Remove pressed key from vim input buffer - c++

I'm writing a vim auto-command for cpp files where I want an abbreviation for #include lines.
The goal is for the abbreviation to expand to #include <▐> with the pipe being the location of the cursor after expansion.
Since naturally the abbreviation is to be followed by a space I'm trying to remove the input space from the register and move on.
However even after exiting insert mode and returning, or any trick I could think of: deleting next key, keying in bs etc, the space is being entered after whatever series of commands the iabbrev includes.
Therefore I'm looking for something that will remove the space from the register AND put me still in insert mode.

Add this to your .vimrc:
autocmd FileType cpp iab <buffer> #i #include <><Left><C-R>=Eatchar('\s')<CR>
func Eatchar(pat)
let c = nr2char(getchar(0))
return (c =~ a:pat) ? '' : c

In lh-cpp, I have in a C ftplugin (the place where such definitions should be)
iab <buffer> #n <C-R>=lh#map#no_context("#n ",'\<esc\>0i#include')<CR>
:Brackets < > -open=function('lh#cpp#brackets#lt') -visual=0
With lh#map#no_context() that prevents the expansion of #n within string and comment contexts -- sometimes, we want to be able to type auto s = "#n";, and lh#cpp#brackets#lt that recognizes a few contexts in which I can expand my < into <> (includes, templates, castings, etc).
As you see I don't automatically append "" nor <> here as I want to be able to choose between #include <foo> and #include "foo"
Back to abbreviations that don't eat the space characters, the answer is in the help, see Menix's answer.
To simplify my task, I've defined a command that automatically applies such function (in lh-brackets this time):
command! -narg=+ Iabbr execute "iabbr " <q-args>."<C-R>=lh#map#eat_char('\\s')<CR>"
command! -narg=+ Inoreabbr
\ execute "inoreabbr " <q-args>."<C-R>=lh#map#eat_char('\\s')<CR>"
Thus, I would define your abbreviation this way
:Inoreabbr <silent> <buffer> #n< #include <><left>
:Inoreabbr <silent> <buffer> #n" #include ""<left>
Or even better to not see these abbreviations triggerred in string and comment contexts:
:Inoreab <buffer> <silent> #n< <C-R>=lh#map#no_context("#n< ",'\<esc\>0i#include <>\<left\>')<CR>
" and so on

As you can see from #LucHermitte's answer (and the similar attempt by #Meninx before), eating that character is a bit involved.
Instead, I would recommend you upgrade to a snippets plugin (if you don't use one already). Snippets are like the built-in :abbreviate on steroids, usually with parameter insertions, mirroring, and multiple stops inside them. One of the first, very famous (and still widely used) Vim plugins is snipMate (inspired by the TextMate editor); unfortunately, it's not maintained any more; though there is a fork. A modern alternative (that requires Python though) is UltiSnips. There are more, see this list on the Vim Tips Wiki.
Depending on the snippet plugin, the expansion may need to be explicitly triggered, others may already support insertion without the trailing space. Usually, you can configure a default for the included filename (that can be overwritten easily) - this functionality cannot be had via Vim abbreviations alone.
If you don't want full snippets functionality just for this, I would recommend to define the abbreviation based on triggering it with <Enter> instead of <Space>. This should fit well for this example (the next code / #include will be on a new line, anyway), and so you don't have to artificially remove anything.


