How to get GCC to optimize long XOR chain - c++

I have a loop like:
uint32_t result = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < CONSTANT; ++i )
result ^= expr;
return result;
Overall, GCC is doing a beautiful job with this code. It fully unrolls the loop and generates optimal code for expr. However, it does the result XOR CONSTANT times. It could be accumulating partial results and XOR'ing them together hierarchically.
I suspect if I hand-unroll this with macros I can do it manually (CONSTANT isn't large), but I'm wondering why it doesn't see this, or if I'm doing something that's preventing it due to some arcane C++ language rule.

There is likely no benefit to accumulating partial results here. If you use a divide and conquer strategy (XOR evens with odds to halve size, then repeat, halving number of operands each time), you still end up doing O(CONSTANT) work (one half the work plus one quarter the work plus one eighth the work, etc., eventually performing CONSTANT - 1 operations).
Accumulating partial results in chunks behaves the same. Fundamentally, you must have CONSTANT - 1 XOR operations. And since these are fixed width registers, not growing arbitrary precision integers, the work for each XOR is identical. You're highly unlikely to realize any gains at all from a more complicated approach barring parallelizing the expr work.

For your loop, either expr doesn't depend on i, in which case gcc should optimize away the loop entirely1, or it does in which case gcc could still optimize it away (since the loop bounds are constant, the whole loop can be pre-calculated).
It seems like it fails in the latter case though, _unless you optimize for -march=haswell. That seems really weird, but I've seen exactly that kind of behavior before.
In any case2, you mentioned that expr compiles to two instructions. Adding 3 instructions for the xor, the loop increment, and test instruction, you are already at five instructions for this loop, which exceeds the retire rate of even high-end x86 CPUs, so there is no benefit to seeking out additional instruction level parallelism here (unless perhaps you are compiling to a non-x86 arch with even higher width?).
1 ... and it general it does, at -O3 anyway.
2 We just have to guess here since you are really guarding the secrets of expr tightly.


What is faster in C++: mod (%) or another counter?

