Make =IF Function Output Numbers For "Scoring": Google Sheets - if-statement

I'm am exploring methods of giving scores to different datapoints within a dataset. These points come from a mix of numbers and text string attributes looking for certain characteristics, e.g. if Col. A contains more than X number of "|", then give it a 1. If not, it gets a 0 for that category. I also have some that give the point when the value is >X.
I have been trying to do this with =IF, for example, =IF([sheet] = [Text], "1","0").
I can get it to give me 1 or 0, but I am unable to get a point total with sum.
I have tried changing the formatting of the text to both "number", "plain text", and have left it as automatic, but I can't get it to sum. Thoughts? Is there maybe a better way to do this?
FWIW - I'm trying to score based on about 12 factors.

The issue here might be that you're having the cell evaluate to either the string "0" or the string "1" rather than the number 0 or the number 1. That would explain why you're seeing the right things but the math isn't coming out right - the cell contents look like numbers, but they're really text, which the summation would then ignore.
One option would be to drop the quotation marks and write something like this:
=IF(condition, 1, 0)
This has the condition evaluate to 1 if it's true and 0 if it's false.
Alternatively, you could write something like this:
=(condition) * 1
This will take the boolean TRUE or FALSE returned by condition and convert it to either the numeric value 1 (true) or the numeric value 0 (false).


Google sheets IF stops working correctly when wrapped in ARRAYFORMULA

I want this formula to calculate a date based on input from two other dates. I first wrote it for a single cell and it gives the expected results but when I try to use ARRAYFORMULA it returns the wrong results.
I first use two if statements specifycing what should happen if either one of the inputs is missing. Then the final if statement calculates the date if both are present based on two conditions. This seems to work perfectly if I write the formula for one cell and drag it down.
=IF( (LEN(G19)=0);(U19+456);(IF((LEN(U19)=0) ;(G19);(IF((AND((G19<(U19+456));(G19>(U19+273)) ));(G19);(U19+456))))))
However, when I want to use arrayformula to apply it to the entire column, it always returns the value_if_false if neither cell is empty, regardless of whether the conditions in the if statement are actually met or not. I am specifically talking about the last part of the formula that calculates the date if both input values are present, it always returns the result of U19:U+456 even when the result should be G19:G. Here is how I tried to write the ARRAYFORMULA:
={"Date deadline";ARRAYFORMULA(IF((LEN(G19:G400)=0);(U19:U400+456);(IF((LEN(U19:U400)=0);
(G19:G400);(IF((AND((G19:G400<(U19:U400+456));(G19:G400>(U19:U400+273)) ));(G19:G400);(U19:U400+456)))))))}
I am a complete beginner who only learned to write formulas two weeks ago, so any help or tips would be greatly appreciated!
AND and OR are not compatible with ARRAYFORMULA
Replace them by * or +
={"Date deadline";ARRAYFORMULA(
(IF((LEN(U19:U400)=0), (G19:G400),
(IF((((G19:G400<(U19:U400+456))*(G19:G400>(U19:U400+273)) )),(G19:G400),
Keep in mind you cannot use AND, OR operators in an arrayformula, so you must find an alternative method such as multiplying the values together and checking them for 0 or 1 (true*true=1)
I am gathering based on your formula's and work that you want to have the following:
If G19 is blank show U19 + 456
If U19 is blank show G19
If G19 is less than U19 + 456 but greater than U19 + 273 show G19
Otherwise show U19 + 456
I'm not too sure what you want to happen when both columns G and U are empty. Based on your current formula you are returning an empty cell + 456... but with this formula it returns an empty cell rather than Column U + 456
={"Date deadline";ARRAYFORMULA(TO_DATE(ARRAYFORMULA(IFS((($G19:$G400="")*($U19:$U400=""))>0,"",$G19:$G400="",$U19:$U400+456,$U19:$U400="",$G19:$G400,(($G19:$G400<$U19:$U400+456)*($G19:$G400>$U19:$U400+273))>0,$G19:$G400,TRUE,$U19:$U400+456))))}

