API Gateway - Get StatusCode - amazon-web-services

This should have been such a simple issue and I don't understand why it hasn't come up through all my searching (maybe it's just been a long day).
I have an API Gateway API setup, and I am adding a Body Mapping Template to my Integration Response for a 400* error group: see image -
All I would like to get is the StatusCode of the current response (as this is a 400* group - e.g. 401 / 403 / 404 etc.)
The closest I came was through this site: AWS help documentation and I thought I would be able to use something like $context.statusCode - but no luck.
Am I going crazy, or is this just not something required often?
PS - Making changes to any Lambda functions being called, is not an option.

There's currently no mapping template variable in API Gateway dedicated to the integration response status code.
We will certainly add this as a feature request.
At current time you are limited to hardcoding the status code value in your response templates. You would either need to define generic status codes (i.e "4XX") or define integration responses for every status code you want to capture. While this seems tedious, this could be managed relatively easily in a Swagger template.
At current time the only way to see the integration response status code is via CloudWatch Logs.
Ryan / Amazon API Gateway

If you are sending error codes from your server then you can easily map them.
I have done something similar but I have used different trick to do. I used to send my own error entities and codes from server.
You have to map those error entities and error codes coming from server to the response that comes from amazon servers. I will try and explain what I mean by this. Api Gateway doesn't send response coming from your own server to the client automatically. You have to map those responses. For example, map 200 as a SUCESS and response entity will be default, that is whatever coming from server.
Now, we default success response is managed but what about error codes and error entities. You have to map them manually.
There are two ways you can do this,
One is manual, go to your api. Create error entities or models. Map them manually for each response code.
This one uses swaggger,
Solution is to import swagger specification of error entities. Add response templates to the swagger specification and let amazon do their job.
I can help you more with swagger. It depends how you are setting up your api on amazon.
Visit this for amazon extenstions to swagger,


Unable to use any of the API of Zephyr Scale Server API (v1). Showing 404 Status / Dead Link issue

I am trying to use APIs from this https://support.smartbear.com/zephyr-scale-server/api-docs/v1/ documentation, where I am Unable to get the response. I am fulfilling all the specified requirements as mentioned in above documentation.
The Auth type which I am using is Basic.
Here is a response which I am getting in postman
Can anyone let me know what I am doing wrong | what could be the cause behind this issue.
Or Else any alternate way or API resources to get Attachments for Jira-Zephyer Test cases?
You will need to use Zephyr scale API token as authorization to get a response for the APIs.

How to get fixedresponseconfig on boto3 to work?

I am trying to create an integration between EC2-ALB and Lambda functions and in a part of my code I am trying to use the method:
modify_listener() documentation available here: https://boto3.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/latest/reference/services/elbv2.html#ElasticLoadBalancingv2.Client.modify_listener
in that part I am using the DefaultAction: FixedResponseConfig where I am trying to display a simple hello world on html. the way this gets triggered in the code is, if my target group is unhealthy display the fixed response permissions have been setup everything looks fine because when I run the function I get a successful message but when I ask for the application from my okta portal I don't get that response (hello world) I get a normal 503 service temporary unavailable.
How can I direct that fixed response to the frontend of the app when is not working? the purpose of this is to display a maintenance page when the target group is down.
Thanks for the responses please feel free to make any question.
You can't customize ALB's error messages through fixed response. Instead you should consider two options:
use CloudFront in front of your ALB to setup Custom Error Page for Specific HTTP Status Codes
use Route53 DNS failover when your ALB becomes unhealthy.

API Gateway Returns Forbidden when string with "https://" is Posted

I have an API Gateway endpoint setup that uses a Lambda function to store a URL in DynamoDB. When I POST a message with this in the body
"videoURL": "www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgpvCVkrV6M"
the endpoint works fine. It returns 200 and the DynamoDB record is updated. However, when I POST this
"videoURL": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgpvCVkrV6M"
the endpoint returns a 403 Forbidden response and the DB record is not updated.
When I test inside API Gateway, the "https://" string is accepted.
I also have an API Key, a Usage Plan, a Client Certificate, and CORS Enabled (for local testing). I don't think any of these are the cause of my problem.
Does anyone have a guess as to why the "https://" string is causing a problem?
The problem was in my Web Application Firewall (WAF). When I created my firewall, I added the AWS-AWSManagedRulesCommonRuleSet collection. According to the documentation of this rule set, one of the rules is:
GenericRFI_BODY - Inspects the values of the request body and blocks requests attempting to exploit RFI (Remote File Inclusion) in web applications. Examples include patterns like ://.
Disabling this rule solved my problem. I can now successfully send in and store "https://" in my database.
However, this rule represents a best practice (or at least a good practice), and should not be disabled without considering the risk. By disabling this rule, I make my endpoint vulnerable Remote File Inclusion attacks. Since I have access to the endpoint and Lambda function definition, I could split my URL input in to two fields ("https" and "www.youtube...") and keep the rule enabled. For anyone else encountering this issue, you'll have to weigh the ease vs. risk of each approach.

AWS API Gateway Method Response Status

I've seen other responses for similar questions but am horribly stuck.
Trying to set a HTTP response in API Gateway (APIGW) from a lambda function.
I get the below from hitting the APIGW end-point:
{"code":404,"body":"No products found.","statusCode":0,"successful":false}
When I try to map this to a 404 from APIGW, it never catches despite having tried just about every permutation of the response. The latest one I have in there was (in integration response):
Lambda regex: .*"404".*
Body mapping: $input.path('$')
Used a string in regex as the MIME type isn't being set to json even though the response looks like it. Have tried all sorts of variants for the body mapping.
This seems to work flawlessly for most other people but no dice; any help is appreciated.
Looks like our fancy lambda is the issue; APIGW is looking for a defined response structure (errorMessage) and handles the response as-expected once provided.
Have you heard of Lambda Proxy Integration?
With this you don't need to do all those regular expression, as the whole request/response is parse to your lambda.
You control the status code by your lambda code instead of configuring the API Gateway.

Evaluate requests in the API Gateway

Can the API Gateway evaluate requests and route or return errors (not 200 statuses) on specific parameters?
What I want to achieve here is to NOT have millions of requests hitting our backend API since we already know (by evaluating the parameters) that we are not interested in returning responses on all requests but only a few percent.
I gave set up an API Proxy in the API Gateway with a complete set of requests, responses and backend.
The proxy is fully operational and up and running with throttling etc. What I would like is for the API Gateway to evaluate the requests querystring and depending on the values of certain parameters take different actions?
Let's say the complete URL and querystring is:
Now depending on the values of param1, param2 and param3 I might want to:
Forward the request to my actual API and return a response back to the client.
Drop the request OR return an empty (or templated) response with a specific HTTP-status (404, 503 etc - exact value not that important).
Is this achievable with the API Gateway or do I need to actually set up a host with a reverse proxy and let that handle this logic?
Request parameter and model validation has been a longstanding feature request and we are actively working on it. We'll update this post with more details when the feature has launched.
Update: Request parameter and body validation is now available as of early April 2017. see more details on this blog post.