Calling a templatized std::function stored in a map - c++

I'm attempting to create a base class that will store signals (in the form of an int) and allow me to later use them to call functions specified by the derived class. They are stored in an unordered_map because it's exactly what I need -- 1 signal = 1 function (plus it's fast).
Though, I'm having some trouble calling them, getting a huge error in the form of:
no match for call to ‘(std::unordered_map<int, std::function<void()>, std::hash<int>, std::equal_to<int>, std::allocator<std::pair<const int, std::function<void()> > > >::mapped_type {aka std::function<void()>}) (int&, int&)’
The compile-error is from signals_[_sig](args...);
const int SIGCHANGE = 1;
template<typename... Args>
class Signal {
std::unordered_map< int, std::function<void(Args...)> > signals_;
inline void SetSignal(const int& _sig, std::function<void(Args...)> _func) {
signals_[_sig] = _func;
Signal() {}
~Signal() {}
template<typename... Ts>
void Sig(const int& _sig, Ts... args) {
if (signals_.find(_sig) != signals_.end()) {
class Obj : public Signal<> {
int num_;
Obj* child;
void Change(int _num) {
num_ = _num;
child->Sig(SIGCHANGE, _num);
void HandleChanged(int _num) {
num_ = _num;
int main() {
Obj* obj1 = new Obj();
Obj* obj2 = new Obj();
obj1->child = obj2;
Also, I have no idea if I'm using the templates correctly - it's been ages since I last used them. Should each function have its own template? Why do I have to specify the template before the class if I want to use it for a member variable?

As you function has a single int parameter, you need to have
class Obj : public Signal<int>
instead of
class Obj : public Signal<>
The later creates a map with functions prototyped void(), whereas you need a function prototyped void(int).
Also, templatizing the Sig function is useless, because you will not be able to call it with any other set of parameters than Args anyway. So it can simply be
void Sig(const int& _sig, Args... args) {
if (signals_.find(_sig) != signals_.end()) {
If your goal is to support storing functions with arbitrary prototype, that does need to be done different way, basically via runtime polymorphism (all the items in the map need to be of the same type, so the type itself would need to do the call polymorphism under the hood).
One possibility with function prototypes defined according to the signal type. Requires that the signal ints will always be passed as compile-time constants - the different functor for particular signal types are stored in std::tuple:
const int SIGZERO = 0;
const int SIGCHANGE = 1;
const int SIGOTHER = 2;
// non-specialized template intentionally left empty
// (or can provide default prototype)
template<int SIG>
struct SignalPrototype;
struct SignalPrototype<SIGZERO>
typedef std::function< void() > type;
struct SignalPrototype<SIGCHANGE>
typedef std::function< void(int) > type;
struct SignalPrototype<SIGOTHER>
typedef std::function< void(int, int) > type;
class Signal {
> signals_;
template<int SIG>
inline void SetSignal(typename SignalPrototype<SIG>::type _func) {
std::get<SIG>(signals_) = _func;
template<int SIG, typename... Ts>
void Sig(Ts... args) {
SignalPrototype<SIG>::type func = std::get<SIG>(signals_);
if (func)
struct MyHandler : SignalPrototype<SIGCHANGE>::type
void operator()(int x)
std::cout << "Called MyHandler with x = " << x << std::endl;
class Obj : public Signal {
int num_;
Obj* child;
void Change(int _num) {
num_ = _num;
child->Sig<SIGOTHER>(1, 2);
void HandleChanged(int _num) {
num_ = _num;
(and in general, it could be actually better for Signal to be member of the Obj instead of inheritance)


