I'm new in clojure and I need mix a very complex (for me) maps that have inside a Vector to mix up.
Orginal map:
{:cars {:previous-page nil, :next-page 2, :count 33, :items [{:id 1, :name "test1"}, {:id 2, :name "test2"}]},
:trucks {:previous-page nil, :next-page 2, :count 11, :items [{:id 1, :name "test3"}, {:id 2, :name "test4"}]},
:boats {:previous-page nil, :next-page 2, :count 22, :items [{:id 1, :name "test5"}, {:id 2, :name "test6"}]}}
Second map:
{:cars {:previous-page 2, :next-page 3, :count 33, :items [{:id 3, :name "test7"}, {:id 4, :name "test8"}]},
:trucks {:previous-page 3, :next-page 4, :count 11, :items [{:id 3, :name "test9"}, {:id 4, :name "test10"}]},
:boats {:previous-page 4, :next-page 5, :count 22, :items [{:id 3, :name "test11"}, {:id 4, :name "test12"}]}}
I need to mix this two maps in only one:
{:cars {:previous-page 2, :next-page 3, :count 33, :items [{:id 1, :name "test1"}, {:id 2, :name "test2"},{:id 3, :name "test7"}, {:id 4, :name "test8"}]},
:trucks {:previous-page 3, :next-page 4, :count 11, :items [{:id 1, :name "test3"}, {:id 2, :name "test4"},{:id 3, :name "test9"}, {:id 4, :name "test10"}]},
:boats {:previous-page 4, :next-page 5, :count 22, :items [{:id 1, :name "test5"}, {:id 2, :name "test6"},{:id 3, :name "test11"}, {:id 4, :name "test12"}]}}
You can use merge-with to combine maps with an arbitrary function. Here there does not seem to be one "rule" though - for :previous-page, :next-page, and :count seem to be "last one wins" but :items seems to be something like#(into [] %)`. Once you can state that rule clearly as a function:
(fn combine [map1 map2] ...)
You can then easily combine the maps with merge-with using whatever combine you've defined.
I have 2 vectors of maps: employ-base and employ1. I want to merge the 2 vectors where employ1 has higher priority than employ-base. So if employ1 has the records use them, else use the record from employ-base. What is the best way to do it in clojure?
(def employ-base
[{:id 1 :name "Aaron" :income 0}
{:id 2 :name "Ben" :income 0}
{:id 3 :name "Carry" :income 0}])
(def employ1
[{:id 1 :name "Aaron" :income 1000}
{:id 3 :name "Carry" :income 2000}])
(def employ1
[{:id 1 :name "Aaron" :income 1000}
{:id 2 :name "Ben" :income 0}
{:id 3 :name "Carry" :income 2000}])
Assuming :id is unique per employee, you could group the maps by :id then merge each grouping of maps per :id:
#(apply merge (val %))
(merge-with concat
(group-by :id employ-base)
(group-by :id employ1)))
=> ({:id 1, :name "Aaron", :income 1000}
{:id 2, :name "Ben", :income 0}
{:id 3, :name "Carry", :income 2000})
The precedence of merging is maintained by merging employ1 after employe-base, since merge and merge-with prefer the rightmost values.
I am trying to update every line that has an "enjoy-clojure?" that returns true "sanity-rating" to -2 (i.e johnny's sanity-rating would be updated to -2)
(def student-database
{ 0 {:enjoy-clojure? false, :name "jimmy",:sanity-rating 9}
1 { :enjoy-clojure? true, :name "johnny",:sanity-rating 2}
2 { :enjoy-clojure? true, :name "jilly",:sanity-rating 5}
3 { :enjoy-clojure? true, :name "janey",:sanity-rating 8}
4 {:enjoy-clojure? false, :name "jelly",:sanity-rating 10}})
I am new to Clojure and have tried researching update and assoc and can't really seem to find a way to update multiple elements ((assoc student-database [0 :sanity-rating] -2) only returns updates one element). To filter student-database to take out the student's who returned true I have
(defn unhinged?
(:enjoy-clojure? record))
(defn minus-two-students
(filter #(unhinged? %)
(map student-database [0 1 2 3 4])))
And returns
({:enjoy-clojure? true, :name "johnny", :sanity-rating 2} {:enjoy-clojure?
true, :name "jilly", :sanity-rating 5} {:enjoy-clojure? true, :name
"janey", :sanity-rating 8})
Which works great but I also need it to update all their sanity-rating to -2. Any helps/tips would be much appreciated.
Here comes the reduce-kv version!
(defn adjust-sanity [student]
(if (:enjoy-clojure? student)
(assoc student :sanity-rating -2)
(reduce-kv (fn [m k v] (assoc m k (adjust-sanity v)))
{0 {:enjoy-clojure? false, :name "jimmy", :sanity-rating 9},
1 {:enjoy-clojure? true, :name "johnny", :sanity-rating -2},
2 {:enjoy-clojure? true, :name "jilly", :sanity-rating -2},
3 {:enjoy-clojure? true, :name "janey", :sanity-rating -2},
4 {:enjoy-clojure? false, :name "jelly", :sanity-rating 10}}
Or another option with a helper function to update all a map's values:
(defn update-vals [m f]
(reduce-kv (fn [m' k v] (assoc m' k (f v))) {} m))
(update-vals student-database adjust-sanity)
You didn't say in your question that you want the function to returns only (= enjoy-clojure? true) records, but from your comments in the other answers, I feel that's what you really want.
