I have a strange problem with some AVX / AVX2 codes that I am working on. I have set
up a test application console developed in cpp (Visual Studio 2017 on Windows 7) with the aim of comparing the routines written in Cpp with the equivalent routine written with the set-instruction AVX / AVX2; each routine is timed.
A first problem: the timed time of the single routine changes according to the position of the call of the same;
void TraditionalAVG_UncharToDouble(const unsigned char *vec1, const unsigned char *vec2, double* doubleArray, const unsigned int length) {
int sumTot = 0;
double* ptrDouble = doubleArray;
for (unsigned int packIdx = 0; packIdx < length; ++packIdx) {
*ptrDouble = ((double)(*(vec1 + packIdx) + *(vec2 + packIdx)))/ ((double)2);
void AVG_uncharToDoubleArray(const unsigned char *vec1, const unsigned char *vec2, double* doubleArray, const unsigned int length) {
//constexpr unsigned int memoryAlignmentBytes = 32;
constexpr unsigned int bytesPerPack = 256 / 16;
unsigned int packCount = length / bytesPerPack;
double* ptrDouble = doubleArray;
__m128d divider=_mm_set1_pd(2);
for (unsigned int packIdx = 0; packIdx < packCount; ++packIdx)
auto x1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)vec1);
auto x2 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)vec2);
unsigned char index = 0;
while(index < 8) {
auto x1lo = _mm_cvtepu8_epi64(x1);
auto x2lo = _mm_cvtepu8_epi64(x2);
__m128d x1_pd = int64_to_double_full(x1lo);
__m128d x2_pd = int64_to_double_full(x2lo);
_mm_store_pd(ptrDouble, _mm_div_pd(_mm_add_pd(x1_pd, x2_pd), divider));
ptrDouble = ptrDouble + 2;
x1 = _mm_srli_si128(x1, 2);
x2 = _mm_srli_si128(x2, 2);
vec1 += bytesPerPack;
vec2 += bytesPerPack;
for (unsigned int ii = 0 ; ii < length % packCount; ++ii)
*(ptrDouble + ii) = (double)(*(vec1 + ii) + *(vec2 + ii))/ (double)2;
... on main ...
timeAvg02 = 0;
AVG_uncharToDoubleArray(unCharArray, unCharArrayBis, doubleArray, N);
std::cout << "AVX2_AVG UncharTodoubleArray:: " << timeAvg02 << " ms" << std::endl;
//printerDouble("AvxDouble", doubleArray, N);
std::cout << std::endl;
timeAvg01 = 0;
TraditionalAVG_UncharToDouble(unCharArray, unCharArrayBis, doubleArray, N);
std::cout << "Traditional_AVG UncharTodoubleArray: " << timeAvg01 << " ms" << std::endl;
//printerDouble("TraditionalAvgDouble", doubleArray, N);
std::cout << std::endl;
the second problem is that routines written in AVX2 are slower than routines written in cpp. The images represent the results of the two tests
How can I overcome this strange behavior? What is the reason behind it?
MSVC doesn't optimize intrinsics (much), so you get an actual vdivpd by 2.0, not a multiply by 0.5. That's a worse bottleneck than scalar, less than one element per clock cycle on most CPUs. (e.g. Skylake / Ice Lake / Alder Lake-P: 4 cycle throughput for vdivpd xmm, or 8 cycles for vdivpd ymm, either way 2 cycles per element.
From Godbolt, with MSVC 19.33 -O2 -arch:AVX2, with a version that compiles (replacing your undefined int64_to_double_full with efficient 32-bit conversion). Your version is probably even worse.
vpmovzxbd xmm0, xmm5
vpmovzxbd xmm1, xmm4
vcvtdq2pd xmm3, xmm0
vcvtdq2pd xmm2, xmm1
vaddpd xmm0, xmm3, xmm2
vdivpd xmm3, xmm0, xmm6 ;; performance disaster
vmovupd XMMWORD PTR [r8], xmm3
add r8, 16
vpsrldq xmm4, xmm4, 2
vpsrldq xmm5, xmm5, 2
sub rax, 1
jne SHORT $LL5#AVG_unchar
Also, AVX2 implies support for 256-bit integer as well as FP vectors, so you can use __m256i. Although with this shift strategy for using the chars of a vector, you wouldn't want to. You'd just want to use __m256d.
Look at how clang vectorizes the scalar C++: 2x vpmovzxbd-load of __m128i / vpaddd __m128i / vcvtdq2pd to __m256d / vmulpd __m256d (by 0.5) / vmovupd. (Narrow loads as a memory source for vpmovzxbd are good, especially with an XMM destination so they can micro-fuse on Intel CPUs. Writing this with intrinsics relies on compilers optimizing _mm_loadu_si32 into a memory source for _mm_cvtepu8_epi32. Looping to use all bytes of a wider load isn't crazy, but costs more shuffles. clang unrolls that loop, replacing later vpsrldq / vpmovzxbd with vpshufb shuffles to move bytes directly to where they're needed, at the cost of needing more constants.)
IDK what wrong with MSVC, why it failed to auto-vectorize with -O2 -arch:AVX2, but at least it optimized /2.0 to *0.5. When the reciprocal is exactly representable as a double, that's a well-known safe and valuable optimization.
With a good compiler, there'd be no need for intrinsics. But "good" seems to only include clang; GCC makes a bit of a mess with converting vector widths.
Your scalar C is strangely obfuscated as *ptrDouble = ((double)(*(vec1 + packIdx) + *(vec2 + packIdx)))/ ((double)2); instead of
(vec1[packIdx] + vec2[packIdx]) / 2.0.
