How can I tell GCC to use custom library for -l instead of the system one? - c++

I have a custom build of SQLite3 at /somepath, so /somepath/.libs contains and the symbolic links to it. I wanted to link a program against it and assumed
g++ -O3 -g -fPIC -I /somepath -I /somepath/src -L /somepath/.libs -lsqlite3 -o myfile.cpp
would work. It compiles, but I get a segmentation fault due to some problem in my code, and when trying to debug I run into the issues which look like LD_PRELOAD not working with my program and Setting my lib for LD_PRELOAD makes some processes produce loader errors: I can run /somepath/sqlite3 ..., but under GDB I get symbol lookup error and LD_DEBUG=all gdc -c core /somepath/sqlite3 ... reveals symbols are getting looked up in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ instead of /somepath/, and unsurprisingly missing the symbols for functions added in the custom build. How can I fix this and debug my code?

The -lsqlite3 argument should be last. Order of arguments to g++ matters a lot. You should read more about runpath and perhaps pass -Wl,-rpath,/somepath/.libs
You may want to pass -v once to g++ to understand what is happening (what programs are actually running). You might also pass -Wl,--verbose to ask a more verbose link.
Then you can use ldd on your executable (and also readelf) to find out more what are its link time dependencies.
With suitable arguments to g++ you should not need additional options to gdb

Inside gdb use the commands below.
set solib-search-path [Directories]
show solib-search-path


Compiling an external library on Linux

Good Day Everyone,
N.B - This problem has been solved - I have provided my own solution in the answer section however the solution provided by Jonathan is much shorter. Nevertheless, this was the following question I originally posted:
I am basically trying to compile a serial library (for UART communication) on Linux however I am not really sure how to correctly compile (I have mentioned what I have done so far below), any suggestions would be highly valuable. I am using the serialib library - which is composed of 2 main files (serialib.h and serialib.cpp) , you may directly view the source code of these files here (scroll all the way to the bottom and view the files in new tabs):
I transferred these files (serialib.h and serialib.cpp) to my BeagleBone Black micro-controller which is running Debian (Wheezy) , g++/gcc (Debian 4.6.3-14) 4.6.3. I wrote my own program (uart.cpp is my file name) to access the functions provided by this library, this is what I wrote:
#include <iostream>
#include "serialib.h"
#ifdef __linux__
#define DEVICE_PORT "/dev/ttyO1"
int main()
serialib LS;
return 0;
So as you can see I am trying to access the 'seriallib' class. serialib.h, serialib.cpp and uart.cpp are all in the home directory. I also manually added the iostream library in serialib.cpp as I did not see it being declared in the original source code.
Now I am really unsure of how to compile such external libraries but so far I tried the following steps:
g++ -c -Wall -Werror -fPIC serialib.c to convert to PIC which gives the following error:
distcc[3142] (dcc_parse_hosts) Warning: /home/debian/.distcc/zeroconf/hosts contained no hosts; can't distribute work
distcc[3142] (dcc_zeroconf_add_hosts) CRITICAL! failed to parse host file.
distcc[3142] (dcc_build_somewhere) Warning: failed to distribute, running locally instead
g++ serialib.cpp -L /home/debian/serialib.h which gives the following error:
/usr/lib/gcc/arm-linux-gnueabihf/4.6/../../../arm-linux-gnueabihf/crt1.o: In function _start':
(.text+0x30): undefined reference tomain'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
distcc[3210] ERROR: compile serialib.cpp on localhost failed
As of now I am still finding out how to compile this and if I manage to work this out then I'll post my solution here too. Once again any suggestion will be highly valuable. Thank you all :) .
g++ -c -Wall -Werror -fPIC serialib.c to convert to PIC which gives the following error:
The "error" is not an error, it's a warning, telling you that your distcc setup is broken, but that it compiled locally.
That command doesn't "convert to PIC", it compiles the file serialib.c and produces a compiled object file, serialib.o
g++ serialib.cpp -L /home/debian/serialib.h
This is just nonsense. It tries to build a program from serialib.cpp and use the directory /home/debian/serialib.h (which isn't a directory!) to find libraries.
You don't need to "compile a library" you can just compile both the source files and link them together into a program. Either:
g++ -c serialib.cpp
g++ -c uart.cpp
g++ serialib.o uart.o -o uart
Or all in one command:
g++ serialib.cpp uart.cpp -o uart
You should read An Introduction to GCC to understand the commands, not just enter bogus commands without understanding them.
I have found a solution to this problem, hope this helps for all the future readers with similar problems. I have my own source code uart.cpp (Given in the question) which I want to compile, the external library is serialib that contains two main files (serialib.h and serialib.cpp), you will want to replace the following commands with respect to the files you have
Step 1: Compiling with position independent code
g++ -c -Wall -Werror -fpic serialib.cpp
Step 2: Creating a shared library
g++ -shared -o serialib.o , here the library is
Step 3: Linking your source code with library
g++ -L /home/debian -lserialib uart.cpp -o uart
g++ -L /home/debian -Wall -o test uart.cpp -lserialib
You may save the library at a different path and you may have a different name of course. Suppose you have a library called at the directory /home/user/myDir then the commands will be like:
g++ -L /home/user/myDir -labc your_code.cpp -o your_code
g++ -L /home/user/myDir -Wall -o test your_code.cpp -labc
test is out own program, lserialib is actually looking for and not serialib.o as gcc/g++ assumes all libraries start with lib and end with .so or .a and you can see the same goes for labc as it will look for thus it is important to make sure your library name begins with lib and ends with .so or .a
Step 4: Making library available at run time
Here we provide the path where the library is actually stored, I saved it in the directory /home/debian which is why my command looks like:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/debian:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
if your library is saved at /path/to/file then the command will look like:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/file:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
This is to help the loader find the shared library and to view this path: echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH and to unset this: unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH
To execute the program type either ./test or ./uart and in case of any modification to the main source code (uart.cpp in this case) , simply repeat step 3. I found the following link very useful: . Thank you to all of you who took time to read this question and especially those who gave me suggestions. If anyone has more or better solutions, feel free to post them here to assist future readers :).

