How to find user name from the session ID? - c++

I have an user win32 application . That enumerates all the process details along with ProcessId. I need to print the User name along with the session ID. SessionID is enumerated using ProcessIdToSessionId() method. I want to print the User name of corresponding SessionID. This application is specially designed for WindowsXP , so the API should support WindowsXP. If anyone knows the solution please share it.
DWORD dwSessionId,dwPid,dwErr;
char* Uname;

WTSQuerySessionInformation() with the WTSInfoClass parameter set to WTSUserName:
A null-terminated string that contains the name of the user associated with the session.


oAuth2.0 authentication in C++

I have a desktop application in which I need to make a user authentication with oAuth2.0.
I looked at the Facebook example but it doesn't really correspond to what I have to do or I don't understand it well.
In fact, I create an O2 instance:
O2* o2Auth;
o2Auth = new o2Auth(this);
But I don't understand how to authenticate the user with the user name and password. Which function do I have to use to do that?
In Facebook example, there is:
if (argList.contains(OPT_OAUTH_CODE)) {
// Start OAuth
} else if (argList.contains(OPT_VALIDATE_TOKEN)) {
where argList is the parameters given to the application but they are not the user name and password.
In the tweeter example, there is :
but I didn't find the equivalent in O2.
I think I have to use things like GET and POST functions in the OSRequestor class, but how to link a OSRequestor instance to my O2 instance?
So what do I need to send user name and password to do the authentication with O2?

SAP user change

I am using VB Script to Access SAP web Services, the sap web service has a method called user change, there are 3 mandatory parameters username, password and passwordX.
Here username is string so I can assign value without any problem, password is a type of Bapipwd. Bapipwd is a structure and it has a member called Bapipwd. To access that from VB script I have to use
Bapipwd.Bapipwd = "Password".
But when I try to put the statement Bapipwd.Bapipwd = "password" it shows an error message that "Bapipwd doesnt have member called Bapipwd".
The passwordX also a structure in SAP with the name of Bapipwdx and it has a member "Bapipwd"
If I user Bapipwdx.Bapipwd="X" it is working fine. Because both the structure and it's member name is different. But Bapipwd.Bapipwd is not working and it gives "Bapipwd doestn't have member Bapipwd"
I suspect this is due to both the structure and its member has the same name. Kindly help me to access the structure.

ldap_search function returns errorcode 10 using c++ Win32 api?

i am using ldap functions to get user attributes value using win32 api.
the user name is arun.
in ldap_functions like init,set_options,connect,bind is succeed.but ldap search function is returned error code 10.
here my code
errorCode = ldap_search_s(
pLdapConnection, // Session handle
pMyDN, // DN to start search
pMyFilter, // Filter
NULL, // Retrieve list of attributes
0, // Get both attributes and values
in pMyDN specified `"DC=SANJU,DC=CO,DC=IN"...
the return code 10 gives error is LDAP_REFERRAL.but i cant get it.
But i put pMyDN value into "OU=Marketing,DC=SANJU,DC=CO,DC=IN"
Now,search function succeed,So what is the problem?
i need this function without using OU,
can anyone help?
LDAP_REFERRAL: sent by Directory Server if the given base DN is an entry not handled by the current server and if the referral URL identifies a different server to handle the entry.
whether DNS and AD in different URL(IP) without trusted rule,this problem will occured.
LDAP response do not use error codes, they use result codes - so called because non-zero responses aren't necessarily errors. 10 is a case in point, it's a referral. The referral will contain information about the server which can process the request. If a directory proxy server is not in place to follow the referral, the LDAP client must follow the referral for itself.
Compare operation responses also use result codes to transmit the result of a compare.