Doing integer addition like this scalar code before conversion to FP is a good idea, especially for a vectorized version, so there's only one conversion. Each input already needs to get widened separately to 32-bit elements.
IDK what int64_to_double_full is, but if it's manual emulation of AVX-512 vcvtqq2pd, it makes no sense to use use it on values zero-extended from char. That value-range fits comfortably in int32_t, so you can widen only to 32-bit elements, and let hardware int->FP packed conversion with _mm256_cvtepi32_pd (vcvtdq2pd) widen the elements.
I have large in-memory array as some pointer uint64_t * arr (plus size), which represents plain bits. I need to very efficiently (most performant/fast) shift these bits to the right by some amount from 0 to 63.
By shifting whole array I mean not to shift each element (like a[i] <<= Shift), but to shift it as a single large bit vector. In other words for each intermediate position i (except for first and last element) I can do following in a loop:
dst[i] = w | (src[i] << Shift);
w = src[i] >> (64 - Shift);
where w is some temporary variable, holding right-shifted value of previous array element.
This solution above is simple and obvious. But I need something more efficient as I have giga-bytes of data.
Ideally would be to use some SIMD instructions for that, so I'm looking for SIMD suggestions from experts. I need to implement shifting code for all four types of popular instruction sets - SSE-SSE4.2 / AVX / AVX-2 / AVX-512.
But as far as I know for example for SSE2 there exists only _mm_slli_si128() intrinsic/instruction, which shifts only by amount multiple of 8 (in other words byte-shifting). And I need shifting by arbitrary bit-size, not only byte-shift.
Without SIMD I can shift also by 128 bits at once through using shld reg, reg, reg instruction, which allows to do 128-bit shifting. It is implemented as intrinsic __shiftleft128() in MSVC, and produces assembler code that can be seen here.
BTW, I need solutions for all of MSVC/GCC/CLang.
Also inside single loop iteration I can shift 4 or 8 words in sequential operations, this will use CPU pipelining to speedup parallel out-of-order execution of several instructions.
If needed my bit vector can be aligned to any amount of bytes in memory, if this will help for example to improve SIMD speed by doing aligned reads/writes. Also source and destination bit vector memory are different (non-overlapping).
In other words I'm looking for all the suggestions about how to solve my task most efficiently (most performantly) on different Intel CPUs.
Note, to clarify, I actually have to do several shift-ors, not just single shift. I have large bit vector X, and several hundreds of shift sizes s0, s1, ..., sN, where each shift size is different and can be also large (for example shift by 100K bits), then I want to compute resulting large bit vector Y = (X << s0) | (X << s1) | ... | (X << sN). I just simplified my question for StackOverflow to shifting single vector. But probably this detail about original task is very important.
As requested by #Jake'Alquimista'LEE, I decided to implement a ready-made toy minimal reproducible example of what I want to do, computing shift-ors of input bit vector src to produced or-ed final dst bit vector. This example is not optimized at all, just a straightforward simple variant of how my task can be solved. For simplicity this example has small size of input vector, not giga-bytes as in my case. It is a toy example, I didn't check if it solves task correctly, it may contain minor bugs:
Try it online!
#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>
#include <random>
#define bit_sizeof(x) (sizeof(x) * 8)
using u64 = uint64_t;
using T = u64;
int main() {
std::mt19937_64 rng{123};
// Random generate source bit vector
std::vector<T> src(100'000);
for (size_t i = 0; i < src.size(); ++i)
src[i] = rng();
size_t const src_bitsize = src.size() * bit_sizeof(T);
// Destination bit vector, for example twice bigger in size
std::vector<T> dst(src.size() * 2);
// Random generate shifts
std::vector<u64> shifts(200);
for (size_t i = 0; i < shifts.size(); ++i)
shifts[i] = rng() % src_bitsize;
// Right-shift that handles overflow
auto Shr = [](auto x, size_t s) {
return s >= bit_sizeof(x) ? 0 : (x >> s);
// Do actual Shift-Ors
for (auto orig_shift: shifts) {
size_t const
word_off = orig_shift / bit_sizeof(T),
bit_off = orig_shift % bit_sizeof(T);
if (word_off >= dst.size())
size_t const
lim = std::min(src.size(), dst.size() - word_off);
T w = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < lim; ++i) {
dst[word_off + i] |= w | (src[i] << bit_off);
w = Shr(src[i], bit_sizeof(T) - bit_off);
// Special case of handling for last word
if (word_off + lim < dst.size())
dst[word_off + lim] |= w;
My real project's current code is different from toy example above. This project already solves correctly a real-world task. I just need to do extra optimizations. Some optimizations I already did, like using OpenMP to parallelize shift-or operations on all cores. Also as said in comments, I created specialized templated functions for each shift size, 64 functions in total, and choosing one of 64 functions to do actual shift-or. Each C++ function has compile time value of shift size, hence compiler does extra optimizations taking into account compile time values.
You can, and possibly you don't even need to use SIMD instructions explicitly.
The target compilers GCC, CLANG and MSVC and other compilers like ICC all support auto-vectorization.
While hand-optimized assembly can outperform compiler generated vectorized instructions, it's generally harder to achieve and you may need several versions for different architectures.
Generic code that leads to efficient auto-vectorized instructions is a solution that may be portable across many platforms.
