REST API or "direct" database access for remote Celery/Django workers? - django

I'm working on a project that will have multiple celery workers on machines in different locations in the US that will communicate over the internet.
Am I better off distributing my Django project to each machine and configuring them with the database credentials to my database host, or should I have a "main" Django/database host that presents a REST API for remote celery tasks and workers to hit for the database access?
Mostly looking for pros/cons and any factors I haven't thought of.
I can provide single simple API endpoints that provide all the data my tasks need to query and simple POST API endpoints that can create all the database entries my tasks need to create.
I'll have no more than say 10 remote workers that would maybe altogether being doing 1 request per minute.
I'm thinking this probably means my concerns are not so much about the request/response overhead but more about maintainability, architecture, security...

The answer depends on too many variables, concerns, forces and whatnots to be anything else than "it depends...".
I assume you already thought of the following pros and cons, but anyway:
Using an API will make for longer request/response cycles (obviously) and put quite some load on the Django project (front server, app server etc). Also it means that your tasks won't be able to use all of the database features (complex queries, aggregations, whatever).
OTHO adding an API layer will isolate the workers from the inner db schema, which can make migrations (on the Django side) and deployment easier as you won't have to stop all the workers, deploy to everyone and restart the workers. Well it even makes it possible to change the API side technology without impacting the workers (not that I see much reason to do so but anyway...). But it also mean you have a whole API to maintain, and chances are that model changes - or at last part of them - will impact your API and/or your tasks code anyway (if the changes are about adding features that the workers should use etc).
IOW, it really depends (yeah, I already said so, didn't I ?) on your project's needs and constraints, and only you/your team know which solution will best match your project.


Microservice granularity: Per domain model or not?

When building a microservice oriented application, i wonder what could be the appropriate microservice granularity.
Let's image an application consisting of:
A set of various resources types where each resource map a given business model. (ex: In a todo app resources could be User, TodoList and TodoItem...)
Each of those resources are saved within a NoSQL database that could be replicated.
Each of those resources are exposed through a REST Api
The application manage an internal chat room.
An Api gateway for gathering chat room and REST api interaction.
The application front end: an SPA application connected to the API Gateway
The first (and naive) approach when thinking about how microservices could match the need of this application would be:
One monolith service for managing EVERY resources and business logic:
By managing i mean providing the REST API for all of those resources and handling the persistance of those resources within the database.
One service for each Database replica.
One service providing the internal chat room using websocket or whatever.
One service for Authentification.
One service for the api gateway.
One service serving the static assets for the SPA front end.
An other approach could be to split service 1 into as many service as business models exist in the system. (let's call those services resource services)
I wonder what are the benefit of this second approach.
In fact i see a lot of downsides with this approach:
Need to setup an inter service communication process.
When requesting a service representing resource X that have a relation with resource Y, a lot more work are needed (i.e: interservice request)
More devops work.
More difficulty to share common code between resource services.
Where to put business logic ?
When starting a fresh project this second approach seams to me a bit of an over engineered work.
I feel like starting with the first approach and THEN split the monolith resource service into several specific services depending on the observed needs will minimize the complexity and risks.
What's your opinions regarding that ?
Is there any best practices ?
Thanks a lot !
The first approach is not microservice way, by definition.
And yes, idea is to split - each service for Bounded Context - One for Users, one for Inventory, Todo things etc etc.
The idea of microservices, at very simple, assumes:
You want to pay extra dev-ops work for modularity, and complete/as much as possible removal of dependencies between different bounded contexts (see dev/product/pjm teams).
It's idea lies around ownership, modularity, allowing separate teams develop their own piece of code, without requirement from them to know the rest of the system . As long as there is Umbiqutious Language (common set of conventions/communication protocols/terminology/documentation) they can work in completeley isolated, autotonmous fashion.
Maintaining, managing, testing, and develpoing become much faster - in cost of initial dev-ops and sophisticated architecture engeneering investment.
Sharing code should be minimal, and if required, could be done to represent the Umbiqutious Language (common communication interface/set of conventions). Sharing well-documented code, which acts as integration/infrastructure mini-framework, and have special dev/dev-ops/team attached to it ccould be easy business, as long as it, as i said, well-documented, and threated as separate architecture-related sub-project.
Properly engeneered Microservice architecture could lessen maintenance and development times by huge margin, but it requires quite serious reason to use it (there lot of reasons, and lots of articles on that, I wont start it here) and quite serious engeneering investment at start.
It brings modularity, concept of ownership, de-coupling of different contexts of your app.
My personal advise check if you really need MS architecture. If you can not invest engenerring though and dev-ops effort at start and do not have proper reasons for such system - why bother?
If you do need MS, i would really advise against the first method. You will develop wrong thing's, will miss the true challenges of MS, and could end with huge refactor, which could take more work than engeneering MS system from start properly. It's like to make square to make it fit into round bucket later.
Now answering your question title: granularity. (your question body bit different from your post title).
Attach it to Domain Model / Bounded Context. You can make meaty services at start, in order to avoid complex distributed transactions.
First just answer question if you need them in your design/architecture?
If not, probably you did a good design.
Passing reference ids between models from different microservices should suffice, and if not, try to rethink if more of complex transactions could be avoided.
If your system have unavoidable amount of distributed trasnactions, perhaps look towards using/making some CQRS mini-framework as your "shared code infrastructure component" / communication protocol.
It is the key problem of the microservices or any other SOA approach. It is where the theory meets the reality. In general you should not force the microservices architecture for the sake of it. This should rather naturally come from functional decomposition (top-down) and operational, technological, dev-ops needs (bottom-up). First approach is closer to what you would need to do, however at the first step do not focus so much on the technology aspect. Ask yourself why would you need to implement a separate service for particular business function. Treat it as a micro-application with all its technical resources. Ask yourself if there is reason to implement particular function as a full-stack app.
Some, of the functionalities you have mentioned in scenario 1) are naturally ok, such as 'authentication' service - this is probably good candidate.
For the business functions decomposition into separate service, focus on the 'dependencies' problem, if there are too many dependencies and you see that you have to implement bigger chunk of data mode - naturally this is not a micro service any more.
Try to put litmus test , if you can 'turn off' particular functionality and the system still makes sense - it is the candidate for service or further decomposition

