How to enhance the performance of bitmap texture rendering in cocos2dx - c++

I am trying to revive an old game using cocos2dx.
What I have done was reading the legacy binary files and extract the bitmap files ,and there is total 68k of bitmap files inside it.
So for now I have already read the file, decompress the bytes, transform the bitmap from RGB8 to RGBA8888, and then generate the bitmap as texture and creating a sprite.
But since it was an isometric game, so there is a map and consists of many tiles. So drawing the map with different textures (each bitmap as a individual texture) costs a lot of glcalls. What I have done is trying to reuse the texture and group them by local zorder to try to make use of the auto batching.
And for the animation of a character, now I have created 127 individual bitmap textures and try to create sprite frame on it one by one.
After all of the works the gl draw calls reduce from 800 to 50. But unluckyly the FPS is still too slow (drops to 10-20 and it should be 60)
The tests are ran on the iphone simulator, although it does not have any GPU, but is this still a normal FPS?(with almost 13k gl verts)
And does the FPS affected by the number of the textures of my character animation?
Should I try to pack the textures at the runtime? e.g. combine the textures to make a bigger texture in memory in runtime and loading them by offsets.

Don't even look at performance on the simulator. It's completely irrelevant and non-representative.
All current iOS devices will cope with 50 draw calls and 13k verts just fine, unless you have some other bottleneck (which you'll only find out by running on device), then you'll be running at 60fps for sure.


Why is glReadPixels so slow and are there any alternative?

I need to take sceenshots at every frame and I need very high performance (I'm using freeGlut). What I figured out is that it can be done like this inside glutIdleFunc(thisCallbackFunction)
GLubyte *data = (GLubyte *)malloc(3 * m_screenWidth * m_screenHeight);
glReadPixels(0, 0, m_screenWidth, m_screenHeight, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data);
// and I can access pixel values like this: data[3*(x*512 + y) + color] or whatever
It does work indeed but I have a huge issue with it, it's really slow. When my window is 512x512 it runs no faster than 90 frames per second when only cube is being rendered, without these two lines it runs at 6500 FPS! If we compare it to irrlicht graphics engine, there I can do this
// irrlicht code
video::IImage *screenShot = driver->createScreenShot();
const uint8_t *data = (uint8_t*)screenShot->lock();
// I can access pixel values from data in a similar manner here
and 512x512 window runs at 400 FPS even with a huge mesh (Quake 3 Map) loaded! Take into account that I'm using openGL as driver inside irrlicht. To my inexperienced eye it seems like glReadPixels is copying every pixel data from one place to another while (uint8_t*)screenShot->lock() is just copying a pointer to already existent array. Can I do something similar to latter using freeGlut? I expect it to be faster than irrlicht.
Note that irrlicht uses openGL too (well it offers directX and other options as well but in the example I gave above I used openGL and by the way it was the fastest compared to other options)
OpenGL methods are used to manage the rendering pipeline. In its nature, while the graphics card is showing image to the viewer, computations of the next frame are being done. When you call glReadPixels; graphics card wait for the current frame to be done, reads the pixels and then starts computing the next frame. Therefore pipeline becomes stalled and becomes sequential.
If you can hold two buffers and tell to the graphics card to read data into these buffers interchanging each frame; then you can read-back from your buffer 1-frame late but without stalling the pipeline. This is called double buffering. You can also do triple buffering with 2 frame late read-back and so on.
There is a relatively old web page describing the phenomenon and implementation here:
Also there are a lot of tutorials about framebuffers and rendering into a texture on the web. One of them is here:

Trying to use OpenGL Texture Compression on a large bitmap - get white squares

I'm trying to use OpenGL's texture compression on a large image. My image is a world map that I'm painting on the screen as a series of 128x128 tiles as part of a learning exercise. I want the user to be able to pan and zoom around the image. It's a JPG that is rather large (20k by 10k pixels) and so I wanted each of my tiles (I tiled the image) to be compressed in order to lower the memory footprint of my program.
I picked an arbitrary texture compression format when I called glTexImage2D and each of my tiles become white squares. I dug a little deeper into this and figured "maybe my video card doesn't support all these formats." The video card is an Nvidia NVS 3100M on an IBM ThinkPad laptop and I did a glGetString to try to see what the supported texture compression formats were, but it didn't return anything (GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS). I also checked what GL_EXTENSIONS were supported and it returned "GL_WIN_swap_hint GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_paletted_texture" which doesn't look like much.
My program is in C# using the SharpGL library.
What other things can I check to see to try to figure this one out?
How about checking those texture minification filtering settings?