For instance a simple shiftvec version
void shiftvec(uint64_t* dst, uint64_t* src, int size, int shift)
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i,++src,++dst)
*dst = ((*src)<<shift) | (*(src+1)>>(64-shift));
compiled with a recent GCC (or CLANG works as well) and -O3 -std=c++11 -mavx2 leads to SIMD instructions in the core loop of the assembly
vmovdqu ymm4, YMMWORD PTR [rsi+rax]
vmovdqu ymm5, YMMWORD PTR [rsi+8+rax]
vpsllq ymm0, ymm4, xmm2
vpsrlq ymm1, ymm5, xmm3
vpor ymm0, ymm0, ymm1
vmovdqu YMMWORD PTR [rdi+rax], ymm0
add rax, 32
cmp rax, rdx
jne .L5
See on
This also generalizes if you want to do combine multiple shifts in dst:
void shiftvec2(uint64_t* dst, uint64_t* src1, uint64_t* src2, int size1, int size2, int shift1, int shift2)
int size = size1<size2 ? size1 : size2;
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i,++src1,++src2,++dst)
*dst = ((*src1)<<shift1) | (*(src1+1)>>(64-shift1));
*dst |= ((*src2)<<shift2) | (*(src2+1)>>(64-shift2));
for (int i = size; i < size1; ++i,++src1,++dst)
*dst = ((*src1)<<shift1) | (*(src1+1)>>(64-shift1));
for (int i = size; i < size2; ++i,++src2,++dst)
*dst = ((*src2)<<shift2) | (*(src2+1)>>(64-shift2));
compiles to a core-loop:
vmovdqu ymm7, YMMWORD PTR [rsi+rcx]
vpsllq ymm1, ymm7, xmm4
vmovdqu ymm7, YMMWORD PTR [rsi+8+rcx]
vpsrlq ymm0, ymm7, xmm6
vpor ymm1, ymm1, ymm0
vmovdqu YMMWORD PTR [rax+rcx], ymm1
vmovdqu ymm7, YMMWORD PTR [rdx+rcx]
vpsllq ymm0, ymm7, xmm3
vmovdqu ymm7, YMMWORD PTR [rdx+8+rcx]
vpsrlq ymm2, ymm7, xmm5
vpor ymm0, ymm0, ymm2
vpor ymm0, ymm0, ymm1
vmovdqu YMMWORD PTR [rax+rcx], ymm0
add rcx, 32
cmp r10, rcx
jne .L38
Combining multiple sources in one loop will reduce the total amount of memory bandwidth spent on loading/writing the destination. The limit in how many you can combine is of course limited by available registers. Note that xmm2 and xmm3 for shiftvec contain the shift values, so having different versions for compile-time known shift values may free those registers.
Additionally using __restrict (supported by GCC,CLANG,MSVC) for each of the pointers will tell the compiler that the ranges are not overlapping.
I initially had problems with MSVC giving proper auto vectorized code, but it seems adding more SIMD-like structure will make it work for all three desired compilers GCC, CLANG and MSVC:
void shiftvec(uint64_t* __restrict dst, const uint64_t* __restrict src, int size, int shift)
int i = 0;
// MSVC: use steps of 2 for SSE, 4 for AVX2, 8 for AVX512
for (; i+4 < size; i+=4,dst+=4,src+=4)
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
*(dst+j) = (*(src+j))<<shift;
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
*(dst+j) |= (*(src+1)>>(64-shift));
for (; i < size; ++i,++src,++dst)
*dst = ((*src)<<shift) | (*(src+1)>>(64-shift));
I would attempt to rely on x64 ability to read from unaligned addresses, and to do that with almost no visible penalty when stars are properly (un)aligned. One would only need to handle a few cases of (shift % 8) or (shift % 16) -- all doable with SSE2 instruction set, fixing the remainder with zeros and having an unaligned offset to the data vector and addressing the UB by memcpy.
That said, the inner loop would look like:
uint16_t const *ptr;
auto a = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)ptr);
auto b = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(ptr - 1);
a = _mm_srl_epi16(a, c);
b = _mm_sll_epi16(b, 16 - c);
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)ptr, mm_or_si128(a,b));
ptr += 8;
Unrolling this loop a few times, one might be able to use _mm_alignr_epi8 on SSE3+ to relax memory bandwidth (and those pipeline stages that need to combine results from unaligned memory accesses):
auto a0 = w;
auto a1 = _mm_load_si128(m128ptr + 1);
auto a2 = _mm_load_si128(m128ptr + 2);
auto a3 = _mm_load_si128(m128ptr + 3);
auto a4 = _mm_load_si128(m128ptr + 4);
auto b0 = _mm_alignr_epi8(a1, a0, 2);
auto b1 = _mm_alignr_epi8(a2, a1, 2);
auto b2 = _mm_alignr_epi8(a3, a2, 2);
auto b3 = _mm_alignr_epi8(a4, a3, 2);
// ... do the computation as above ...
w = a4; // rotate the context
In other words I'm looking for all the suggestions about how to solve my task most efficiently (most performantly) on different Intel CPUs.
The key to efficiency is to be lazy. The key to being lazy is to lie - pretend you shifted without actually doing any shifting.
For an initial example (to illustrate the concept only), consider:
struct Thingy {
int ignored_bits;
uint64_t data[];
void shift_right(struct Thingy * thing, int count) {
thing->ignored_bits += count;
void shift_left(struct Thingy * thing, int count) {
thing->ignored_bits -= count;
int get_bit(struct Thingy * thing, int bit_number) {
bit_number += thing->ignored_bits;
return !!(thing->data[bit_number / 64] & (1 << bit_number % 64));
For practical code you'll need to care about various details - you'll probably want to start with spare bits at the start of the array (and non-zero ignored_bits) so that you can pretend to shift right; for each small shift you'll probably want to clear "shifted in" bits (otherwise it'll behave like floating point - e.g. (5.0 << 8) >> 8) == 5.0); if/when ignored_bits goes outside a certain range you'll probably want a large memcpy(); etc.