Pattern for sharing a large amount of data between the web application and a backend service in a Service Oriented Application

I have a web application which performs CRUD operations on a database. At times, I have to run a backend job to do a fair amount of number crunching/analytics on this data. This backend job will be written as a different service in a concurrent language, which will be independent of the main web application.
But actually sharing the DB between the 2 applications is probably not a best practice as it will lead to tight coupling. What is the right pattern to use here? Since this data might amount to millions of DB rows, I'm not sure using a message queue / REST APIs would be the best way to go.
This is perhaps a very common scenario and many companies/devs have already solved this problem. Any pointers will be helpful.
From the question, it would seem that the background job does not modify state of database.
Simplest way to avoid performance hit on main application, while there is a background job running, is to take database dump and perform analysis on that dump.

Should I implement revisioning using database triggers or using django-reversion?

We're looking into implementing audit logs in our application and we're not sure how to do it correctly.
I know that django-reversion works and works well but there's a cost of using it.
The web server will have to make two roundtrips to the database when saving a record even if the save is in the same transaction because at least in postgres the changes are written to the database and comitting the transaction makes the changes visible.
So this will block the web server until the revision is saved to the database if we're not using async I/O which is currently the case. Even if we would use async I/O generating the revision's data takes CPU time which again blocks the web server from handling other requests.
We can use database triggers instead but our DBA claims that offloading this sort of work to the database will use resources that are meant for handling more transactions.
Is using database triggers for this sort of work a bad idea?
We can scale both the web servers using a load balancer and the database using read/write replicas.
Are there any tradeoffs we're missing here?
What would help us decide?
You need to think about the pattern of db usage in your website.
Which may be unique to you, however most web apps read much more often than they write to the db. In fact it's fairly common to see optimisations done, to help scaling a web app, which trade off more complicated 'save' operations to get faster reads. An example would be denormalisation where some data from related records is copied to the parent record on each save so as to avoid repeatedly doing complicated aggregate/join queries.
This is just an example, but unless you know your specific situation is different I'd say don't worry about doing a bit of extra work on save.
One caveat would be to consider excluding some models from the revisioning system. For example if you are using Django db-backed sessions, the session records are saved on every request. You'd want to avoid doing unnecessary work there.
As for doing it via triggers vs Django app... I think the main considerations here are not to do with performance:
Django app solution is more 'obvious' and 'maintainable'... the app will be in your pip requirements file and Django INSTALLED_APPS, it's obvious to other developers that it's there and working and doesn't need someone to remember to run the custom SQL on the db server when you move to a new server
With a db trigger solution you can be certain it will run whenever a record is changed by any means... whereas with Django app, anyone changing records via a psql console will bypass it. Even in the Django ORM, certain bulk operations bypass the model save method/save signals. Sometimes this is desirable however.
Another thing I'd point out is that your production webserver will be multiprocess/multithreaded... so although, yes, a lengthy db write will block the webserver it will only block the current process. Your webserver will have other processes which are able to server other requests concurrently. So it won't block the whole webserver.
So again, unless you have a pattern of usage where you anticipate a high frequency of concurrent writes to the db, I'd say probably don't worry about it.

