How to set Xcode up for LLVM/Clang development? - c++

I've installed LLVM and Clang on macOS Sierra.
Until now, I've used the llvm-config command for compiling with clang. This works fine, and I can compile and link the LLVM tutorial programs from the command-line.
However, I'd like a professional IDE for development with type-checking and proper debugging.
The problem is that I don't know how to set Xcode up for LLVM/Clang development...
I include the C++ headers in the include/llvm directory, and I think I pass the libraries to the linker, but something goes wrong:
In the compilation phase, I get a linker error saying, e.g, that symbol parseIRFile isn't found. However, the IDE can see the functions in the header files.
Would someone help me out in setting up Xcode for LLVM/Clang development? I'm new to macOS and Xcode, so please give clear explanations of the required steps.
Thanks very much.


Can't build and run in C++ Codeblocks

So I just recently downloaded a C++ IDE called Code::Blocks and made a new project. But when I tried to Build and Run it, the code gave some errors. I know that it isn't a problem with syntax or anything like that because I ran the default code that Code::Blocks provided. The error is the following:
Project/Target: "firstcpp - Debug":
The compiler's setup (GNU GCC Compiler) is invalid, so Code::Blocks cannot find/run the compiler.
Probably the toolchain path within the compiler options is not setup correctly?!
Do you have a compiler installed?
Goto "Settings->Compiler...->Global compiler settings->GNU GCC Compiler->Toolchain executables" and fix the compiler's setup.
Tried to run compiler executable 'C:\MinGW/bin/gcc.exe', but failed!
Nothing to be done (all items are up-to-date).
It seems to me like there is some kind of issue with the C++ compiler, but I thought Code::Blocks already came with a C++ compiler, so I'm not too sure what the issue here. I also followed their instructions to go to Settings->Compiler...->Global compiler settings->GNU GCC Compiler->Toolchain executables, but I'm not too sure what they mean by fix the compiler. Here is a screenshot of what I'm seeing:
Also here's info on my PC if you need it:
At this point I'm not too sure what to do to fix this problem. I have asked my friends about this problem(they have already successfully downloaded and used Code::Blocks), and they said that they never encountered this problem while they were installing it.
You need to ensure that you have a working installation of the GNU Compiler Collection, and that the paths you select for your toolchain exist.
If you don't already have GCC Installed, the easiest way would be to download a Code::Blocks distribution that comes pre-bundled with MinGW from the download site. However, it's also possible for you to install GCC through other means, such as:
Installing GCC with MinGW through msys2, or
Installing GCC with scoop install gcc on Windows
In either case, you need to select the installation path that contains the bin directory when setting up the toolchain in Code::Blocks.
In case you didn't notice, C::B formed the path to compiler with both "\" back slashes and "/" slashes, which simply isn't a valid Windows path !!
Slashes are used in Linux not Windows! But for some reason C::B is not getting this. And probably your Mingw is well set !!
C:\MinGW/bin/gcc.exe should be C:\MinGW\bin\gcc.exe
I had pretty hard time trying to fix this in win 7 32 bit/C::B version 20.03 but with no success, i checked all available options and settings, and actually i started to think that it's a bug.

Using SFML for Codeblocks C++ appears ERROR library SFML

I have a problem when I tried to install SFML on Codeblocks. Well, first I install codeblocks: codeblocks-20.03mingw-setup.exe . That's compile correctly after that I download SFML 2.5.1: GCC 5.1.0 TDM (SJLJ) - Code::Blocks - 32-bit.
Following, I extract the SFML file.The problem comes I COPY THE CONTENT OF "BIN" INSIDE OF MY CODEBLOCKS PROJECT. A video helps me to do all of before, I WROTE ALL THE LIBRARIES: GRAPHICS, WINDOW, NETWORK, AUDIO, SYSTEM BUT NOTHING. I show you the error:
cannot find -lsfml-audio-d-2
And continue with network, window,system, graphics
At the ends:
error: ld returned 1 exit status
what's wrong? help me please. I have to make a video game using CODEBLOCKS as soon as I fixed this problem. I'll so thankful for your answers.
On the SFML download website (, it says:
The compiler versions have to match 100%!
The CodeBlocks 20.03 MinGW installation includes version 8.1.0 of the GCC compiler (as is stated on the download page:
Your downloaded version of SFML thus is only intended to work with version 5.1.0 of GCC, but you have version 8.1.0. This can result in a number of errors.
There are a few possibilities to fix your issue:
You could theoretically compile SFML yourself with your specific compiler, but this option may be quite complicated.
You could use a compiler with the matching version. On the SFML download website, there are some links to the needed compilers. After having installed a compiler, you will have to configure CodeBlocks to detect the new compiler on your system (reference: Adding compiler to code::blocks). Now, in order to add SFML to your project, I would suggest to use this official guide:
You could use an environment like MSYS2 (which I use personally) to have a package manager to manage your compiler and libraries installations. This way, your compiler installation and your libraries should work with each other. But in order to use this compiler in CodeBlocks, CodeBlocks would have to be configured.
I would suggest that you refer to option 2 because it probably is the quickest solution.
Feel free to ask if you have any more questions. I know from personal experience that setting up SFML (or any other C++ library) to work with your IDE may be quite tricky.