For more fun; abuse low level memory management - use VirtualAlloc() (Windows) or mmap() (Linux) to reserve a huge space, then put your array in the middle of the space, then allocate/free pages at the start/end of array as needed; so that you only need to memcpy() after the original bits have been "shifted" many billions of bits to the left/right.
Of course the consequence is that it's going to complicate other parts of your code - e.g. to OR 2 bitfields together you'll have to do a tricky "fetch A; shift A to match B; result = A OR B" adjustment. This isn't a deal breaker for performance.
#include <cstdint>
#include <immintrin.h>
template<unsigned Shift>
void foo(uint64_t* __restrict pDst, const uint64_t* __restrict pSrc, intptr_t size)
uint64_t* pSrc0, * pSrc1, * pSrc2, * pSrc3, * pDst0, * pDst1, * pDst2, * pDst3;
__m256i prev, current;
intptr_t i, stride;
stride = size >> 2;
i = stride;
pSrc0 = pSrc;
pSrc1 = pSrc + stride;
pSrc2 = pSrc + 2 * stride;
pSrc2 = pSrc + 3 * stride;
pDst0 = pDst;
pDst1 = pDst + stride;
pDst2 = pDst + 2 * stride;
pDst3 = pDst + 3 * stride;
prev = _mm256_set_epi64x(0, pSrc1[-1], pSrc2[-1], pSrc3[-1]);
while (i--)
current = _mm256_set_epi64x(*pSrc0++, *pSrc1++, *pSrc2++, *pSrc3++);
prev = _mm256_srli_epi64(prev, 64 - Shift);
prev = _mm256_or_si256(prev, _mm256_slli_epi64(current, Shift));
*pDst0++ = _mm256_extract_epi64(prev, 3);
*pDst1++ = _mm256_extract_epi64(prev, 2);
*pDst2++ = _mm256_extract_epi64(prev, 1);
*pDst3++ = _mm256_extract_epi64(prev, 0);
prev = current;
You can do the operation on up to four 64bit elements at once on AVX2 (up to eight on AVX512)
If size isn't a multiple of four, there will be up to 3 remaining ones to deal with.
PS: Auto vectorization is never a proper solution.
No, you can't
Both NEON and AVX(512) support barrel shift operations up to 64bit elements.
You can however "shift" the whole 128bit vector by n-bytes (8bits) with the instruction ext on NEON and alignr on AVX.
And you should avoid using the vector class for performance since it's nothing else than linked list which is bad for the performance.
I have the compressed sparse column (csc) representation of the n x n lower-triangular matrix A with zeros on the main diagonal, and would like to solve for b in
(A + I)' * x = b
This is the routine I have for computing this:
void backsolve(const int*__restrict__ Lp,
const int*__restrict__ Li,
const double*__restrict__ Lx,
const int n,
double*__restrict__ x) {
for (int i=n-1; i>=0; --i) {
for (int j=Lp[i]; j<Lp[i+1]; ++j) {
x[i] -= Lx[j] * x[Li[j]];
Thus, b is passed in via the argument x, and is overwritten by the solution. Lp, Li, Lx are respectively the row, indices, and data pointers in the standard csc representation of sparse matrices. This function is the top hotspot in the program, with the line
x[i] -= Lx[j] * x[Li[j]];
being the bulk of the time spent. Compiling with gcc-8.3 -O3 -mfma -mavx -mavx512f gives
backsolve(int const*, int const*, double const*, int, double*):
lea eax, [rcx-1]
movsx r11, eax
lea r9, [r8+r11*8]
test eax, eax
js .L9
movsx rax, DWORD PTR [rdi+r11*4]
mov r10d, DWORD PTR [rdi+4+r11*4]
cmp eax, r10d
jge .L6
vmovsd xmm0, QWORD PTR [r9]
movsx rcx, DWORD PTR [rsi+rax*4]
vmovsd xmm1, QWORD PTR [rdx+rax*8]
add rax, 1
vfnmadd231sd xmm0, xmm1, QWORD PTR [r8+rcx*8]
vmovsd QWORD PTR [r9], xmm0
cmp r10d, eax
jg .L7
sub r11, 1
sub r9, 8
test r11d, r11d
jns .L5
According to vtune,
vmovsd QWORD PTR [r9], xmm0
is the slowest part. I have almost no experience with assembly, and am at a loss as to how to further diagnose or optimize this operation. I have tried compiling with different flags to enable/disable SSE, FMA, etc, but nothing has worked.
Processor: Xeon Skylake
Question What can I do to optimize this function?
This should depend quite a bit on the exact sparsity pattern of the matrix and the platform being used. I tested a few things with gcc 8.3.0 and compiler flags -O3 -march=native (which is -march=skylake on my CPU) on the lower triangle of this matrix of dimension 3006 with 19554 nonzero entries. Hopefully this is somewhat close to your setup, but in any case I hope these can give you an idea of where to start.
For timing I used google/benchmark with this source file. It defines benchBacksolveBaseline which benchmarks the implementation given in the question and benchBacksolveOptimized which benchmarks the proposed "optimized" implementations. There is also benchFillRhs which separately benchmarks the function that is used in both to generate some not completely trivial values for the right hand side. To get the time of the "pure" backsolves, the time that benchFillRhs takes should be subtracted.