Compiling C++ with g++ -m32 option

I am trying to compile as this :
-bash-4.1$ g++ -static -m32 Hello.cpp
and getting errors like this:
/opt/rh/devtoolset-4/root/usr/libexec/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/5.2.1/ld: skipping incompatible /opt/rh/devtoolset-4/root/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/5.2.1/libstdc++.a when searching for -lstdc++
/opt/rh/devtoolset-4/root/usr/libexec/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/5.2.1/ld: cannot find -lstdc++
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
I have tried this as well but still get the exact same error above:
g++ -static -m32 -L/opt/rh/devtoolset-4/root/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/5.2.1/32 Hello.cpp
I have tried in both orders - nothing helps.
Why is it still looking at the wrong directory?
Is using -m32 option override -L option?
I could not find much documentation on -m32 option.
Please help.
Why is it still looking at the wrong directory?
Compiler always looking in predefined directories first. -L options adds your path to these list of directories, so because of it compiler is stil looking at the wrong directory. For more detailed output try to compiler your program with detailed output -### or -v options.
Is using -m32 option override -L option?
The answer is no - -m32 options is option to generate 32bit code, for example:
You may generate 32bit code that will work on 32bit machine, on your 64bit machine. Also you may run this code on your 64bit machine - it will work well.
I could not find much documentation on -m32 option.
Here is the link to the GCC docs
And here is doc about directory searching options
Also to say to compiler where to find libraries, you may set
LD_LIBRARY_PATH in your env
Do not override env vars - cause it may cause more problems if you are not absolutely sure in what you are doing.

Why does a 2-stage command-line build with clang not generate a dSYM directory?

