItemContentTypes from my plist, and it worked.