Sql Server Object Explorer tab missing in VS 2017 RC update - visual-studio-2017

I just installed the update to VS 2017 RC and now I'm missing the Sql Server Object Explorer tab and the item in the View pulldown window at the top of VS.
Is this a bug with the update?
I can't get to sql server object explorer to manage, look at, or edit my sql data.
I can see the databases in Server Explorer, but I'm missing some of the links in the menu when I right click on each db. Ex. missing 'new query', missing 'open in sql server object explorer'
Now when I go into the installation tool and try to repair, I get a failed message. I guess now I'm going to try and uninstall the whole VS package and try again!
Here is the log info I get when the repair fails. It looks like it might be looking for VS 2015 stuff?
[1ab8:000a][2017-01-19T13:58:00] Error 0x80070057:
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Dependencies.DependencyManager.BuildGraphCore(IPackage root, IEnumerable1 packages, DependencyComparer comparer, Dictionary2 packageIndex, Dictionary2 nodeIndex, Boolean splitNodes)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Dependencies.DependencyManager.BuildGraph(IPackage root, IEnumerable1 packages, Boolean isUpdate, IDependencyComparisonSeed seed)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Engine.BuildDependencyGraph(Product product, Boolean overwrite)The root node "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Product.Professional,version=15.0.25920.0" is not in the package collection.
Parameter name: root
[1ab8:000a][2017-01-19T13:58:00] Error 0x80070057:
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Dependencies.DependencyManager.BuildGraphCore(IPackage root, IEnumerable1 packages, DependencyComparer comparer, Dictionary2 packageIndex, Dictionary2 nodeIndex, Boolean splitNodes)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Dependencies.DependencyManager.BuildGraph(IPackage root, IEnumerable1 packages, Boolean isUpdate, IDependencyComparisonSeed seed)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Engine.BuildDependencyGraph(Product product, Boolean overwrite)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Engine.CreateInstallOperation(Product product, String destination, ExecuteAction action)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Engine.Repair(CancellationToken token)The root node "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Product.Professional,version=15.0.25920.0" is not in the package collection.
Parameter name: root
Update - tried to uninstall the whole VS 2017 RC package and now that is failing to uninstall with the installer tool! WTF!

I had just installed the newly released VS2017 and did not see SQL Server Object Explorer.
i installed Entity Framework 6.1.3 then proceeded to add a new item > ADO.net Entity Data Model, started to connect to SQL server and it started installing SSDT


Unable to publish GitHub page for my R package using pkgdown

I was trying to build a website for my R package using pkgdown R package. FYI, I am not using <username>.github.io.
Following the instrucution (https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/articles/pkgdown.html#publishing), I ran
I have created 'docs' folder and html files in my master branch and an empty 'gh-pages' branch. When I checked locally built pages using pkgdown::build_site(), it works perfect.
However, when I open <username>.github.io/<packagename>, I have 404 error (files not found). Is this because of empty gh-pages branch? Or, is this because I am not using <username>.github.io? The instruction does not provide much, so could you share me any extra documents that explains how to publish a project website on Github using pkgdown?
Thank you!
Sorry for not providing an reproducible example.
I tried re-run
commit and push the changes on md files + use pkgdown::build_site() to check locally.
I thought if I made changes on the md files and push the changes to GitHub master branch, pre-setuped bots or codes by use_pkgdown_github_pages() builds and publish the webpage.
Just want to update my situation:
I don't know how and why, but 'gh-pages' branch is mirroring the main/document folder for some reason. Github action called "pages build and deployment" ran successfully from mirrored 'gh-pages' branch.

Error Wso2 "Problem accessing: /. Reason: Not Found" when I try to log in Api Manager after configure Api Analytics

