OpenGL atomic counters vs atomics in a SSBO - opengl

I came across this article that states there are no differences in performance between atomic counter buffers and an atomic variable in an SSBO:
Is this actually true across nvidia and AMD GPU's now? I think I remember something about Radeon 5870 generation GPU's having specific faster support for the atomic counter subset? So I think it may have been an AMD specific thing at one point for performance?
From knowledge of nvidia CUDA I suspect it's never made a difference for them?
Does anyone know after which generation of GPU's from AMD/NVidia atomic counters are not worth it?

Mantle, AMD's low-level API, actually has specific support for atomic counters (they're part of queues, not memory). So there's every reason to believe that at least one piece of hardware doesn't just use SSBOs for them.


How is if statement executed in NVIDIA GPUs?

As much as know GPU cores are very simple and can only execute basic mathematic instructions.
If I have a kernel with an if statement, then what does execute that if statement? Fp32, Fp64 and Int32 can only execute operations with floats, doubles and integers, not a COMPARE instruction, am I wrong. What happens if I have printf function in kernel? Who executes that.
Compare instructions are arithmetic instructions, you can implement a comparison with subtraction and a flag register, and GPGPUs have them.
But they are often not advertised as much as the number-crunching capability of the whole GPU.
NVIDIA doesn't publish the machine code documentation for their GPUs nor the ISA of the respective assembly (called SASS).
Instead, NVIDIA maintains the PTX language which is designed to be more portable across different generations while still being very close to the actual machine code.
PTX is a predicated architecture. The setp instruction (which again, is just a subtraction with a few caveats) sets the value of the defined predicate registers and these are used to conditionally execute other instructions. Including the bra instruction which is a branch, making it possible to execute conditional branches.
One could argue that PTX is not SASS but it seems the predicate architecture is what NVIDIA GPUs, at least, used to do.
AMD GPUs seem to use the traditional approach to branching: there are comparison instructions (e.g. S_CMP_EQ_U64) and conditional branches (e.g. S_CBRANCH_SCCZ).
Intel GPUs also rely on predication but have different instructions for divergent vs non-divergent branches.
So GPGPUs do have branch instructions, in fact, their SIMT model has to deal with the branch divergence problem.
Before c. 2006 GPUs were not fully programmable and programmers had to rely on other tricks (like data masking or branchless code) to implement their kernel.
Keep in mind that at the time it was not widely accepted that one could execute arbitrary programs or make arbitrary shading effects with GPUs. GPUs relaxed their programming constraints with time.
Putting a printf in a CUDA kernel won't probably work because there is no C runtime on the GPU (remember the GPU is an entirely different executor from the CPU) and the linking would fail I guess.
You can theoretically force a GPU implementation of the CRT and design a mechanism to call syscalls from the GPU code but that would be unimaginably slow since GPUs are not designed for this kind of work.
EDIT: Apparently NVIDIA actually did implement a printf on the GPU that prints to a buffer shared with host.
The problem here is not the presence of branches but the very nature of printf.

Concurrent kernel execution and OpenCL device partition

Recently I needed to do some experiments which need run multiple different kernel on AMD hardware. But I have several questions before starting to coding hence I really need your help.
First, I am not quite sure whether AMD HW can support concurrent kernel execution on one device. Because when I refer to the OpenCL specs, they said the command queue can be created as in-order and out-of-order. But I don't "out-of-order" mean "concurrent execution". Is there anyone know info about this? My hardware is AMD APU A8 3870k. If this processor does not support, any other AMD products support?
Second, I know there is an extension "device fission" which can be used to partition one device into two devices. This works only on CPU now. But in OpenCL specs, I saw something, i.e. "clcreatesubdevice", which is also used to partition one device into two? So my question is is there any difference between these two techniques? My understanding is: device fission can only be used on CPU, clcreatesubdevice can be used on both the CPU and the GPU. Is that correct?
Thanks for any kind reply!
Real concurrent kernels is not a needed feature and causes so much troubles to driver developers. As far as I know, AMD does not support this feature without the subdevice split. As you mentioned, "out-of-order" is not cuncurrent, is just a out of order execution of the queue.
But what is the point in running both of them in parallel at half the speed instead of sequentially at full speed? You will probably loose overall performance if you do it in such a way.
I recomend you to use more GPU devices (or GPU + CPU) if you run out of resources in one of the GPUs. Optimizing could be a good option too. But splitting is never a good option for real scenario, only for academic purposes or testing.

