Am I able to complement a virtual function of subclasses? [closed] - c++

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i have a question. Lets say i have this virtual function in main class:
virtual void h_w() { cout << "Hello, wolrd!" << endl; }
And Im doing with the same function that:
void h_w() { cout << "Today is: " << math.rand(); << endl; }
Am I allowed to do that? I mean, can i change body of main function like I want in subclasses? Thanks.

Assuming you mean you want something like this:
class base {
virtual void h_w() { std::cout << "Hello world!\n"; }
class derived : public base {
void h_w() { std::cout << "Today is: " << rand() << "\n"; }
int main() {
std::unique_ptr<base> b = std::make_unique<derived>();
...then yes, C++ supports that. In fact, this is pretty much a canonical demonstration of virtual functions, at least if you change names to (for example) "animal" as the base class and "duck" as the derived class, and have them print out something like "generic animal" and "duck" respectively. For the record, it's probably worth noting that most example based on animals are more or less broken in various ways, such as animals simply not following simple sets of rules like we expect code to.
A better example, would be something like a base class defining a generic interface to a database that allows things like reading a record, writing a record, and finding a set of records that satisfy some criteria. The derived class could then (for example) provide an implementation to carry out those "commands" in terms of some specific type of database--perhaps SQL, or perhaps some simple key/value storage engine, but the client doesn't know or care, beyond minor details like performance.
As to why this is better: first of all, because it corresponds much more closely to things you're likely to really do with a computer. Second, because we can define databases to really follow our rules and fulfill the obligations we set. With animals, we're stuck with all sorts of exceptions to any meaningful rule we might try to make, as well as the simple fact that (of course) being able to make a Duck say "quack" and a dog say "bow wow" isn't really very useful (and in the rare case that it is useful, we probably just want to save/retrieve its sound as some sort of blob, not define an entire new type to encode something better stored as data).


Purpose of using a virtual function without overriding that virtual function

I am currently working through the Educative course Grokking the Coding Interview. While it is a very good course and does explain the algorithms very well, it does not always explain the code.
A few times I have seen the use of virtual functions, as a dynamic function (to be clear, I mean functions that require the instantiation of an object in order to be called). From reading up on virtual functions, I gather that they are used to achieve some OOP principles such as run time polymorphism, or just generally improving the maintainability of some code. In the case of these algorithms questions, that seems to be completely unnecessary. In fact, I am able to just delete the virtual keyword and the code runs all the same.
My question is: Why might the author be using virtual to define these functions?
Here is an example of the course's author's use of virtual functions:
using namespace std;
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
class MedianOfAStream {
priority_queue<int> maxHeap; // containing first half of numbers
priority_queue<int, vector<int>, greater<int>> minHeap; // containing second half of numbers
virtual void insertNum(int num) {
if (maxHeap.empty() || >= num) {
} else {
// either both the heaps will have equal number of elements or max-heap will have one
// more element than the min-heap
if (maxHeap.size() > minHeap.size() + 1) {
} else if (maxHeap.size() < minHeap.size()) {
virtual double findMedian() {
if (maxHeap.size() == minHeap.size()) {
// we have even number of elements, take the average of middle two elements
return / 2.0 + / 2.0;
// because max-heap will have one more element than the min-heap
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
MedianOfAStream medianOfAStream;
cout << "The median is: " << medianOfAStream.findMedian() << endl;
cout << "The median is: " << medianOfAStream.findMedian() << endl;
cout << "The median is: " << medianOfAStream.findMedian() << endl;
Again, from everything I've read, I really just don't see the point. And, running this exact code without the virtual keyword works just fine. My thinking would be that this is some sort of best practice in C++ land.
Thanks for any explanation!
From reading up on virtual functions, I gather that they are used to achieve some OOP principles such as run time polymorphism
or just generally improving the maintainability of some code
In the case of these algorithms questions, that seems to be completely unnecessary. In fact, I am able to just delete the virtual keyword and the code runs all the same.
My question is: Why might the author be using virtual to define these functions?
I see three possibilities here:
The author will inherit this class in a later chapter, and has "got ready" by putting virtual on the member function declarations now. I think that's a bit of an odd choice, personally (particularly as they would also likely want to add a virtual destructor at that time), but maybe keep reading and find out!
The author does it, always, out of habit, even when they don't need to. Some people like to make every function virtual so that you get dynamic polymorphism "by default", without having to change your base class when you later derive from it. I think that's also a very strange thing to do, personally.
The author made a mistake.
a dynamic function (to be clear, I mean functions that require the instantiation of an object in order to be called)
We call those non-static member functions.