I've installed Wso2 Api Manager a few days ago follow this intructions:
1. I've downloaded https://wso2.com/api-management/install.
2. I've installed using the wizard in C:\Program Files\WSO2\API Manager directory.
3. I've initialize Api Manger console, then created some apis from https://localhost:9443/publisher .
Now, I want to see some statistics ( I've read that API Analytics has to be configured, so I carried out the following steps (https://docs.wso2.com/display/AM260/Configuring+APIM+Analytics#ConfiguringAPIMAnalytics-Step1-DownloadandinstallWSO2API-M).
I download it (https://wso2.com/api-management/install/analytics).
Unzip file in C:\WSO2\wso2am-analytics-2.6.0.
I've created and Environment Variables called JAVA_HOME. In value field, I typed the installation path of the Java Development Kit, C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_191.
I edited the tag true in the file "C:\Program Files\WSO2\API Manager\2.6.0\repository\conf\api-manager.xml".
I exec this command in cmd windows: "C:\WSO2\wso2am-analytics-2.6.0>worker.bat -run". It excecuted some process and aparentely everything was ok.
Finally, I run another windows console and exec: "C:\Program Files\WSO2\API Manager\2.6.0\bin>wso2server.bat -run".
Now, when I try to log in https://localhost:9443/publisher, /store o /carbon, I'm getting this error:
Problem accessing: /. Reason: Not Found
If I only lunch the Api Manager, it works perfectly but I can't get the statistics.
Did you follow Quick setup?
To access Analytics you need to carry out Standard Setup which includes:
Creating Analytics DB with the "am_usage_uploaded_files" table in addition
Configuring /conf/dashboard/deployment.yaml --> APIM_ANALYTICS_DB
Configuring /conf/worker/deployment.yaml --> APIM_ANALYTICS_DB
Configure /conf/worker/deployment.yaml --> WSO2AM_MGW_ANALYTICS_DB
And then starting the worker which creates the rest tables for analytics.

configuring build property for different environment

I'm currently working on TDS and i'm trying to connect my TDS project to another dev environment which is 'Staging' but I was unable to connect due to restricted permission.
It throws this error ---->
Connection Test Failed: Unable to download content from http://stg.website.com
Exception The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found. (WebException):
at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal(Uri address, WebRequest& request)
at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(Uri address)
at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(String address)
at HedgehogDevelopment.SitecoreProject.VSIP.ProjectTests.UrlTest.Execute()
Connection Test Finish: 2018-03-27 11:42:24
How can I connect my TDS project to staging for me to be able to sync sitecore items?
First off, you'll need to copy the _DEV folder from the existing dev sitecore instance to the new remote one. Also make sure to copy HedgehogDevelopment.SitecoreProject.Service.dll to the bin.

Sitecore WFFM CD gives "Could not find configuration node: databases/database[#id='master']"

Sitecore WFFM page in CMS (connected to Master) works.
In CD all pages works but when we go a WFFM page we get error
Could not find configuration node: databases/database[#id='master']
It looks like WFFM in CD is looking into Master. In the connection string there is no master as it is CD.
I think this config is causing issue (Sitecore.Marketing.Definitions.MarketingAssets.Repositories.config). Am I missing any steps in deploying to CD?
This error was shown in page(some part of it):
Sitecore.Configuration.DefaultFactory.CreateObject(String configPath,
String[] parameters, Boolean assert) +615
path) +24 Sitecore.Form.Core.Ascx.Controls.SimpleForm..ctor() +26
Sitecore.Form.Web.UI.Controls.SitecoreSimpleForm..ctor(Item item) +21
This is taken from error logs
Exception: System.InvalidOperationException Message: Could not find
configuration node: databases/database[#id='master'] Source:
Sitecore.Kernel at
Sitecore.Configuration.DefaultFactory.GetConfigNode(String xpath,
Boolean assert) at
Sitecore.Configuration.DefaultFactory.CreateObject(String configPath,
String[] parameters, Boolean assert) at
Sitecore.Configuration.DefaultFactory.GetDatabase(String name, Boolean
assert) at Sitecore.Configuration.DefaultFactory.GetDatabase(String
name) at
databaseName, Boolean assumeActive, IDefinitionRecordMapper`1 mapper)
databaseName, Boolean assumeActive)
Enable the SwitchMasterToWeb.config configuration patch file in the CD environments. This file helps simplify the setup of Sitecore CD instances by removing any references to the Master database from the Sitecore configuration files.
To enable the SwitchMasterToWeb.config file, rename it to have a ".config" extension.
It's also a good idea to rename the SwitchMasterToWeb.config file, or the folder that contains it, so that it is applied after any other include files that contain references to the Master database. E.G. move it into a "zzz" folder in the App_Config/Include folder.
Make sure this is done: (taken from official installation guide)
Extra steps WFFM for Content Delivery (CD) Servers:
Copy the contents of "Web Forms for Marketers CD 8.2 rev.170413.zip" file into the web root
On all the CD servers, in the \Website\App_Config\Include\Sitecore.Forms.Config file, remove or disable the following sections:
In the section, remove:
In the section, remove:
Add the following node to the section:
<setting name="WFM.IsRemoteActions" value="true" />Make sure this setting is set as follows. <setting name="WFM.MasterDatabase" value="web" />
SwitchMasterToWeb.config this might require customization. So first you would need to check the log file. In our case we found that some "master" reference was not added in SwitchMasterToWeb.config so we had to add it(that way master is changed to web). Some people contact Sitecore directly and Sitecore gave it customised for them. as given here