OpenGL vs. OpenCL, which to choose and why?

What features make OpenCL unique to choose over OpenGL with GLSL for calculations? Despite the graphic related terminology and inpractical datatypes, is there any real caveat to OpenGL?
For example, parallel function evaluation can be done by rendering a to a texture using other textures. Reducing operations can be done by iteratively render to smaller and smaller textures. On the other hand, random write access is not possible in any efficient manner (the only way to do is rendering triangles by texture driven vertex data). Is this possible with OpenCL? What else is possible not possible with OpenGL?
OpenCL is created specifically for computing. When you do scientific computing using OpenGL you always have to think about how to map your computing problem to the graphics context (i.e. talk in terms of textures and geometric primitives like triangles etc.) in order to get your computation going.
In OpenCL you just formulate you computation with a calculation kernel on a memory buffer and you are good to go. This is actually a BIG win (saying that from a perspective of having thought through and implemented both variants).
The memory access patterns are though the same (your calculation still is happening on a GPU - but GPUs are getting more and more flexible these days).
But what else would you expect than using more than a dozen parallel "CPUs" without breaking your head about how to translate - e.g. (silly example) Fourier to Triangles and Quads...?
Something that hasn't been mentioned in any answers so far has been speed of execution. If your algorithm can be expressed in OpenGL graphics (e.g. no scattered writes, no local memory, no workgroups, etc.) it will very often run faster than an OpenCL counterpart. My specific experience of this has been doing image filter (gather) kernels across AMD, nVidia, IMG and Qualcomm GPUs. The OpenGL implementations invariably run faster even after hardcore OpenCL kernel optimization. (aside: I suspect this is due to years of hardware and drivers being specifically tuned to graphics orientated workloads.)
My advice would be that if your compute program feels like it maps nicely to the graphics domain then use OpenGL. If not, OpenCL is more general and simpler to express compute problems.
Another point to mention (or to ask) is whether you are writing as a hobbyist (i.e. for yourself) or commercially (i.e. for distribution to others). While OpenGL is supported pretty much everywhere, OpenCL is totally lacking support on mobile devices and, imho, is highly unlikely to appear on Android or iOS in the next few years. If wide cross platform compatibility from a single code base is a goal then OpenGL may be forced upon you.
What features make OpenCL unique to choose over OpenGL with GLSL for calculations? Despite the graphic related terminology and inpractical datatypes, is there any real caveat to OpenGL?
Yes: it's a graphics API. Therefore, everything you do in it has to be formulated along those terms. You have to package your data as some form of "rendering". You have to figure out how to deal with your data in terms of attributes, uniform buffers, and textures.
With OpenGL 4.3 and OpenGL ES 3.1 compute shaders, things become a bit more muddled. A compute shader is able to access memory via SSBOs/Image Load/Store in similar ways to OpenCL compute operations (though OpenCL offers actual pointers, while GLSL does not). Their interop with OpenGL is also much faster than OpenCL/GL interop.
Even so, compute shaders do not change one fact: OpenCL compute operations operate at a very different precision than OpenGL's compute shaders. GLSL's floating-point precision requirements are not very strict, and OpenGL ES's are even less strict. So if floating-point accuracy is important to your calculations, OpenGL will not be the most effective way of computing what you need to compute.
Also, OpenGL compute shaders require 4.x-capable hardware, while OpenCL can run on much more inferior hardware.
Furthermore, if you're doing compute by co-opting the rendering pipeline, OpenGL drivers will still assume that you're doing rendering. So it's going to make optimization decisions based on that assumption. It will optimize the assignment of shader resources assuming you're drawing a picture.
