How to test if a string is a valid C++(ish) expression? - c++

I am writing a program in C++ that needs to be able to test if a string (probably std::string) is a valid C++ expression. Variables can be checked if they have been declared (bool variableDeclared(std::string identifier)) and their type can also be checked (std::string variableType(std::string identifier)). The variableType function returns a string based on how it would be declared in C++ ("bool", "double", "char", etc).
The expression doesn't need to be evaluated but only tested to see if it is valid. The function only needs to support character literals, string literals, number literals, brackets, simple operators (+, -, *, /, ! (logic not), &&, ||, >, <, ==), and variables of type double, std::string (no function calls needed), bool and char. It is also not required to support string concatenation.
The desired result would be a function that is something like bool validExpression(std::string expression). It is also preferable that it allows me to modify the operations (for example I could change "==" to "equal-to").
How would I implement this? Is there a library that could do something like this, a regex statement or is it simply a matter of a long function with lots of if statements?

Formally, your situation is: you have a grammar which describes the language of expressions which you want to validate, and a word for which you want to determine whether it belongs in that language. This is a job for a parser of that language.
You could hand-cook something like a recursive-descent LL(1) parser, or use a tool to generate a parser. A well-known example of such a tool is Bison for generating LALR(1) parsers. Wikipedia has a long parser generator list.
Technical terms are used above mainly to provide entry points for googling.

You would start from defining your language more or less formally. (A language is a set of strings). A good way to define a language is to specify its context-free grammar. Describe additional conditions (like the requirement that variables must be declared, and of the right type) informally in prose.
The next step would be building a parser for your grammar specified at the previous step. There are several tools for building parsers from grammars automatically, from yacc/bison to boost::spirit.
After building and checking the parser, implement the informally-specified rules and plug them into your parser code/data.
Normally the next step, building an evaluator, would probably the easiest part of writing a simple interpreter, but you say you don't need one.
Describing your language as "just like C++ only with certain bits taken out" could be a preliminary step to the sequence outlined above. It is however not recommended to start out from C++ if you can help it. C++ is an extremely hard language to specify formally, and its parsers tend to be rather hairy, due to its convoluted declaration syntax.

you can run compiler as sub-process of your application. All you have to do is to pass arguments and parse response properly


Rules & Actions for Parser Generator, and

I am trying to wrap my head around an assignment question, therefore I would very highly appreciate any help in the right direction (and not necessarily a complete answer). I am being asked to write the grammar specification for this parser. The specification for the grammar that I must implement can be found here:
Although the documentation is there, I do not understand a few things, such as how to write (in my .y file) things such as
{ identifier },+
I understand that this would mean a comma-separated list of 1 (or more) occurrences of an identifier, however when I write it as such, the compiler displays an error of unrecognized symbols '+' and ',', being mistaken as whitespace. I tried '{' identifier "},+", but I haven't the slightest clue whether that is correct or not.
I have written the lexical analyzer portion (as it was from the previous segment of the assignment) which returns tokens (T_ID, T_PLUS, etc.) accordingly, however there is this new notion that I must assign 'yylval' to be the value of the token itself. To my understanding, this is only necessary if I am in need of the actual value of the token, therefore I would need the value of an identifier token T_ID, but not necessarily the value of T_PLUS, being '+'. This is done by creating a %union in the parser generator file, which I have done, and have provided the tokens that I currently believe would require the literal token value with the proper yylval assignment.
Here is my lexical analysis code (I could not get it to format properly, I apologize):
Here is my parser file decafast.y:
And here is the final piece of code supplied to me, the C++ code to build an abstract syntax tree at the end:
To finalize my question, I do not know if I am creating my grammar rules correctly. I have tried my best to follow the specification in the above website, but I can't help but feel that what I am writing is completely wrong. My compiler is spitting out nothing but "warning: rule useless in grammar" for almost every (if not every) rule.
If anyone could help me out and point me in the right direction on how to make any progress, I would highly, highly appreciate it.
The decaf specification is written in (an) Extended Backus Naur Form (EBNF), which includes a number of convenience operators for repetition, optionality and grouping. These are not part of the bison/yacc syntax, which is pretty well limited to BNF. (Bison/yacc do allow the alternation operator |, but since there is no way to group subpatterns, alteration can only be used at the top-level, to combine two productions for the same non-terminal.)
The short section at the beginning of the specification which describes EBNF includes a grammar for the particular variety of EBNF that is being used. (Since this grammar is itself recursively written in the same EBNF, there is a need to apply a bit of inductive reasoning.) When it says, for example,
CommaList = "{" Expression "}+," .
it is not saying that "}+," is the peculiar spelling of a comma-repetition operator. What it is saying is that when you see something in the Decaf grammar surrounded by { and }+,, that should be interpreted as describing a comma-separated list.
For example, the Decaf grammar includes:
FieldDecl = var { identifier }+, Type ";" .
That means that a FieldDecl can be (amongst other possibilities) the token var followed by a comma-separated list of identifier tokens and then followed by a Type and finally a semicolon.
As I said, bison/yacc don't implement the EBNF operators, so you have to find an equivalent yourself. Since BNF doesn't allow any form of grouping -- and a list is a grouped subexpression -- we need to rewrite the subexpression of a production as a new non-terminal. Also, I suppose we need to use the tokens defined in spec (although bison allows a more readable syntax).
So to yacc-ify this EBNF production, we first introducing the new non-terminal and replace the token names:
FieldDecl: T_VAR IdentifierList Type T_SEMICOLON
Which leaves the definition of IdentifierList. Repetition in BNF is always produced with recursion, following a very simple model which uses two productions:
the base, which is the simplest possible repetition (usually either nothing or a single list item), and
the recursion, which describes a longer possibility by extending a shorter one.
In this case, the list must have at least one item, and we extend by adding a comma and another item:
: T_ID /* base case */
| IdentifierList T_COMMA T_ID /* Recursive extension */
The point of this exercise is to develop your skills in thinking grammatically: that is, factoring out the syntax and semantics of the language. So you should try to understand the grammars presented, both for Decaf and for the author's version of EBNF, and avoid blindly copying code (including grammars). Good luck!