VIM Doxygen support - auto asterisk (*) insertion on newline

When I write Doxygen comments (in C file) I would like an asterisk to be automatically inserted on new line (either with the o command or just ↩ ).
Like this example :
* My Doxygen comment being written
And when I hit ↩
* My Doxygen comment bein written
cursor is here
I have DoxygenToolkit.vim and set syntax=c.doxygen but none does what I want.
I also found that but not sure what it is supposed to do, but doesn't solve my problem.
I've googled for it but did not find.
Any idea?
You need this in your ~/.vimrc:
filetype plugin indent on
I don't know about DoxygenToolkit.vim, I have never used it. The above is all it takes to enable the described behaviour in my 7.x Vims.
You can find my commented ~/.vimrc online. Nothing too fancy in there, just what I use every day on half a dozen different Linux / AIX boxes. Perhaps there is more in there that you would like.
:setlocal formatoptions+=ro
does that (:help fo-table).
o Automatically insert the current comment leader after hitting 'o' or
'O' in Normal mode.
r Automatically insert the current comment leader after hitting
<Enter> in Insert mode.
Put this into ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/c.vim. (This requires that you have :filetype plugin on; use of the after directory allows you to override any default filetype settings done by $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/c.vim.) Alternatively, you could define an :autocmd FileType c ... directly in your ~/.vimrc, but this tends to become unwieldy once you have many customizations.

Vim: Invert string (by words)