For example, if you're rendering to a floating-point framebuffer, the driver might just decide to give you an R11_G11_B10 framebuffer, because it detects that you aren't doing anything with the alpha and your algorithm could tolerate the lower precision. If you use image load/store instead of a framebuffer however, you're much less likely to get this effect.
OpenCL is not a graphics API; it's a computation API.
Also, OpenCL just gives you access to more stuff. It gives you access to memory levels that are implicit with regard to GL. Certain memory can be shared between threads, but separate shader instances in GL are unable to directly affect one-another (outside of Image Load/Store, but OpenCL runs on hardware that doesn't have access to that).
OpenGL hides what the hardware is doing behind an abstraction. OpenCL exposes you to almost exactly what's going on.
You can use OpenGL to do arbitrary computations. But you don't want to; not while there's a perfectly viable alternative. Compute in OpenGL lives to service the graphics pipeline.
The only reason to pick OpenGL for any kind of non-rendering compute operation is to support hardware that can't run OpenCL. At the present time, this includes a lot of mobile hardware.
One notable feature would be scattered writes, another would be the absence of "Windows 7 smartness". Windows 7 will, as you probably know, kill the display driver if OpenGL does not flush for 2 seconds or so (don't nail me down on the exact time, but I think it's 2 secs). This may be annoying if you have a lengthy operation.
Also, OpenCL obviously works with a much greater variety of hardware than just the graphics card, and it does not have a rigid graphics-oriented pipeline with "artificial constraints". It is easier (trivial) to run several concurrent command streams too.
Although currently OpenGL would be the better choice for graphics, this is not permanent.
It could be practical for OpenGL to eventually merge as an extension of OpenCL. The two platforms are about 80% the same, but have different syntax quirks, different nomenclature for roughly the same components of the hardware. That means two languages to learn, two APIs to figure out. Graphics driver developers would prefer a merge because they no longer would have to develop for two separate platforms. That leaves more time and resources for driver debugging. ;)
Another thing to consider is that the origins of OpenGL and OpenCL are different: OpenGL began and gained momentum during the early fixed-pipeline-over-a-network days and was slowly appended and deprecated as the technology evolved. OpenCL, in some ways, is an evolution of OpenGL in the sense that OpenGL started being used for numerical processing as the (unplanned) flexibility of GPUs allowed so. "Graphics vs. Computing" is really more of a semantic argument. In both cases you're always trying to map your math operations to hardware with the highest performance possible. There are parts of GPU hardware which vanilla CL won't use but that won't keep a separate extension from doing so.
So how could OpenGL work under CL? Speculatively, triangle rasterizers could be enqueued as a special CL task. Special GLSL functions could be implemented in vanilla OpenCL, then overridden to hardware accelerated instructions by the driver during kernel compilation. Writing a shader in OpenCL, pending the library extensions were supplied, doesn't sound like a painful experience at all.
To call one to have more features than the other doesn't make much sense as they're both gaining 80% the same features, just under different nomenclature. To claim that OpenCL is not good for graphics because it is designed for computing doesn't make sense because graphics processing is computing.
Another major reason is that OpenGL\GLSL are supported only on graphics cards. Although multi-core usage started with using graphics hardware there are many hardware vendors working on multi-core hardware platform targeted for computation. For example see Intels Knights Corner.
Developing code for computation using OpenGL\GLSL will prevent you from using any hardware that is not a graphics card.