Webmachine on different machines

I have a webmachine REST API server running on one machine. in anticipation of having more traffic that this machine cannot handle, i would need to expand to other nodes on other cpu`s. is there a way of configuring this?
if not what is the right way of distribution here, would i need to do it manually through OTP, concurrent workers and supervisors? where a worker is spawned and ships the request to the neighboring machine.
It kind of depends on your use case. Best way would be observing where you experience problems, and react accordingly.
You could look at your application as three separate parts. First one would be REST interface, second could be businesses logic (little more later), and third would be the data itself (resources, lets call it data store, but it could be even just another service).
This one is simplest. I assume you are using separate service for this (like Riak cluster), where you could do your scaling separately. One thing you could look into is just making sure connection between Webmachine and your data store can scale enough for your needs.
If your server just can not handle enough requests, just put another one next to it. You can router to dispatch request to both of therm, ans since they will use same data store, they will stay in "sync".
REST being based on http assumes stateless communication. Meaning, any two requests (form same user or two different ones) don't share any resources and can be handled by different applications (you also don't have to share anything between your Webmachine instances).
Domain logic
In theory you should not have any of this in your REST API server, but still lets discuss this a little bit.
Some of your requests might require little more work than just serving content. You might be doing some computation (like serving statistics that need to be generated). You might be updating some resource, that need to change more that one data in one place (one could think of it as of transaction). It could call for more computational power, or state synchronization, which would make scaling harder.
Way around this would be separating REST from such logic. Especially introducing micro-services, which you could scale up or down independently from Webmachine itself.
In Erlang you could actually introduce separate applications inside Erlang VM. Those again could be scaled up with use of Distributed Erlang (and little more in this topic and pull of workers (like poolboy. I would recommend this approach for start, since it is easiest to implement, and due to async nature of Erlang it could always easily be ported to external micro-service.
PS. System resources
You also should check if your box can handle such traffic. One of most common mistakes is not increasing maximal number of file descriptors in your production. But again, first you should observe such problems, and then react to them. Premature optimization in most cases doesn't pay off.
PS2 What and when
You can monitor our applications and system resources with tools like Exometer or more out-of-the-box WombatOAM.
And you can (should) stress test your application with tools like tsung or basho-bench

Using Redis as intermediary cache for REST API

We have an iOS app that talks to a django server via REST API. Most of the data consists of rather large Item objects that involve a few related models that render into single flat dictionary, and this data changes rarely.
We've found, that querying this is not a problem for Postgres, but generating JSON responses takes a noticeable amount of time. On the other hand, item collections vary per-user.
I thought about a rendering system, where we just build a dictionary for Item object and save it into redis as JSON string, this way we can serve API directly from redis (e.g. HMGET(id of items in user library), which is fast, and makes it relatively easy to regenerate "rendered instances", basically just a couple of post_save signals.
I wonder how good this design is, are there any major flaws in it? Maybe there's a better way for the task?
Sure, we do the same at our firm, using Redis to store not JSON but large XML strings which are generated from backend databases for RESTful requests, and it saves lots of network hops and overhead.
A few things to keep in mind if this is the first time you're using Redis...
Dedicated Redis Server
Redis is single-threaded and should be deployed on a dedicated server with sufficient CPU power. Don't make the mistake of deploying it on your app or database server.
High Availability
Set up Redis with Master/Slave replication for high availability. I know there's been lots of progress with Redis cluster, so you may want to check on that too for HA.
Cache Hit/Miss
When checking Redis for a cache "hit", if the connection is dead or any exception occurs, don't fail the request, just default to the database; caching should always be 'best effort' since the database can always be used as a last resort.