I have a simple project I want to debug want to produce dSYM folder with debugging symbols.
clang++ -std=c++14 -stdlib=libc++ -g -o Lazy Lazy.cpp
Creates Lazy.dSYM as I expect.
clang++ -std=c++14 -stdlib=libc++ -g -c Lazy.cpp
clang++ -stdlib=libc++ -g -o Lazy Lazy.o
Does not create Lazy.dSYM (It seems that the symbols are embedded in the binary).
Sadly the 2-step build is what my modified makefile does. How can I generate Lazy.dSYM from a 2-stage compile-and-link build?
I don't need a dSYM directory, just debugging symbols, but would like to understand when and why it is created.
The creation of the .dSYM bundle is done by a tool called dsymutil. When Apple added support for DWARF debugging information, they decided to separate "executable linking" from "debug information linking". As such, the debug information linking is not done by the normal linker, it's done by dsymutil.
As a convenience, when you build a program all in one step, the compiler invokes dsymutil on your behalf. That's because it knows it has all of the inputs. If you add the -v (a.k.a. --verbose) option to the compile command, you will see the invocation of dsymutil as the last step it does.
In other cases, though, it doesn't do that. It leaves the debug information linking step for the user to do manually. You can do it by simply issuing the command:
dsymutil <your_program>
Here's an article by an Apple engineer who helped design and implement Apple's support for DWARF explaining their thinking. He also answered a question here on Stack Overflow about this stuff.

Autotools - passing optional profiling library to configure script

I have built and installed a shared library to do some profiling of my projects via code instrumentation, specifically with the -finstrument-functions switch of gcc.
It is possible to turn the instrumentation on and off with the compiler switch, and hence I'd like to be able to turn the dependency to the profiling library on and off just by reconfiguring.
I can pass -finstrument-functions to gcc via configure's CFLAGS, but when I try to pass -lmylib via LDFLAGS configure fails with
configure:2796: checking whether we are cross compiling
configure:2804: gcc -o conftest -g -Wall -Wextra -Werror -lmylib conftest.c >&5
configure:2808: $? = 0
configure:2815: ./conftest
./conftest: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
The file exists, I have double checked and compiling and linking a dummy example works as expected.
Interestingly, when I pass the full path to the shared library instead of -lmylib, the error persists, but when I pass the full path to the corresponding static library, configure runs smoothly, and everything is built as expected.
My question in a nutshell: Is there a possibility to pass optional shared libraries to autotools-generated configure scripts, without changing
It looks like your library is not in the compiler's default library search path.
You may also pass library search path through LDFLAGS with the -L switch:
CFLAGS=-finstrument-functions LDFLAGS="-lmylib -L/path/to/mylib" ./configure ....
fixed by running sudo ldconfig
I'll leave this here in case someone else has the same problem.

What does the gcc -R parameter do?

I am trying to run an autotools configure script for the bson-cpp project, and it fails because it cannot determine what flags it needs to compile with boost_filesystem. A quick look at confg.log shows:
g++ -o conftest -g -O2 -pthread -L/usr/local/lib -R/usr/local/lib -L/usr/local/libexec conftest.o -lboost_filesystem-mt -lboost_system-mt >&5
g++: error: unrecognized option '-R'
So, naturally, I tried to find out what the R option does, but I can't seem to find it documented anywhere. I've checked here and here to no avail. What does the option do and how do I tell autotools not to use it?
-R does not seem to be an option for g++ or gcc anywhere. -R may be a linker option on some platforms that is equivalent of -rpath to gnu ld, ... This seems to be a known bug in boost builds ... have a look at Use -Wl to pass arguments to the linker.
It actually has the patch available there
I am re-posting it for convenience, however PLEASE PLEASE look at the original URL linked above for official patch!
--- ../gnote/m4/boost.m4 2011-01-25 14:30:18.000000000 +0200
+++ m4/boost.m4 2011-02-27 20:57:11.686221539 +0200
## -403,7 +403,7 ##
if test x"$Boost_lib" = xyes; then
- Boost_lib_LDFLAGS="-L$boost_ldpath -R$boost_ldpath"
+ Boost_lib_LDFLAGS="-L$boost_ldpath -Wl,-R$boost_ldpath"
break 6
It's an option similar to -rpath, but available only on some platforms. The script is maybe failing detecting your platform ?
It is not a valid option for GCC, so it does not do anything.
It is possibly a valid option for other compilers though, which could be why autoconf gives it a shot.
Not all errors in the config.log files are a problem. autoconf figures out a lot of things by "guessing", i.e. trying something and keeping that if it worked.