Upgrade to Sharepoint 2010 - Project Tracking & IT Team Workspaces not recognized

I have a WSS 3 SP 3 server that has a few sites that use the Project Tracking Workspace & IT Team Workspace Site Templates. When I Upgrade the content DBs I get Errors saying:
[powershell] [SPContentDatabaseSequence] [ERROR] [4/7/2014 2:43:47 PM]: Found 2 web(s) using missing web template 75817 (lcid: 1033) in ContentDatabase WSS_Content_team.site.com.
[powershell] [SPContentDatabaseSequence] [ERROR] [4/7/2014 2:43:47 PM]: The site definitions with Id 75817 is referenced in the database [WSS_Content_team.site.com], but is not installed on the current farm. The missing site definition may cause upgrade to fail. Please install any solution which contains the site definition and restart upgrade if necessary.[powershell] [SPContentDatabaseSequence] [ERROR] [4/7/2014 2:43:47 PM]: Found 120 web(s) using missing web template 75820 (lcid: 1033) in ContentDatabase WSS_Content_team.site.com.
[powershell] [SPContentDatabaseSequence] [ERROR] [4/7/2014 2:43:47 PM]: The site definitions with Id 75820 is referenced in the database [WSS_Content_team.site.com], but is not installed on the current farm. The missing site definition may cause upgrade to fail. Please install any solution which contains the site definition and restart upgrade if necessary.
Things I've tried:
I have Downloaded the Fab40 Site Templates, Extracted the Project Tracking Workspace & IT Team Workspace templates and globally deployed the solution in the Farm.
In the folder C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\1033\XML I can see the two files, WEBTEMPProjSing.xml and WEBTEMPITTeam.xml, that in them have the template IDs of 75820 and 75817.
I've Downloaded the Templates from TechSolutions:
Project Tracking Workspace
IT Team Workspace
Installed them, globally deployed them, still the same errors.
If I query the Farm for WebTemplates they do not show up. The only time I can get them to show up in the GET-SPWebTemplate is when I deploy the tech solutions solutions to a Specific Web. Though when I do that the Template ID is 1, not the 75820 or 75817
If there was not 120 sites with the Project Tracking Workspace, I would just bag the whole sub site and recreate it. Though That's quote a bit to do for 120 Sites.
To make this even worst, I will then be upgrading these to 2013.
Any Suggestions?
With some additional Google searching I believe I found the issue.
With the Help of this blog post I was able to get the two templates I needed installed. Here is the Procedure I followed:
Start a Sharepoint Powershell in Administrator mode.
Install the ApplicationTemplateCore Solution file
Add-SPSolution -LiteralPath C:\Fab40\ApplicationTemplateCore.wsp
Wait 5 Minutes, then deploy the solution
stsadm -o deploysolution -name ApplicationTemplateCore.wsp -allowgacdeployment -immediate
Wait 5 Minutes, then Copy App Bin Content
stsadm -o copyappbincontent
Reset the IIS Server
Install the other Solutions that you need with the same commands.
Add-SPSolution -LiteralPath C:\Fab40\ ProjectTrackingWorkspace.wsp
Wait 5 Minutes, then deploy the solution
stsadm -o deploysolution -name ProjectTrackingWorkspace.wsp -allowgacdeployment -immediate
Wait 5 Minutes, then Copy App Bin Content
stsadm -o copyappbincontent
Once you are done adding the Solutions reboot the server. I used the same commands to do this the first several times, though the Fab 40 Solutions would never be seen or installed. It must have something to do with the wait time and the resetting IIS and the reboot. That was the only combination that worked for me.