Well as of OpenGL 4.5 these are the features OpenCL 2.0 has that OpenGL 4.5 Doesn't (as far as I could tell) (this does not cover the features that OpenGL has that OpenCL doesn't):
Better Atomics
Workgroup Functions:
work_group_all and work_group_any
Enqueue Kernel from Kernel
Pointers (though if you are executing on the GPU this probably doesn't matter)
A few math functions that OpenGL doesn't have (though you could construct them yourself in OpenGL)
Shared Virtual Memory
(More) Compiler Options for Kernels
Easy to select a particular GPU (or otherwise)
Can run on the CPU when no GPU
More support for those niche hardware platforms (e.g. FGPAs)
On some (all?) platforms you do not need a window (and its context binding) to do calculations.
OpenCL allows just a bit more control over precision of calculations (including some through those compiler options).
A lot of the above are mostly for better CPU - GPU interaction: Events, Shared Virtual Memory, Pointers (although these could potentially benefit other stuff too).
OpenGL has gained the ability to sort things into different areas of Client and Server memory since a lot of the other posts here have been made.
OpenGL has better memory barrier and atomics support now and allows you to allocate things to different registers within the GPU (to about the same degree OpenCL can). For example you can share registers in the local compute group now in OpenGL (using something like the AMD GPUs LDS (local data share) (though this particular feature only works with OpenGL compute shaders at this time).
OpenGL has stronger more performing implementations on some platforms (such as Open Source Linux drivers).
OpenGL has access to more fixed function hardware (like other answers have said). While it is true that sometimes fixed function hardware can be avoided (e.g. Crytek uses a "software" implementation of a depth buffer) fixed function hardware can manage memory just fine (and usually a lot better than someone who isn't working for a GPU hardware company could) and is just vastly superior in most cases. I must admit OpenCL has pretty good fixed function texture support which is one of the major OpenGL fixed function areas.
I would argue that Intels Knights Corner is a x86 GPU that controls itself.
I would also argue that OpenCL 2.0 with its texture functions (which are actually in lesser versions of OpenCL) can be used to much the same performance degree user2746401 suggested.
In addition to the already existing answers, OpenCL/CUDA not only fits more to the computational domain, but also doesn't abstract away the underlying hardware too much. This way you can profit from things like shared memory or coalesced memory access more directly, which would otherwise be burried in the actual implementation of the shader (which itself is nothing more than a special OpenCL/CUDA kernel, if you want).
Though to profit from such things you also need to be a bit more aware of the specific hardware your kernel will run on, but don't try to explicitly take those things into account using a shader (if even completely possible).
Once you do something more complex than simple level 1 BLAS routines, you will surely appreciate the flexibility and genericity of OpenCL/CUDA.
The "feature" that OpenCL is designed for general-purpose computation, while OpenGL is for graphics. You can do anything in GL (it is Turing-complete) but then you are driving in a nail using the handle of the screwdriver as a hammer.
Also, OpenCL can run not just on GPUs, but also on CPUs and various dedicated accelerators.
OpenCL (in 2.0 version) describes heterogeneous computational environment, where every component of system can both produce & consume tasks, generated by other system components. No more CPU, GPU (etc) notions are longer needed - you have just Host & Device(s).
OpenGL, in opposite, has strict division to CPU, which is task producer & GPU, which is task consumer. That's not bad, as less flexibility ensures greater performance. OpenGL is just more narrow-scope instrument.
One thought is to write your program in both and test them with respect to your priorities.
For example: If you're processing a pipeline of images, maybe your implementation in openGL or openCL is faster than the other.
Good luck.