Defer/cancel execution of functions and analyze their arguments

I'm trying to write external draw call optimization, and for that I need to collect hooked calls, store their arguments to analyze them later on.
I've been able to make deferred calls, and somewhat readable arguments, stored in tuple, but I need to read arguments from base class and after thorough googling I can't find anything applicable.
I'll work with array of IDelegateBase mostly, and it would be very inconvenient to convert them to Delegate<...> with full signature, when I mostly would read just one argument. Therefore, I need virtual templated method in IDelegateBase, which would return n-th argument. But virtual templated methods are impossible, so probably I'd have to have templated method in base class, which would call non-template (boost::any?) virtual method and cast it's result, I suppose. But, anyway, I can't get n-th element from tuple via runtime variable.
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
class IDelegateBase
virtual void invoke() { }
template <typename T, typename... Args>
class Delegate : public IDelegateBase
void (*_f)(Args...);
std::tuple<Args...> _args;
Delegate(T& f, Args &...args)
: _f(f), _args(args...) { }
void invoke() final
std::apply(_f, _args);
void a() { std::cout << "a called;\n"; }
void b(int x) { std::cout << "b called with " << x << "\n"; }
void c(int x, float y) { std::cout << "c called with " << x << ", " << y << "\n"; }
int main()
IDelegateBase* d = new Delegate(a);
int i = 42;
d = new Delegate(b, i);
i = 21;
float f = 0.999;
d = new Delegate(c, i, f);
// I need something like this:
auto test = d->getArgument<float>(1);
Final solution with kind of type checking:
You could provide a virtual function returning void* and use it in a template, but type safety goes down the drain: Should you ever get the type wrong, you'll end up with undefined behaviour.
For getting element using an index you can use a recursive helper template that compares with one index per recursive call.
class IDelegateBase
virtual void invoke() { }
template<class T>
T const& getArgument(size_t index) const
return *static_cast<T const*>(getArgumentHelper(index));
virtual void const* getArgumentHelper(size_t index) const = 0;
template <typename T, typename... Args>
class Delegate : public IDelegateBase
void (*_f)(Args...);
std::tuple<Args...> _args;
Delegate(T& f, Args &...args)
: _f(f), _args(args...) { }
void invoke() final
std::apply(_f, _args);
void const* getArgumentHelper(size_t index) const override
return GetHelper<0>(index, _args);
template<size_t index>
static void const* GetHelper(size_t i, std::tuple<Args...> const& args)
if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) > index)
if (index == i)
return &std::get<index>(args);
return GetHelper<index + 1>(i, args);
throw std::runtime_error("index out of bounds");
The use of if constexpr is needed here, since std::get does not compile if a of tuple index out of bounds is used.

Invoke a method of templated derived class method from non-template base class pointer