This is my string:
"this is my sentence"
I would like to have this output:
"sentence my is this"
I would like to select a few words on a line (in a buffer) and reverse it word by word.
Can anyone help me?
It's not totally clear what the context is here: you could be talking about text in a line in a buffer or about a string stored in a VimScript variable.
note: Different interpretations of the question led to various approaches and solutions.
There are some "old updates" that start about halfway through that have been rendered more or less obsolete by a plugin mentioned just above that section. I've left them in because they may provide useful info for some people.
full line replacement
So to store the text from the current line in the current buffer in a vimscript variable, you do
let words = getline('.')
And then to reverse their order, you just do
let words = join(reverse(split(words)))
If you want to replace the current line with the reversed words, you do
call setline('.', words)
You can do it in one somewhat inscrutable line with
call setline('.', join(reverse(split(getline('.')))))
or even define a command that does that with
command! ReverseLine call setline('.', join(reverse(split(getline('.')))))
partial-line (character-wise) selections
As explained down in the "old updates" section, running general commands on a character- or block-wise visual selection — the former being what the OP wants to do here — can be pretty complicated. Ex commands like :substitute will be run on entire lines even if only part of the line is selected using a character-wise visual select (as initiated with an unshifted v).
I realized after the OP commented below that reversing the words in a partial-line character-wise selection can be accomplished fairly easily with
\%V within the RE matches some part of the visual selection. Apparently this does not extend after the last character in the selection: leaving out the final . will exclude the last selected character.
\= at the beginning of the replacement indicates that it is to be evaluated as a vimscript expression, with some differences.
submatch(0) returns the entire match. This works a bit like perl's $&, $1, etc., except that it is only available when evaluating the replacement. I think this means that it can only be used in a :substitute command or in a call to substitute()
So if you want to do a substitution on a single-line selection, this will work quite well. You can even pipe the selection through a system command using ...\=system(submatch(0)).
multiple-line character-wise selections
This seems to also work on a multiple-line character-wise selection, but you have to be careful to delete the range (the '<,'> that vim puts at the beginning of a command when coming from visual mode). You want to run the command on just the line where your visual selection starts. You'll also have to use \_.* instead of .* in order to match across newlines.
block-wise selections
For block-wise selections, I don't think there's a reasonably convenient way to manipulate them. I have written a plugin that can be used to make these sorts of edits less painful, by providing a way to run arbitrary Ex commands on any visual selection as though it were the entire buffer contents.
It is available at Currently there's no packaging, and it is not yet available on, but you can just git clone it and copy the contents (minus the README file) into your vimdir.
If you use vim-addon-manager, just clone visdo in your vim-addons directory and you'll subsequently be able to ActivateAddons visdo. I've put in a request to have it added to the VAM addons repository, so at some point you will be able to dispense with the cloning and just do ActivateAddons visdo.
The plugin adds a :VisDo command that is meant to be prefixed to another command (similarly to the way that :tab or :silent work). Running a command with VisDo prepended will cause that command to run on a buffer containing only the current contents of the visual selection. After the command completes, the buffer's contents are pasted into the original buffer's visual selection, and the temp buffer is deleted.
So to complete the OP's goal with VisDo, you would do (with the words to be reversed selected, and with the above-defined ReverseLine command available):
:'<,'>VisDo ReverseLine
old updates
...previous updates follow ... warning: verbose, somewhat obselete, and mostly unnecessary...
The OP's edit makes it more clear that the goal here is to be able to reverse the words contained in a visual selection, and specifically a character-wise visual selection.
This is decidedly not a simple task. The fact that vim does not make this sort of thing easy really confused me when I first started using it. I guess this is because its roots are still very much in the line-oriented editing functionality of ed and its predecessors and descendants. For example, the substitute command :'<,'>s/.../.../ will always work on entire lines even if you are in character-wise or block-wise (ctrlv) visual selection mode.
Vimscript does make it possible to find the column number of any 'mark', including the beginning of the visual selection ('<) and the end of the visual selection ('>). That is, as far as I can tell, the limit of its support. There is no direct way to get the contents of the visual selection, and there is no way to replace the visual selection with something else. Of course, you can do both of those things using normal-mode commands (y and p), but this clobbers registers and is kind of messy. But then you can save the initial registers and then restore them after the paste...
So basically you have to go to sort of extreme lengths to do with parts of lines what can easily done with entire lines. I suspect that the best way to do this is to write a command that copies the visual selection into a new buffer, runs some other command on it, and then replaces the original buffer's visual selection with the results, deleting the temp buffer. This approach should theoretically work for both character-wise and block-wise selections, as well as for the already-supported linewise selections. However, I haven't done that yet.
This 40-line code chunk declares a command ReverseCharwiseVisualWords which can be called from visual mode. It will only work if the character-wise visual selection is entirely on a single line. It works by getting the entire line containing the visual selection (using getline()) running a parameterized transformation function (ReverseWords) on the selected part of it, and pasting the whole partly-transformed line back. In retrospect, I think it's probably worth going the y/p route for anything more featureful.
" Return 1-based column numbers for the start and end of the visual selection.
function! GetVisualCols()
return [getpos("'<")[2], getpos("'>")[2]]
" Convert a 0-based string index to an RE atom using 1-based column index
" :help /\%c
function! ColAtom(index)
return '\%' . string(a:index + 1) . 'c'
" Replace the substring of a:str from a:start to a:end (inclusive)
" with a:repl
function! StrReplace(str, start, end, repl)
let regexp = ColAtom(a:start) . '.*' . ColAtom(a:end + 1)
return substitute(a:str, regexp, a:repl, '')
" Replace the character-wise visual selection
" with the result of running a:Transform on it.
" Only works if the visual selection is on a single line.
function! TransformCharwiseVisual(Transform)
let [startCol, endCol] = GetVisualCols()
" Column numbers are 1-based; string indexes are 0-based
let [startIndex, endIndex] = [startCol - 1, endCol - 1]
let line = getline("'<")
let visualSelection = line[startIndex : endIndex]
let transformed = a:Transform(visualSelection)
let transformed_line = StrReplace(line, startIndex, endIndex, transformed)
call setline("'<", transformed_line)
function! ReverseWords(words)
return join(reverse(split(a:words)))
" Use -range to allow range to be passed
" as by default for commands initiated from visual mode,
" then ignore it.
command! -range ReverseCharwiseVisualWords
\ call TransformCharwiseVisual(function('ReverseWords'))
update 2
It turns out that doing things with y and p is a lot simpler, so I thought I'd post that too. Caveat: I didn't test this all too thoroughly, so there may be edge cases.
This function replaces TransformCharwiseVisual (and some of its dependencies) in the previous code block. It should theoretically work for block-wise selections too — it's up to the passed Transform function to do appropriate things with line delimiters.
function! TransformYankPasteVisual(Transform)
let original_unnamed = [getreg('"'), getregtype('"')]
" Reactivate and yank the current visual selection.
normal gvy
let #" = a:Transform(#")
normal gvp
call call(function('setreg'), ['"'] + original_unnamed)
So then you can just add a second command declaration
command! -range ReverseVisualWords
\ call TransformYankPasteVisual(function('ReverseWords'))
tangentially related gory detail
Note that the utility of a higher-level function like the ones used here is somewhat limited by the fact that there is no (easy or established) way to declare an inline function or block of code in vimscript. This wouldn't be such a limitation if the language weren't meant to be used interactively. You could write a function which substitutes its string argument into a dictionary function declaration and returns the function. However, dictionary functions cannot be called using the normal invocation syntax and have to be passed to call call(dictfunct, args, {}).
note: A more recent update, given above, obsoletes the above code. See the various sections preceding old updates for a cleaner way to do this.
:s/\v(.*) (.*) (.*) (.*)/\4 \3 \2 \1/
Of course you probably need to be more specific in the first part to find that particular sentence. Generally you can refer to match groups as \number with \0 being the whole match.
Here's a way to do by calling out to Ruby. After selecting the line you want to reverse, you can do this in command mode to replace it:
!ruby -e 'puts\b/).reverse.join'
I found the solution myself thank to your answers and a lot of trying :)
This works:
function! Test()
exe 'normal ' . 'gv"ay'
let r = join(reverse(split(getreg('a'))))
let #a = r
exe 'normal ' . 'gv"ap'
Didn't thought that I was enable to write such a function :)