CLion Cygwin (32 bit) version 2.11.2 GDB Debugging Error 0xc0000135

This seems to be related to linking to the mono library, once I remove any kind of reference to mono code and remove the linking to the library from my CMakeList.txt file, debugging works as expected.
Okay, I've discovered something interesting. This actually might not have anything to do with how I am linking libraries, it appears to be directly related to how I am initialising a class in my unit test. For whatever reason, if I use my normal syntax of TypeDeclaration variableName; the unit test fails immediately with the error code 0xc0000135, but if I change it to read TypeDeclaration variableName(); the code will run. Only problem is that I then get a warning stating empty parenthesis interpreted as a function declaration. I came from linux using g++ to compile my code and there was never an issue, now all of a sudden trying to compile on windows using cygwin or mingw means I can't use the normal standard c++ syntax to actually do work...
Edit 3
I've discovered that this issue is occurring because the libraries I am dependent on aren't actually being copied into the build directory of my unit test project. If I manually copy the required libraries into my build directory debugging works as expected, will need to learn how to express this requirement in CMakeList.txt
More Details
CLion Specifics
CLion 2018.3.1
Build #CL-183.4588.63, built on December 5, 2018
JRE: 1.8.0_152-release-1343-b16 amd64
JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
Windows 10 10.0
Toolchain Settings
Cygwin 32 bit version 2.11.2
CMake version 3.13.1
Make version 4.2.1
gcc version 7.3.0
Debugger Cygwin GDB version 8.1.1
catch.hpp for unit testing.
When debugging a unit test, CLion reports the following error:
During startup program exited with code 0xc0000135.
Google returns a lot of Qt and netbeans related results, everyone suggests to add C:\mingw\bin to the system PATH variable. However I am not using mingw I am using cygwin. I tried adding C:\cygwin\bin to my PATH directory but that does not help. I also tried switching toolchain to use mingw to see if that would help. but the same problem occurs with debugging.
Not sure what else I can do to proceed in resolving this one, any ideas would be most welcome.

Install gcc 4.9 on windows and configure it in Netbeans

If anything I wrote is not correct, please be so kind and correct me. I am a php developer mainly - I am not into this compiling stuff. I know there are a lot of topics around the www but they seems to be either old/outdated, very complex or links to a bunch of files on sourceforge (I have no clue what files I should download and what to do with them after downloading them).
Searching a couple of days by now
I am researching for a couple of days by now and tried different compilers and settings but I don't get a standalone executable for a c++14 programme.
First compiler
The first compiler I used was cygwin. I was able to compile it with c++14 but on other computers cygwin had to be installed as well as a cygwin dll was missing. I googled and figured out that programmes compiled using Cygwin requires this dll but cannot be included to the programme itself - or did I missed something?
Current compiler
I then switched to MinGW which seems to be a better choice as it allows to compile standalone executables which is correct as I am able to do so. Well, the MinGW setup I downloaded from installed among other the gcc version 4.8.1. I need 4.9.1 for c++14.
As the title says I want to configure it in Netbeans but if there is a proper tutorial for a command line compiling it's no problem either but I try to avoid using another IDE as we use it at work, too.
I also heard about but there are tons of links linking to similiar stuff.
My goals
Get a better understanding about gcc and this compiling stuff in general.
Install gcc 4.9.1 (preferred into MinGW as it's currently installed)
Configure it in Netbeans 8.
I suggest you to try MinGW-w64. (Download.)
It's similar to MinGW, but have better multitreading support, can easily compile x64 applications, and what's more important, at this moment it uses GCC 4.9.2.
By the way, MinGW applications require some .dlls to work too. Usually you just provide these libraries with your application, but another option is to add -static flag at linking phase. Applications that are compiled with it do not require any external library files (unless you're using 3rd party libraries that don't support static linking).

Codeblocks can't find Intel C++ compiler (Linux Mint)

Codeblocks (v13.12) can't find my installation of the Intel C++ compiler.
I have the bundled version of icc that comes with Composer XE, which I believe is the only way to currently get it. When I go into Codeblocks' toolchain settings I see that it is looking for it in "/opt/intel/cc/9.0" which is wrong. When I try to change this to the actual path to my icc ("/opt/intel/composer_xe_2013_sp1.3.174/bin/intel64") it says that it still can't find it.
Has anyone gotten the current icc to work with the current Codeblocks?
I am not an expert. I will provide my settings so that hopefully it will work for you:
settings-->compiler debugger-->toolchain executables-->Compiler's installation directory:
C: compiler icc
C++ compiler icpc
Linker for dyn icpc
linker for static ar
debugger: idb
settings-->compiler debugger-->search directories
I have code:blocks 10.05 on ubuntu 12.04. Hopefully this helps/works for you or someone else!