Noise with multi-threaded raytracer

This is my first multi-threaded implementation, so it's probably a beginners mistake. The threads handle the rendering of every second row of pixels (so all rendering is handled within each thread). The problem persists if the threads render the upper and lower parts of the screen respectively.
Both threads read from the same variables, can this cause any problems? From what I've understood only writing can cause concurrency problems...
Can calling the same functions cause any concurrency problems? And again, from what I've understood this shouldn't be a problem...
The only time both threads write to the same variable is when saving the calculated pixel color. This is stored in an array, but they never write to the same indices in that array. Can this cause a problem?
Multi-threaded rendered image
(Spam prevention stops me from posting images directly..)
Ps. I use the exactly same implementation in both cases, the ONLY difference is a single vs. two threads created for the rendering.
Both threads read from the same variables, can this cause any problems? From what I've understood only writing can cause concurrency problems...
This should be ok. Obviously, as long the data is initialized before the two threads start reading and destroyed after both threads have finished.
Can calling the same functions cause any concurrency problems? And again, from what I've understood this shouldn't be a problem...
Yes and no. Too hard to tell without the code. What does the function do? Does it rely on shared state (e.g. static variables, global variables, singletons...)? If yes, then this is definitely a problem. If there is never any shared state, then you're ok.
The only time both threads write to the same variable is when saving the calculated pixel color. This is stored in an array, but they never write to the same indices in that array. Can this cause a problem?
Maybe sometimes. An array of what? It's probably safe if sizeof(element) == sizeof(void*), but the C++ standard is mute on multithreading, so it doesn't force your compiler to force your hardware to make this safe. It's possible that your platform could be biting you here (e.g. 64bit machine and one thread writing 32bits which might overwrite an adjacent 32bit value), but this isn't an uncommon pattern. Usually you're better off using synchronization to be sure.
You can solve this in a couple of ways:
Each thread builds its own data, then it is aggregated when they complete.
You can protect the shared data with a mutex.
The lack of commitment in my answers are what make multi-threaded programming hard :P
For example, from IntelĀ® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manuals, describes how different platforms gaurantee different levels of atomicity:
7.1.1 Guaranteed Atomic Operations
The Intel486 processor (and newer
processors since) guarantees that the
following basic memory operations will
always be carried out atomically:
Reading or writing a byte
Reading or writing a word aligned on a 16-bit boundary
Reading or writing a doubleword aligned on a 32-bit boundary
The Pentium processor (and newer
processors since) guarantees that the
following additional memory operations
will always be carried out atomically:
Reading or writing a quadword aligned on a 64-bit boundary
16-bit accesses to uncached memory locations that fit within a 32-bit data bus
The P6 family processors (and newer
processors since) guarantee that the
following additional memory operation
will always be carried out atomically:
Unaligned 16-, 32-, and 64-bit accesses to cached memory that fit within a cache line
Accesses to cacheable memory that are
split across bus widths, cache lines,
and page boundaries are not guaranteed
to be atomic by the Intel Core 2 Duo,
Intel Atom, Intel Core Duo, Pentium M,
Pentium 4, Intel Xeon, P6 family,
Pentium, and Intel486 processors. The
Intel Core 2 Duo, Intel Atom, Intel
Core Duo, Pentium M, Pentium 4, Intel
Xeon, and P6 family processors provide
bus control signals that permit
external memory subsystems to make
split accesses atomic; however,
nonaligned data accesses will
seriously impact the performance of
the processor and should be avoided.
I have solved the problem, I did it by building up the data separately for each thread just as Stephen suggested (the elements where not of void* size). Thanks for a very detailed answer!

Can I force cache coherency on a multicore x86 CPU?