1. Iterating strictly backwards
The outer loop in your implementation iterates through the columns backwards, while the inner loop iterates through the current column forwards. Seems like it would be more consistent to iterate through each column backwards as well:
for (int i=n-1; i>=0; --i) {
for (int j=Lp[i+1]-1; j>=Lp[i]; --j) {
x[i] -= Lx[j] * x[Li[j]];
This barely changes the assembly (, but the benchmark timings show a measureable improvement:
Benchmark Time CPU Iterations
benchFillRhs 2737 ns 2734 ns 5120000
benchBacksolveBaseline 17412 ns 17421 ns 829630
benchBacksolveOptimized 16046 ns 16040 ns 853333
I assume this is caused by somehow more predictable cache access, but I did not look into it much further.
2. Less loads/stores in inner loop
As A is lower triangular, we have i < Li[j]. Therefore we know that x[Li[j]] will not change due to the changes to x[i] in the inner loop. We can put this knowledge into our implementation by using a temporary variable:
for (int i=n-1; i>=0; --i) {
double xi_temp = x[i];
for (int j=Lp[i+1]-1; j>=Lp[i]; --j) {
xi_temp -= Lx[j] * x[Li[j]];
x[i] = xi_temp;
This makes gcc 8.3.0 move the store to memory from inside the inner loop to directly after its end ( The benchmark for the test matrix on my system shows a small improvement:
Benchmark Time CPU Iterations
benchFillRhs 2737 ns 2740 ns 5120000
benchBacksolveBaseline 17410 ns 17418 ns 814545
benchBacksolveOptimized 15155 ns 15147 ns 887129
3. Unroll the loop
While clang already starts unrolling the loop after the first suggested code change, gcc 8.3.0 still has not. So let's give that a try by additionally passing -funroll-loops.
Benchmark Time CPU Iterations
benchFillRhs 2733 ns 2734 ns 5120000
benchBacksolveBaseline 15079 ns 15081 ns 953191
benchBacksolveOptimized 14392 ns 14385 ns 963441
Note that the baseline also improves, as the loop in that implementation is also unrolled. Our optimized version also benefits a bit from loop unrolling, but maybe not as much as we may have liked. Looking into the generated assembly (, it seems like gcc might have gone a little far with 8 unrolls. For my setup, I can in fact do a little better with just one simple manual unroll. So drop the flag -funroll-loops again and implement the unrolling with something like this:
for (int i=n-1; i>=0; --i) {
const int col_begin = Lp[i];
const int col_end = Lp[i+1];
const bool is_col_nnz_odd = (col_end - col_begin) & 1;
double xi_temp = x[i];
int j = col_end - 1;
if (is_col_nnz_odd) {
xi_temp -= Lx[j] * x[Li[j]];
for (; j >= col_begin; j -= 2) {
xi_temp -= Lx[j - 0] * x[Li[j - 0]] +
Lx[j - 1] * x[Li[j - 1]];
x[i] = xi_temp;
With that I measure:
Benchmark Time CPU Iterations
benchFillRhs 2728 ns 2729 ns 5090909
benchBacksolveBaseline 17451 ns 17449 ns 822018
benchBacksolveOptimized 13440 ns 13443 ns 1018182
Other algorithms
All of these versions still use the same simple implementation of the backward solve on the sparse matrix structure. Inherently, operating on sparse matrix structures like these can have significant problems with memory traffic. At least for matrix factorizations, there are more sophisticated methods, that operate on dense submatrices that are assembled from the sparse structure. Examples are supernodal and multifrontal methods. I am a bit fuzzy on this, but I think that such methods will also apply this idea to layout and use dense matrix operations for lower triangular backwards solves (for example for Cholesky-type factorizations). So it might be worth to look into those kind of methods, if you are not forced to stick to the simple method that works on the sparse structure directly. See for example this survey by Davis.
You might shave a few cycles by using unsigned instead of int for the index types, which must be >= 0 anyway:
void backsolve(const unsigned * __restrict__ Lp,
const unsigned * __restrict__ Li,
const double * __restrict__ Lx,
const unsigned n,
double * __restrict__ x) {
for (unsigned i = n; i-- > 0; ) {
for (unsigned j = Lp[i]; j < Lp[i + 1]; ++j) {
x[i] -= Lx[j] * x[Li[j]];
Compiling with Godbolt's compiler explorer shows slightly different code for the innerloop, potentially making better use of the CPU pipeline. I cannot test, but you could try.
Here is the generated code for the inner loop:
mov rax, rcx
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [r10+rax*4]
vmovsd xmm1, QWORD PTR [r11+rax*8]
vfnmadd231sd xmm0, xmm1, QWORD PTR [r8+rcx*8]
lea rcx, [rax+1]
vmovsd QWORD PTR [r9], xmm0
cmp rdi, rax
jne .L8
I would like to make some vector computation faster, and I believe that SIMD instructions for float comparison and manipulation could help, here is the operation:
void func(const double* left, const double* right, double* res, const size_t size, const double th, const double drop) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
res[i] = right[i] >= th ? left[i] : (left[i] - drop) ;
Mainly, it drops the left value by drop in case right value is higher than threshold.
The size is around 128-256 (not that big), but computation is called heavily.
I tried to start with loop unrolling, but did not win a lot of performance, but may be some compile instructions are needed.
Could you please suggest some improvement into the code for faster computation?
Clang already auto-vectorizes this pretty much the way Soonts suggested doing manually. Use __restrict on your pointers so it doesn't need a fallback version that works for overlap between some of the arrays. It still auto-vectorizes, but it bloats the function.
Unfortunately gcc only auto-vectorizes with -ffast-math. It turns out only -fno-trapping-math is required: that's generally safe especially if you aren't using fenv access to unmask any FP exceptions (feenableexcept) or looking at MXCSR sticky FP exception flags (fetestexcept).
With that option, then GCC too will use (v)pblendvpd with -march=nehalem or -march=znver1. See it on Godbolt
Also, your C function is broken. th and drop are scalar double, but you declare them as const double *
AVX512F would let you do a !(right[i] >= thresh) compare and use the resulting mask for a merge-masked subtract.