At the risk of this being a duplicate, maybe I just can't find a similar post right now:
I am writing in C++ (C++20 to be specific). I have a loop with a counter that counts up every turn. Let's call it counter. And if this counter reaches a page-limit (let's call it page_limit), the program should continue on the next page. So it looks something like this:
const size_t page_limit = 4942;
size_t counter = 0;
while (counter < foo) {
if (counter % page_limit == 0) {
// start new page
// some other code
counter += 1;
Now I am wondering since the counter goes pretty high: would the program run faster, if I wouldn't have the program calculate the modulo counter % page_limit every time, but instead make another counter? It could look something like this:
const size_t page_limit = 4942;
size_t counter = 0;
size_t page_counter = 4942;
while (counter < foo) {
if (page_counter == page_limit) {
// start new page
page_counter = 0;
// some other code
counter += 1;
page_counter += 1;
Most optimizing compilers will convert divide or modulo operations into multiply by pre-generated inverse constant and shift instructions if the divisor is a constant. Possibly also if the same divisor value is used repeatedly in a loop.
Modulo multiplies by inverse to get a quotient, then multiplies quotient by divisor to get a product, and then original number minus product will be the modulo.
Multiply and shift are fast instructions on reasonably recent X86 processors, but branch prediction can also reduce the time it takes for a conditional branch, so as suggested a benchmark may be needed to determine which is best.
(I assume you meant to write if(x%y==0) not if(x%y), to be equivalent to the counter.)
I don't think compilers will do this optimization for you, so it could be worth it. It's going to be smaller code-size, even if you can't measure a speed difference. The x % y == 0 way still branches (so is still subject to a branch misprediction those rare times when it's true). Its only advantage is that it doesn't need a separate counter variable, just some temporary registers at one point in the loop. But it does need the divisor every iteration.
Overall this should be better for code size, and isn't less readable if you're used to the idiom. (Especially if you use if(--page_count == 0) { page_count=page_limit; ... so all pieces of the logic are in two adjacent lines.)
If your page_limit were not a compile-time constant, this is even more likely to help. dec/jz that's only taken once per many decrements is a lot cheaper than div/test edx,edx/jz, including for front-end throughput. (div is micro-coded on Intel CPUs as about 10 uops, so even though it's one instruction it still takes up the front-end for multiple cycles, taking away throughput resources from getting surrounding code into the out-of-order back-end).
(With a constant divisor, it's still multiply, right shift, sub to get the quotient, then multiply and subtract to get the remainder from that. So still several single-uop instructions. Although there are some tricks for divisibility testing by small constants see #Cassio Neri's answer on Fast divisibility tests (by 2,3,4,5,.., 16)? which cites his journal articles; recent GCC may have started using these.)
But if your loop body doesn't bottleneck on front-end instruction/uop throughput (on x86), or the divider execution unit, then out-of-order exec can probably hide most of the cost of even a div instruction. It's not on the critical path so it could be mostly free if its latency happens in parallel with other computation, and there are spare throughput resources. (Branch prediction + speculative execution allow execution to continue without waiting for the branch condition to be known, and since this work is independent of other work it can "run ahead" as the compiler can see into future iterations.)
Still, making that work even cheaper can help the compiler see and handle a branch mispredict sooner. But modern CPUs with fast recovery can keep working on old instructions from before the branch while recovering. ( What exactly happens when a skylake CPU mispredicts a branch? / Avoid stalling pipeline by calculating conditional early )
And of course a few loops do fully keep the CPU's throughput resources busy, not bottlenecking on cache misses or a latency chain. And fewer uops executed per iteration is more friendly to the other hyperthread (or SMT in general).
Or if you care about your code running on in-order CPUs (common for ARM and other non-x86 ISAs that target low-power implementations), the real work has to wait for the branch-condition logic. (Only hardware prefetch or cache-miss loads and things like that can be doing useful work while running extra code to test the branch condition.)
Use a down-counter
Instead of counting up, you'd actually want to hand-hold the compiler into using a down-counter that can compile to dec reg / jz .new_page or similar; all normal ISAs can do that quite cheaply because it's the same kind of thing you'd find at the bottom of normal loops. (dec/jnz to keep looping while non-zero)
if(--page_counter == 0) {
/*new page*/;
page_counter = page_limit;
A down-counter is more efficient in asm and equally readable in C (compared to an up-counter), so if you're micro-optimizing you should write it that way. Related: using that technique in hand-written asm FizzBuzz. Maybe also a code review of asm sum of multiples of 3 and 5, but it does nothing for no-match so optimizing it is different.
Notice that page_limit is only accessed inside the if body, so if the compiler is low on registers it can easily spill that and only read it as needed, not tying up a register with it or with multiplier constants.
Or if it's a known constant, just a move-immediate instruction. (Most ISAs also have compare-immediate, but not all. e.g. MIPS and RISC-V only have compare-and-branch instructions that use the space in the instruction word for a target address, not for an immediate.) Many RISC ISAs have special support for efficiently setting a register to a wider constant than most instructions that take an immediate (like ARM movw with a 16-bit immediate, so 4092 can be done in one instruction more mov but not cmp: it doesn't fit in 12 bits).
Compared to dividing (or multiplicative inverse), most RISC ISAs don't have multiply-immediate, and a multiplicative inverse is usually wider than one immediate can hold. (x86 does have multiply-immediate, but not for the form that gives you a high-half.) Divide-immediate is even rarer, not even x86 has that at all, but no compiler would use that unless optimizing for space instead of speed if it did exist.
CISC ISAs like x86 can typically multiply or divide with a memory source operand, so if low on registers the compiler could keep the divisor in memory (especially if it's a runtime variable). Loading once per iteration (hitting in cache) is not expensive. But spilling and reloading an actual variable that changes inside the loop (like page_count) could introduce a store/reload latency bottleneck if the loop is short enough and there aren't enough registers. (Although that might not be plausible: if your loop body is big enough to need all the registers, it probably has enough latency to hide a store/reload.)
If somebody put it in front of me, I would rather it was:
const size_t page_limit = 4942;
size_t npages = 0, nitems = 0;
size_t pagelim = foo / page_limit;
size_t resid = foo % page_limit;
while (npages < pagelim || nitems < resid) {
if (++nitems == page_limit) {
/* start new page */
nitems = 0;
Because the program is now expressing the intent of the processing -- a bunch of things in page_limit sized chunks; rather than an attempt to optimize away an operation.
That the compiler might generate nicer code is just a blessing.

