I found out that address of first element of structure is same as the address of structure. But dereferencing address of structure doesn't return me value of first data member. However dereferencing address of first data member does return it's value. eg. Address of structure=100, address of first element of structure is also 100. Now dereferencing should work in the same way on both.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
struct things{
int good;
int bad;
int main()
things *ptr = new things;
ptr->bad = 3;
ptr->good = 7;
std::cout << *(&(ptr->good)) <<" " << &(ptr->good) << std::endl;
std::cout << "ptr also print same address = " << ptr << std::endl;
std::cout << "But *ptr does not print 7 and gives compile time error. Why ?" << *ptr << std::endl;
return 0;
*ptr returns to you an instance of type of things, for which there is no operator << defined, hence the compile-time error.
A struct is not the same as an array†. That is, it doesn't necessarily decay to a pointer to its first element. The compiler, in fact, is free to (and often does) insert padding in a struct so that it aligns to certain byte boundaries‡. So even if a struct could decay in the same way as an array (bad idea), simply printing it would not guarantee printing of the first element!
† I mean a C-Style array like int[]
‡ These boundaries are implementation-dependent and can often be controlled in some manner via preprocessor statements like pragma pack
Try any of these:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
struct things{
int good;
int bad;
int main()
things *ptr = new things;
ptr->bad = 3;
ptr->good = 7;
std::cout << *(int*)ptr << std::endl;
std::cout << *reinterpret_cast<int*>(ptr) << std::endl;
int* p = reinterpret_cast<int*>(ptr);
std::cout << *p << std::endl;
return 0;
You can do a cast of the pointer to Struct, to a pointer to the first element of the struct so the compiler knows what size and alignment to use to collect the value from memory.
If you want a "clean" cast, you can consider converting it to "VOID pointer" first.
_ (Struct*) to (VOID*) to (FirstElem*) _
Also see:
Pointers in Stackoverflow
Hope it helps!!
I found out that address of first element of structure is same as the address of structure.
Wherever you found this out, it wasn't the c++ standard. It's an incorrect assumption in the general case.
There is nothing but misery and pain for you if you continue down this path.
I am messing around a little with pointers. Please take a look at the following results (addresses).
1st code:
#include <iostream>
int main(){
int a = 5;
void* pointer = &a;
std::cout << a << std::endl << &a << std::endl;
std::cout << pointer << std::endl ;
2nd code:
#include <iostream>
int main(){
int a = 5;
void* pointer = &a;
std::cout << a << std::endl << &a << std::endl;
std::cout << &pointer << std::endl ;
Why does the address of the variable a change between the two codes?
In the first case, you never take the address of pointer, so pointer can be stored in a register, or even not at all. (Modern compilers are very clever, and modern machines have many registers.)
For instance, gcc 11 keeps the value in a register without optimization, and with -O2 it just inserts the address of a directly. (Assembly here, for the curious.)
In the second case, you do take the address of pointer, so it must be stored somewhere in memory.
This means that a might be stored in a different place in order to make room for it.
Also, some platforms randomize storage locations in order to make programs less hackable, so it's usually not a good idea to assume that things will have the same address in different "runs".
In the first code poiner stores the address of variable a, and by command.
You print the address of a. That's it.
In the second code pointer also stores the address of variable a, but &pointer is the address of variable pointer. Try the following
#include <iostream>
int main(){
int a = 5;
void* pointer = &a;
void** pointer_to_pointer = &pointer;
std::cout << a << std::endl << &a << std::endl << pointer << std::endl;
std::cout << &pointer << std::endl << pointer_to_pointer;
The output for me is
It is very simple.
int a and void* pointer are two distinct variables or I better say memory locations on the stack. a holds a value like 5 in its location. pointer holds the address to a's memory location. pointer itself is stored in a different location and when you write std::cout << &pointer << std::endl; it will print the address of the pointer variable, not the contents of it which is a's address.
As a simplified example:
Consider 0x4 as the address of pointer itself and the value inside it is 0xC. This value points to a's location. In order to read the value of a(which is 5), you first have to go to 0x4 to read its content. Its content is 0xC and now you have successfully found out that a's location is 0xC. Then you have to go to 0xC and at that address, you will find the value 5.
You look at -> 0x4( content == 0xC ) -> 0xC( content == 5 ) -> done!
After compilation, what does the reference become, an address, or a constant pointer?
I know the difference between pointers and references, but I want to know the difference between the underlying implementations.
int main()
int a = 1;
int &b = a;
int *ptr = &a;
cout << b << " " << *ptr << endl; // 1 1
cout << "&b: " << &b << endl; // 0x61fe0c
cout << "ptr: " << ptr << endl; // 0x61fe0c
return 0;
The pedantic answer is: Whatever the compiler feels like, all that matters is that it works as specified by the language's semantics.