Elements where the predicate was true will get left[i] - drop, other elements will keep their left[i] value, because you merge info a vector of left values.
Unfortunately GCC with -march=skylake-avx512 uses a normal vsubpd and then a separate vmovapd zmm2{k1}, zmm5 to blend, which is obviously a missed optimization. The blend destination is already one of the inputs to the SUB.
Using AVX512VL for 256-bit vectors (in case the rest of your program can't efficiently use 512-bit, so you don't suffer reduced turbo clock speeds):
__m256d left = ...;
__m256d right = ...;
__mmask8 cmp = _mm256_cmp_pd_mask(right, set1(th), _CMP_NGE_UQ);
__m256d res = _mm256_mask_sub_pd (left, cmp, left, set1(drop));
So (besides the loads and store) it's 2 instructions with AVX512F / VL.
If you don't need the specific NaN behaviour of your version, GCC can auto-vectorize too
And it's more efficient with all compilers because you just need an AND, not a variable-blend. So it's significantly better with just SSE2, and also better on most CPUs even when they do support SSE4.1 blendvpd, because that instruction isn't as efficient.
You can subtract 0.0 or drop from left[i] based on the compare result.
Producing 0.0 or a constant based on a compare result is extremely efficient: just an andps instruction. (The bit-pattern for 0.0 is all-zeros, and SIMD compares produce vectors of all-1 or all-0 bits. So AND keeps the old value or zeros it.)
We can also add -drop instead of subtracting drop. This costs an extra negation on input, but with AVX allows a memory-source operand for vaddpd. GCC chooses to use an indexed addressing mode so that doesn't actually help reduce the front-end uop count on Intel CPUs, though; it will "unlaminate". But even with -ffast-math, gcc doesn't do this optimization on its own to allow folding a load. (It wouldn't be worth doing separate pointer increments unless we unroll the loop, though.)
void func3(const double *__restrict left, const double *__restrict right, double *__restrict res,
const size_t size, const double th, const double drop)
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
double add = right[i] >= th ? 0.0 : -drop;
res[i] = left[i] + add;
GCC 9.1's inner loop (without any -march options and without -ffast-math) from the Godbolt link above:
# func3 main loop
# gcc -O3 -march=skylake (without fast-math)
vcmplepd ymm2, ymm4, YMMWORD PTR [rsi+rax]
vandnpd ymm2, ymm2, ymm3
vaddpd ymm2, ymm2, YMMWORD PTR [rdi+rax]
vmovupd YMMWORD PTR [rdx+rax], ymm2
add rax, 32
cmp r8, rax
jne .L33
Or the plain SSE2 version has an inner loop that's basically the same as with left - zero_or_drop instead of left + zero_or_minus_drop, so unless you can promise the compiler 16-byte alignment or you're making an AVX version, negating drop is just extra overhead.
Negating drop takes a constant from memory (to XOR the sign bit), and that's the only static constant this function needs, so that tradeoff is worth considering for your case where the loop doesn't run a huge number of times. (Unless th or drop are also compile-time constants after inlining, and are getting loaded anyway. Or especially if -drop can be computed at compile time. Or if you can get your program to work with a negative drop.)
Another difference between adding and subtracting is that subtracting doesn't destroy the sign of zero. -0.0 - 0.0 = -0.0, +0.0 - 0.0 = +0.0. In case that matters.
# gcc9.1 -O3
movupd xmm5, XMMWORD PTR [rsi+rax]
movapd xmm2, xmm4 # duplicate th
movupd xmm6, XMMWORD PTR [rdi+rax]
cmplepd xmm2, xmm5 # destroy the copy of th
andnpd xmm2, xmm3 # _mm_andnot_pd
addpd xmm2, xmm6 # _mm_add_pd
movups XMMWORD PTR [rdx+rax], xmm2
add rax, 16
cmp r8, rax
jne .L26
GCC uses unaligned loads so (without AVX) it can't fold a memory source operand into cmppd or subpd
Here you go (untested), I’ve tried to explain in the comments what they do.
void func_sse41( const double* left, const double* right, double* res,
const size_t size, double th, double drop )
// Verify the size is even.
// If it's not, you'll need extra code at the end to process last value the old way.
assert( 0 == ( size % 2 ) );
// Load scalar values into 2 registers.
const __m128d threshold = _mm_set1_pd( th );
const __m128d dropVec = _mm_set1_pd( drop );
for( size_t i = 0; i < size; i += 2 )
// Load 4 double values into registers, 2 from right, 2 from left
const __m128d r = _mm_loadu_pd( right + i );
const __m128d l = _mm_loadu_pd( left + i );
// Compare ( r >= threshold ) for 2 values at once
const __m128d comp = _mm_cmpge_pd( r, threshold );
// Compute ( left[ i ] - drop ), for 2 values at once
const __m128d dropped = _mm_sub_pd( l, dropVec );
// Select either left or ( left - drop ) based on the comparison.
// This is the only instruction here that requires SSE 4.1.
const __m128d result = _mm_blendv_pd( l, dropped, comp );
// Store the 2 result values
_mm_storeu_pd( res, result );
The code will crash with “invalid instruction” runtime error if the CPU doesn’t have SSE 4.1. For best result, detect with CPU ID to fail gracefully. I think now in 2019 it’s quite reasonable to assume it’s supported, Intel did in 2008, AMD in 2011, steam survey says “96.3%”. If you want to support older CPUs, possible to emulate _mm_blendv_pd with 3 other instructions, _mm_and_pd, _mm_andnot_pd, _mm_or_pd.