Easily comment (C++) code in vim

I have looked at the following question:
How to comment out a block of Python code in Vim
But that does not seem to work for me. How do I comment code easily without resorting to plugins/scripts?
Use ctrl-V to do a block selection and then hit I followed by //[ESC].
Alternatively, use shift-V to do a line-based select and then type :s:^://[Enter]. The latter part could easily go into a mapping. eg:
:vmap // :s:^://<CR>
Then you just shift-V, select the range, and type // (or whatever you bind it to).
You can add this to your .vimrc file
map <C-c> :s/^/\/\//<Enter>
Then when you need to comment a section just select all lines (Shift-V + movement) and then press CtrlC.
To un-comment you can define in a similar way
map <C-u> :s/^\/\///<Enter>
that removes a // at begin of line from the selected range when pressing CtrlU.
You can use the NERD commenter plugin for vim, which has support for a whole bunch of languages (I'm sure C++ is one of them). With this installed, to comment/uncomment any line, use <Leader>ci. To do the same for a block of text, select text by entering the visual mode and use the same command as above.
There are other features in this such as comment n lines by supplying a count before the command, yank before comment with <Leader>cy, comment to end of line with <Leader>c$, and many others, which you can read about in the link. I've found this plugin to be extremely useful and is one of my 'must have' plugins.
There's always #ifdef CHECK_THIS_LATER ... #endif which has the advantage of not causing problems with nested C-style comments (if you use them) and is easy to find and either uncomment or remove completely later.