So maybe this?
(defn unhinged?
(:enjoy-clojure? record))
(defn minus-two-students
(->> student-database
(filter unhinged?)
(map #(assoc % :sanity-rating -2))))
Output will be
({:enjoy-clojure? true, :name "johnny", :sanity-rating -2}
{:enjoy-clojure? true, :name "jilly", :sanity-rating -2}
{:enjoy-clojure? true, :name "janey", :sanity-rating -2})
To update the entire db, you could do:
(def student-database
{0 {:enjoy-clojure? false, :name "jimmy",:sanity-rating 9}
1 { :enjoy-clojure? true, :name "johnny",:sanity-rating 2}
2 { :enjoy-clojure? true, :name "jilly",:sanity-rating 5}
3 { :enjoy-clojure? true, :name "janey",:sanity-rating 8}
4 {:enjoy-clojure? false, :name "jelly",:sanity-rating 10}})
(defn update-db [db]
(zipmap (keys db)
(map (fn [student]
(cond-> student
(:enjoy-clojure? student)
(assoc :sanity-rating -2)))
(vals db))))
(update-db student-database) ;;=>
{0 {:enjoy-clojure? false, :name "jimmy", :sanity-rating 9},
1 {:enjoy-clojure? true, :name "johnny", :sanity-rating -2} ...}
the simplest would be like this:
(reduce-kv (fn [acc idx row]
(assoc acc idx
(if (:enjoy-clojure? row)
(assoc row :sanity-rating -2)
;;=> {0 {:enjoy-clojure? false, :name "jimmy", :sanity-rating 9},
;; 1 {:enjoy-clojure? true, :name "johnny", :sanity-rating -2},
;; 2 {:enjoy-clojure? true, :name "jilly", :sanity-rating -2},
;; 3 {:enjoy-clojure? true, :name "janey", :sanity-rating -2},
;; 4 {:enjoy-clojure? false, :name "jelly", :sanity-rating 10}}
you can also do something like this:
(reduce-kv (fn [res k {ec? :enjoy-clojure?}]
(if ec?
(assoc-in res [k :sanity-rating] -2)
;;=> {0 {:enjoy-clojure? false, :name "jimmy", :sanity-rating 9},
;; 1 {:enjoy-clojure? true, :name "johnny", :sanity-rating -2},
;; 2 {:enjoy-clojure? true, :name "jilly", :sanity-rating -2},
;; 3 {:enjoy-clojure? true, :name "janey", :sanity-rating -2},
;; 4 {:enjoy-clojure? false, :name "jelly", :sanity-rating 10}}
My "(list-projects)" method queries out a map from a SQLITE database.
(doall (apply prn (pm.models.db/list-projects)))
pm.core==>{:id 1, :name "MyTestProj", :owner "mbc", :date "2017-12-19 13:12:45"} {:id 2, :name "newproject1", :owner "mbc", :date "2017-12-19 13:12:45"} {:id 3, :name "newproject1", :owner "mbc", :date "2017-12-19 13:12:45"} {:id 4, :name "abc", :owner "def", :date "2017-12-19 13:12:45"} {:id 5, :name "abc", :owner "def", :date "2017-12-19 13:12:45"} {:id 6, :name "abc", :owner "def", :date "2017-12-19 13:12:45"} {:id 7, :name "newproject1", :owner "mbc", :date "2017-12-19 13:12:45"} {:id 8, :name "", :owner "", :date strong text"2017-12-19 13:12:45"}
I would like to populate a seesaw.core/table (a Java JTable) with those results using the :row property when I construct the seesaw.core/frame/mig-panel/table (JFrame/JPanel/JTable).
(def main-panel
:constraints ["fill, ins 0"]
:items [[(seesaw.core/table
:id :tbl1
:size [640 :by 480]
:model [:columns [:id :name :owner :date]
:rows [(doall (apply prn (pm.models.db/list-projects)))]
]) "grow"]
2. Unhandled clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException
Error compiling form-init4108264894568019320.clj at (44:16)
1. Caused by java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
row must be a map or vector, got null
If I insert the map {:id 1, :name "MyTestProj", :owner "mbc", :date "2017-12-19 13:12:45"} {:id........}{}{}{}{}
directly, it works fine, rows in the table are properly populated, so format of the output of (doall (apply prn (pm.models.db/list-projects))) is what I need.
