Node Addon node-gyp build missing V8 dll's - c++

I’m trying to compile the node-addon example taken from :
I’m trying to do it on an offline system.
I’ve pointed node-gyp configure to a local source of node using –nodedir.
My problem is I’m getting a load of linker errors (9 in total) when I come to node-gyp build.
1>hello.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: static class v8::Isolate * __cdecl v8::Isolate::GetCurrent(void)" (__imp_?GetCurrent#Isolate#v8##SAPEAV12#XZ)
and I don’t really understand why.
From what i understand the error is telling me that the header file i'm using (v8.h) needs a dll.
I’ve build both the node source and the v8 source and I can’t find any dll’s, just a bunch of .lib files in node…\build\release\libs.
I think it may have something to do with BUILDING_V8_SHARED nor USING_V8_SHARED but not sure how to set them.
Changing the Visual Studio flags in the properties does nothing.
I'm using node v6.9.4 with VS 2015 on windows 7

Turns out this has nothing to do with the v8 libraries! The problem was the Visual Studio Solution would't compile with the node.lib file created when i built node.js from source. the .dll part was a bit of a red herring!
To get around this i built it on a system connected to the internet and copied over the folder in the .node-gyp folder (where it stores the downloaded .lib file and headers) and linked against that.
I don't know why i can't link against the .lib i had built but will let you know if i find out.


Use XrSceneLib_uwp in a native HoloLens 2 OpenXR application

I'm trying to create a native HoloLens 2 C++ application with OpenXR. In the Microsoft OpenXR-MixedReality example I discovered the XrSceneLib_uwp project which has the configuration type set as static library (.lib) in the Visual Studio properties. Accordingly to that I tried to add it as a library in my solution which also has a Core Application (C++/WinRT) in it where I want to use the functions from XrSceneLib_uwp. In my thinking it makes sens because I can use the library for example to create a holographic title scene without much effort. The problem here is that when I build my solution I'm getting linker errors and I don't know how to fix them. I'm also relatively new to Visual Studio (22 in my case) and most likely I'm just doing someting wrong in the linking process.
Linker error when I try to build:
Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol xrGetInstanceProcAddr referenced in function "public: __cdecl `anonymous namespace'::ImplementXrApp::ImplementXrApp(struct engine::XrAppConfiguration)" (??0ImplementXrApp#?A0x934f03db##QEAA#UXrAppConfiguration#engine###Z) CoreApp3 \repos\CoreApp3\CoreApp3\XrSceneLib_uwp.lib(XrApp.obj) 1
My solution explorer
Here is what I do:
I copy and paste the shared and openxr_preview folders from the OpenXR-MixedReality .zip file in my project folder.
Add XrSceneLib_uwp.vcxproj in /shared/XrSceneLib as an existing project to my solution.
Add the path to the copied shared and openxr_preview folders in Properties->Configuration Properties->C/C++->General->Additional Include Directories.
Add also the path to XrSceneLib_uwp.vcxproj in Additional Include Directories in my main project (CoreApp).
Add reference in CoreApp to XrSceneLib_uwp (Add->Reference->Projects).
After that everything works fine and I can even build the solution. But when I try to use the library I'm getting these linker errors. I don't understand why it works in the OpenXR-MixedReality examples but not when I try to implement it on an different project. What am I missing? I assume that XrSceneLib may not have been designed to be used externally in other projects but at the same time I think it should be possible somehow.
I also tried to add Additional Library Directories and the missing object files but either I have done something wrong or it just simply does not work.
I really appreciate any help.
I think the linker is failing to find the OpenXR Loader. The sample projects in the microsoft/OpenXR-MixedReality github repo link to the OpenXR Loader using the NuGet package manager. I get the same linker error if I purposely remove the NuGet package references from the sample projects.
You can either link to the OpenXR Loader using NuGet or you can build the OpenXR Loader youself. Take a look at the "Using OpenXR in an existing project" section on the microsoft site:

Assimp model loading library install/linking troubles

I'm trying to install Assimp to use in my projects, but I'm having some trouble. I'm currently using win 10 pro and visual studio 15 2017.
I have downloaded Assimp, extracted it into a directory, loaded cmakeGui and ran configuration twice, then generated into Assimp/build directory.
Next I went into Assimp/build and I ran the Assimp.sln and chose the ALL_BUILD I think it was. I then copied all the files in the /code/debug that were alongside the .lib and .dll and moved them all into the Debug directory of my project where my exe is built to. I copied the .lib into my opengl/libs directory and all the headers in /include from the originally extracted download into my opengl/includes/assimp directory.
Finally, I adjusted my projects linker settings to include the assimp.lib and assimp.dll (alias for simplicity of this post)
When I tried to build the project it said it could not open the dll and when experimenting I copied the dll into the project dir alongside main.cpp and my other files and ran again, it this time said "invalid or corrupt file: cannot read at 0x378"
It's safe to say I need to study up on compiling, linking and cmake but for now I started over.
I thought I had it working(and maybe I do...) after I got it to stop complaining when I was including the headers into my project. To do so I started from fresh, built Assimp same as before, moved all the files with the dll into my libs directory, dumped all the includes from the download into my includes, also move the config.h from the build into this directory. Then I set the linker settings in the project and didn't move anything into my project directories.
After that, it stopped complaining so I proceeded with the tutorial series I was following. I compiled, got a load of errors, fixed them down to 0 then suddenly I got 8 new ones in their place.
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol _aiGetMaterialTextureCount referenced in function "public: unsigned int __thiscall aiMaterial::GetTextureCount(enum aiTextureType)const " (?GetTextureCount#aiMaterial##QBEIW4aiTextureType###Z) opengl_model_loading F:\Desktop\MyDocuments\Tuts\opengl\getting started\opengl_model_loading\opengl_model_loading\main.obj 1
This error gave me the feeling it was probably due to the dll.
Please advise.
I've just recently done this myself & will say had lot of trouble with v401 & getting errors or linking issues. Successfully got mine working with following;
Note: ASSIMP does have boost as a dependency.
Download/clone master Asset-Importer-Lib from github:
Open Cmake GUI & once open:
Where is the Source code: "..\MyDocuments\assimp\assimp-master"
Where to build the binaries: "..\MyDocuments\assimp\assimp-master\build". You will need to make a build folder & point Cmake to it.
2.1. Alternatively if you're familiar with command line option: generate project files with relevant paths using
cmake -G”Visual Studio 14 Win64"
Click configure.
Then Generate. Make sure you select correct build option ie VS15 2017 64bit.
Load "..\MyDocuments\assimp\assimp-master\build\Assimp.sln" with Visual studio.
Right click "ALL_BUILD" & select "Build". This will take several minutes. Once done & no errors, it should create necessary *.dll/*.lib in
Link & include into your existing project the relevant *.lib & also
"..\MyDocuments\assimp\assimp-master\include\assimp" folder. You will also need to make sure *.dll file is in the same folder, or included, as the *exe you're running.
You may also need to copy over from the ..\MyDocuments\assimp\assimp-master\build\include\assimp\config.h" & include it in step7.
Just ensure you're building right libraries for your code ie 32/64bit/debug/release/unicode/etc, otherwise may encounter issues still.
Following video is useful for the visually inclined.
Hope this helps.
If you want static library version ie no .dll required:
From above steps:
5.1. Change relevant project configuration type & extension from .dll to .lib type (should be two: assimp & zlib).
5.2. Right click "UpdateAssimpLibsDebugSymbolsAndDLLs" ->Properties->Build Events & update the paths in the command line sections from ..\Path*.dll to ..\Path*.lib. (If encounter errors, do same on assimp_cmd project).
Same as above but now also need to link your project to IrrXML.lib & zlibd.lib. Should no longer need the *.dll file.

OpenCV and Visual Studio 2015: Why is including the static library not working?

I'm trying to set up a VS2015 solution I have with OpenCV 3.0.0, and I'm trying to do so using static libraries only.
Header files: the OpenCV header files are included correctly and I can reference them in my source files without issue.
Libraries: the static library file that was created for me when I used CMake to build OpenCV (called "ippicvmt.lib") is included correctly, and loads without issue.
Using OpenCV in code: when I try to use OpenCV classes/functions in my solution, I get linker errors when building similar to
LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual double __thiscall cv::VideoCapture::get(int)const
I can right-click and choose "Go to definition" on my use of this function and it opens videoio.hpp and shows the declaration of the virtual method. The linker error I see is likely caused by the inability for visual studio to find the actual implementation of the method in the static library I have included in my solution.
It is my understanding that the only .lib file I need to include is the one static library file. That is all I have included right now.
Does anybody know why VS can't find the implementations of this code in the OpenCV static library?
I fixed my issue by disabling the flag for building with shared libs in CMake, after that way more .lib files show up in the sharedlib folder in my install. I added each .lib file I wanted to use to my additional dependencies in my project properties and my project built.

