Are Value objects associations possible? - doctrine-orm

I wonder whether it's possible to have relations between entities and value objects or if a third entity is mandatory as relation target. The purpose could be to flag different kind of entities with a common data structure that has it's own business logic. Any idea ?
Update :
Let's say I have a business object to model SCAP CPE namings :
namespace Scap\Cpe\Naming;
* Cpe22 represents the naming convention in CPE Naming version 2.2
* Accepted values are only CPE URIs
class Cpe22
protected $cpe;
public function __construct($cpe)
if (! preg_match('/[c][pP][eE]:\/[AHOaho]?(:[A-Za-z0-9\._\-~%]*){0,6}/', $cpe)) {
throw new InvalidNamingException();
$this->cpe = $cpe;
If I want to flag different kind of entities with this VO in a one-to-many way, I can think of 2 different ways :
Entities are directly related to VOs so that the relation identifiers could be the entities references and the VOs themselves (= key composed from referenced identifier and representative VO fields)
Entities are related to third entity types, that embed the VOs so that the relation identifiers are those third entities identifiers
So I wonder if only the second option is available or if the first can somehow be implemented.

You should use a custom mapping type for things like this. For example, it could look something like this:
use Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\AbstractPlatform
class Cpe22Type extends Type
public function getSQLDeclaration(array $fieldDeclaration, AbstractPlatform $platform)
return $platform->getVarcharTypeDeclarationSQL(array('length' => 250));
public function convertToPHPVale($value, AbstractPlatform $platform)
return new Cpe22($value);
public function convertToDatabaseValue($value, AbstractPlatform $platform)
return (string) $value;
public function getName()
return 'cpe22';
public function requiresSQLCommentHint(AbstractPlatform $platform)
return true;
Obviously, you have to add a __toString() method to your Cpe22 class for this to work.
After registering the type (how you do this depends on your framework, in symfony for example you do it in config.yml) you can simply map your field as type cpe22:
* #ORM\Column(name="my_cpe", type="cpe22")
public $myCpe;


Doctrine 2 custom entity loading and persisting

is it possible to implement a custom hydration and persistence in Doctrine 2 on a per entity basis?
Doctrine 2 has some major limitations regarding value objects (e.g. collections and ids). I wonder if it would be possible to use custom mechanisms (or implementations) for the mapping from object properties to the database (loading and persistence).
I know there are some possibilities to "solve" this problem but I like none of them:
Fake entities require proper handling in the entity which leaks the persistence layer into the domain objects
real entities require a lot more work in persistence (more repositories and more complex handling)
Embaddables have the mentioned limitations
Custom DBAL types with serialization makes querying for certain values impossible or at least extremely slow
I know there are the lifecycle events in doctrine which may be usable. I could't find out if the postLoad event carries an already constructed entity object (with all the VOs)? Becuase in that case it would be useless to me.
best regards,
Yes, you can register new hydrators in your config/packages/doctrine.yaml like this:
dbal: ...
CustomEntityHydrator: 'App\ORM\Hydrator\CustomEntityHydrator'
mapping: ...
You can then use it in your queries like this:
public function findCustomEntities(): array
return $this->createQueryBuilder('c')
...your query logic...
Note, that you can only specify which hydrator you want to use for the root entity. If you fetch associated entities you might end up with a more complicated setup that is hard to debug.
Instead you could consider dealing with value objects (VOs) only in the interface of your entity. In other words, the fields are scalar values, but your method arguments and return values are VOs.
Here is an example with an entity that has a id of type Uuid, a location (some numeric identifier), status (e.g. ternary true/false/null). These are only there to showcase how to deal with different type of value objects:
* #ORM\Entity()
class CustomEntity
* #ORM\Id()
* #ORM\Column(type="string", length=64)
private string $id;
* #ORM\Column(type="int")
private int $location;
* #ORM\Column(type="bool, nullable=true)
private bool $status;
private function __construct(Uuid $id, Location $location, Status $status)
$this->id = (string) $id;
$this->location = $location->getValue();
$this->status = $status->get();
public static function new(Location $location, Status $status): self
return new self(Uuid::v4(), $location, $status);
public function getId(): Uuid
return Uuid::fromString($this->id);
public function getLocation(): Location
return new Location($this->location);
public function activate(): void
$this->status = true;
public function deactivate(): void
$this->status = false;
public function isActive(): bool
$this->status === true;
public function isInactive(): bool
$this->status === false;
public function isUninitialized(): bool
$this->status === null;
public function getStatus(): Status
if ($this->status === null) {
return new NullStatus();
if ($this->status === true) {
return new ActiveStatus();
return new InactiveStatus();
As you can see, you could replace new() with a public constructor. It would work similar with setters. I sometimes even use (private) setters for this in the constructor. In case of the status you don't even need setters if you instead use multiple methods that set the value internally. Similarly you might want to return scalar values instead of a VO in some cases (or the other way around as shown with the status getter and issers).
The point is, your entity looks from the outside as if it would use your VOs, but internally it already switches to a representation that works better with Doctrine ORM. You could even mix this with using VOs and custom types, e.g. for the UUID. You just have to be careful, when your VO needs more info for being constructed than you want to store in the database, e.g. if the numeric location in our example would also use a locale during creation, then we would need to store this (which makes sense as it seems to be related to the numeric id) or we have to hardcode it in the entity or add an abstraction above, that has access to the locale, in which case your entity would likely not return a Location or at least not a LocalizedLocation.
You might also want to consider not having a VO for each and every property in your entity. While it definitely can be helpful, e.g. to wrap an Email into a custom VO to ensure validity instead of just type hinting for string, it might be less useful for something as generic as a (user's) name, which should be very lenient with which strings it accepts as there are a wide variety of names. Using the approach above you can easily introduce a VO later, by adding a new getter for the VO, changing new() or any other method that mutates your property and then not having to change anything in the data model below (unless there is a more drastic change to how the value is represented).

