I reunzip an wso2carbon-2.0.0.zip and start this server . Then I invoked the API by postman or curl command . It all did not work.
yeah,it works for the port is not open to world wide web.
I am on Postman 7.5.0.
I am calling one api from the postman, and get an error as "There was an error connecting to ."
But when I executed the curl code generated from the postman, it worked just fine(they were also calling the app running on my pc).
I also tried to copy the link and sent to my coworker and they were getting correct responses too.
I referred to other questions related to this topic and turn off all proxy stuff, they didn't help.
My app has lots of apis and this is the only one that I could not get any response via postman call.
Any thoughts?
In my case I had to go to Settings -> "SSL Certificate Verification" and turn this off, and everything worked great.
Have you used chrome extension Postman Interceptor?
I think Postman is not able to intercept https or http request.
Follow the steps:
To use Interceptor with Postman Chrome, you can take the following steps:
Install Postman from the Chrome Web Store.
Install Interceptor from the Chrome Web Store.
Open Postman, click on the Interceptor icon(near the sync icon) in the toolbar, and toggle to On.
The Postman Chrome app's Interceptor functions as a proxy to capture HTTP and HTTPS requests.
More Information is available at https://learning.postman.com/docs/sending-requests/capturing-request-data/interceptor/#using-the-interceptor-with-postmans-chrome-app
For my case, it was me mistakenly unchecked one of the postman default headers.
I have two EC2 servers. One runs Windows Server 2012 R2 and the other runs on Amazon's Linux build. The Linux box is used as a web server with PHP doing the scripting. I would like the Linux server to send a string to the Windows server every time a PHP file (acting as a RESTful end-point) is processed.
I've never done anything similar and was wondering where to start. From the research I've done so far, it seems like using Netcat to create a Telnet connection might do the job. If so, what would the boilerplate code look like? Netcat is a pretty old platform and there's not much to be found in terms of examples from a Google search.
I am also open to other solutions that could solve this problem.
The workflow of what I am trying to do looks like:
A user hits PHP file end-point -> PHP or the server it runs on sends a string to the Windows Server -> Windows server receives the string and starts a script
You could think of exposing this as an endpoint on your Windows server using either of:
IIS + CGi/Perl
IIS + Asp
or anything else.
Expose a simple page on IIS (Windows web server) and hit that from within your webservice login (Linux server) whenever the Linux server receives a request. The script/page that is exposed by your Windows server could execute the desired script then.
The page/endpoint that is exposed on the Windows server should be protected so that not anyone could execute it (disabling public ips. Restricting only the Linux server Ip in your firewall rules etc.)
Within your php webservice - $my_var = file_get_contents('http://WinServerPrivateIp/runScript.pl'); // Make it asynchronous if needed
runScript.pl in Windows - Would execute your actual script.
You could look at calling winexe from within PHP. I haven't done it myself but I've read that this should do the trick.
winexe Sourceforge
Some sample code from within PHP here
I hope that this is of some help to you
I'm pretty new in WS programming.
I created WS (that I picked the base from http://www.digicoast.com/delphi_soap_standalone.html) using delphi-7
When I consumed it through XAMPP php nusoap that is installed to my PC, it worked well and I got the requested result.
But when I consumed it through php nusoap on my web hosting, it returned nothing.
When I put debug in the php codes, it says: HTTP Error: Couldn't open socket connection to server. Error(110): Connection timed out.
Here is my php codes:
$aparams = 'kode_query='.'TRIPS_ALL'.'&'.
$client = new nuSoap_Client('');
$xml_data = $client->call('GetXMLDataTable',$aparams);
echo '<h2>Debug</h2>';
echo '<pre>' . htmlspecialchars($client->debug_str, ENT_QUOTES) . '</pre>';
echo '<h2>Error</h2>';
echo '<pre>' . htmlspecialchars($client->getError(), ENT_QUOTES) . '</pre>';
Info: my web hosting using php 5.2.9, while my XAMPP using php 5.3.1
Question: How can I get the same result through web hosting php codes?
Any helps are really appreciated.
Have you checked the firewall settings? The server seems to run on port 9696, this port needs to be opened on the server (more precise: the server which runs the Delphi 7 web service server app) for incoming connections.
To verify, you can use a web browser (or wget) from a different computer, and try to open the service URL.
1.) I can create a simple application which has one routine called
function ConnectToDB: Boolean
and run it from my virtual directory (wwwroot/cgi-bin) and it connects and reports back connected .
2.) I can create a simple web service helloWorld
function helloWorld: String;stdcall;
I can create a client and call my web service call "helloWorld "and get my "HELLO WORLD" string reported back to me - everything works great.
3.) NOW, if i take my connection code from step one (1) and put it into a web service, i can not connect to the DB. It always reports back false.
Note: I am Using Delphi 7 to create my web service. I am using DBXpress as the conduit to the MS SQL Server DB, and the two INI files (dbxconnections.ini, dbxdrivers.ini) and two DLL's required for the connection reside in the same folder as the executables (wwwroot/cgi-bin).
Any help would ge greatly appreciated! Again, please be aware of steps 1 & 2, before responding.
How does the connection connect - does it use integrated windows authentication, or do use sql authentication - could it be that integrated auth doesn't work because iis is running as another user.
Also, when you connect, are you ensuring you disable the username/password prompt?
i have an webserivce written where i do an insertion opertion to DB.
path :http://localhost:1838/Ajax/WebService.asmx?wsdl.name of the webservice is localhost
i have added webservice for the project
now on button click event i try to call this webserice like this
localhost obj= new localhost();
now i am able to do the insertion operation fine.
but i wanted to create an proxy for the webservice so wat is the use of it doing like tat?
when i run this command in my command prompt in vs
wsdl /out:myProxyClass.cs http://localhost:1838/Ajax/WebService.asmx?WSDL
i get an error
unable to connect the remote server.
no connection would be made because
the target machine actively refused
looking forward for an solution any help would great
thank you
It looks like you are using the built in develoment webserver (Cassini). Are you sure it was running when you issued the wsdl command ? The tool needs to connect to the service and download metadata, in order to generate your proxy.