The other week, I wrote a little thread class and a one-way message pipe to allow communication between threads (two pipes per thread, obviously, for bidirectional communication). Everything worked fine on my Athlon 64 X2, but I was wondering if I'd run into any problems if both threads were looking at the same variable and the local cached value for this variable on each core was out of sync.
I know the volatile keyword will force a variable to refresh from memory, but is there a way on multicore x86 processors to force the caches of all cores to synchronize? Is this something I need to worry about, or will volatile and proper use of lightweight locking mechanisms (I was using _InterlockedExchange to set my volatile pipe variables) handle all cases where I want to write "lock free" code for multicore x86 CPUs?
I'm already aware of and have used Critical Sections, Mutexes, Events, and so on. I'm mostly wondering if there are x86 intrinsics that I'm not aware of which force or can be used to enforce cache coherency.
volatile only forces your code to re-read the value, it cannot control where the value is read from. If the value was recently read by your code then it will probably be in cache, in which case volatile will force it to be re-read from cache, NOT from memory.
There are not a lot of cache coherency instructions in x86. There are prefetch instructions like prefetchnta, but that doesn't affect the memory-ordering semantics. It used to be implemented by bringing the value to L1 cache without polluting L2, but things are more complicated for modern Intel designs with a large shared inclusive L3 cache.
x86 CPUs use a variation on the MESI protocol (MESIF for Intel, MOESI for AMD) to keep their caches coherent with each other (including the private L1 caches of different cores). A core that wants to write a cache line has to force other cores to invalidate their copy of it before it can change its own copy from Shared to Modified state.
You don't need any fence instructions (like MFENCE) to produce data in one thread and consume it in another on x86, because x86 loads/stores have acquire/release semantics built-in. You do need MFENCE (full barrier) to get sequential consistency. (A previous version of this answer suggested that clflush was needed, which is incorrect).
You do need to prevent compile-time reordering, because C++'s memory model is weakly-ordered. volatile is an old, bad way to do this; C++11 std::atomic is a much better way to write lock-free code.
Cache coherence is guaranteed between cores due to the MESI protocol employed by x86 processors. You only need to worry about memory coherence when dealing with external hardware which may access memory while data is still siting on cores' caches. Doesn't look like it's your case here, though, since the text suggests you're programming in userland.
You don't need to worry about cache coherency. The hardware will take care of that. What you may need to worry about is performance issues due to that cache coherency.
If core#1 writes to a variable, that invalidates all other copies of the cache line in other cores (because it has to get exclusive ownership of the cache line before committing the store). When core#2 reads that same variable, it will miss in cache (unless core#1 has already written it back as far as a shared level of cache).
Since an entire cache line (64 bytes) has to be read from memory (or written back to shared cache and then read by core#2), it will have some performance cost. In this case, it's unavoidable. This is the desired behavior.
The problem is that when you have multiple variables in the same cache line, the processor might spend extra time keeping the caches in sync even if the cores are reading/writing different variables within the same cache line.
That cost can be avoided by making sure those variables are not in the same cache line. This effect is known as False Sharing since you are forcing the processors to synchronize the values of objects which are not actually shared between threads.
Volatile won't do it. In C++, volatile only affects what compiler optimizations such as storing a variable in a register instead of memory, or removing it entirely.
You didn't specify which compiler you are using, but if you're on windows, take a look at this article here. Also take a look at the available synchronization functions here. You might want to note that in general volatile is not enough to do what you want it to do, but under VC 2005 and 2008, there are non-standard semantics added to it that add implied memory barriers around read and writes.
If you want things to be portable, you're going to have a much harder road ahead of you.
There's a series of articles explaining modern memory architectures here, including Intel Core2 caches and many more modern architecture topics.
Articles are very readable and well illustrated. Enjoy !
There are several sub-questions in your question so I'll answer them to the best of my knowledge.
There currently is no portable way of implementing lock-free interactions in C++. The C++0x proposal solves this by introducing the atomics library.
Volatile is not guaranteed to provide atomicity on a multicore and its implementation is vendor-specific.
On the x86, you don't need to do anything special, except declare shared variables as volatile to prevent some compiler optimizations that may break multithreaded code. Volatile tells the compiler not to cache values.
There are some algorithms (Dekker, for instance) that won't work even on an x86 with volatile variables.
Unless you know for sure that passing access to data between threads is a major performance bottleneck in your program, stay away from lock-free solutions. Use passing data by value or locks.
The following is a good article in reference to using volatile w/ threaded programs.
Volatile Almost Useless for Multi-Threaded Programming.
Herb Sutter seemed to simply suggest that any two variables should reside on separate cache lines. He does this in his concurrent queue with padding between his locks and node pointers.
Edit: If you're using the Intel compiler or GCC, you can use the atomic builtins, which seem to do their best to preempt the cache when possible.