How to use a doctrine custom type in a dql where statement?

I use Spatie's enums in my symfony project and I made a custom DBAL type for those objects. When I save an enum object to the database, I save it in a special string format. The conversion function in my EnumType looks like this:
public function convertToDatabaseValue($value, AbstractPlatform $platform)
if ($value === null) {
return null;
return get_class($value) . '::' . $value->getIndex() . '::' . $value->getValue();
So for example I have a transaction status enum that looks like this:
namespace App\Enum;
use Spatie\Enum\Enum;
* #method static self failed()
* #method static self pending()
* #method static self completed()
final class TransactionStatus extends Enum {}
And when I save it to the database it can turn into any one of these strings respectively:
This helps my EnumType to know what enum to transform it back into. And the reason I use the index number in the string is because that helps with sorting.
Now this all works very well for fetching and saving my entities to the database. But when I try to use an enum in a where clause of a DQL statement, it doesn't work at all.
namespace App\Repository;
use App\Entity\Transaction;
use App\Enum\TransactionStatus;
use Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\RegistryInterface;
use Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepository;
class TransactionRepository extends ServiceEntityRepository
public function __construct(RegistryInterface $registry)
parent::__construct($registry, Transaction::class);
public function findByStatus(TransactionStatus $status)
return $this->createQueryBuilder('t')
->andWhere('t.status = :status')
->setParameter('status', $status)
Because for some reason doctrine ignores my conversion function and just uses the __toString() function that's built into Spatie's enum. So doctrine is looking for the string "pending" instead of "App\Enum\TransactionStatus::1::pending".
How do I make sure that my enums always get converted correctly in a DQL where clause?
Okay I found a way to do it, even though it is super hacky. I just check from where the __toString() method is called and if it's called from Doctrine's DBAL then I use the DB format of the enum.
namespace App\Enum;
use Spatie\Enum\Enum as BaseEnum;
abstract class Enum extends BaseEnum
public function __toString(): string
if (debug_backtrace()[1]['class'] === 'PDOStatement') {
return get_class($this) . "::$this->index::$this->value";
return parent::__toString();