Is there anyway in c++ to make a function of a class who's objects each do something different for that function? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Just some background:
I am making a monopoly game and now I have to implement the actions of each space such as GO, properties (upgrading), chance, community chest, jail, etc.
I've considered making a different class for each space (but obviously that would be very time consuming). I believe there is also a way do to it with inheritance and pure virtual functions. Any way you guys can think that would make this a simpler process?
There are only a few different types of spaces:
chance / community chest
other single ones like go, jail, parking, tax
For example you could have a Property class where each instance of the class has a different name/colour/price. You wouldn't have to make 22 different classes, just have 22 instances of the same class with different names.
Note that having class instances that represent spaces you can land on is only one way to implement a game like that. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't choose that option.
There are two ways you can make a function do different things given an object:
Differentiate the behavior based on the data of the object.
You could capture the differences in the various spaces using data.
enum SpaceType
class Space
void foo()
switch (spaceType)
case GO:
// DO stuff for GO
case CHANCE:
// DO stuff for CHANCE
// etc..
SpaceType spaceType;
Differentiate the behavior based on the type of an object.
class Space
virtual void foo() = 0;
class GoSpace : public Space
virtual void foo()
// Do stuff for GO
class ChanceSpace : public Space
virtual void foo()
// Do stuff for CHANCE
// Similarly for other classes.
Pick your method. Personally, I would pick the second method because the logic for each different type is put into their own functions, without the complications of what other types do.

c++ Using subclasses

I have this variable; Furniture **furnitures;
Which is an abstract baseclass to 2 subclasses, Bookcase and Couch. I add these randomly;
furnitures[n++] = new Bookcase ();
furnitures[n++] = new Couch();
For the sake of explaination. Lets set some minor variables.
Furniture private: name, prize
Bookcase private: size
Couch private: seats
How would I go about if I wanted to print out information such as; name and seats?
There are various of problems in this issue. 1, distinguish which subclass is which when I use Furniture[i]. 2, I dont want to blend too much unneccessary functions between the two subclasses that arent needed.
class Furniture
virtual void output() = 0;
class Couch : public Furniture
void output() override;
class Bookshelf : public Furniture
void output() override;
You could define the function in Furniture to save from duplicate code in subclasses like this:
void Furniture::output()
// We assume here the output is to cout, but you could also pass the necessary
// stream in as argument to output() for example.
cout << name << price;
void Couch::output()
cout << seats;
void Bookshelf::output()
cout << size;
You should never use arrays polymorhphically. Read the first item (I think it's the first) in Scott Meyers' More Effective C++ book to find out why!
In fact, you should almost never use raw arrays in C++ anyway. A correct solution is to use a std::vector<Furniture*>.
How would I go about if I wanted to print out information such as;
name and seats?
There are various of problems in this issue. 1, distinguish which
subclass is which when I use Furniture[i]. 2, I dont want to blend too
much unneccessary functions between the two subclasses that arent
You are facing this problem because you are abusing object-oriented programming. It's simple: object-oriented programming makes sense when different types implement an abstract common operation and the concrete type is chosen at run-time. In your case, there is no common operation. Printing (or receiving) the number seats is for one type, printing (or receiving) a size is for the other type.
That's not to say that it's bad or wrong, but it's simply not object-oriented.
Now C++ would not be C++ if it didn't offer you a dangerous tool to get out of every dead end you've coded yourself into. In this case, you can use Run-Time Type Identifcation (RTTI) to find out the concrete type of an object. Google for typeid and dynamic_cast and you'll quickly find the solution. But remember, using RTTI for this problem is a workaround. Review your class design, and change it if necessary.

How would you structure the class interactions in a physics engine? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm writing a physics engine in C++ and I've come to a stop, namely how I should design the class hierarchy. What I'm specifically concerned about is the World and Body classes. Body should expose some details to World that World then can work on. But at the same time, I don't want users to be able to access all of those properties of Body. But I still want users of the engine to be able to change some things in a body. For example, its position. How would you structure this in terms of classes?
Define an interface (i.e. a pure virtual class) that specifies what functions you want exposed from Body. Have Body implement that inteface.
Allow that interface, and not Body to be used from World.
This pattern is called composition.
Recently, I've solved a similar problem by introducing a special interface for the restricted operations, and inheriting protectedly from it. Like this:
struct RestrictedBodyFunctions
virtual void step() = 0;
virtual Body& asBody() = 0;
struct Body : protected RestrictedBodyFunctions
static std::unique_ptr<Body> createInWord(World &world)
auto Body = std::unique_ptr<Body>{new Body()};
world.addBody(*body); // cast happens inside Body, it's accessible
return std::move(body);
std::string getName() const;
void setName(std::string name);
void step() override
{ /*code here*/ }
Body& asBody() override
{ return *this; }
struct World
void addBody(RestrictedBodyFunctions &body)
void step()
for (auto *b : m_bodies)
myLog << "Stepping << " b->asBody().getName() << '\n';
std::vector<RestrictedBodyFunctions*> m_bodies;
That way, users can create Body objects using createInWorld, but they only get a handle to (the public part of) Body, while the World gets its handle to RestrictedBodyFunctions.
Another option you have is to reverse the above idea - provide a restricted public interface PublicBody, and have Body derive from PublicBody. Your internal classes will use the full Body, while factory functions make sure only PublicBody-typed handles are available to the clients. This alternative is a more simple design, but provides less control over who can access the full functionality.

