Python dictionary map to SQL query string - python-2.7

I have a python dictionary that maps column names from a source table to a destination table.
tablemap_computer = {
'ComputerID' : 'computer_id',
'HostName' : 'host_name',
'Number' : 'number'
I need to dynamically produce the following query string, such that it will update properly when new column name pairs are added to the dictionary.
ComputerID=%(computer_id)s, HostName=%(host_name), Number=%(number)s
What is a good way to do this?
I have a start at this but it is very messy and has an extra comma at the end of the last element.
queryStrInsert = ''
for tm_key, tm_val in tablemap_computer.items():
queryStrInsert += tm_key+'=%('+tm_val+')s,'

You might want to try using join and list comprehension.
query = ', '.join([key + '=%(' + value + ')s' for key, value in tablemap_computer.items()])
Using the dictionary you gave as an example one would end up with the following string:
HostName=%(host_name)s, Number=%(number)s, ComputerID=%(computer_id)s


How to extract values from a text string using a number as delimiter?

I have a bit of a unique situation, I have a column of data that has text values:
Result should look like:
Is there a way to cut out everything before a number? A generalized way would be nice in the event that number currently not included can still be evaluated for (the instance of a number always being used is the only constant)
You can try finding the index and then slicing the str using the same index. I will show you with an example.
var str = "skld35kdfosdffj";
var firstDigit =\d/);
str = str.slice(firstDigit,str.length);
Assuming your column is named ColumnName, in powerquery, add custom column with formula
= Text.RemoveRange([ColumnName], 0, Text.PositionOfAny([ColumnName],{"0".."9"}))

Looping through a list (with sublists) and assign the matching IDs to the same key and all of the corresponding values from that sublist?

I'm quite new in python coding and I canĀ“t solve the following problem:
I have a list with trackingpoints for different animals(ID,date,time,lat,lon) given in strings:
aList = [[id,date,time,lat,lon],
The txt file is very big and the IDs(a unique animal) is occuring multiple times:
aList = [['25','20-05-13','15:16:17','34.89932','24.09421'],
What I'm trying to do is order the ID's in dictionaries so each unique ID will be the key and all the dates, times, latitudes and longitudes will be the values. Then I would like to write each individual ID to a new txt file so all the values for a specific ID are in one txt file. The output should look like this:
I have tried the following (and a lot of other solutions which didn't work):
items = {}
for line in aList:
key,value = lines[0],lines[1:]
items[key] = value
Which results in a key with the last value in the list forthat particular key :
How can I loop through my list and assign the same IDs to the same key and all the corresponding values?
Is there any simple solution to this? Other "easier to implement" solutions are welcome!
I hope it makes sense :)
Try adding all the lists that match to the same ID as list of lists:
aList = [['25','20-05-13','15:16:17','34.89932','24.09421'],
items = {}
for line in aList:
key,value = line[0],line[1:]
if key in items:
items[key] = [value]
print items
{'24': [['20-05-13', '15:16:18', '35.89932', '23.09421']], '25': [['20-05-13', '15:16:17', '34.89932', '24.09421'], ['20-05-13', '15:18:15', '34.89932', '24.13421']]}

QueryBuilder: Search a value in a column containing comma-separated integers

I have a column tags containing ids in a comma separated list.
I want to search all rows where a given value is in that column.
Say I have two rows where the column tags looks like this:
Row1: 1,2,3,4
Row2: 2,5,3,12
and I want to search for a row where the column contains a 1. I try to do it this way:
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('p')
->where(':value IN (p.tags))
->setParameter('value', 1);
I expect it to do something like
SELECT p.* FROM mytable AS p WHERE 1 IN (p.tags)
Executing this in MySQL directly works perfectly. In Doctrine it does not work:
Error: Expected Literal, got 'p'
It works the other way around, though, but this is not what I need:
->where("p.tags IN :value")
I've tried a lot to make this work, but it just won't... Any ideas?
I think you should use the LIKE function for each scenario, as example:
$q = "1";
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('p')
$this->expr()->like('p.tags', $this->expr()->literal($q.',%')), // Start with...
$this->expr()->like('p.tags', $this->expr()->literal('%,'.$q.',%')), // In the middle...
$this->expr()->like('p.tags', $this->expr()->literal('%,'.$q)), // End with...
See the SQL statement result in this fiddle
Hope this help

Loop through dict key equals to list than put in new list

I have a rather large dictionary right now that is set up like this:
largedict = {'journalname':{code: 2065},'journalname1':{code: 3055}}
and so on and so on. And another dictionary:
codes = {3055: 'medicine',3786: 'sciences'}
And I want to loop through largedict, compare it's code value to the keys in codes. Then either add all journalname key/value pairs that match the code to a different dictionary, or delete all that don't from largedict.
new_dic = {journal_name : journal_body for journal_name, journal_body in largedict.items() if journal_body["code"] in codes}

TypeError during executemany() INSERT statement using a list of strings

I am trying to just do a basic INSERT operation to a PostgreSQL database through Python via the Psycopg2 module. I have read a great many of the questions already posted regarding this subject as well as the documentation but I seem to have done something uniquely wrong and none of the fixes seem to work for my code.
#API CALL + JSON decoding here
x = 0
for item in ulist:
idValue = list['members'][x]['name']
x += 1
dbShell.executemany("""INSERT INTO slickusers (username) VALUES (%s)""", activeUsers
The loop creates a list of strings that looks like this when printed:
['b2ong', 'dune', 'drble', 'drars', 'feman', 'got', 'urbo']
I am just trying to have the code INSERT these strings as 1 row each into the table.
The error specified when running is:
TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting
I tried changing the INSERT to:
dbShell.executemany("INSERT INTO slackusers (username) VALUES (%s)", (activeUsers,) )
But that seems like it's merely treating the entire list as a single string as it yields:
psycopg2.DataError: value too long for type character varying(30)
What am I missing?
First in the code you pasted:
x = 0
for item in ulist:
idValue = list['members'][x]['name']
x += 1
Is not the right way to accomplish what you are trying to do.
first list is a reserved word in python and you shouldn't use it as a variable name. I am assuming you meant ulist.
if you really need access to the index of an item in python you can use enumerate:
for x, item in enumerate(ulist):
but, the best way to do what you are trying to do is something like
for item in ulist: # or list['members'] Your example is kinda broken here
Your first try was:
['b2ong', 'dune', 'drble', 'drars', 'feman', 'got', 'urbo']
Your second attempt was:
(['b2ong', 'dune', 'drble', 'drars', 'feman', 'got', 'urbo'], )
What I think you want is:
[['b2ong'], ['dune'], ['drble'], ['drars'], ['feman'], ['got'], ['urbo']]
You could get this many ways:
dbShell.executemany("INSERT INTO slackusers (username) VALUES (%s)", [ [a] for a in activeUsers] )
or event better:
for item in ulist: # or list['members'] Your example is kinda broken here
dbShell.executemany("""INSERT INTO slickusers (username) VALUES (%s)""", activeUsers)