Embed a Collection of Forms Error: Could not determine access type for property

I am trying to embed collection of Tag forms to Service form, according to this tutorial. Tag and Service entities have many-to-many relationship.
Form is rendering correctly. But when I submit form, I get
Could not determine access type for property "tagList"
error. I don't understand why new Tag object is not added to the Service class by calling the addTag() method.
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
->add('title', TextType::class, array(
'label' => 'Title'
$builder->add('tagList', CollectionType::class, array(
'entry_type' => TagType::class,
'allow_add' => true,
'allow_delete' => true,
'by_reference' => false
Service class
* #ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="Tag", mappedBy="serviceList",cascade={"persist"})
private $tagList;
* #return ArrayCollection
public function getTagList()
return $this->tagList;
* #param Tag $tag
* #return Service
public function addTag(Tag $tag)
if ($this->tagList->contains($tag) == false) {
* #param Tag $tag
* #return Service
public function removeTag(Tag $tag)
if ($this->tagList->contains($tag)) {
return $this;
Tag class
* #ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="Service", inversedBy="tagList")
* #ORM\JoinTable(name="tags_services")
private $serviceList;
* #param Service $service
* #return Tag
public function addService(Service $service)
if ($this->serviceList->contains($service) == false) {
return $this;
* #param Service $service
* #return Tag
public function removeService(Service $service)
if ($this->serviceList->contains($service)) {
return $this;
public function newAction(Request $request)
$service = new Service();
$form = $this->createForm('AppBundle\Form\ServiceType', $service);
if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) {
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
return $this->redirectToRoute('service_show', array('id' => $service->getId()));
return $this->render('AppBundle:Service:new.html.twig', array(
'service' => $service,
'form' => $form->createView(),
Could you please try to implement code from this URL?
First, please try to change mapped/inverse sides, and remove $service->addTag($this); from Tag::addService method.
Short version:
I just ran into this problem and solved it by adding a setter for the affected property:
Could not determine access type for property "tagList"
public function setTagList(Array $tagList)
$this->tagList = $tagList;
Long version:
The error message is signaling that Symfony is trying to modify the object's state, but cannot figure out how to actually make the change due to the way its class is set up.
Taking a look at Symfony's internals, we can see that Symfony gives you 5 chances to give it access and picks the best one in this order from top to bottom:
A setter method named setProperty() with one argument:
This is the first thing Symfony checks for and is the most explicit way to achieve this. As far as I'm aware this is the best practice:
class Entity {
protected $tagList;
public function getTagList()
return $this->tagList;
A combined getter and setter in one method with one argument:
It's important to realize that this method will also be accessed by Symfony in order to get the object's state. Since those method calls don't include an argument, the argument in this method must be optional.
class Entity {
protected $tagList;
public function tagList($tags = null)
$this->tagList = $tags;
} else {
return $this->tagList;
The affected property being declared as public:
class Entity {
public $tagList;
//... other properties here
A __set magic method:
This will affect all properties rather than just the one you intended.
class Entity {
public $tagList;
public function __set($name, $value){
$this->$name = $value;
A __call magic method (in some cases):
I wasn't able to confirm this, but the internal code suggests this is possible when magic is enabled on PropertyAccessor's construction.
Only using one of the above strategies is required.
Maybe the problem is that Symfony can't access that property?
If you look at where that exception is thrown (writeProperty method in the PropertyAccessor class) it says it can be thrown:
If the property does not exist or is not public.
In the tutorial you mentioned it has property $tags, and method addTag. I'm just guessing here, but maybe there's a convention where it tries to call a method names add($singularForm) and this is failing for you because the property is tagList and the method is addTag.
I'm not 100% sure, but you could try debugging by setting a stop point in that Symfony method to see why it's being thrown.
Maybe you forgot in the __construct() of Service class and Tag class to initialize $tagList and $serviceList like this ?
$this->tagList = new ArrayCollection();
$this->serviceList = new ArrayCollection();
This seems like an error with your constructor. Try this :
public function __construct()
$this-> tagList = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection();
It's a long shot, but looking at your annotations I think the problem might be related to your manyToMany relationship. Try to change the owning side and inverse side (Swap the relationship) unless you specifically need to update from both ends (In that case I think the only solution is to add the objects manually or use oneToMany relationships).
Changes made only to the inverse side of an association are ignored.
Make sure to update both sides of a bidirectional association (or at
least the owning side, from Doctrine’s point of view)
This is a problem related to Doctrine I have suffered before, see:
Based on Symfony 3.3.10
I actually faced this problem many and many times, finally once i discovered where this problem was coming from, depending on the name you give to your entity property it can happen that the adder and the remover for your collection property aren't exactly what you are expecting.
Example: Your entity properity name is "foo" and you would expect the adder to be called "addFoo" and remover "removeFoo", but then all of a sudden the "Could not determine access type for property" appear.
So you start going into fear searching for w/e problems in your code, instead you just have to look this file inside Symfony core files:
Inside this file there's a method called findAdderAndRemover.
Go there with your debugger and you will eventually find out that symfony searches for weird name for your adder/remover, they may actually end with "um" or "on" or "us" depending on the language (human language) you used to name them. Since i'm Italian this happen quite often.
Watch out for that, since the fix may be as simple as changing the name used for your add/remove method inside your entity to make them match with what Symfony core is looking for.
This happens to me when i use bin/console doctrine:generate:entities to create the methods automatically for me
If you are using symfony, and use EntityRepository instead of CollectionType, make sure you use the 'multiple' => true, on your form build, otherwise the input will be for one entity and not for many, therefore it will call the setTagList instead of using the methods addTagList and removeTagList.

