AWS when we have to update task definition - amazon-web-services

As a newbie to AWS, I have been updating the task definition file every time when I have to update the service.
Say if I have a Task Definition 1 that has a Docker Image, and if I updated the Docker image, refreshing the service will get the latest docker image?
or do I need to update the Task Definition file to let the service pull the latest docker image?

In the AWS ECS, after updating the Docker image, it is necessary to update the task definition and update the relation with the service.
A tool such as ecs-deploy is useful to simplify this type of work.
If you want to update Docker image frequently, you can further automate such as deploying from CI service.

You could try to use a label within the docker repository like "latest" or "dev" referenced within the task definition.
However, you would not be able to use the update-service deployment orchestration because the task definition version does not change.
With ECS, the task definition version is key to the orchestration of deployments.


AWS ECS Restart service if not running latest image

I'm setting up automated deployments using Azure DevOps to deploy to AWS ECS running services on an EC2 instance (not Fargate). Docker images are loaded into ECR and ECS is fully setup using CloudFormation templates.
After deployments are done (new image loaded and/or any CloudFormation changes applied) I need to restart the service only if it's not running the latest version of the image that the Task Definition uses. If CloudFormation updated the service or task definition then it will automatically restart and I don't want to restart it again. Also, if the docker image was not deployed then I don't want to restart it. So, is there a way to check what version of an image a service task is currently running?
I can't check if the version of a task definition changed because most of the time it would just be the image that changes and not the task definition. I am loading the image using the Latest tag so I can just call ForceNewDeployment on the service to have it deploy the new version, but if it's possible I don't want to do that if nothing has changed.
I initially thought of trying to keep track of it in the deployment process but due to how our release pipeline is setup and some of the limits in Azure DevOps that's not something I'll be able to do.
I think the best solution, if it's possible, would be to check to see what version of an Image is currently running for each task in a service and if an image has an updated version then do a ForceNewDeployment on the service. there a way to accomplish that? Or would there be a better way to do what I'm trying to do?
Edit: When I load the Docker image to ECR I'm adding two tags: "Latest" and the DevOps release number ("1234"). I was initially hoping to just query the ECR images at the end of a release and if one has a tag with the current release number then I know the image has been updated. The issue is that I don't know if the service was already restarted due to a CloudFormation change.

How to update .env value of container definitions in AWS?

I’m new to AWS ECS deployment. This is my first time.
I have updated the .env in my container definition on my AWS account.
But when I run docker exec e718a29eb0e3 env in my container I still seeing the latest value updated.
I even tried
node#db39b382163a:/api$ pm2 restart all
I still not seeing it updated.
Do I need to restart something else ?
The native CodePipeline -> ECS integration will only update the container definitions' image attribute so you cannot use it to manage environment variables. you have a couple of other options:
You can use a Lambda function instead to drive your deployment and do something similar to the above to edit both the image and environment attributes.
If you're using CloudFormation to manage your task definition and service, you can use these templates to manage those fields instead of the native integration.

Are ECS Task Definitions supposed to be committed into version control?

I'm fairly new to AWS ECS and am unsure if you are supposed to commit into version control some things that AWS already hosts for you. Specifically, should task-definitions created on AWS be committed to GitHub? Or do we just use AWS ECS/ECR as the version control FOR ECS Task definitions?
First ECS/ECR not used for version control like GithHub.
ECS is container management service where ECR is nothing but docker registry on AWS.
Task definition used to run docker container in ECS.You can create task definition on or after creating ECS cluster.You can create/modify task definition in many ways like console,aws cli, aws cloud formation,terraform etc. It depends on how you want to do this and how frequently you change task definition. yes, you can keep your task definition GitHub and create automated job to execute every time from there but there is no need to store task definition anywhere once your task running.
ECR is Elastic container registry which is used to store the container images.
ECS Task definition A task definition is required to run Docker containers in Amazon ECS. Some of the parameters you can specify in a task definition & include: The Docker images to use with the containers in your & task.
You have to provide your ECR URI while creating task definition or it will look for the default docker hub registry for the container image.
Also, You can keep your task definition json on any version control system if you want to use them lateron.

ECS updating service with same tasks but different docker image

I am an issue that either I do not understand well or something weird happening with aws ecs service.
I update my code, create a new docker image and push it to be deployed using ECS. The issue is, when the task definition does not changes, the code does not get deployed, even though the image in ECR got updated. How can get my code deployed then? I am assuming that when the image has changed, the services is run the already registered tasks which should pull the image right?
Example of commands I run
aws ecs register-task-definition --cli-input-json file:///deploy/tasks/my-task-definition.json
aws ecs update-service --service my-service --cluster my-clusdter --task-definition my-task-defintion
The first time I run these commands, the code is deployed, if I update my code, push the new image to the Registry, then run these commands, my code does not get deployed.
The updates are pulled every time your ECR gets updated.
Double check the way you're confirming the updated version.
In order to update your container with the updated images, you have to revised your task definition with the latest image from the repository, then your service should be updated with the new task definition you've defined.
It looks like you are on the right track, but I assume that json file is revising your task definition with the same image. If this is the case, you can just change the tag for the image to :latest so that you can run the same commands with the same json every single time.

How to ensure to update Docker image on AWS ECS?

I use Docker Hub to store a private Docker image, the repository has a webhook that once the image is updated it calls a service I built to:
update the ECS task definition
update the ECS service
deregister the old ECS task definition
The service is running accordingly. After it runs ECS creates a new task with the new task definition, stops the task with the old task definition and the service come back with the new definition.
The point is that the Docker Image is not updated, once the service starts in the new task definition it remains with the old image.
Am I doing something wrong? How o ensure the docker image is updated?
After analysing the AWS ECS logs I found out that the problem was in the ECS Docker authentication.
To solve that I've added the following data to the file /etc/ecs/ecs.config
Just replace the YOUR_DOCKER_HUB_AUTH and YOUR_DOCKER_HUB_EMAIL by your own information and it shall work properly.
To find this information you can execute docker login on your own computer and then look for the data in the file ~/.docker/config.json
For more information on the Private Registry Authentication topic please look at