To get the actual answer, you have to look at resulting assembly, or make heavy usage of Undefined Behavior. At that point, it becomes a compiler-specific question, not a "C++ in general" question
In practice, references that need to be stored essentially become pointers, while local references tend to get compiled out of existence. The later is generally the case because the guarantee that references never get reassigned means that if you can see it getting assigned, then you know full well what it refers to. However, you should not be relying on this for correctness purposes.
For the sake of completeness
It is possible to get some insight into what the compiler is doing from within valid code by memcpying the contents of a struct containing a reference into a char buffer:
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
#include <cstring>
struct X {
int& ref;
int main() {
constexpr std::size_t x_size = sizeof(X);
int val = 12;
X val_ref = {val};
std::array<unsigned char, x_size> raw ;
std::memcpy(&raw, &val_ref, x_size);
std::cout << &val << std::endl;
std::cout << "0x";
for(const unsigned char c : raw) {
std::cout << std::hex << (int)c;
std::cout << std::endl ;
When I ran this on my compiler, I got the (endian flipped) address of val stored within the struct.
it heavily depend on compiler maybe compiler decide to optimize the code therefore it will make it value or ..., but as far i know references will compiler like pointer i mean if you see their result assembly they are compiled like pointer.
Not really sure what's going on here, I'm using Clion as my IDE which I don't believe has anything to do with this but I figured I'd add that information. My confusion comes from a function that I wrote
int Arry()
int Mynumbers [5] = {10};
std::cout << Mynumbers;
something simple. It should be assigning 5 integers the value of 10. But when I print out Mynumbers I am shown the memory address. Why is this happening, I thought that was what calling pointers was for. Thank you for your time.
It is a bit complicated, and there are a few issues at play:
std::cout (actually, std::ostream, of which std::cout is an instance, does not have an overload of operator<< that understands plain arrays. It does have overloads that understand pointers.
In C++ (and C) an array name can be used as an expression in a place where a pointer is needed. When there is no better option, the array name will decay to a pointer. That is what makes the following legal: int a[10] = {}; int* p = a;.
The overload that takes a pointer prints it as a hexadecimal address, unless the pointer is of type char* or const char* (or wchar versions), in which case it treats it as a null terminated string.
This is what is happening here: because there isn't an operator<< overload that matches the array, it decays to the overload taking a pointer. And as it isn't a character type pointer, you see the hexadecimal address. You are seeing the equivalent of cout << &MyNumbers[0];.
Some notes:
void Arry() // use void if nothing is being returned
int Mynumbers[5] = {10}; // first element is 10, the rest are 0
//std::cout << Mynumbers; // will print the first address because the array decays to a pointer which is then printed
for (auto i : Mynumbers) // range-for takes note of the size of the array (no decay)
std::cout << i << '\t';
In C++, you can think of an array as a pointer to a memory address (this isn't strictly true, and others can explain the subtle differences). When you are calling cout on your array name, you are asking for it's contents: the memory address.
If you wish to see what's in the array, you can use a simple for loop:
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
std::cout << Mynumbers[i] << " ";
The value of Mynumbers is in fact the adress of the first element in the array.
try the following:
for(int i=0; i<5;i++) {
cout << Mynumbers[i];
I was trying to access the private data members of the class. Everything was going fine until I came upon the int*. I don’t get what it is. I think it’s something that we can use to create a new memory address.
My code :
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class x
int a, b, c, d;
a = 100;
b = 200;
c = 300;
d = 400;
int main()
x ob;
int *y = (int *)&ob;
cout << *y << " " << y[1] << " " << y[2] << " " << y[3] << endl;
Can anyone help me in understanding it?
Its a c-style cast to access the memory occupied by the struct x as a set of ints.
It takes the address of ob, casts it from 'address of' (ie a pointer to) x into a pointer to int. The compiler happily assigns this cast to y, so you can manipulate it, or in this case, print out the memory blocks as ints. As the struct happens to be a group of ints anyway, it all works even though its a bit of a hack. I guess the original coder wanted to print out all 4 ints without having to specify each one in turn by variable name. Lazy.
Try using a cast to a char* (ie 1 byte at a time) and print those out. You'll be basically printing out the raw memory occupied by the struct.
A good C++ way would be to create an operator<< function that returns each variable formatted for output like this, then write cout << ob << endl; instead.
#include <iostream>
int main()
int anything[] = {5};
int *something = new int;
*something = 5;
std::cout << &anything << "==" << &anything[0] << "==" << anything << std::endl;
std::cout << &something << "!=" << &something[0] << "==" << something << std::endl;
Why is the memory address in &something different from &something[0] and something? Although it is a dynamic allocation, I don't understand why the memory address is different. I tried it with more than one value; it's the same thing. Here I used one value for both for simplicity.
&something is the memory address of the pointer itself (hey, it needs to store that value somewhere!), while &something[0] is the address of the actual memory that is storing your stuff.
something is a pointer. &something is the address of that pointer. &something[0] is the address of the first element pointed to by the pointer, which is completely different from the address of the pointer. something is the value of the pointer, which is also the address of the element that is pointed to.
I'm sure this topic has been covered many times before, I hope I did it justice.