How to use if condition in intrinsics

I want to compare two floating point variables using intrinsics. If the comparison is true, do something else do something. I want to do this as a normal if..else condition. Is there any way using intrinsics?
//normal code
vector<float> v1, v2;
for(int i = 0; i < v1.size(); ++i)
//do something
//do something
How to do this using SSE2 or AVX?
If you expect that v1[i] < v2[i] is almost never true, almost always true, or usually stays the same for a long run (even if overall there might be no particular bias), then an other technique is also applicable which offers "true conditionality" (ie not "do both, discard one result"), a price of course, but you also get to actually skip work instead of just ignoring some results.
That technique is fairly simple, do the comparison (vectorized), gather the comparison mask with _mm_movemask_ps, and then you have 3 cases:
All comparisons went the same way and they were all false, execute the appropriate "do something" code that is now maybe easier to vectorize since the condition is gone.
All comparisons went the same way and they were all true, same.
Mixed, use more complicated logic. Depending on what you need, you could check all bits separately (falling back to scalar code, but now just 1 FP compare for the whole lot), or use one of the "iterate only over (un)set bits" tricks (combines well with bitscan to recover the actual index), or sometimes you can fall back to doing masking and merging as usual.
Not all 3 cases are always relevant, usually you're applying this because the predicate almost always goes the same way, making one of the "all the same" cases so rare that you can just lump it in with "mixed".
This technique is definitely not always useful. The "mixed" case is complicated and slow. The fast-path has to be common and fast enough to be worth testing whether you're can take it.
But it can be useful, maybe one of the sides is very slow and annoying, while the other side of the branch is nice simple vectorizable code that doesn't take all that long in comparison. For example, maybe the slow side has to do argument reduction for an otherwise fast approximated transcendental function, or maybe it has to normalize some vectors before taking their dot product, or orthogonalize a matrix, maybe even get data from disk..
Or, maybe neither side is exactly slow, but they evict each others data from cache (maybe both sides are a loop over an array that fits in cache, but the arrays don't fit in it together) so doing them unconditionally slows both of them down. This is probably a real thing, but I haven't seen it in the wild (yet).
Or, maybe one side cannot be executed unconditionally, doing some generally destructive things, maybe even some IO. For example if you're checking for error conditions and logging them.
SIMD conditional operations are done with branchless techniques. You use a packed-compare instruction to get a vector of elements that are all-zero or all-one.
e.g. you can conditionally add 4 to elements in an accumulator when a corresponding element matches a condition with code like:
__m128i match_counts = _mm_setzero_si128();
for (...) {
__m128 fvec = something;
__m128i condition = _mm_castps_si128( _mm_cmplt_ps(fvec, _mm_setzero_ps()) ); // for elements less than zero
__m128i masked_constant = _mm_and_si128(condition, _mm_set1_epi32(4));
match_counts = _mm_add_epi32(match_counts, masked_constant);
Obviously this only works well if you can come up with a branchless way to do both sides of the branch. A blend instruction can often help.
It's likely that you won't get any speedup at all if there's too much work in each side of the branch, especially if your element size is 4 bytes or larger. (SIMD is really powerful when you're doing 16 operations in parallel on 16 separate bytes, less powerful when doing 4 operations on four 32-bit elements).
I found a document which is very useful for conditional SIMD instructions.
It is a perfect solution to my question.
If...else condition

Is comparing to zero faster than comparing to any other number?

faster than
I can produce assembly but there is too much assembly produced and I can never locate the particulars I'm after. I was hoping someone just knows the answer. I would guess they are the same unless most CPU architectures have some sort of "compare to zero" short cut.
thanks for any help.
Typically, yes. In typical processors testing against zero, or testing sign (negative/positive) are simple condition code checks. This means that instructions can be re-ordered to omit a test instruction. In pseudo assembly, consider this:
LOADCC r1, test // load test into register 1, and set condition codes
BCZS Loop // If zero was set, go to Loop
Now consider testing against 1:
LOAD r1, test // load test into register 1
SUBT r1, 1 // Subtract Test instruction, with destination suppressed
BCNE Loop // If not equal to 1, go to Loop
Now for the usual pre-optimization disclaimer: Is your program too slow? Don't optimize, profile it.
It depends.
Of course it's going to depend, not all architectures are equal, not all µarchs are equal, even compilers aren't equal but I'll assume they compile this in a reasonable way.
Let's say the platform is 32bit x86, the assembly might look something like
test eax, eax
jnz skip
cmp eax, -1
jnz skip
So what's the difference? Not much. The first snippet takes a byte less. The second snippet might be implemented with an inc to make it shorter, but that would make it destructive so it doesn't always apply, and anyway, it's probably slower (but again it depends).
Take any modern Intel CPU. They do "macro fusion", which means they take a comparison and a branch (subject to some limitations), and fuse them. The comparison becomes essentially free in most cases. The same goes for test. Not inc though, but the inc trick only really applied in the first place because we just happened to compare to -1.
Apart from any "weird effects" (due to changed alignment and whatnot), there should be absolutely no difference on that platform. Not even a small difference.
Even if you got lucky and got the test for free as a result of a previous arithmetic instruction, it still wouldn't be any better.
It'll be different on other platforms, of course.
On x86 there won't be any noticeably difference, unless you are doing some math at the same time (e.g. while(--x) the result of --x will automatically set the condition code, where while(x) ... will necessitate some sort of test on the value in x before we know if it's zero or not.
Many other processors do have a "automatic updates of the condition codes on LOAD or MOVE instructions", which means that checking for "postive", "negative" and "zero" is "free" with every movement of data. Of course, you pay for that by not being able to backward propagate the compare instruction from the branch instruction, so if you have a comparison, the very next instruction MUST be a conditional branch - where an extra instruction between these would possibly help with alleviating any delay in the "result" from such an instruction.
In general, these sort of micro-optimisations are best left to compilers, rather than the user - the compiler will quite often convert for(i = 0; i < 1000; i++) into for(i = 1000-1; i >= 0; i--) if it thinks that makes sense [and the order of the loop isn't important in the compiler's view]. Trying to be clever with these sort of things tend to make the code unreadable, and performance can suffer badly on other systems (because when you start tweaking "natural" code to "unnatural", the compiler tends to think that you really meant what you wrote, and not optimise it the same way as the "natural" version).