WinAPI NetUserGetInfo() fails with NERR_UserNotFound error code on Active Directory domain

I'm running the following piece of code from a local service application. The purpose is to obtain the path to a user's profile before calling LoadUserProfile() to load that user's profile before calling CreateProcessAsUser() to run a user-mode process on behalf of that user.
Note that this question is not about LoadUserProfile(), or CreateProcessAsUser().
What happens is this. When the code below is run on Windows XP w/SP3 that is a part of the Active Directory domain, with a single user logged in via a local console (that user's session ID is used below) the NetUserGetInfo() API fails. Also note that it works fine in any other circumstance:
//'dwSessID' = session ID of the user to retrieve a user profile path for
LPTSTR pUserName = NULL;
DWORD dwcbSzUserName = 0;
if(!WTSQuerySessionInformation(WTS_CURRENT_SERVER_HANDLE, dwSessID, WTSUserName, &pUserName, &dwcbSzUserName))
return false;
DWORD dwNetStatus;
if((dwNetStatus = NetUserGetInfo(NULL, pUserName, 4, (BYTE**)&pUI4)) == NERR_Success)
PROFILEINFO pfi = {0};
pfi.dwSize = sizeof(pfi);
pfi.lpUserName = pUserName;
pfi.dwFlags = PI_NOUI;
pfi.lpProfilePath = pUI4->usri4_profile;
LoadUserProfile(hToken, &pfi);
//And so on
//On that specific machine I get here with 'dwNetStatus' = 2221,
//or NERR_UserNotFound, that according to MSDN is
//"The user name could not be found."
//Also note that GetLastError is not used for this API.
Can some suggest why can NetUserGetInfo() fail on that particular machine, and how to fix this code?
PS. I know that MSDN for NetUserGetInfo states that there might be issues with a ACL on Active Directory domain, but it doesn't specify how to set one...
If I read the documentation for NetUserGetInfo, for the information level of the data you code 4 . It's written Level 4 Return detailed information and additional attributes about the user account. This level is valid only on servers. As far as I understand it's not your case. Do you verify the value of pUserName returned by WTSQuerySessionInformation.
As JPBlanc stated NetUserGetInfo with level 4 is valid only on servers.
Another problem is that you retrieve the name of the logged on user, but not the domain the user belongs to.
Noticed you are calling NetUserGetInfo with pUserName the type of LPTSTR.
Sometimes it won't work (if you will compile your project to use ANSII strings by default).
Consider changing you string types to LPWSTR.

Which winapi function will allow me to change logged in user's password?

I'm looking for a winapi function that will allow me to change current logged in user's password. In my case, I know current password of logged in user. I use Windows 7 Ultimate.
The background will look weird, but I'm going to describe it for clarification. My personal home PC is used by several users (dad, sister, cousins etc.). I'm the only administrator of the PC. All others are standard user. All user accounts are password protected.
I don't like that other people use my account as they mess with anything. I always install all softwares from my account and also troubleshoot PC. When I'm away from my PC for several weeks, may be some other user need to install a software, or do something that require administrative right. For this reason they may need to use my account. There may be emergency cases, and I must allow the user to log into my account by giving account password.
I recently faced such a situation. Before leaving my PC for long time, I changed my regular password to something else. I'll change that again when I reach my PC.
So I'm thinking to write a tiny program that will run each time someone logs into my account. The program will only change current password to something else that I only know. In this case, if anyone logs into my account, installs something, logs out, and cannot logged back in as the password changes.
Suppose I set my account's password as abcd. When someone logs in, the program will change it to abcde. Next time may be abc123 and so on.
You're looking for NetUserChangePassword(). Check this MSDN link for sample code:
You could use ADSI to connect to the local machine, get the user object and call the change password action.
MSDN doc on IADsUser::ChangePassword has the following example.
The following "C++" code example shows how to change a user password.
HRESULT ChangePassword(
IADsUser *pUser,
LPWSTR oldPasswd,
LPWSTR newPasswd)
if(!pUser) { return E_FAIL;}
hr = pUser->ChangePassword(oldPasswd, newPasswd);
printf("User password has been changed");
return hr;
The following VB code example shows how to get the user and change a user password.
Dim usr As IADsUser
Dim szOldPass As String
Dim szNewPass As String
On Error GoTo Cleanup
' Fabrikam is the MSDN fictional domain - us '.' for localhost
Set usr = GetObject("WinNT://Fabrikam/JeffSmith,user")
' Add code to securely retrieve the old and new password.
usr.ChangePassword szOldPass, szNewPass
If (Err.Number<>0) Then
MsgBox("An error has occurred. " & Err.Number)
End If
Set usr = Nothing