I'm trying to implement a Property system in my project similar to Property system in Qt. We just started with some ideas and are in prototyping stage.
Basically, what I understood from Qt is, client should be able to pass the get function, set function and property type through some macro in the .h file. So I tried to mimic the same.
Following is my sample code:
Abstract getter class. This type of getter class is a member in Property Class
class AbstractFunc
template < typename R >
R Invoke ()
return (this)->Invoke ();
Get Function template: Return values can be T , T&, const T& , T* etc..
template < typename R, class T > class GetterFunction : public AbstractFunc
typedef R (T::*GetterFunc) ();
GetterFunction (T * obj, GetterFunc func):m_Obj (obj), m_Func (func)
R Invoke ()
return m_Obj->*(m_Func) ();
T * m_Obj;
GetterFunc m_Func;
Property Class:
class Property
Property (string name, AbstractFunc* getter):m_name (name), m_getter (getter)
template < typename R > R GetValue ()
return m_getter->Invoke < R > ();
string m_name;
AbstractFunc* m_getter;
Some Window Class:
class Window
Example window class
class CheckBox :public Window
int GetChecked ()
return m_checked;
void SetChecked (int nChecked)
m_checked = nChecked;
void AddProperty (string name)
m_prop = new Property (name, new GetterFunction< int, Checked >(this, &Checked::GetChecked));
int m_checked;
Property *m_prop;
main function:
int main ()
CheckBox cc;
cc.AddProperty ("Hello");
cout<<"value:"<< cc.m_prop->GetValue<int>();
return 0;
Getter function is remembered as AbstractFunc in Property Class. I want to call 'Invoke' on AbstractFunc* instance and it should invoke the member function and return correct return type. The above code throws error at AbstractFunc::Invoke.
see live
Your AbstractFunc isn't abstract at all: its Invoke isn't virtual. So even though GetterFunction also has a method named Invoke, that method doesn't actually override AbstractFunc::Invoke; it just hides it. When you try to call Invoke through the AbstractFunc*, it calls AbstractFunc::Invoke, which goes into infinite recursion and thus produces UB.
I would follow #n.m.'s suggestion to make a class hierarchy like so:
class AbstractFunc {
// lock down construction
AbstractFunc() = default;
template<typename R>
R Invoke();
template<typename R>
bool HasType() const noexcept;
virtual ~AbstractFunc() = default; // need to have SOME virtual method so that we have runtime type info; also a virtual destructor is required anyway
template<typename R>
friend class TypedFunc;
template<typename R>
struct TypedFunc : AbstractFunc { // the ONLY instances of AbstractFunc are also instances of specializations of TypedFunc
virtual R InvokeTyped() = 0;
// one kind of TypedFunc applies a getter on an object
template<typename R, typename T>
struct GetterFunc : TypedFunc<R> {
// you never see a GetterFunc in the interface anyway... don't see a need to hide these
T *obj; // have you considered std::shared_ptr?
R (T::*getter)();
GetterFunc(T *obj, R (T::*getter)()) : obj(obj), getter(getter) { }
R InvokeTyped() override { return (obj->*getter)(); }
template<typename R, typename T>
std::unique_ptr<GetterFunc<R, T>> MakeGetterFunc(T *obj, R (T::*getter)()) {
return std::make_unique<GetterFunc<R, T>>(obj, getter);
// another kind applies a functor, etc.
template<typename R, typename F>
struct FunctorFunc : TypedFunc<R> {
F func;
template<typename... G>
FunctorFunc(G&&... args) : func(std::forward<G>(args)...) { }
R InvokeTyped() override { return func(); }
This is already usable: if you have an AbstractFunc* or an AbstractFunc&, you can dynamic_cast it down to a TypedFunc of the expected type (e.g. TypedFunc<int>). If that succeeds (you get a nonnull pointer or there is no std::bad_cast exception), then you just call InvokeTyped without having to know what kind of GetterFunc/FunctorFunc/whatever you are actually dealing with. The functions Invoke and HasType declared in AbstractFunc are just sugar to help do this.
template<typename R>
bool AbstractFunc::HasType() const noexcept {
return dynamic_cast<TypedFunc<R> const*>(this);
template<typename R>
R AbstractFunc::Invoke() {
return dynamic_cast<TypedFunc<R>&>(*this).InvokeTyped();
// throws std::bad_cast if cast fails
class Property {
std::string name;
std::unique_ptr<AbstractFunc> getter;
Property(std::string name, std::unique_ptr<AbstractFunc> getter) : name(std::move(name)), getter(std::move(getter)) { }
template<typename R>
bool HasType() const noexcept { return getter->HasType<R>(); }
template<typename R>
R GetValue() const { return getter->Invoke<R>(); }
std::string const &GetName() const noexcept { return name; }
struct Window {
virtual ~Window() = default;
// doesn't really make sense to add/remove these from outside...
virtual std::vector<Property> GetProperties() = 0;
class CheckBox : public Window {
int checked = 0;
int GetChecked() /*const*/ noexcept { return checked; }
void SetChecked(int checked) noexcept { this->checked = checked; }
std::vector<Property> GetProperties() override {
std::vector<Property> ret;
ret.emplace_back("Boxes Checked", MakeGetterFunc(this, &CheckBox::GetChecked));
return ret;
int main() {
CheckBox cb;
for(auto const &prop : cb.GetProperties()) std::cout << prop.GetName() << ": " << prop.GetValue<int>() << "\n";
You could then add e.g. a virtual std::type_info const& GetType() const or similar to AbstractFunc if you want to be able to directly get at the type, etc.

How to implement a discriminated union of a parameterless functor and its return value in C++?