How to load 2 tables into one object in Doctrine2?

For example, we have an external DB of Countries and Cities. We need to be able to read that external DB with the following conditions:
We can't alter or modify in any way the World DB. We can't add FK for example.
When using the external DB, we want to keep an internal reference, for example for our entity "User" we want to keep a reference such as User->city
We want to have an internal entity CustomCities where users can create their own cities.
What would be the best approach to do this?
We have tried several options but all of them break in one way or another. One recommendation was to use a #Table with an external reference readOnly but that didn't work.
The closest solution we have found for this is to use an in-between class that represents a City object, but doesn't really hold data, and then via native queries, we populate that fake object. Then using internal logic we determine if the requested item such as User->getCity() came from the City DB or came from the CityCustomDB...
Any ideas on how to approach this?
I've taken a guess at the possible schema, have you tried using Class Table Inheritance so that the country essentially becomes your interface.
interface CountryInterface
public function getName();
So your entities might look like this
* #InheritanceType("JOINED")
* #DiscriminatorColumn(name="type", type="string")
* #DiscriminatorMap({
* "internal" = "InternalCountry"
* ,"external" = "ExternalCountryAlias"
* })
abstract class AbstractCountry implements CountryInterface
protected $id;
class InternalCountry extends AbstractCountry
protected $name;
public function getName()
return $this->name;
The ExternalCountryAlias works like a proxy to ExternalCountry, but I named it Alias so not to confuse it with Data Mapper Proxies.
class ExternalCountryAlias extends AbstractCountry
* #OneToOne(targetEntity="ExternalCountry")
* #JoinColumn(name="external_country_id"
* ,referencedColumnName="id")
protected $externalCountry;
public function getName()
return $this->externalCountry->getName();
ExternalCountry doesn't have to extend from the base class.
class ExternalCountry
protected $name;
public function getName()
return $this->name;
So when you get a country you are referencing the base class. So lets say = 1 is and internal country and = 2 is an external country.
// returns an instance of InternalCountry
$entityManager->find('AbstractCountry', 1);
// returns an instance of ExternalCountryAlias
$entityManager->find('AbstractCountry', 2);
And because they both implement CountryInterface you don't have to worry where they came from, you still access the name by calling getName();

Create System.Data.Linq.Table in Code for Testing

I have an adapter class for Linq-to-Sql:
public interface IAdapter : IDisposable
Table<Data.User> Activities { get; }
Data.User is an object defined by Linq-to-Sql pointing to the User table in persistence.
The implementation for this is as follows:
public class Adapter : IAdapter
private readonly SecretDataContext _context = new SecretDataContext();
public void Dispose()
public Table<Data.User> Users
get { return _context.Users; }
This makes mocking the persistence layer easy in unit testing, as I can just return whatever collection of data I want for Users (Rhino.Mocks):
The problem is that I cannot create the object 'users' since the constructors are not accessible and the class Table is sealed. One option I tried is to just make IAdapter return IEnumerable or IQueryable, but the problem there is that I then do not have access to the methods ITable provides (e.g. InsertOnSubmit()). Is there a way I can create the fake Table in the unit test scenario so that I may be a happy TDD developer?
My current solution is to wrap the functionality I want from Table into a TableWrapper class:
public interface ITableWrapper<TEntity>
where TEntity : class
IEnumerable<TEntity> Collection { get; }
void InsertOnSubmit(TEntity entity);
And here's the implementation:
public class TableWrapper<TEntity> : ITableWrapper<TEntity>
where TEntity : class
private readonly Table<TEntity> _table;
public TableWrapper(Table<TEntity> table)
_table = table;
public IEnumerable<TEntity> Collection
get { return _table; }
public void InsertOnSubmit(TEntity entity)
So now I can easily mock data from Collection, as well as keeping the functionality of InsertOnSubmit (any other functions that I need down the road can be added later on).
I have had success using the Data Access Layer to produce domain object collections and then using linq to objects.
The object under test then only relates to List, which is fairly easy to unit test.
I don't like when the logic entities should have Data Access Layer dependencies. They should stop at the service layer, if even there. I usually go for the model where the service layer invokes a data access object to get a List, passes that list into whichever logic object that needs it (if necessary uses linq-to-objects to filter out the relevant data and injects it into eiter a flat list, dictionary or an object model).
The business objects become very testable, even though they don't benefit from the richness of the inferred data model.