Regex for extracting functions from C++ code

I have sample C++ code ( from which I have to extract functions names as well as the number of parameters that a function requires. So far I have written this regex, but it's not working perfectly for me.
You can't parse C++ reliably with regex.
In fact, you can't parse it with weak parsing technology (See Why can't C++ be parsed with a LR(1) parser?). If you expect to get extract this information reliably from source files, you will need a time-tested C++ parser; see
If you don't care that your extraction process is flaky, then you can use a regex and maybe some additional hackery. Your key problem for heuristic extraction is matching various kinds of brackets, e.g., [...], < ... > (which won't quite work for shift operators) and { ... }. Bracket matching requires you to keep a stack of seen brackets. And bracket matching may fail in the presence of macros and preprocessor conditionals.

what exactly is a token, in relation to parsing

I have to use a parser and writer in c++, i am trying to implement the functions, however i do not understand what a token is. one of my function/operations is to check to see if there are more tokens to produce
bool Parser::hasMoreTokens()
how exactly do i go about this, please help
I am opening a text file with text in it, all words are lowercased. How do i go about checking to see if it hasmoretokens?
This is what i have
bool Parser::hasMoreTokens() {
return true;
return false;
Tokens are the output of lexical analysis and the input to parsing. Typically they are things like
variable names
arithmetic operators
statement terminators
That is, roughly, the biggest things that can be unambiguously identified by code that just looks at its input one character at a time.
One note, which you should feel free to ignore if it confuses you: The boundary between lexical analysis and parsing is a little fuzzy. For instance:
Some programming languages have complex-number literals that look, say, like 2+3i or 3.2e8-17e6i. If you were parsing such a language, you could make the lexer gobble up a whole complex number and make it into a token; or you could have a simpler lexer and a more complicated parser, and make (say) 3.2e8, -, 17e6i be separate tokens; it would then be the parser's job (or even the code generator's) to notice that what it's got is really a single literal.
In some programming languages, the lexer may not be able to tell whether a given token is a variable name or a type name. (This happens in C, for instance.) But the grammar of the language may distinguish between the two, so that you'd like "variable foo" and "type name foo" to be different tokens. (This also happens in C.) In this case, it may be necessary for some information to be fed back from the parser to the lexer so that it can produce the right sort of token in each case.
So "what exactly is a token?" may not always have a perfectly well defined answer.
A token is whatever you want it to be. Traditionally (and for
good reasons), language specifications broke the analysis into
two parts: the first part broke the input stream into tokens,
and the second parsed the tokens. (Theoretically, I think you
can write any grammar in only a single level, without using
tokens—or what is the same thing, using individual
characters as tokens. I wouldn't like to see the results of
that for a language like C++, however.) But the definition of
what a token is depends entirely on the language you are
parsing: most languages, for example, treat white space as
a separator (but not Fortran); most languages will predefine
a set of punctuation/operators using punctuation characters, and
not allow these characters in symbols (but not COBOL, where
"abc-def" would be a single symbol). In some cases (including
in the C++ preprocessor), what is a token depends on context, so
you may need some feedback from the parser. (Hopefully not;
that sort of thing is for very experienced programmers.)
One thing is probably sure (unless each character is a token):
you'll have to read ahead in the stream. You typically can't
tell whether there are more tokens by just looking at a single
character. I've generally found it useful, in fact, for the
tokenizer to read a whole token at a time, and keep it until the
parser needs it. A function like hasMoreTokens would in fact
scan a complete token.
(And while I'm at it, if source is an istream:
istream::peek does not return a pointer, but an int.)
A token is the smallest unit of a programming language that has a meaning. A parenthesis (, a name foo, an integer 123, are all tokens. Reducing a text to a series of tokens is generally the first step of parsing it.
A token is usually akin to a word in sponken language. In C++, (int, float, 5.523, const) will be tokens. Is the minimal unit of text which constitutes a semantic element.
When you split a large unit (long string) into a group of sub-units (smaller strings), each of the sub-units (smaller strings) is referred to as a "token". If there are no more sub-units, then you are done parsing.
How do I tokenize a string in C++?
A token is a terminal in a grammar, a sequence of one or more symbol(s) that is defined by the sequence itself, ie it does not derive from any other production defined in the grammar.

