Using Sitecore.NET 8.1 (rev. 151207) and installed Web Forms For Marketers 8.1 rev. 151217 Update-1.
Created a sample form with send email message save action and on submit it throws an error - Could not get pipeline: errorSave (domain: ),
however when i try to preview it on CM and submit the form it shows a success message and also email is received successfully.
Here is the some log info from CD:
INFO Event started: media:request
INFO Executed: Sitecore.Analytics.RobotDetection.Media.MediaRequestEventHandler.OnMediaRequest(). Elapsed: 0.00928889006843048
INFO Event ended: media:request. Elapsed: 0.0689333420867736
INFO Event started: sessionEnd:starting
INFO Event ended: sessionEnd:starting. Elapsed: 0.0106857156426306
INFO Event started: sessionEnd:postSessionEnd:starting
INFO Event ended: sessionEnd:postSessionEnd:starting. Elapsed: 0.00551746101809029
INFO Event started: sessionEnd:ended
INFO Event ended: sessionEnd:ended. Elapsed: 0.00453968311615024
WARN [WFFM] Tracker.Current is not initialized
WARN [WFFM] Tracker.Current.CurrentPage is not initialized
INFO Event started: publish:statusUpdated
INFO Executed: Sitecore.Publishing.RemotePublishingEventHandler.OnStatusUpdated(). Elapsed: 0.00886984239617046
INFO Event ended: publish:statusUpdated. Elapsed: 0.0692825484803236
INFO Event started: database:propertychanged
INFO Executed: Sitecore.Eventing.Remote.RemoteEventMap.<SetupGlobalEventSubscribers>b__14(). Elapsed: 0.0154349225949108
INFO Event ended: database:propertychanged. Elapsed: 0.0610412775925432
Event started: database:propertychanged
Executed: Sitecore.Eventing.Remote.RemoteEventMap.<SetupGlobalEventSubscribers>b__14(). Elapsed: 0.0096380964619805
INFO Event ended: database:propertychanged. Elapsed: 0.057968261329303
WARN [WFFM] Tracker.Current.CurrentPage is not initialized
WARN [WFFM] Tracker.Current is not initialized
WARN [WFFM] CurrentSession is not initialized
WARN [WFFM] CurrentContact is not initialized
WARN [WFFM] Cannot save form to Db, required attributes are: IsXdbTrackerEnabled:True
WARN [WFFM] Could not get pipeline: processMessage (domain: )
Exception: System.InvalidOperationException
Message: Could not get pipeline: processMessage (domain: )
Source: Sitecore.Kernel
at Sitecore.Pipelines.CorePipeline.Run(String pipelineName, PipelineArgs args, String pipelineDomain, Boolean failIfNotExists)
at Sitecore.Forms.Core.Dependencies.DefaultImplActionExecutor.ExecuteSaving(ID formID, ControlResult[] fields, IActionDefinition[] actionDefinitions, Boolean simpleAdapt, ID sessionID)
WARN [WFFM] Could not get pipeline: errorSave (domain: )
Exception: System.InvalidOperationException
Message: Could not get pipeline: errorSave (domain: )
Source: Sitecore.Kernel
at Sitecore.Pipelines.CorePipeline.Run(String pipelineName, PipelineArgs args, String pipelineDomain, Boolean failIfNotExists)
at Sitecore.Forms.Core.Dependencies.DefaultImplActionExecutor.ExecuteSaving(ID formID, ControlResult[] fields, IActionDefinition[] actionDefinitions, Boolean simpleAdapt, ID sessionID)
at Sitecore.Form.Core.FormDataHandler.ExecuteSaveActions(ID formId, ControlResult[] fields, IActionDefinition[] actions, IActionExecutor actionExecutor)
at Sitecore.Form.Core.FormDataHandler.ProcessData(ID formID, ControlResult[] fields, IActionDefinition[] actions, IActionExecutor actionExecutor)
Followed all the steps mentioned in the installation guide.
Any help would be appreciated.
The log entry "Cannot save form to Db, required attributes are: IsXdbTrackerEnabled:True" does seem like a good idea on how to solve the error...