C++ RTTI Viable Examples [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am familiar with C++ RTTI, and find the concept interesting.
Still there exist a lot of more ways to abuse it than to use it correctly (the RTTI-switch dread comes to mind). As a developer, I found (and used) only two viable uses for it (more exactly, one and a half).
Could you share some of the ways RTTI is a viable solution to a problem, with example code/pseudo-code included?
Note: The aim is to have a repository of viable examples a junior developer can consult, criticize and learn from.
Edit: You'll find below code using C++ RTTI
// A has a virtual destructor (i.e. is polymorphic)
// B has a virtual destructor (i.e. is polymorphic)
// B does (or does not ... pick your poison) inherits from A
void doSomething(A * a)
// typeid()::name() returns the "name" of the object (not portable)
std::cout << "a is [" << typeid(*a).name() << "]"<< std::endl ;
// the dynamic_cast of a pointer to another will return NULL is
// the conversion is not possible
if(B * b = dynamic_cast<B *>(a))
std::cout << "a is b" << std::endl ;
std::cout << "a is NOT b" << std::endl ;
Acyclic Visitor (pdf) is a great use of it.
How about the boost::any object!
This basically uses the RTTI info to store any object and the retrieve that object use boost::any_cast<>.
You can use RTTI with dynamic_cast to get a pointer to a derived class in order to use it to call a fast, type specialized algorithm. And instead of using the virtual methods through the base class, it will make direct and inlined calls.
This sped things up for me a lot using GCC. Visual Studio didn't seem to do as well, it may have a slower dynamic_cast lookup.
D* obj = dynamic_cast<D*>(base);
if (obj) {
for(unsigned i=0; i<1000; ++i)
} else {
for(unsigned i=0; i<1000; ++i)
I cant say I've ever found a use for in in real life but RTTI is mentioned in Effective C++ as a possible solution to multi-methods in C++. This is because method dispatch is done on the dynamic type of the this parameter but the static type of the arguments.
class base
void foo(base *b) = 0; // dynamic on the parameter type as well
class B : public base {...}
class B1 : public B {...}
class B2 : public B {...}
class A : public base
void foo(base *b)
if (B1 *b1=dynamic_cast<B1*>(b))
else if (B2 *b2=dynamic_cast<B2*>(b))
I worked on an aircraft simulation once, that had what they (somewhat confusingly) referred to as a "Simulation Database". You could register variables like floats or ints or strings in it, and people could search for them by name, and pull out a reference to them. You could also register a model (an object of a class descended from "SimModel"). The way I used RTTI, was to make it so you could search for models that implement a given interface:
SimModel* SimDatabase::FindModel<type*>(char* name="")
foreach(SimModel* mo in ModelList)
if(name == "" || mo->name eq name)
if(dynamic_cast<type*>mo != NULL)
return dynamic_cast<type*>mo;
return NULL;
The SimModel base class:
class public SimModel
void RunModel()=0;
An example interface might be "EngineModel":
class EngineModelInterface : public SimModel
float RPM()=0;
float FuelFlow()=0;
void SetThrottle(float setting)=0;
Now, to make a Lycoming and Continental engine:
class LycomingIO540 : public EngineModelInterface
float RPM()
return rpm;
float FuelFlow()
return throttleSetting * 10.0;
void SetThrottle(float setting)
throttleSetting = setting
void RunModel() // from SimModel base class
if(throttleSetting > 0.5)
rpm += 1;
rpm -= 1;
float rpm, throttleSetting;
class Continental350: public EngineModelInterface
float RPM()
return rand();
float FuelFlow()
return rand;
void SetThrottle(float setting)
void RunModel() // from SimModel base class
Now, here's some code where somebody wants an engine:
EngineModelInterface * eng = simDB.FindModel<EngineModelInterface *>();
fuel = fuel - deltaTime * eng->FuelFlow();
Code is pretty pseudo, but I hope it gets the idea across. One developer can write code that depends on having an Engine, but as long as it has something that implements the engine interface, it doesn't care what it is. So the code that updates the amount of fuel in the tanks is completely decoupled from everything except the FindModel<>() function, and the pure virtual EngineModel interface that he's interested in using. Somebody a year later can make a new engine model, register it with the SimulationDatabase, and the guy above who updates fuel will start using it automatically. I actually made it so you could load new models as plugins (DLLs) at runtime, and once they are registered in the SimulationDatabase, they could be found with FindModel<>(), even though the code that was looking for them was compiled and built into a DLL months before the new DLL existed. You could also add new Interfaces that derive from SimModel, with something that implements them in one DLL, something that searches for them in another DLL, and once you load both DLLs, one can do a FindModel<>() to get the model in the other. Even though the Interface itself didn't even exist when the main app was built.