CMake And Visual Studio build errors

I've been trying to compile tulip using cmake to generate visual studio 2012 project files. It's giving me lots of trouble. I don't know how to get this to build. I've been trying to get visual studio to build this for 4 days now, and I'm extremely frustrated. Essentially, I follow the steps here, and then set the variables CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH AND CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH according to these instructions.
To get to where I'm at, all you have to do is download tulip, and:
Unzip it, create a separate build directory outside of this source directory
Open CMake-gui to the source and build directories
Hit configure. Check use qt5, tell it where qmake is (make sure it's qt5)
You need some dependencies as described in The Independent CMake tutorial. Grab all those dependencies
As you continue to hit configure, specify each of the directories that it asks for as it errors out. It should ask for freetype, glew, zlib and sphinx. It shouldn't ask for where libxml or libpng, or libjpeg are. I don't know why it doesn't ask for those.
Generate, and then browse to the ALL_BUILD that you've generated. Open it with visual studio
try to build it with visual studio.
In those instructions and in the process of getting CMake to generate the visual studio build files, it specifically asks for freetype's location. But in my build, it doesn't have a clue how to link the freetype library.
Here are the errors that I get
Here is my CMakeCached.txt
I know that many people aren't going to want to exactly try and go about replicating the build environment, so I've uploaded my build directory to dropbox. You can pull the entire thing down, and then open it in cmake gui and open the visual studio files in there too.
The linker errors you point to (mostly "unresolved external" errors) indicate that there are missing libraries on the link command line.
That is most likely happening because target_link_libraries calls in the tulip project are either being skipped or being called with library names that do not match the library names on disk.
Open up the solution in Visual Studio and right click the project and choose "Properties" -- look at the "Linker > Input" panel at the "Additional Dependencies" field. That should list all the libraries it wants to link to. Is there a freetype library listed there? Does that library exist in the referenced location on your disk?
There could be a mistake in the tulip project, or there could just be something wrong with your build/install of freetype...
Or it may be that you have some libraries built for x86 and some for x64... or maybe some for Debug and some for Release... or maybe even some with the MinGW compiler and some with the Visual Studio compiler. If that's the case, start over, from a clean slate, and build everything with a consistent compiler, configuration type and architecture. Then report back again with an update and see if the problems still remain.
I do with Dave,
You should try to fix your error 1 by 1.
The first error seems to be a link error:
Error 1 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol gzread referenced in function "public: virtual int __cdecl gzstreambuf::underflow(void)" (?underflow#gzstreambuf##UEAAHXZ) C:\Users\kenne_000\tulip-build\tulip-build-debug\thirdparty\gzstream\gzstream.obj gzstream
gzstream is a third party lib included with tulip source in:
you can see that the missing symbols should be coming from ZLIB.
However your CMakeCache.txt indicate that
is found.
So the question may be, was this dependency compiled with the same compiler?
Don't you have compiler-specific name mangling issue ?

Linking DLL error visual studio

I walked through this tutorial and tried to recreate the example I get this error:
Error 1 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__GetXyz#0 referenced in function _main app.obj app
If I download the source from the website and run the project in visual studio it works, but If I even copy the code from the original project in my own visual studio solution it still doesn't work. I guess it must be some project settings, I don't know. What do do?
You need to add the XyzLibrary.lib to your Linker settings within project settings.
You can also do it directly in code by using #pragma comment(lib,"xyzlibrary.lib") if you are using VisualStudio.
The reason why it works in the given sample without these 2 approaches is that in the solution file, the dependencies are set from XyzExe to XyzLib, and XyzProject has 'Link Library Dependencies' in Linker settings set to true. However, I am not too keen on this approach, as I don't like to store data important for building inside solution files (for larger projects, developer's solution files can differ from build system solution files)
Seems like you are missing some external library that needs to be linked in. Whatever provides the GetXyz function is missing.
Open the Solution that works, right click the project, Properties, Linker, Input, and check what their Additional Dependencies list up. You need to add the same to your own project.