I know I could use boost::variant and avoid having to ask this question. But using boost::variant involves a lot of ugly code. In particular, visitors are messy. So, without further ado...
I have written the following templated class to implement lazy evaluation of curried functions. (See my previous question for the whole snippet.)
template <typename> class curry;
template <typename _Res>
class curry< _Res() >
typedef std::function< _Res() > _Fun;
typedef _Res _Ret;
_Fun _fun;
explicit curry (_Fun fun)
: _fun(fun) { }
operator _Ret ()
{ return _fun(); }
So I want to update it to include memoization. Conceptually, it is very simple. First of all, I have to replace:
_Fun _fun;
explicit curry (_Fun fun)
: _fun(fun) { }
bool _evaluated; // Already evaluated?
_Fun _fun; // No
_Res _res; // Yes
explicit curry (_Fun fun)
: _evaluated(false), _fun(fun) { }
explicit curry (_Res res)
: _evaluated(true), _res(res) { }
But there are two things left. First, I have to update operator _Ret so that, if it performs the lazy evaluation, then the result actually gets memoized. Second, I have to add a destructor so that, depending on the value of _evaluated, either _fun or _res gets destroyed. And here is where I am not quite sure about how to do things.
First, is this the correct way to replace _fun with _res? If not, how should I do it?
operator _Ret ()
if (!_evaluated) {
_Fun fun = _fun;
// Critical two lines.
_evaluated = true;
return _res;
Second, is this the correct way to selectively destroy _fun or _res? If not, how should I do it?
~curry ()
if (_evaluated)
You can't use a union as the other commenters have stated, but you can use placement new.
Here's an example of a discriminated union using placement new:
Note that there may be alignment restrictions on your platform for the A and B types, and enforcing those restrictions is not handled by this code.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
struct foo {
foo(char val) : c(val) {
cout<<"Constructed foo with c: "<<c<<endl;
~foo() {
cout<<"Destructed foo with c: "<<c<<endl;
char c;
struct bar {
bar(int val) : i(val) {
cout<<"Constructed bar with i: "<<i<<endl;
~bar() {
cout<<"Destructed bar with i: "<<i<<endl;
int i;
template < size_t val1, size_t val2 >
struct static_sizet_max
static const size_t value
= ( val1 > val2) ? val1 : val2 ;
template <typename A, typename B>
struct unionType {
unionType(const A &a) : isA(true)
new(bytes) A(a);
unionType(const B &b) : isA(false)
new(bytes) B(b);
bool isA;
char bytes[static_sizet_max<sizeof(A), sizeof(B)>::value];
int main(int argc, char** argv)
typedef unionType<foo, bar> FooOrBar;
foo f('a');
bar b(-1);
FooOrBar uf(f);
FooOrBar ub(b);
cout<<"Size of foo: "<<sizeof(foo)<<endl;
cout<<"Size of bar: "<<sizeof(bar)<<endl;
cout<<"Size of bool: "<<sizeof(bool)<<endl;
cout<<"Size of union: "<<sizeof(FooOrBar)<<endl;