Vim, C++, look up member function

I am using vim 7.x
I am using alternate file.
I have a mapping of *.hpp <--> *.cpp
Suppose I'm in
class Foo {
void some_me#mber_func(); // # = my cursor
in Foo.hpp
is there a way to tell vim to do the following:
Grab word under # (easy, expand("")
Look up the class I'm inside of ("Foo") <-- I have no idea how to do this
Append `1 & 2 (easy: using ".") --> "Foo::some_member_func"
4: Switch files (easy, :A)
Do a / on 4
So basically, I can script all of this together, except the "find the name of the enclosing class I'm in part (especially if classes are nested).
I know about ctags. I know about cscope. I'm choosing to not use them -- I prefer solutions where I understand where they break.
This is relatively easy to do crudely and very difficult to do well. C and C++ are rather complex languages to parse reliably. At the risk of being downvoted, I'd personally recommend parsing the tags file generated by ctags, but if you really want to do it in Vim, there are a few of options for the "crude" method.
Make some assumptions. The assumptions you make depend on how complicated you want it to be. At the simplest level: assume you're in a class definition and there are no other nearby braces. Based on your coding style, assume that the opening brace of the class definition is on the same line as "class".
let classlineRE = '^class\s\+\(\k\+\)\s\+{.*'
let match = search(classlineRE, 'bnW')
if match != 0
let classline = getline(match)
let classname = substitute(classline, classlineRE, '\1', '')
" Now do something with classname
The assumptions model can obviously be extended/generalised as much as you see fit. You can just search back for the brace and then search back for class and take what's in between (to handle braces on a separate line to "class"). You can filter out comments. If you want to be really clever, you can start looking at what level of braces you're in and make sure it's a top level one (go to the start of the file, add 1 every time you see '{' and subtract one every time you see '}' etc). Your vim script will get very very very complicated.
Another one risking the downvote, you could use one of the various C parsers written in python and use the vim-python interface to make it act like a vim script. To be honest, if you're thinking of doing this, I'd stick with ctags/cscope.
Use rainbow.vim. This does highlighting based on depth of indentation, so you could be a little clever and search back (using search('{', 'bW') or similar) for opening braces, then interrogate the syntax highlighting of those braces (using synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."),1), "name")) and if it's hlLevel0, you know it's a top-level brace. You can then search back for class and parse as per item 1.
I hope that all of the above gives you some food for thought...

