XCode 8 Create Framework with Pods - swift3

Anyone tried to achieved on how to create a framework that has a pods dependent?
I already create a workspace for the framework with pods and it will build successfully. But when I add the framework to another project it will have an error No such module(Pod framework)

No Such Module happened for me a lot of time when I added Pods to my project, and that's because the Pods was not created with the current Swift syntax and it was automatically converted to it, but that should not stop the project from building, so, after multiple Clean and Build the project ran with me.


Disable Liquibase execution at startup using Jetty + Spring (not Spring boot!)

I'm working in an application developed with Spring5 (not Spring boot!) that runs on Jetty. This application has module that uses the plugin liquibase-maven-plugin.
We generate a image from a dockerfile (base image jetty:9-jre8), where we add the application (war file) in the jetty application directory.
In some specific environments, where I deploy the application, I want to be able to disable that execution.
Is it possible to do so?
I've seen on spring boot documentation, that it's possible to do so by defining the property spring.liquibase.enabled (or liquibase.enabled on Spring4) to false, but that seems that doesn't work:
I've tried to define them at the properties file, define them as env properties and also as java options (-Dspring.liquibase.enabled=false).
This has the same behavior when I deploy the container, or when I execute locally the maven command: mvn jetty:run
Do you have any ideas or hints how to do this?
Thank you in advance
Well I just discovered that it's possible to disable the execution of liquibase by adding the JAVA_OPTION
For more details see here
I will keep this quesion anyway, in case someone has the same problem I did.

React-device-info issue in expo and ui-kitten

Good morning every body,
I'm having an issue using expo and ui-kitten. I'm pretty much familiar
with react-native-element as UI library for react native. But I found
out that ui-kitten has some stunning features for theming and styling
in react-native, expo and I follow this link
https://github.com/akveo/react-native-ui-kitten explained by
In the app's directory I have the regular expo folders and another folder src where ui-kitten components rely.
But When trying to design my app using ui-kitten glossary, I was asked to install #react-native-community/react-device-info which is used by a component inside node-module.
The problem occurs when I use DateFns in the app to parse and format dates. Install #ui-kitten/date-fns ends up with this error " Error #react-native-community/react-device-info : NativeModule.RNDevice is null ". I tried the suggested steps by stack trace:
To link react-device-info to react-native if my react native version
was <=0.59, but mine is 0.61.4
To instal pod if I was using cocoa pod, but I'm not.
To rebuilt and re-run ( I rebuilt and re-run using same steps and
got same result).
The screen is here
So how can I fix this error which to me seem to be having no real clue whether it's from expo's dependencies or from a bug inside ui-kitten modules, or a conflict between the two.
Any help will be much appreciated !
The main goal is to use ui-kitten along with expo features
I run the app on android emulator
The problem started after installing date-fns. Is expo not able to retrieve native data such as date time or calendar from device? How to fix that.
Thanks in advance.
UI Kitten has no common with react-native-device-info. If you're not using Expo, you should do exactly what the error says: link the library.
If you do, see Expo implementation for this package.
There are two way to troubleshoot this issue, by ejecting expo or by rebuilding another app. The fact is that expo does not support native modules such as device time or geolocation, I just forgot. That said using device's properties with expo is not feasible.
So the first approach is to eject expo by running expo eject. But it goes across the bord that expo has some facilities regarding dependencies and deployments. So the best option is to rebuild another expo app with ui-kitten but avoiding to use any feature from react-native and ui-kitten that calls the device info, and after deployment add the functionalities of the app that require the device's features such camera, geolocation or device's date and time.

Create a new GCP project from existing

I created a Project on GCP. It has a postgres database, a node Appengine web app, and some other stuff. Now I am developing the app, and when everything is set up and running nicely I'd like to clone this project somehow and create a staging and a production environment/project.
So my project now is called dev-awesomeapp. Can I somehow make a staging-awesomeapp for staging and a awesomeapp for production from my existing dev-awesomeapp?
Edit: there is an other question from 2017 that asks the same thing, but maybe it's possible now after 2,5 years?
You can't, but if you don't want to configure everything form the beginning each time, you can use "architecture as code" with tools like deployment manager or Terraform.
This could help you in replicating your infrastructure, moreover it can be really helpful in automating any architectural changes if you use it in a CI/CD pipeline, making your release phase quicker and more reliable :)

Is it possible to create a setup project using final builder

What is the exact purpose of final builder,Can i create a setup project using final builder for c#.net project?I Googled the same and found irrelevant results,Please advise
FinalBuilder is an Automated Build Tool, it's not a setup builder.
It's designed to automate the tasks you typically perform when creating a release, ie - get the source code, build it, invoke the setup builder (like installshield, wix, innosetup), copy the files to a network share or ftp/sftp/ftps server.

VC++ application doesn't run on other machines due to "incorrect configuration error"

I know that this topic has been posted over a dozen times, but I wasn't able to find a topic that fit my issue so I will post all detail below.
To start I will mention that I have two projects: The first is the main application and the second is a DLL. The project was due for a major revision and needed a DLL to be replaced due to the company I work in switching vendors. After creating the DLL needed to import into the project I was successfully able to test and run on my machine as well as other developers machines. However once I tried to deploy it on our barebones testing machine I got the error stating that the application configuration is incorrect.
Seeing as I've seen this error before I tried to install the vcredist but I got the same error message. I tried using dependecywalker to see if I had all my needed files for the application to run to which it stated that I was missing MSVCP80.DLL, MSVCR80.DLL, and MSVCR90.DLL. Seeing as running the vcredist didn't help I tried to create a msi installer. Once I deployed that I got the application to run, but at the same time it didn't. The application needs to load in configuration files to be able to run properly otherwise it is not able to connect to our database.
I was wondering if anyone had any advice on how I can include the needed policies/dependencies in order to get this project to be able to run successfully.
To sum it up:
Release application is able to run on other developer machines and
able to load all proper configuration files, but cannot be run on any
bare bone or test machines.
Application created from Visual Studio Installer is able to run, but
ignores the configuration file directory and tries to load in default
Project is built using VS2005 C++.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
There are different versions of redist regarding the VS service pack. So make sure, that if you have installed the VS2005 with service pack 1 you provide the redist for VS2005 service pack 1.
You might have gotten the ATL security update on your build machine but not the target.