How do I retrieve the (I presume) lazy-seq in the context of a seesaw.core/mig-panel?
pm.core> (pm.models.db/list-projects)
({:id 1, :name "MyTestProj", :owner "mbc", :date "2017-12-19 13:12:45"} {:id 2, :name "newproject1", :owner "mbc", :date "2017-12-19 13:12:45"} {:id 3, :name "newproject1", :owner "mbc", :date "2017-12-19 13:12:45"} {:id 4, :name "abc", :owner "def", :date "2017-12-19 13:12:45"} {:id 5, :name "abc", :owner "def", :date "2017-12-19 13:12:45"} )
(pm.models.db/list-projects) results in a list that can be used directly as the value for the :rows key (no brackets).
:rows (pm.models.db/list-projects)
Thanks to Carcigenicate for the suggestions.
I have a set of maps as below
#{{:uid 2, :name "book2", :qty "2", :price "2"} {:uid 3, :name "book3", :price "1", :qty "1"}
{:uid 1, :name "book4", :qty "2", :price "2"}}
Now I want to read value of :uid with greatest number, so in this example I want to get 3.
Can anyone guide me how can I fetch this?
You could also use max-key
(:uid (apply max-key
#{{:uid 2, :name "book2", :qty "2", :price "2"} {:uid 3, :name "book3", :price "1", :qty "1"}
{:uid 1, :name "book4", :qty "2", :price "2"}}))
This wouldn't work if the data was as given though, as the uids seem to be strings in some and numbers in other maps. Also, if the set was empty, this would fail.
The built in sorted-set-by function should do the trick:
user> (apply sorted-set-by
#(- (:uid %1) (:uid %2))
#{{:uid 2, :name "book2", :qty "2", :price "2"}
{:uid 3, :name "book3", :price "1", :qty "1"}
{:uid 1, :name "book4", :qty "2", :price "2"}})
#{{:uid 1, :name "book4", :qty "2", :price "2"}
{:uid 2, :name "book2", :qty "2", :price "2"}
{:uid 3, :name "book3", :qty "1", :price "1"}}
then take the last one (or reverse the %1 and %2 comparator). Of course the usual trade-offs apply if for instance you where only going to get the value once and or it was a small set then a linear scan would be more efficient.
PS: I changed the data so all the uids are the same type
You could try using reduce
(reduce #(max %1 (:uid %2)) 0 #{{:uid 2, :name "book2", :qty "2", :price "2"}
{:uid 3, :name "book3", :price "1", :qty "1"}})
Assuming the uids are non-negative.
It would be better to use a different starting value for the accumulator as recommended by #Thumbnail.
(reduce #(max %1 (:uid %2)) (Long/MIN_VALUE) #{{:uid 2, :name "book2", :qty "2", :price "2"}
{:uid 3, :name "book3", :price "1", :qty "1"}})
This should work with negatives as well.
If you just want the number,
(defn max-uid [coll] (apply max (map :uid coll)))
will supply it.
(max-uid #{{:uid 2, :name "book2", :qty "2", :price "2"}
{:uid 3, :name "book3", :price "1", :qty "1"}
{:uid 1, :name "book4", :qty "2", :price "2"}})
What's the idiomatic way of merging two lists of maps in Clojure where each map entry is identified by an id key?
What's an implementation for foo so that
(foo '({:id 1 :bar true :value 1}
{:id 2 :bar false :value 2}
{:id 3 :value 3})
'({:id 5 :value 5}
{:id 2 :value 2}
{:id 3 :value 3}
{:id 1 :value 1}
{:id 4 :value 4})) => '({:id 1 :bar true :value 1}
{:id 2 :bar false :value 2}
{:id 3 :value 3}
{:id 4 :value 4}
{:id 5 :value 5})
is true?
(defn merge-by
"Merges elems in seqs by joining them on return value of key-fn k.
Example: (merge-by :id [{:id 0 :name \"George\"}{:id 1 :name \"Bernie\"}]
[{:id 2 :name \"Lara\"}{:id 0 :name \"Ben\"}])
=> [{:id 0 :name \"Ben\"}{:id 1 :name \"Bernie\"}{:id 2 :name \"Lara\"}]"
[k & seqs]
(->> seqs
(map (partial group-by k))
(apply merge-with (comp vector
(partial apply merge)
(map first)))
How about this:
(defn foo [& colls]
(map (fn [[_ equivalent-maps]] (apply merge equivalent-maps))
(group-by :id (sort-by :id (apply concat colls)))))
This is generalized so that you can have an arbitrary number of input sequences, and an arbitrary grouping selector:
(def a [{:id 5 :value 5}
{:id 2 :value 2}
{:id 3 :value 3}
{:id 1 :value 1}
{:id 4 :value 4}])
(def b [{:id 1 :bar true :value 1}
{:id 2 :bar false :value 2}
{:id 3 :value 3}])
(def c [{:id 1 :bar true :value 1}
{:id 2 :bar false :value 2}
{:id 3 :value 3}
{:id 4 :value 4}
{:id 5 :value 5}])
(defn merge-vectors
[selector & sequences]
(let [unpack-grouped (fn [group]
(into {} (map (fn [[k [v & _]]] [k v]) group)))
grouped (map (comp unpack-grouped (partial group-by selector))
merged (apply merge-with merge grouped)]
(sort-by selector (vals merged))))
(defn tst
(= c
(merge-vectors :id a b)))