Parenthetically, RTTI doesn't always work across DLL boundaries. Since I was using Qt anyway, I used qobject_cast instead of dynamic_cast. Every class had to inherit from QObject (and get moc'd), but the qobject meta-data was always available. If you don't care about DLLs, or you are using a toolchain where RTTI does work across DLL boundaries (type comparisons based on string comparisons instead of hashes or whatever), then all of the above with dynamic_cast will work just fine.
I use it in a class tree which serializes to a XML file. On the de-serialization, the parser class returns a pointer to the base class which has a enumeration for the type of the subclass (because you don't know which type it is until you parse it). If the code using the object needs to reference subclass specific elements, it switches on the enum value and dynamic_cast's to the subclass (which was created by the parser). This way the code can check to ensure that the parser didn't have an error and a mismatch between the enum value and the class instance type returned. Virtual functions are also not sufficient because you might have subclass specific data you need to get to.
This is just one example of where RTTI could be useful; it's perhaps not the most elegant way to solve the problem, but using RTTI makes the application more robust when using this pattern.
Sometimes static_cast and C-style casts just aren't enough and you need dynamic_cast, an example of this is when you have the dreaded diamond shaped hierarchy (image from Wikipedia).
struct top {
struct left : top {
int i;
left() : i(42) {}
struct right : top {
std::string name;
right() : name("plonk") { }
struct bottom : left, right {
bottom b;
left* p = &b;
//right* r = static_cast<right*>(p); // Compilation error!
//right* r = (right*)p; // Gives bad pointer silently
right* r = dynamic_cast<right*>(p); // OK
Use cases I have in my projects (if you know any better solution for specific cases, please comment):
The same thing as 1800 INFORMATION has already mentioned:
You'll need a dynamic_cast for the operator== or operator< implementation for derived classes. Or at least I don't know any other way.
If you want to implement something like boost::any or some other variant container.
In one game in a Client class which had a std::set<Player*> (possible instances are NetPlayer and LocalPlayer) (which could have at most one LocalPlayer), I needed a function LocalPlayer* Client::localPlayer(). This function is very rarely used so I wanted to avoid to clutter Client with an additional local member variable and all the additional code to handle this.
I have some Variable abstract class with several implementations. All registered Variables are in some std::set<Variable*> vars. And there are several builtin vars of the type BuiltinVar which are saved in a std::vector<BuiltinVar> builtins. In some cases, I have a Variable* and need to check if it is a BuiltinVar* and inside builtins. I could either do this via some memory-range check or via dynamic_cast (I can be sure in any case that all instances of BuiltinVar are in this vector).
I have a gridded collection of GameObjects and I need to check if there is a Player object (a specialized GameObject) inside one grid. I could have a function bool GameObject::isPlayer() which always returns false except for Player or I could use RTTI. There are many more examples like this where people often are implementing functions like Object::isOfTypeXY() and the base class gets very cluttered because of this.
This is also sometimes the case for other very special functions like Object::checkScore_doThisActionOnlyIfIAmAPlayer(). There is some common sense needed to decide when it actually make sense to have such a function in the base class and when not.
Sometimes I use it for assertions or runtime security checks.
Sometimes I need to store a pointer of some data in some data field of some C library (for example SDL or what not) and I get it somewhere else later on or as a callback. I do a dynamic_cast here just to be sure I get what I expect.
I have some TaskManager class which executes some queue of Tasks. For some Tasks, when I am adding them to the list, I want to delete other Tasks of the same type from the queue.
I used RTTI when doing some canvas-based work with Qt several years ago. It was darn convenient when doing hit-tests on objects to employ RTTI to determine what I was going to do with the shape I'd 'hit'. But I haven't used it otherwise in production code.
I'm using it with Dynamic Double Dispatch and Templates. Basically, it gives the ability to observe/listen to only the interesting parts of an object.