Check your config and make sure that Xdb.Tracking.Enabled is set to true. (use /sitecore/admin/showconfig.aspx to verify)
Also check your config files (especially Sitecore.Forms.config) to see whether you actually have the processMessage pipeline mentioned in the logs. The errors do seem to point to a misconfiguration..
Connecting wso2am-2.0.0 and wso2am-analytics-2.0.0 on PGSQL (9.5) database (having common WSO2AM_STATS_DB database), we receive a following exception:
TID: [-1] [] ERROR {org.wso2.carbon.ntask.core.impl.TaskQuartzJobAdapter} - Error in executing task: Error while saving dat
a to the table API_DESTINATION_SUMMARY : Job aborted due to stage failure: Task 0 in stage 54296.0 failed 1 times, most recent failure: Lost task 0.0
in stage 54296.0 (TID 50425, localhost): java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Batch entry 0 INSERT INTO API_DESTINATION_SUMMARY (api, version, apiPublisher,
context, destination, total_request_count, hostName, year, month, day, time) VALUES ('test01', 'v1.0.0', NULL, '/test/v1.0.0', '', 1, 'wso2apimgr3', 2017, 1, 26, '2017-01-26 15:59') ON CONFLICT (api,version,apiPublisher,context,destination,hostName,year,month,day) DO U
PDATE SET total_request_count=EXCLUDED.total_request_count, time=EXCLUDED.time was aborted: ERROR: null value in column "apipublisher" violates not-nu
ll constraint
full exception is here.
According to the logs the direct cause is that the apipublisher field is null what should not happen.
So now I have a few questions:
How do I prevent that? How do I configure the apipublisher value?. And How do I get rid of the invalid data
Thank you for any hint
There is a reported issue for this. You can apply the fix mentioned in the jira ticket.
I am trying to set rationalization rule for an item, by going through the item presentation-->details-->controllers-->select controller-->personalize-->create condition-->add rule on click of the condition link getting element is null exception. Below is the details I see in the logs:
Nested Exception
Exception: System.InvalidOperationException
Message: element is null
Source: Sitecore.Client
at Sitecore.Shell.Applications.Rules.RulesEditor.RulesEditorPage.Edit(String uid, String name, String control, String parameters)
ManagedPoolThread #15 16:12:45 INFO Job started: Sitecore.ListManagement.Analytics.UnlockContactListsAgent
ManagedPoolThread #15 16:12:45 INFO Job ended: Sitecore.ListManagement.Analytics.UnlockContactListsAgent (units processed: )
ManagedPoolThread #13 16:13:00 INFO Job started: Sitecore.ListManagement.Analytics.UnlockContactListsAgent
ManagedPoolThread #13 16:13:00 INFO Job ended: Sitecore.ListManagement.Analytics.UnlockContactListsAgent (units processed: )
10172 16:13:04 FATAL [Experience Analytics]: ReduceAgent can't execute. No sites found
The problem is related to missing files from the following path:
Following are the missing files names:
Sitecore Email Campaign Manager 2.1 appears to get stuck on sending emails whenever New Relic APM is Enabled, if New Relic is disabled the Email Campaign Manager sends as usual.
No errors reported in the Sitecore Logs
Request just stops processing and that thread never shows up in the log again
IIS Log shows return codes of 200 so no failures there either
When performing an IIS reset sometimes the email is received but in a delayed fashion, such as 30 minutes after an IIS Reset
Below are the logs with Sitecore ECM debug set to true:
2015-11-18 16:00:57 ManagedPoolThread #4 INFO Job started: Sending message (56E4501BEE95446BAD97171B3316226F)
2015-11-18 16:00:57 ManagedPoolThread #4 INFO EmailCampaign: 'SendAnEmail': 1 recipient is added to the queue.