C++0x : Storing any type of std::function in a std::map

I'm trying to store a set of std::function in a map (under GCC 4.5)
I'd like to get 2 kind of things :
storing functions with arguments already passed; then you just have
to call f()
storing functions without arguments; then you have to call
I think I achieved the first one with a class Command and a Manager :
class Command
std::function<void()> f_;
Command() {}
Command(std::function<void()> f) : f_(f) {}
void execute() { if(f_) f_(); }
class CommandManager
typedef map<string, Command*> FMap;
public :
void add(string name, Command* cmd)
fmap1.insert(pair<string, Command*>(name, cmd));
void execute(string name)
FMap::const_iterator it = fmap1.find(name);
if(it != fmap1.end())
Command* c = it->second;
private :
FMap fmap1;
can be used like this :
class Print{
void print1(string s, string s1){ cout<<"print1 : "<<"s : "<<s<<" s1 : "<<s1<<endl; }
int print2(){ cout<<"print2"<<endl; return 2;}
#include <string>
#include <functional>
int main()
Print p = Print();
function<void()> f1(bind(&Print::print1, &p, string("test1"), string("test2")));
function<int()> f2(bind(&Print::print2, &p));
CommandManager cmdMgr = CommandManager();
cmdMgr.add("print1", new Command(f1));
cmdMgr.add("print2", new Command(f2));
return 0;
Now I'd like to be able to do this :
int main()
Print p = Print();
function<void(string, string)> f1(bind(&Print::print1, &p, placeholders::_1, placeholders::_2));
CommandManager cmdMgr = CommandManager();
cmdMgr.add("print1", new Command(f1));
cmdMgr.execute("print1", string("test1"), string("test2"));
return 0;
Is there a way, using type-erasure for example ?
You could use dynamic cast to determine the type of the function in the list at runtime.
Please note that I added shared_ptr to remove the memory leak in the original sample. Perhaps you want to throw a exception if the execute method is called with the wrong arguments (if the dynamic_cast yields 0).
void x() {}
void y(int ) {}
void main() {
CommandManager m;
m.add("print", Command<>(x));
m.add("print1", Command<int>(y));
m.execute("print1", 1);
Code (with variadic template support for example gcc-4.5):
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
using namespace std;
class BaseCommand
virtual ~BaseCommand() {}
template <class... ArgTypes>
class Command : public BaseCommand
typedef std::function<void(ArgTypes...)> FuncType;
FuncType f_;
Command() {}
Command(FuncType f) : f_(f) {}
void operator()(ArgTypes... args) { if(f_) f_(args...); }
class CommandManager
typedef shared_ptr<BaseCommand> BaseCommandPtr;
typedef map<string, BaseCommandPtr> FMap;
public :
template <class T>
void add(string name, const T& cmd)
fmap1.insert(pair<string, BaseCommandPtr>(name, BaseCommandPtr(new T(cmd))));
template <class... ArgTypes>
void execute(string name, ArgTypes... args)
typedef Command<ArgTypes...> CommandType;
FMap::const_iterator it = fmap1.find(name);
if(it != fmap1.end())
CommandType* c = dynamic_cast<CommandType*>(it->second.get());
private :
FMap fmap1;
without variadic template support (example VS2010):
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
using namespace std;
class Ignored;
class BaseCommand
virtual ~BaseCommand() = 0 {};
template <class A1 = Ignored>
class Command : public BaseCommand
typedef std::function<void(A1)> FuncType;
FuncType f_;
Command() {}
Command(FuncType f) : f_(f) {}
void operator()(const A1& a1) { if(f_) f_(a1); }
template <>
class Command<Ignored> : public BaseCommand
typedef std::function<void()> FuncType;
FuncType f_;
Command() {}
Command(FuncType f) : f_(f) {}
void operator()() { if(f_) f_(); }
class CommandManager
typedef shared_ptr<BaseCommand> BaseCommandPtr;
typedef map<string, BaseCommandPtr> FMap;
public :
template <class T>
void add(string name, const T& cmd)
fmap1.insert(pair<string, BaseCommandPtr>(name, BaseCommandPtr(new T(cmd))));
template <class A1>
void execute(string name, const A1& a1)
typedef Command<A1> CommandType;
FMap::const_iterator it = fmap1.find(name);
if(it != fmap1.end())
CommandType* c = dynamic_cast<CommandType*>(it->second.get());
void execute(string name)
typedef Command<> CommandType;
FMap::const_iterator it = fmap1.find(name);
if(it != fmap1.end())
CommandType* c = dynamic_cast<CommandType*>(it->second.get());
private :
FMap fmap1;
What you are trying to do is not possible without some serious runtime work and the associated cost. The simplest solution would of course to just store a boost::any (any_function never made it into boost) inside your map and do the necessary casts (or add some runtime data that tells you which cast to make), although you should avoid that at any cost and go with fixed arguments or no arguments.
Your users can then modify their functions using bind to match the signature you require.
Edit: In your current scheme I see no reason for CommandManager to store Command* in the map.
Edit2: Also you drop the return type. This could be OK for your use-case but makes this a lot less generic.
Edit3: I worked out some working example of your code using any. I feel that there is some flaw and I really don't see what this should achieve but here it goes:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <functional>
#include <boost/any.hpp>
class AnyCaller
std::map<std::string, boost::any> calls;
AnyCaller() {}
void add(const std::string& name, const boost::any& fun) {
calls[name] = fun;
// we always use the throwing version of any_cast
// icbb by error checking
// no arg version
template<typename Ret>
Ret call(const std::string& s) {
const boost::any& a = calls[s];
return boost::any_cast< std::function<Ret(void)> >(a)();
// this should be a variadic template to be actually usable
template<typename Ret, typename T>
Ret call(const std::string& s, T&& arg) {
// we have to assume that our users know what we are actually returning here
const boost::any& a = calls[s];
return boost::any_cast< std::function<Ret(T)> >(a)(std::forward<T>(arg));
virtual ~AnyCaller() {}
int foo() { std::cout << "foo" << std::endl; return 1; }
double foo2(int i) { std::cout << "foo2" << std::endl; return double(i); }
int main()
AnyCaller c;
c.add("foo", std::function<int(void)>(foo));
c.add("foo2", std::function<double(int)>(foo2));<int>("foo");<double, int>("foo2", 1);
// this should throw<double, int>("foo", 1);
return 0;
As for the example using a fixed signature. Just think of what would be the most natural representation of a function you are going to store (looking at your Command example I'd assume it is std::function<void(void)>. Store functions of this type and whenever one your users tries to use it, he has to bind whatever function he wants to use, so it matches this signature.
Your Command class constructor needs a function<void()>. You are trying to feed it a function<void(string,string)>. This is not going to typecheck.
If you need functions that accept variable arguments (like printf), you will need function<> and execute() that accept variable arguments. You need to know how to work with that (in particular, you need a fixed first argument). You are then responsible for type safety, much like with printf.
If you just need a variable number of string arguments, use functions that accept e.g. vectors of strings.
All this has nothing to do whatsoever with std::map. Whatever you can store in a plain old variable, you can store in std::map too.