How to scale to resolution in SDL?

I'm writing a 2D platformer game using SDL with C++. However I have encountered a huge issue involving scaling to resolution. I want the the game to look nice in full HD so all the images for the game have been created so that the natural resolution of the game is 1920x1080. However I want the game to scale down to the correct resolution if someone is using a smaller resolution, or to scale larger if someone is using a larger resolution.
The problem is I haven't been able to find an efficient way to do this.I started by using the SDL_gfx library to pre-scale all images but this doesn't work as it creates a lot of off-by-one errors, where one pixel was being lost. And since my animations are contained in one image when the animation would play the animation would slightly move up or down each frame.
Then after some looking round I have tried using opengl to handle the scaling. Currently my program draws all the images to a SDL_Surface that is 1920x1080. It then converts this surface to a opengl texture, scales this texture to the screen resolution, then draws the texture. This works fine visually but the problem is that its not efficient at all. Currently I am getting a max fps of 18 :(
So my question is does anyone know of an efficient way to scale the SDL display to the screen resolution?
It's inefficient because OpenGL was not designed to work that way. Main performance problems with current design:
First problem: You're software rasterizing with SDL. Sorry, but no matter what you do with this configuration, that will be a bottleneck. At a resolution of 1920x1080, you have 2,073,600 pixels to color. Assuming it takes you 10 clock cycles to shade each 4-channel pixel, on a 2GHz processor you're running a maximum of 96.4 fps. That doesn't sound bad, except you probably can't shade pixels that fast, and you still haven't done AI, user input, game mechanics, sound, physics, and everything else, and you're probably drawing over some pixels at least once anyway. SDL_gfx may be quick, but for large resolutions, the CPU is just fundamentally overtasked.
Second problem: Each frame, you're copying data across the graphics bus to the GPU. This is the slowest thing you can possibly do graphics-wise. Image data is probably the worst of that, because there's typically so much of it. Basically, each frame you're telling the GPU to copy two million some pixels from RAM to VRAM. According to Wikipedia, you can expect, for 2,073,600 pixels at 4 bytes each, no more than 258.9 fps, which again doesn't sound bad until you remember everything else you need to do.
My recommendation: switch your application completely to OpenGL. This removes the need to render to a texture and copy to the screen--just render directly to the screen! Also, scaling is handled automatically by your view matrix (glOrtho/gluOrtho2D for 2D), so you don't have to care about the scaling issue at all--your viewport will just show everything at the same scale. This is the ideal solution to your problem.
Now, it comes with the one major drawback that you have to recode everything with OpenGL draw commands (which is work, but not too hard, especially in the long run). Short of that, you can try the following ideas to improve speed:
PBOs. Pixel buffer objects can be used to address problem two by making texture loading/copying asynchronous.
Multithread your rendering. Most CPUs have at least two cores and on newer chips two register states can be saved for a single core (Hyperthreading). You're essentially duplicating how the GPU solves the rendering problem (have a lot of threads going). I'm not sure how thread safe SDL_gfx is, but I bet that something could be worked out, especially if you're only working on different parts of the image at the same time.
Make sure you pay attention to what place your draw surface is in SDL. It should probably be SDL_SWSURFACE (because you're drawing on the CPU).
Remove VSync. This can improve performance, even if you're not running at 60Hz
Make sure you're drawing your original texture--DO NOT scale it up or down to a new one. Draw it at a different size, and let the rasterizer do the work!
Sporadically update: Only update half the image at a time. This will probably close to double your "framerate", and it's (usually) not noticeable.
Similarly, only update the changing parts of the image.
Hope this helps.

How to speed up offscreen OpenGL rendering with large textures on Win32?