Is It More Efficient to Do a Less Than comparison OR a Less Than Or Equal To?

I'm wondering if it's more efficient to do a less than or equal to comparison in a loop or a less than comparison. Does the <= operator instruct the computer to make two comparisons (is it less than, is it equal to), or does it simplify it? Take the following example. I want a loop than increments to 1000. Should I set the ceiling to 1001 and tell it that while i is < (OR !=) 1001, i++;? Or should I tell it that while i <= 1000, i++;? Will the compiler (GCC) simplify it to the same basic instructions?
The machine level architecture will have OP codes for both < and <= operations and both comparisons can be made in one cycle of the CPU. Meaning it makes no difference.
It depends on the architecture.
The original von Neumann IAS architecture (1945) did have only >= comparison.
Intel 8086 can use Loop label paradigm, which corresponds to do { } while (--cx > 0);
In legacy architectures, LOOP was not only smaller, but faster. In modern architectures LOOP is considered complex operation, which is slower than dec ecx; jnz label; When optimizing for size (-Os) this can still have significance.
Further considerations are that some (RISC) architectures do not have explicit flag registers. Then comparison can't be given free, as a side effect of loop decrement. Some RISC architectures have also a special 'zero' register, which means, that comparison (and every other mathematical operations) with zero is always available. RISCs with jump delay slots may even benefit from using post decrement: do { } while (a-- > 0);
An optimizing compiler should be able to convert a simple loop regardless of the syntax to the most optimized version for the given architecture. A complex loop would have a dependency to the iterator, side effects, or both: for (i=0;i<5;i++) func(i);.
Measure it. Only then you can be absolutely sure which is faster.
You may think a lot about all the parts that play a role here (compiler, optimisation, processor, etc.). But in the end it is faster if it takes less time. It's as simple as that.

Performance wise, how fast are Bitwise Operators vs. Normal Modulus?