2015-11-18 16:00:57 ManagedPoolThread #4 INFO EmailCampaign: Dispatch Message (SendAnEmail): Started
2015-11-18 16:00:57 6312 INFO EmailCampaign: BodyLink -> GetTargetItemUrl: 00:00:00.0130126
2015-11-18 16:00:57 6312 INFO EmailCampaign: Get body link: 00:00:00.0190269
2015-11-18 16:00:58 6312 INFO EmailCampaign: Download string content(url): 00:00:00.6889992
2015-11-18 16:00:59 6312 INFO EmailCampaign: ReplaceTokens -> Find/Add $title$ token: 00:00:00.6088072
2015-11-18 16:00:59 6312 INFO EmailCampaign: Replace tokens: 00:00:00
2015-11-18 16:00:59 6312 INFO EmailCampaign: Remove 'form' tag: 00:00:00.0157781
2015-11-18 16:00:59 6312 INFO EmailCampaign: Remove VIEWSTATE: 00:00:00
2015-11-18 16:00:59 6312 INFO EmailCampaign: Insert style sheets: 00:00:00
2015-11-18 16:00:59 6312 INFO EmailCampaign: Modify 'href' links: 00:00:00.0491805
There should be a parameter in the New Relic config:
<browserMonitoring autoInstrument="true" />
which is designed to time page download speed to browser.
With this set to true a JavaScript being injected by New Relic monitoring on the SE environment.
However, it will do this to ALL web pages generated by .NET including email body.
It is possible that ECM 2.1 cannot correctly process the message body with this script.
I'm getting the following error message on Sitecore logs in one of our production environment.
MessageTaskRunner worker thread 3 06:40:35 ERROR EmailCampaign: Message sending error: Sitecore.Modules.EmailCampaign.Exceptions.EmailCampaignException: The automation state for contact 46905fd6-25ee-4b91-a968-80cc29943e2f and plan 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 has not been found.
at Sitecore.Modules.EmailCampaign.Core.Analytics.AutomationStatesManager.EnrollOrUpdateContact(Guid contactId, Guid planId, String stateName, EcmCustomValues customValues, String[] validStates)
at Sitecore.Modules.EmailCampaign.Core.Dispatch.DispatchManager.EnrollOrUpdateContact(Guid contactId, DispatchQueueItem dispatchQueueItem, Guid planId, String stateName, EcmCustomValues customValues)
at Sitecore.Modules.EmailCampaign.Core.Dispatch.DispatchTask.OnSendToNextRecipient()
ManagedPoolThread #2 06:40:35 INFO EmailCampaign: Dispatch Message (Unsubscribe Notification): Finished
ManagedPoolThread #2 06:40:35 INFO Job ended: Sending message (C354709A5AEC45AD939190E246A3CEA4) (units processed: )
ManagedPoolThread #16 06:40:35 ERROR Could not update index entry. Action: 'Saved', Item: '{7356F179-B8D2-4091-AC17-D65F02E4416D}'
Exception: System.IO.IOException
Message: read past EOF
Source: Lucene.Net
at Lucene.Net.Store.BufferedIndexInput.Refill()
at Lucene.Net.Store.BufferedIndexInput.ReadByte()
at Lucene.Net.Store.ChecksumIndexInput.ReadByte()
at Lucene.Net.Store.IndexInput.ReadInt()
at Lucene.Net.Index.SegmentInfos.Read(Directory directory, String segmentFileName)
at Lucene.Net.Index.IndexFileDeleter..ctor(Directory directory, IndexDeletionPolicy policy, SegmentInfos segmentInfos, StreamWriter infoStream, DocumentsWriter docWriter, HashSet`1 synced)
at Lucene.Net.Index.DirectoryReader.DoCommit(IDictionary`2 commitUserData)
at Lucene.Net.Index.IndexReader.Commit(IDictionary`2 commitUserData)
at Lucene.Net.Index.IndexReader.Commit()
at Lucene.Net.Index.IndexReader.DecRef()
at Lucene.Net.Index.IndexReader.Dispose(Boolean disposing)
at Sitecore.Search.Crawlers.DatabaseCrawler.DeleteItem(Item item)
at Sitecore.Search.Crawlers.DatabaseCrawler.UpdateItem(Item item)
at System.EventHandler.Invoke(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at Sitecore.Data.Managers.IndexingProvider.UpdateIndexPhaseOne(HistoryEntry entry, Database database)
I have rebuild the Sitecore analytics database also.
But still I'm getting this error.
I tried submitting forms on our site, and it is working fine. I'm getting the subscription mails and the subscription notifications.