Replace C style comments by C++ style comments

How can I automatically replace all C style comments (/* comment */) by C++ style comments (// comment)?
This has to be done automatically in several files. Any solution is okay, as long as it works.
This tool does the job:
RECOMMENT is a C++ program which
converts C style comments to C++ style
It also handles all the non-trivial cases mentioned by other people:
This code incorporates suggestions and
coding provided on 28 April 2005 by
Steven Martin of JDS Uniphase,
Melbourne Florida. These suggestions
allow the program to ignore the
internal contents of strings, (which
might otherwise seem to begin or end
comments), to handle lines of code
with trailing comments, and to handle
comments with trailing bits of code.
This is not a trivial problem.
int * /* foo
/* this is not the beginning of a comment.
int * */ var = NULL;
What do you want to replace that with? Any real substitution requires sometimes splitting lines.
int * // foo
// this is not the beginning of a comment.
// int *
var = NULL;
How do you intend to handle situations like this:
void CreateExportableDataTable(/*[out, retval]*/ IDispatch **ppVal)
Note the comment inside the parens... this is a common way of documenting things in generated code, or mentioning default parameter values in the implementation of a class, etc. I'm usually not a fan of such uses of comments, but they are common and need to be considered. I don't think you can convert them to C++ style comments without doing some heavy thinking.
I'm with the people who commented in your question. Why do it? Just leave it.
it wastes time, adds useless commits to version control, risk of screwing up
Adding details from the comments from the OP
The fundamental reason of preferring C++-style comment is that you can comment out a block of code which may have comments in it. If that comment is in C-style, this block-comment-out of code is not straight forward. – unknown (yahoo)
that might be a fair/ok thing to want to do, but I have two comments about that:
I know of no one who would advocate changing all existing code - that is a preference for new code. (IMO)
If you feel the need to "comment out code" (another iffy practice) then you can do it as needed - not before
It also appears that you want to use the c-style comments to block out a section of code? Or are you going to use the // to block out many lines?
One alternative is a preprocessor #ifdef for that situation. I cringe at that but it is just as bad as commenting out lines/blocks. Neither should be left in the production code.
I recently converted all C-style comments to C++-style for all files in our repository. Since I could not find a tool that would do it automatically, I wrote my own: c-comments-to-cpp
It is not fool-proof, but way better than anything else I've tried (including RECOMMENT). Among other things, it supports converting Doxygen style comments, for instance:
* #brief My foo struct.
struct foo {
int bar; /*!< This is a member.
It also has a meaning. */
Gets converted to:
/// #brief My foo struct.
struct foo {
int bar; ///< This is a member.
///< It also has a meaning.
Here's a Python script that will (mostly) do the job. It handles most edge cases, but it does not handle comment characters inside of strings, although that should be easy to fix.
import sys
out = ''
in_comment = False
file = open(sys.argv[1], 'r+')
for line in file:
if in_comment:
end = line.find('*/')
if end != -1:
out += '//' + line[:end] + '\n'
out += ' ' * (end + 2) + line[end+2:]
in_comment = False
out += '//' + line
start = line.find('/*')
cpp_start = line.find('//')
if start != -1 and (cpp_start == -1 or cpp_start > start):
out += line[:start] + '//' + line[start+2:]
in_comment = True
out += line
Why don't you write a C app to parse it's own source files? You could find the /* comments */ sections with a relatively easy Regex query. You could then replace the new line characters with new line character + "//".
Anyway, just a thought. Good luck with that.
If you write an application/script to process the C source files, here are some things to be careful of:
comment characters within strings
comment characters in the middle of a line (you might not want to split the code line)
You might be better off trying to find an application that understands how to actually parse the code as code.
There are a few suggestions that you might like to try out:
a)Write your own code (C/ Python/ any language you like) to replace the comments. Something along the lines of what regex said or this naive solution 'might' work:
[Barring cases like the one rmeador, Darron posted]
for line in file:
if line[0] == "\*":
buf = '//' + all charachters in the line except '\*'
flag = True
if flag = True:
if line ends with '*/':
strip off '*/'
flag = False
add '//' + line to buf
b)Find a tool to do it. (I'll look up some and post, if I find them.)
c)Almost all modern IDE's (if you are using one) or text editors have an auto comment feature. You can then manually open up each file, select comment lines, decide how to handle the situation and comment C++ style using an accelerator (say Ctrl + M). Then, you can simply 'Find and Replace' all "/*" and "*/", again using your judgment. I have Gedit configured to do this using the "Code Comment' plugin. I don't remember the way I did it in Vim off hand. I am sure this one can be found easily.
If there are just "several files" is it really necessary to write a program? Opening it up in a text editor might do the trick quicker in practice, unless there's a whole load of comments. emacs has a comment-region command that (unsurprisingly) comments a region, so it'd just be a case of ditching the offending '/*' and '*/'.
Very old question, I know, but I just achieved this using "pure emacs". In short, the solution looks as follows:
Run M-x query-replace-regexp. When prompted, enter
as the regex to search for. The ^J is a newline, which you can enter by pressing ^Q (Ctrl+Q in most keyboards), and then pressing the enter key. Then enter
//\,(replace-regexp-in-string "[\n]\\([ ]*?\\) \\([^ ]\\)" "\n\\1// \\2" \1))
as the replacement expression.
Essentially, the idea is that you use two nested regex searches. The main one simply finds C-style comments (the *? eager repetition comes very handy for this). Then, an elisp expression is used to perform a second replacement inside the comment text only. In this case, I'm looking for newlines followed by space, and replacing the last three space characters by //, which is nice for preserving the comment formatting (works only as long as all comments are indented, though).
Changes to the secondary regex will make this approach work in other cases, for example
//\,(replace-regexp-in-string "[\n]" " " \1))
will just put the whole contents of the original comment into a single C++-style comment.
from PHP team convention... some reasonning has to exist if the question was asked. Just answer if you know.
Never use C++ style comments (i.e. // comment). Always use C-style
comments instead. PHP is written in C, and is aimed at compiling
under any ANSI-C compliant compiler. Even though many compilers
accept C++-style comments in C code, you have to ensure that your
code would compile with other compilers as well.
The only exception to this rule is code that is Win32-specific,
because the Win32 port is MS-Visual C++ specific, and this compiler
is known to accept C++-style comments in C code.