Does using bitwise operations in normal flow or conditional statements like for, if, and so on increase overall performance and would it be better to use them where possible? For example:
if(i++ & 1) {
if(i % 2) {
Unless you're using an ancient compiler, it can already handle this level of conversion on its own. That is to say, a modern compiler can and will implement i % 2 using a bitwise AND instruction, provided it makes sense to do so on the target CPU (which, in fairness, it usually will).
In other words, don't expect to see any difference in performance between these, at least with a reasonably modern compiler with a reasonably competent optimizer. In this case, "reasonably" has a pretty broad definition too--even quite a few compilers that are decades old can handle this sort of micro-optimization with no difficulty at all.
TL;DR Write for semantics first, optimize measured hot-spots second.
At the CPU level, integer modulus and divisions are among the slowest operations. But you are not writing at the CPU level, instead you write in C++, which your compiler translates to an Intermediate Representation, which finally is translated into assembly according to the model of CPU for which you are compiling.
In this process, the compiler will apply Peephole Optimizations, among which figure Strength Reduction Optimizations such as (courtesy of Wikipedia):
Original Calculation Replacement Calculation
y = x / 8 y = x >> 3
y = x * 64 y = x << 6
y = x * 2 y = x << 1
y = x * 15 y = (x << 4) - x
The last example is perhaps the most interesting one. Whilst multiplying or dividing by powers of 2 is easily converted (manually) into bit-shifts operations, the compiler is generally taught to perform even smarter transformations that you would probably think about on your own and who are not as easily recognized (at the very least, I do not personally immediately recognize that (x << 4) - x means x * 15).
This is obviously CPU dependent, but you can expect that bitwise operations will never take more, and typically take less, CPU cycles to complete. In general, integer / and % are famously slow, as CPU instructions go. That said, with modern CPU pipelines having a specific instruction complete earlier doesn't mean your program necessarily runs faster.
Best practice is to write code that's understandable, maintainable, and expressive of the logic it implements. It's extremely rare that this kind of micro-optimisation makes a tangible difference, so it should only be used if profiling has indicated a critical bottleneck and this is proven to make a significant difference. Moreover, if on some specific platform it did make a significant difference, your compiler optimiser may already be substituting a bitwise operation when it can see that's equivalent (this usually requires that you're /-ing or %-ing by a constant).
For whatever it's worth, on x86 instructions specifically - and when the divisor is a runtime-variable value so can't be trivially optimised into e.g. bit-shifts or bitwise-ANDs, the time taken by / and % operations in CPU cycles can be looked up here. There are too many x86-compatible chips to list here, but as an arbitrary example of recent CPUs - if we take Agner's "Sunny Cove (Ice Lake)" (i.e. 10th gen Intel Core) data, DIV and IDIV instructions have a latency between 12 and 19 cycles, whereas bitwise-AND has 1 cycle. On many older CPUs DIV can be 40-60x worse.
By default you should use the operation that best expresses your intended meaning, because you should optimize for readable code. (Today most of the time the scarcest resource is the human programmer.)
So use & if you extract bits, and use % if you test for divisibility, i.e. whether the value is even or odd.
For unsigned values both operations have exactly the same effect, and your compiler should be smart enough to replace the division by the corresponding bit operation. If you are worried you can check the assembly code it generates.
Unfortunately integer division is slightly irregular on signed values, as it rounds towards zero and the result of % changes sign depending on the first operand. Bit operations, on the other hand, always round down. So the compiler cannot just replace the division by a simple bit operation. Instead it may either call a routine for integer division, or replace it with bit operations with additional logic to handle the irregularity. This may depends on the optimization level and on which of the operands are constants.
This irregularity at zero may even be a bad thing, because it is a nonlinearity. For example, I recently had a case where we used division on signed values from an ADC, which had to be very fast on an ARM Cortex M0. In this case it was better to replace it with a right shift, both for performance and to get rid of the nonlinearity.
C operators cannot be meaningfully compared in therms of "performance". There's no such thing as "faster" or "slower" operators at language level. Only the resultant compiled machine code can be analyzed for performance. In your specific example the resultant machine code will normally be exactly the same (if we ignore the fact that the first condition includes a postfix increment for some reason), meaning that there won't be any difference in performance whatsoever.
Here is the compiler (GCC 4.6) generated optimized -O3 code for both options:
int i = 34567;
int opt1 = i++ & 1;
int opt2 = i % 2;
Generated code for opt1:
l %r1,520(%r11)
nilf %r1,1
st %r1,516(%r11)
asi 520(%r11),1
Generated code for opt2:
l %r1,520(%r11)
nilf %r1,2147483649
ltr %r1,%r1
jhe .L14
ahi %r1,-1
oilf %r1,4294967294
ahi %r1,1
.L14: st %r1,512(%r11)
So 4 extra instructions...which are nothing for a prod environment. This would be a premature optimization and just introduce complexity
Always these answers about how clever compilers are, that people should not even think about the performance of their code, that they should not dare to question Her Cleverness The Compiler, that bla bla bla… and the result is that people get convinced that every time they use % [SOME POWER OF TWO] the compiler magically converts their code into & ([SOME POWER OF TWO] - 1). This is simply not true. If a shared library has this function:
int modulus (int a, int b) {
return a % b;
and a program launches modulus(135, 16), nowhere in the compiled code there will be any trace of bitwise magic. The reason? The compiler is clever, but it did not have a crystal ball when it compiled the library. It sees a generic modulus calculation with no information whatsoever about the fact that only powers of two will be involved and it leaves it as such.
But you can know if only powers of two will be passed to a function. And if that is the case, the only way to optimize your code is to rewrite your function as
unsigned int modulus_2 (unsigned int a, unsigned int b) {
return a & (b - 1);
The compiler cannot do that for you.
Bitwise operations are much faster.
This is why the compiler will use bitwise operations for you.
Actually, I think it will be faster to implement it as:
~i & 1
Similarly, if you look at the assembly code your compiler generates, you may see things like x ^= x instead of x=0. But (I hope) you are not going to use this in your C++ code.
In summary, do yourself, and whoever will need to maintain your code, a favor. Make your code readable, and let the compiler do these micro optimizations. It will do it better.