Finite State Machine parser

I would like to parse a self-designed file format with a FSM-like parser in C++ (this is a teach-myself-c++-the-hard-way-by-doing-something-big-and-difficult kind of project :)). I have a tokenized string with newlines signifying the end of a euh... line. See here for an input example. All the comments will and junk is filtered out, so I have a std::string like this:
global \n { \n SOURCE_DIRS src \n HEADER_DIRS include \n SOURCES bitwise.c framing.c \n HEADERS ogg/os_types.h ogg/ogg.h \n } \n ...
Syntax explanation:
{ } are scopes, and capitalized words signify that a list of options/files is to follow.
\n are only important in a list of options/files, signifying the end of the list.
So I thought that a FSM would be simple/extensible enough for my needs/knowledge. As far as I can tell (and want my file design to be), I don't need concurrent states or anything fancy like that. Some design/implementation questions:
Should I use an enum or an abstract class + derivatives for my states? The first is probably better for small syntax, but could get ugly later, and the second is the exact opposite. I'm leaning to the first, for its simplicity. enum example and class example. EDIT: what about this suggestion for goto, I thought they were evil in C++?
When reading a list, I need to NOT ignore \n. My preferred way of using the string via stringstream, will ignore \n by default. So I need simple way of telling (the same!) stringstream to not ignore newlines when a certain state is enabled.
Will the simple enum states suffice for multi-level parsing (scopes within scopes {...{...}...}) or would that need hacky implementations?
Here's the draft states I have in mind:
upper: reads global, exe, lib+ target names...
normal: inside a scope, can read SOURCES..., create user variables...
list: adds items to a list until a newline is encountered.
Each scope will have a kind of conditional (e.g. win32:global { gcc:CFLAGS = ... }) and will need to be handled in the exact same fashion eveywhere (even in the list state, per item).
Thanks for any input.
If you have nesting scopes, then a Finite State Machine is not the right way to go, and you should look at a Context Free Grammar parser. An LL(1) parser can be written as a set of recursive funcitons, or an LALR(1) parser can be written using a parser generator such as Bison.
If you add a stack to an FSM, then you're getting into pushdown automaton territory. A nondeterministic pushdown automaton is equivalent to a context free grammar (though a deterministic pushdown automaton is strictly less powerful.) LALR(1) parser generators actually generate a deterministic pushdown automaton internally. A good compiler design textbook will cover the exact algorithm by which the pushdown automaton is constructed from the grammar. (In this way, adding a stack isn't "hacky".) This Wikipedia article also describes how to construct the LR(1) pushdown automaton from your grammar, but IMO, the article is not as clear as it could be.
If your scopes nest only finitely deep (i.e. you have the upper, normal and list levels but you don't have nested lists or nested normals), then you can use a FSM without a stack.
There are two stages to analyzing a text input stream for parsing:
Lexical Analysis: This is where your input stream is broken into lexical units. It looks at a sequence of characters and generates tokens (analagous to word in spoken or written languages). Finite state machines are very good at lexical analysis provided you've made good design decision about the lexical structure. From your data above, individal lexemes would be things like your keywords (e.g. "global"), identifiers (e.g. "bitwise", "SOURCES"), symbolic tokesn (e.g. "{" "}", ".", "/"), numeric values, escape values (e.g. "\n"), etc.
Syntactic / Grammatic Analysis: Upon generating a sequence of tokens (or perhaps while you're doing so) you need to be able to analyze the structure to determine if the sequence of tokens is consistent with your language design. You generally need some sort of parser for this, though if the language structure is not very complicated, you may be able to do it with a finite state machine instead. In general (and since you want nesting structures in your case in particular) you will need to use one of the techniques Ken Bloom describes.
So in response to your questions:
Should I use an enum or an abstract class + derivatives for my states?
I found that for small tokenizers, a matrix of state / transition values is suitable, something like next_state = state_transitions[current_state][current_input_char]. In this case, the next_state and current_state are some integer types (including possibly an enumerated type). Input errors are detected when you transition to an invalid state. The end of an token is identified based on the state identification of valid endstates with no valid transition available to another state given the next input character. If you're concerned about space, you could use a vector of maps instead. Making the states classes is possible, but I think that's probably making thing more difficult than you need.
When reading a list, I need to NOT ignore \n.
You can either create a token called "\n", or a more generalize escape token (an identifier preceded by a backslash. If you're talking about identifying line breaks in the source, then those are simply characters you need to create transitions for in your state transition matrix (be aware of the differnce between Unix and Windows line breaks, however; you could create a FSM that operates on either).
Will the simple enum states suffice for multi-level parsing (scopes within scopes {...{...}...}) or would that need hacky implementations?
This is where you will need a grammar or pushdown automaton unless you can guarantee that the nesting will not exceed a certain level. Even then, it will likely make your FSM very complex.
Here's the draft states I have in mind: ...
See my commments on lexical and grammatical analysis above.
For parsing I always try to use something already proven to work: ANTLR with ANTLRWorks which is of great help for designing and testing a grammar. You can generate code for C/C++ (and other languages) but you need to build the ANTLR runtime for those languages.
Of course if you find flex or bison easier to use you can use them too (I know that they generate only C and C++ but I may be wrong since I didn't use them for some time).