I'm developing some C++ code that can do some fancy 3D transition effects between two images, for which I thought OpenGL would be the best option.
I start with a DIB section and set it up for OpenGL, and I create two textures from input images.
Then for each frame I draw just two OpenGL quads, with the corresponding image texture.
The DIB content is then saved to file.
For example one effect is to locate the two quads (in 3d space) like two billboards, one in front of the other(obscuring it), and then swoop the camera up, forward and down so you can see the second one.
My input images are 1024x768 or so and it takes a really long time to render (100 milliseconds) when the quads cover most of the view. It speeds up if the camera is far away.
I tried rendering each image quad as hundreds of individual tiles, but it takes just the same time, it seems like it depends on the number of visible textured pixels.
I assumed OpenGL could do zillions of polygons a second. Is there something I am missing here?
Would I be better off using some other approach?
Thanks in advance...
Edit :
The GL strings show up for the DIB version as :
Vendor : Microsoft Corporation
Version: 1.1.0
Renderer : GDI Generic
The Onscreen version shows :
Vendor : ATI Technologies Inc.
Version : 3.2.9756 Compatibility Profile Context
Renderer : ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3400 Series
So I guess I'll have to use FBO's , I'm a bit confused as to how to get the rendered data out from the FBO onto a DIB, any pointers (pun intended) on that?
It sounds like rendering to a DIB is forcing the rendering to happen in software. I'd render to a frame buffer object, and then extract the data from the generated texture. has a pretty decent tutorial.
Keep in mind, however, that graphics hardware is oriented primarily toward drawing on the screen. Capturing rendered data will usually be slower that displaying it, even when you do get the hardware to do the rendering -- though it should still be quite a bit faster than software rendering.
Edit: Dominik Göddeke has a tutorial that includes code for reading back texture data to CPU address space.
One problem with your question:
You provided no actual rendering/texture generation code.
Would I be better off using some other approach?
The simplest thing you can do is to make sure your textures have sizes equal to power of two. I.e. instead of 1024x768 use 1024x1024, and use only part of that texture. Explanation: although most of modern hardware supports non-pow2 textures, they are sometimes treated as "special case", and using such texture MAY produce performance drop on some hardware.
I assumed OpenGL could do zillions of polygons a second. Is there something I am missing here?
Yes, you're missing one important thing. There are few things that limit GPU performance:
1. System memory to video memory transfer rate (probably not your case - only for dynamic textures\geometry when data changes every frame).
2. Computation cost. (If you write a shader with heavy computations, it will be slow).
3. Fill rate (how many pixels program can put on screen per second), AFAIK depends on memory speed on modern GPUs.
4. Vertex processing rate (not your case) - how many vertices GPU can process per second.
5. Texture read rate (how many texels per second GPU can read), on modern GPUs depends on GPU memory speed.
6. Texture read caching (not your case) - i.e. in fragment shader you can read texture few hundreds times per pixel with little performance drop IF coordinates are very close to each other (i.e. almost same texel in each read) - because results are cached. But performance will drop significantly if you'll try to access 100 randomly located texels for every pixels.
All those characteristics are hardware dependent.
I.e., depending on some hardware you may be able to render 1500000 polygons per frame (if they take a small amount of screen space), but you can bring fps to knees with 100 polygons if each polygon fills entire screen, uses alpha-blending and is textured with a highly-detailed texture.
If you think about it, you may notice that there are a lot of videocards that can draw a landscape, but fps drops when you're doing framebuffer effects (like blur, HDR, etc).
Also, you may get performance drop with textured surfaces if you have built-in GPU. When I fried PCIEE slot on previous motherboard, I had to work with built-in GPU (NVidia 6800 or something). Results weren't pleasant. While GPU supported shader model 3.0 and could use relatively computationally expensive shaders, fps rapidly dropped each time when there was a textured object on screen. Obviously happened because built-in GPU used part of system memory as video memory, and transfer rates in "normal" GPU memory and system memory are different.

DirectX9 Texture of arbitrary size (non 2^n)

I'm relatively new to DirectX and have to work on an existing C++ DX9 application. The app does tracking on a camera images and displays some DirectDraw (ie. 2d) content. The camera has an aspect ratio of 4:3 (always) and the screen is undefined.
I want to load a texture and use this texture as a mask, so tracking and displaying of the content only are done within the masked area of the texture. Therefore I'd like to load a texture that has exactly the same size as the camera images.
I've done all steps to load the texture, but when I call GetDesc() the fields Width and Height of the D3DSURFACE_DESC struct are of the next bigger power-of-2 size. I do not care that the actual memory used for the texture is optimized for the graphics card but I did not find any way to get the dimensions of the original image file on the harddisk.
I do (and did, but with no success) search a possibility to load the image into the computers RAM only (graphicscard is not required) without adding a new dependency to the code. Otherwise I'd have to use OpenCV (which might anyway be a good idea when it comes to tracking), but at the moment I still try to avoid including OpenCV.
thanks for your hints,
D3DXCreateTextureFromFileEx with parameters 3 and 4 being
After that, you can use
m_Sprite->GetLevelDesc(0, &Desc);
to fetch the height & width.
D3DXGetImageInfoFromFile may be what you are looking for.
I'm assuming you are using D3DX because I don't think Direct3D automatically resizes any textures.