Highlighting a whole row if number of blank cells in the row = a certain number

I'm trying to highlight a row if the number of blank cells between say, C1 and E1 = 3
and then copy this down for every row.
I've tried using:
But it's not working, can anybody help?
Under conditional formatting, your formula should be the following based on what you've given. The reason is conditional format is trying to see the result as TRUE or False. The IF statement is trying to tell the computer what to do when it's TRUE or FALSE.
if you want to use IF you will need to do it like this:
=IF(COUNTBLANK($C1:$E1)=3, 1)

Excel, duplicates in string, single cell iteration

I'm trying to extract certain pieces of data from a very long string within a single cell. For the sake of this exercise, this is the data I have in cell A1.
a:2:{s:15:"info_buyRequest";a:5:{s:4:"uenc";s:252:"WN0aW9uYWwuaHRlqdyZ2dC1hdD0lN0JhZHR5cGUlN0QmdnQtcHRpPSU3QmFkd29yZHNfcHJvZHVjdHRhcmdldGlkJTdEJiU3Qmlnbm9y,";s:7:"product";s:4:"1253";s:8:"form_key";s:16:"wyfg89N";s:7:"options";a:6:{i:10144;s:5:"73068";i:10145;s:5:"63085";i:10141;s:5:"73059";i:10143;s:5:"73064";i:13340;s:5:"99988";i:10142;s:5:"73063";}s:3:"qty";s:1:"1";}s:7:"options";a:6:{i:0;a:7:{s:5:"label";s:5:"Color";s:5:"value";s:11:"White";s:11:"print_value";s:11:"White";s:9:"option_id";s:5:"10144";s:11:"option_type";s:9:"drop_down";s:12:"option_value";s:5:"73068";s:11:"custom_view";b:0;}i:1;a:7:{s:5:"label";s:4:"Trim";s:5:"value";s:11:"Black";s:11:"print_value";s:11:"Black";s:9:"option_id";s:5:"10145";s:11:"option_type";s:9:"drop_down";s:12:"option_value";s:5:"63085";s:11:"custom_view";b:0;}i:2;a:7:{s:5:"label";s:7:"Material";s:5:"value";s:15:"Vinyl";s:11:"print_value";s:15:"Vinyl";s:9:"option_id";s:5:"10141";s:11:"option_type";s:9:"drop_down";s:12:"option_value";s:5:"73059";s:11:"custom_view";b:0;}i:3;a:7:{s:5:"label";s:6:"Orientation";s:5:"value";s:17:"Left Side";s:11:"print_value";s:17:"Left Side";s:9:"option_id";s:5:"10143";s:11:"option_type";s:9:"drop_down";s:12:"option_value";s:5:"73064";s:11:"custom_view";b:0;}i:4;a:7:{s:5:"label";s:12:"Table";s:5:"value";s:16:"YES! Add Table";s:11:"print_value";s:16:"YES! Add Table";s:9:"option_id";s:5:"13340";s:11:"option_type";s:9:"drop_down";s:12:"option_value";s:5:"99988";s:11:"custom_view";b:0;}i:5;a:7:{s:5:"label";s:8:"Shipping";s:5:"value";s:20:"Front Door Delivery";s:11:"print_value";s:20:"Front Door Delivery";s:9:"option_id";s:5:"10142";s:11:"option_type";s:9:"drop_down";s:12:"option_value";s:5:"73063";s:11:"custom_view";b:0;}}}
The end result, would be to separate the values for Color, Trim, Material Orientation, etc.
The formula I was using is this:
This basically looks in between two points and trims out the fat. It works, but only for the first iteration of "print_value". If I were to use this searching for "Trim"...
...I get an empty result. This happens because print_value is duplicate and not unique to the string. Excel doesn't understand what point to apply its function to and poops itself.
Even though there are unique factors within this string that I could essentially attach myself to (and arrive at the desired result), I CAN NOT use them as they will not be consistent and will render the formula useless when applied to other cells.
That said, here is what I need. Within this formula, I need a way to either A) tell the formula which iteration of print_value to find or B) change print_value to print_value(1,2,3,4, etc) and then run my trimming formula.
Few options based on this link:
1) VBA - Using a User Defined Function
If you're new to these then follow this tutorial.
Function FindN(sFindWhat As String, _
sInputString As String, N As Integer) As Integer
Dim J As Integer
FindN = 0
For J = 1 To N
FindN = InStr(FindN + 1, sInputString, sFindWhat)
If FindN = 0 Then Exit For
End Function
2) Using a Formula
c is the character you want to find
A1 is the text you want to look in
3 is the nth instance