Generalized stream parsing?

Are there any libraries or technologies(in any language) that provide a regular-expression-like tool for any sort of stream-like or list-like data(as opposed to only character strings)?
For example, suppose you were writing a parser for your pet programming language. You've already got it lexed into a list of Common Lisp objects representing the tokens.
You might use a pattern like this to parse function calls(using C-style syntax):
(pattern (:var (:class ident)) (:class left-paren)
(:optional (:var object)) (:star (:class comma) (:var :object)) (:class right-paren))
Which would bind variables for the function name and each of the function arguments(actually, it would probably be implemented so that this pattern would probably bind a variable for the function name, one for the first argument, and a list of the rest, but that's not really an important detail).
Would something like this be useful at all?
I don't know how many replies you'll receive on a subject like this, as most languages lack the sort of robust stream APIs you seem to have in mind; thus, most of the people reading this probably don't know what you're talking about.
Smalltalk is a notable exception, shipping with a rich hierarchy of Stream classes that--coupled with its Collection classes--allow you to do some pretty impressive stuff. While most Smalltalks also ship with regex support (the pure ST implementation by Vassili Bykov is a popular choice), the regex classes unfortunately are not integrated with the Stream classes in the same way the Collection classes are. This means that using streams and regexes in Smalltalk usually involves reading character strings from a stream and then testing those strings separately with regex patterns--not the sort "read next n characters up until a pattern matches," or "read next n characters matching this pattern" type of functionally you likely have in mind.
I think a powerful stream API coupled with powerful regex support would be great. However, I think you'd have trouble generalizing about different stream types. A read stream on a character string would pose few difficulties, but file and TCP streams would have their own exceptions and latencies that you would have to handle gracefully.
Try looking at scala.util.regexp, both the API documentation, and the code example at I think would allow a computational linguist to match strings of words by looking for part of speech patterns, for example.
This is the principle behind most syntactic parsers, which operate in two phases. The first phase is the lexer, where identifiers, language keywords, and other special characters (arithmetic operators, braces, etc) are identified and split into Token objects that typically have a numeric field indicating the type of the lexeme, and optionally another field indicating the text of the lexeme.
In the second phase, a syntactic parser operates on the Token objects, matching them by magic number alone, to parse phrases. (Software for doing this includes Antlr, yacc/bison, Scala's cala.util.parsing.combinator.syntactical library, and plenty of others). The two phases don't entirely have to depend on each other -- you can get your Token objects from anywhere else that you like. The magic number aspect seems to be important, though, because the magic numbers are assigned to constants, and they're what make it easy to express your grammar in a readable language.
And remember, that anything you can accomplish with a regular expression can also be accomplished with a context-free grammar (usually just as easily).