After I install the Telligent Connect package in the Sitecore installation of JetStream demo site it started getting runtime error when opening the JetStream site or Sitecore Admin. From the Sitecore logs using Sitecore Log Analyser it shows below error message frequently in the logs.
PS: Logs location I refer is C:\inetpub\wwwroot\JSTDemo\Data\logs
I have Sitecore 6.6 and Telligent 7.0 version setups. Also while installing the Telligent Connect the package it asked to replace the Ninject.dll I had refused to replace the file (if that affects something).
I have setup the Telligent Community Site and JetStream in same local environment and both were working fine individually but after installing Telligent Connect it has collapsed the Sitecore Jetstream site.
I have been trying to integrate the both since two days with many Fresh (cleaned up) attempts but no success after the Telligent Connect package installation.
I am newbie in Sitecore world. Any help or hint would be appreciated.
5588 13:46:00 03.05.2013 ERROR The service isn't online. Exception:
System.Net.WebException Message: The request failed with HTTP status
417: Expectation failed. Source: System.Web.Services at
message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean
asyncCall) at
methodName, Object[] parameters) at
Request) at
authType, String url, String login, String password, String
organizationName) at
CRMSecurityProvider.Service.CrmTicketManager.GetTicket(String url,
String login, String password, String organizationName,
AuthenticationType authType, String partner, String environment) at
5588 13:46:01 03.05.2013 ERROR The service isn't online. Exception:
System.NullReferenceException Message: Object reference not set to an
instance of an object. Source: CRMSecurityProvider at
5588 13:46:02 03.05.2013 ERROR The CRM provider couldn't be
initialized: The request failed with HTTP status 417: Expectation
There is one more error occuring
ManagedPoolThread #1 13:38:44 03.05.2013 ERROR Error committing data
row Visits.4c1cda28-1d8b-4365-aebb-30e1bed1d1ec : The UPDATE statement
conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_Visits_Locations". The
conflict occurred in database "JSTDemoJetstream_Analytics", table
"dbo.Locations", column 'LocationId'. The statement has been
And a Warning message
ManagedPoolThread #1 13:38:44 03.05.2013 WARN Errors while
committing data. Retrying... System.Exception: Error committing
datatable: Visits ---> System.Exception: Commit error: The UPDATE
statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint
"FK_Visits_Locations". The conflict occurred in database
"JSTDemoJetstream_Analytics", table "dbo.Locations", column
'LocationId'. The statement has been terminated.
table, UpdateOptions options) at
table) at
--- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Sitecore.Analytics.Data.DataAccess.DataAdapters.Sql.SqlDataAdapterProvider.Update(DataSet
dataSet) at
dataSet) at
args) at (Object , Object[] ) at
Sitecore.Pipelines.PipelineMethod.Invoke(Object[] parameters) at
Sitecore.Pipelines.CorePipeline.Run(PipelineArgs args) at
Sitecore.Pipelines.CorePipeline.Run(String pipelineName, PipelineArgs
args, String pipelineDomain, Boolean failIfNotExists) at
Sitecore.Pipelines.CorePipeline.Run(String pipelineName, PipelineArgs
args, String pipelineDomain) at
Sitecore.Pipelines.CorePipeline.Run(String pipelineName, PipelineArgs
args) at Sitecore.Analytics.Data.TrackerChanges.Flush()
Also If that affects I have enabled the Telligent Analytics,
<add name="JavascriptAnalyticsHttpModule" type="Telligent.Evolution.ExtendedAnalytics.JavascriptAnalyticsHttpModule, Telligent.Evolution.ExtendedAnalytics" />
<add verb="GET" name="analytics" path="analytics.ashx" type="Telligent.Evolution.ExtendedAnalytics.ExtendedAnalyticsRequestHandler, Telligent.Evolution.ExtendedAnalytics" />
<add verb="GET" name="analyticsUrls" path="/utility/analytics/router.aspx" type="Telligent.Evolution.AnalyticsUrls.Http.AnalyticsUrlHttpHandler, Telligent.Evolution.AnalyticsUrls" />
After I disabled the config for Telligent located at \App_Config\Include\TelligentEvolution.config the sitecore site is up and running. So it seems the Telligent part is creating issues..