If you can guarantee the data is aligned, replacing loads with _mm_load_pd will be slightly faster, _mm_cmpge_pd compiles into CMPPD which can take one of the arguments directly from RAM.
Potentially, you can get further 2x improvement by writing AVX version. But I hope even SSE version is faster than your code, it handles 2 values per iteration, and doesn’t have conditions inside the loop. If you’re unlucky, AVX will be slower, many CPUs need some time to power on their AVX units, takes many thousands of cycles. Until powered, AVX code runs very slowly.
You can use GCC's and Clang's vector extensions to implement a ternary select function (see
#include <stddef.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#if defined(__clang__)
typedef double double4 __attribute__ ((ext_vector_type(4)));
typedef int64_t long4 __attribute__ ((ext_vector_type(4)));
typedef double double4 __attribute__ ((vector_size (sizeof(double)*4)));
typedef int64_t long4 __attribute__ ((vector_size (sizeof(int64_t)*4)));
double4 select(long4 s, double4 a, double4 b) {
double4 c;
#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && !defined(__clang__)
c = s ? a : b;
for(int i=0; i<4; i++) c[i] = s[i] ? a[i] : b[i];
return c;
void func(double* left, double* right, double* res, size_t size, double th, double drop) {
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i<(size&-4); i+=4) {
double4 leftv = *(double4*)&left[i];
double4 rightv = *(double4*)&right[i];
*(double4*)&res[i] = select(rightv >= th, leftv, leftv - drop);
for(;i<size; i++) res[i] = right[i] >= th ? left[i] : (left[i] - drop);
I have 700 items and I loop through the 700 items for each I obtain the item' three attributes and perform some basic calculations. I have implemented this using two techniques:
1) Three 700-element arrays, one array for each of the three attributes. So:
item0.a = array1[0]
item0.b = array2[0]
item0.e = array3[0]
2) One 2100-element array containing data for the three attributes consecutively. So:
item0.a = array[(0*3)+0]
item0.b = array[(0*3)+1]
item0.e = array[(0*3)+2]
Now the three item attributes a, b and e are used together within the loop- therefore it would make sense that if you store them in one array the performance should be better than if you use the three-array technique (due to spatial locality). However:
Three 700-element arrays = 3300 CPU cycles on average for the whole loop
One 2100-element array = 3500 CPU cycles on average for the whole loop
Here is the code for the 2100-array technique:
unsigned int x;
unsigned int y;
double c = 0;
double d = 0;
bool data_for_all_items = true;
unsigned long long start = 0;
unsigned long long finish = 0;
unsigned int array[2100];
//I have left out code for simplicity. You can assume by now the array is populated.
start = __rdtscp(&x);
for(int i=0; i < 700; i++){
unsigned short j = i * 3;
unsigned int a = array[j + 0];
unsigned int b = array[j + 1];
data_for_all_items = data_for_all_items & (a!= -1 & b != -1);
unsigned int e = array[j + 2];
c += (a * e);
d += (b * e);
finish = __rdtscp(&y);
and here is the code for the three 700-element arrays technique:
unsigned int x;
unsigned int y;
double c = 0;
double d = 0;
bool data_for_all_items = true;
unsigned long long start = 0;
unsigned long long finish = 0;
unsigned int array1[700];
unsigned int array2[700];
unsigned int array3[700];
//I have left out code for simplicity. You can assume by now the arrays are populated.
start = __rdtscp(&x);
for(int i=0; i < 700; i++){
unsigned int a= array1[i]; //Array 1
unsigned int b= array2[i]; //Array 2
data_for_all_items = data_for_all_items & (a!= -1 & b != -1);
unsigned int e = array3[i]; //Array 3
c += (a * e);
d += (b * e);
finish = __rdtscp(&y);
Why isn't the technique using one-2100 element array faster? It should be because the three attributes are used together, per each 700 item.
I used MSVC 2012, Win 7 64
Assembly for 3x 700-element array technique:
start = __rdtscp(&x);
shl rdx,20h
lea r8,[this]
or rax,rdx
mov dword ptr [r8],ecx
mov r8d,8ch
mov r9,rax
lea rdx,[rbx+0Ch]
for(int i=0; i < 700; i++){
sub rdi,rbx
unsigned int a = array1[i];
unsigned int b = array2[i];
data_for_all_items = data_for_all_items & (a != -1 & b != -1);
cmp dword ptr [rdi+rdx-0Ch],0FFFFFFFFh
lea rdx,[rdx+14h]
setne cl
cmp dword ptr [rdi+rdx-1Ch],0FFFFFFFFh
setne al
and cl,al
cmp dword ptr [rdi+rdx-18h],0FFFFFFFFh
setne al
and cl,al
cmp dword ptr [rdi+rdx-10h],0FFFFFFFFh
setne al
and cl,al
cmp dword ptr [rdi+rdx-14h],0FFFFFFFFh
setne al
and cl,al
cmp dword ptr [rdx-20h],0FFFFFFFFh
setne al
and cl,al
cmp dword ptr [rdx-1Ch],0FFFFFFFFh
setne al
and cl,al
cmp dword ptr [rdx-18h],0FFFFFFFFh
setne al
and cl,al
cmp dword ptr [rdx-10h],0FFFFFFFFh
setne al
and cl,al
cmp dword ptr [rdx-14h],0FFFFFFFFh
setne al
and cl,al
and r15b,cl
dec r8
jne 013F26DA53h
unsigned int e = array3[i];
c += (a * e);
d += (b * e);
finish = __rdtscp(&y);
shl rdx,20h
lea r8,[y]
or rax,rdx
mov dword ptr [r8],ecx
Assembler for the 2100-element array technique:
start = __rdtscp(&x);
lea r8,[this]
shl rdx,20h
or rax,rdx
mov dword ptr [r8],ecx
for(int i=0; i < 700; i++){
xor r8d,r8d
mov r10,rax
unsigned short j = i*3;
movzx ecx,r8w
add cx,cx
lea edx,[rcx+r8]
unsigned int a = array[j + 0];
unsigned int b = array[j + 1];
data_for_all_items = data_for_all_items & (best_ask != -1 & best_bid != -1);
movzx ecx,dx
cmp dword ptr [r9+rcx*4+4],0FFFFFFFFh
setne dl
cmp dword ptr [r9+rcx*4],0FFFFFFFFh
setne al
inc r8d
and dl,al
and r14b,dl
cmp r8d,2BCh
jl 013F05DA10h
unsigned int e = array[pos + 2];
c += (a * e);
d += (b * e);
finish = __rdtscp(&y);
shl rdx,20h
lea r8,[y]
or rax,rdx
mov dword ptr [r8],ecx
Edit: Given your assembly code, the second loop is five times unrolled. The unrolled version could run faster on an out-of-order execution CPU such as any modern x86/x86-64 CPU.