C++ refactor common code with one different statement

I have two methods f(vector<int>& x, ....) and g(DBConn& x, ....)
where the (....) parameters are all identical.
The code inside the two methods are completely identical except for one statement
where we do different actions based on the type of x:
in f(): we do x.push_back(i)
in g(): we do x.DeleteRow(i)
What is the simplest way to extract the common code into one method and yet
have the two different statements?
I am thinking of having a templated functor that overloads operator () (int a) but that seems overkill.
f(vector<int>x,... )
g(DBConn& x, ....)
You could write a simple adapter with two implementations, each calling the desired method of a different class.
class MyInterface {
virtual doIt(int i) = 0;
class VectorImp : public MyInterface {
vector<int>& v;
VectorImp(vector<int>& theVector) : v(theVector) {}
doIt(int i) { x.push_back(i); }
class DbImp : public MyInterface {
DBConn& c;
VectorImp(DBConn& conn) : c(conn) {}
doIt(int i) { c.DeleteRow(i); }
template<class T>
struct Adapter;
struct Adapter<vector<int> >
static void execute(vector<int> &x, int i)
struct Adapter<DBConn>
static void execute(DBConn &x, int i)
template<class T>
void f(T &t, ...)
Adapter<T>::execute(t, i);
template<class T>
struct adapter_traits;
struct adapter_traits<vector<int> >
typedef void (vector<int>::*PMF)(int);
static const PMF pmf = &vector<int>::push_back;
struct adapter_traits<DBConn>
typedef void (DBConn::*PMF)(int);
static const PMF pmf = &DBConn::DeleteRow;
template<class T>
void f(T &t, ...)
NOTE: I might have some syntax wrong but you get the idea.
Yet another idea:
template<class T>
void f(T &t, void (T::*p)(int), ...)
void g()
DBConn x;
vector<int> y;
f(x, &DBConn::DeleteRow, ...);
f(y, &vector<int>::push_back, ...);
Classic case for a functor:
#include <vector>
#include <DBConn.h>
// T: The type of the object that is to be manipulated.
// A: The type of the object that will do the manipulating
// This may be a functor object or a function pointer.
// As this is a template function the template parameters will
// be deduced by the compiler at compile time.
template<typename T,typename A>
void action(T& obj,A const& action/*,....*/)
// Do Stuff
// Do more Stuff
// Functor object
struct MyVectorAction
// Just defines the operator()
// Make sure it is a const method.
// This does the unique bit of code. The parameters should be what you pass into action
void operator()(std::vector<int>& data,int val) const {data.push_back(val);}
void f(std::vector<int>& x)
action(x,MyVectorAction()/*.... Params ....*/);
struct MyDBConnAction
{ void operator()(DBConn& data,int val) const {data.DeleteRow(val);} };
void g(DBConn& x)
action(x, MyDBConnAction());
int main()
std::vector<int> x;
You could make a function that has the parameters of what you call (...), and this function can implement the logic that is the same in f() and g(). You could then change the implementation of f() and g() to call this new function instead of duplicating the logic. Be careful though if you're doing something duplicated before and after your unique lines. You may need two functions in that case. At any rate I think this would be preferable to having duplicated blocks of code.