Crystal Reports Else If statement

I can't figure out why this if statement won't work.
I have a DateTime field DATEFROM and a String parameter (it HAS to be String) periodEnd.
I would like to calculate percentages depending if these two dates have 1, 2, 3 or more years difference.
When I use this formula I get either "100%" or "-" and never the other two options. It's like CR calculates the first IF and if it's true then: "100%" but if it's false, it never checks for the rest of the Else Ifs and goes dirreclty to Else
StringVar percentage:="";
If (cDate({?periodEnd})-{TABLE.DATEFROM})<=1 Then
Else If (cDate({?periodEnd})-{TABLE.DATEFROM})<=2 Then
Else If (cDate({?periodEnd})-{TABLE.DATEFROM})<=3 Then
Any idea?
a) I assume you already made sure your periodend format matches with what cdate interprets?
If you just subtract them, Crystal by default returns the number of days between.
Two ways you can do year:
b) You've also no doubt accounted for when your {TABLE.DATEFROM} is greater than cDate({?periodEnd} and you have a negative result?
Not sure if the following is the behavior you would want, but I'm throwing it in for your information
**make sure you check the help file for the datediff codes ("yyyy" etc) as they are not quite instinctive and can trip you up when you think you're using the obvious one

Format mask for number field items: trailing and 'leading' zero

I'm having some trouble with displaying numbers in apex, but only when i fill them in through code. When numbers are fetched through an automated row fetch, they're fine!
Leading Zero
For example, i have a report where a user can click a link, which runs a javascript function. There i get detailed values for that record through an application process. The returned values are in JSON. Several fields are number fields.
My response looks as follows (fe):
{"AVAILABLE_STOCK": "15818", "WEIGHT": ".001", "VOLUME": ".00009", "BASIC_PRICE": ".06", "COST_PRICE": ".01"}
Already the numbers here 'not correct': values less than one do not have a zero before the .
I kind of hoped that the format mask on the items would catch this. If i specify FM999G990D000 for the item weight, i'd expect it to show '0.001' .
But okay, i suppose it only works that way when it comes through session state, and not when you set an item value through $("#").val() ?
Where do i go wrong? Is my only option to change my select in the app process?
'"WEIGHT": "' || WEIGHT ||'", '||
'"VOLUME": "' || VOLUME ||'", '||
'"BASIC_PRICE": "' || BASIC_PRICE ||'", '||
Do i need to provide my numberfields a to_char with the format mask here (to_char(available_stock, 'FM999G990D000')) ?
Right now i need to put my numbers between quotes ofcourse, or i get invalid json when i parse it.
Trailing Zero
I have an application process on a page on the after header point, right after an automated row fetch. Several fields are calculated here (totals). The variables used are all specified as number(10, 2). All values are correct and rounded to 2 values after the comma. My format masks on the items are also specified as FM999G999G990D00.
However, when one of the calculated values has only one meaningfull value after the comma, the trailing zeros get dropped. Instead of '987.50', it is displayed as '987.5'.
So, i have a number variable, and assign it like this: :P12_NDB_TOTAL_INCL := v_totI;
Would i need to convert my numbers here too, with format mask?
What am i doing wrong, or what am i missing?
If you aren't doing math on it and are more concerned with formatting, I suggest treating it as a varchar/string instead of as a number wherever you can.