Link to a specific div in another app(page) in Django using anchor tag - django

I have a div with a certain id
<div id="services">
Then I try to link to it using Django templates
<a href="{% url 'homepage' %}#services">
But it only works if I'm in the same page (App)
Is there a way to work around this ?

I found out what the problem was. I had a script that does smooth scrolling and it had "event.preventDefault();" in it. as I removed that it worked.


Add Facebook share button to Django application

I am using Facebook's share button on my Django app.
I'm using Facebook's SKD instructions which tell me to place this code wherever you want the plugin to appear on your page:
<div class="fb-share-button"
data-layout="button" data-size="small" data-mobile-iframe="false">
<a class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore" target="_blank" href="">Share
So I placed that code in my template but how do I add the full URL of the web page with the FB share button in the data-href attribute?
As long as you have django.template.context_processors.request enabled you should be able to use request.build_absolute_uri() in your template:
data-href="{{ request.build_absolute_uri }}"
This should work out of the box if you're using a fairly recent version of Django.

Is there a way to have (hack) turbolinks to only refresh a specific selector?

I would like to use turbolinks in a rails 4 application but not have it replace the entire <body> tag. Instead I would like to specify a tag/selector for turbolinks to refresh.
Something like...
<div class="turbolinks-refreshes-this">
Some content that is replaced whenever a link is clicked.
<div class="turblinks-does-not-refresh-this">
Some content that remains even if a link is clicked.
My guess is you would need to fork turbolinks to add this functionality but thought I'd throw it out there to see if anyone else has tried to do this.
Have you looked at pjax? It's very similar to Turbolinks (and gets a mention in the Turbolinks README) but lets you specify a target container. Here's a Railscast that shows how to use it in a Rails app.
Here's a (slightly modified) excerpt from the pjax README:
<h1>My Site</h1>
<div class="container" id="pjax-container">
Go to next page.
We want pjax to grab the url /page/2 then replace #pjax-container
with whatever it gets back. No styles or scripts will be reloaded and
even the h1 can stay the same - we just want to change the
#pjax-container element.
We do this by telling pjax to listen on a tags and use
#pjax-container as the target container:
$(document).pjax('a', '#pjax-container')
Now when someone in a pjax-compatible browser clicks "next page" the
content of #pjax-container will be replaced with the body of

tag url template django doesn't work

I trying to implement the url template tag into my project.
I have a button that allows the user to save the data he is seeing.
So the url of this button is this:
(2)url(r'^nameviews/download/$', '' name="load"),
the url of the page that shows the information, and where the button is located is:
but when I tried to click on the button (it should appear the url 2)it doesn't open the file with the data but instead gives me the same url that the main page (1)
the html validator gives me a error on the
<a href="">
It seems it doesn't recognize the url tag.
Anyone has any idea?
Resolved! I didn't really understood what's happen because I didn't change much but should have been some silly mistake.
Thanks any way :)
Be careful with the order of the urls. At try this order:
url(r'^nameviews/download/$', name_of_view, name="load"),
url(r'^nameviews/$', name_of_view, name="first page"),
name_of_view is equal if the view is the same

Weird django URL problem

If i go to, everything displays like it should.
But when i want to go from to, i end up in
How can i solve this problem?
It is hard to tell without some code but I guess on your login site you have a link like:
which should probably be
<a href="{% url name_of_register_url %}>Register</a>
Can you provide your and the HTML code for that link?

Why does TinyMCE insert <span> </span> between (django) {% %} tags?

My application features a CMS for editing Django templates.
Whenever I type something like
{% sometag %}
TinyMCE will actually store
Is there any way to prevent TinyMCE from doing this?
Ok! I got it. The elements were only being added when I pasted content. And there's a TinyMCE initialization setting to stop this
'paste_remove_spans': True,
Try opening the HTML view and adding the code from there. That should stop TinyMCE from changing anything.