The second code is vectorisable - two elements of each array could be loaded at each iteration in one XMM register each. Since modern CPUs use SSE for both scalar and vector FP arithmetic, this cuts the number of cycles roughly in half. With an AVX-capable CPU four doubles could be loaded in an YMM register and therefore the number of cycles should be cut in four.
The first loop is not vectorisable along i since the value of a in iteration i+1 comes from a location 3 elements after the one where the value of a in iteration i comes from. In that case vectorisation requires gathered vector loads are those are only supported in the AVX2 instruction set.
Using proper data structures is crucial when programming CPUs with vector capabilities. Converting codes like your first loop into something like your second loop is 90% of the job that one has to do in order to get good performance on Intel Xeon Phi which has very wide vector registers but awfully slow in-order execution engine.
The simple answer is that version 1 is SIMD friendly and version 2 is not. However, it's possible to make version 2, the 2100 element array, SIMD friendly. You need to us a Hybrid Struct of Arrays, aka an Array of Struct of Arrays (AoSoA). You arrange the array like this: aaaa bbbb eeee aaaa bbbb eeee ....
Below is code using GCC's vector extensions to do this. Note that now the 2100 element array code looks almost the same as the 700 element array code but it uses one array instead of three. And instead of having 700 elements between a b and e there are only 12 elements between them.
I did not find an easy solution to convert uint4 to double4 with the GCC vector extensions and I don't want to spend the time to write intrinics to do this right now so I made c and v unsigned int but for performance I would not want to be converting uint4 to double 4 in a loop anyway.
typedef unsigned int uint4 __attribute__ ((vector_size (16)));
//typedef double double4 __attribute__ ((vector_size (32)));
uint4 zero = {};
unsigned int array[2100];
uint4 test = -1 + zero;
//double4 cv = {};
//double4 dv = {};
uint4 cv = {};
uint4 dv = {};
uint4* av = (uint4*)&array[0];
uint4* bv = (uint4*)&array[4];
uint4* ev = (uint4*)&array[8];
for(int i=0; i < 525; i+=3) { //525 = 2100/4 = 700/4*3
test = test & ((av[i]!= -1) & (bv[i] != -1));
cv += (av[i] * ev[i]);
dv += (bv[i] * ev[i]);
double c = cv[0] + cv[1] + cv[2] + cv[3];
double v = dv[0] + dv[1] + dv[2] + dv[3];
bool data_for_all_items = test[0] & test[1] & test[2] & test[3];
The concept of 'spatial locality' is throwing you off a little bit. Chances are that with both solutions, your processor is doing its best to cache the arrays.
Unfortunately, version of your code that uses one array also has some extra math which is being performed. This is probably where your extra cycles are being spent.
Spatial locality is indeed useful, but it's actually helping you on the second case (3 distinct arrays) much more.
The cache line size is 64 Bytes (note that it doesn't divide in 3), so a single access to a 4 or 8 byte value is effectively prefetching the next elements. In addition, keep in mind that the CPU HW prefetcher is likely to go on and prefetch ahead even further elements.
However, when a,b,e are packed together, you're "wasting" this valuable prefetching on elements of the same iteration. When you access a, There's no point in prefetching b and e - the next loads are already going there (and would likely just merge in the CPU with the first load or wait for it to retrieve the data). In fact, when the arrays are merged - you fetch a new memory line only once per 64/(3*4)=~5.3 iterations. The bad alignment even means that on some iterations you'll have a and maybe b long before you get e, this imbalance is usually bad news.
In reality, since the iterations are independent, your CPU would go ahead and start the second iteration relatively fast thanks to the combination of loop unrolling (in case it was done) and out-of-order execution (calculating the index for the next set of iterations is simple and has no dependencies on the loads sent by the last ones). However you would have to run ahead pretty far in order to issue the next load everytime, and eventually the finite size of CPU instruction queues will block you, maybe before reaching the full potential memory bandwidth (number of parallel outstanding loads).
The alternative option on the other hand, where you have 3 distinct arrays, uses the spatial locality / HW prefetching solely across iterations. On each iteration, you'll issue 3 loads, which would fetch a full line once every 64/4=16 iterations. The overall data fetched is the same (well, it's the same data), but the timeliness is much better because you fetch ahead for the next 16 iterations instead of the 5. The difference become even bigger when HW prefetching is involved because you have 3 streams instead of one, meaning you can issue more prefetches (and look even further ahead).