Association rule mining using support count - data-mining

what if i have 0.3 as support count for 5 item transactions?.
How to use whether it is 0.3*5/100 or any other methods to be followed?.
I don't know please anyone.

Obviously there is no mathematical solution to this - it's up to whoever specified 0.3 to be precise.
Interpreting this as 0.3*5/100 would be very unusual. Why would you do so?
For fractional values less than 1, the usual interpretation would be relative frequency: 0.3 * N when you have N transactions.
For positive integers, you would interpret it as absolute frequency.


How to calculate number of digits on huge number? C++

so the problem I have is that there is two integers (a, b) that is in [1, 10^16] interval and I need to do find out how many digits will number a^b have? Those numbers are too big for saving them on single variables, and if I write them on Array it would take a lot of time.
Is there a way to count the number a^b number of digits with some kind of formula or any simpler way then Arrays?
after fixing the one-off error suggested in the comments
number of digits of a^b = floor( b * log(a) ) + 1
karakfa has it right.
The base-k logarithm of a number n, rounded up to the nearest whole number, will give you the number of digits required to represent n in base k.
EDIT: as pointed out in comments, it should not be rounded up, but rounded down and then incremented by one. This accounts for round powers of 10 having an extra digit.
If your number is a^b then take the base-10 logarithm, log a^b and use the laws of logarithms to simplify as b log a. Note that this simplification happens inside the ceiling function so the simplification is valid. Computing log a should not be an issue (it will be between 0 and 16) and b is known. Just make sure to round after multiplying, not before.
Note that limited precision of floating-point numbers may introduce some errors into this method. If the true value of b x log a is different from the nearest floating-point representation of b x log a in such a way that they fall on different sides of an integer, the method fails. You can possibly detect when you are close to this condition and remediate it somehow.
You could use a library that supports arbitrarily large numbers, like GMP .
The core C++ language itself offers no types to work with such large numbers. So either you use a pre-existing library or write one yourself (I suggest the former - don't re-invent the wheel).

If statements not treated as boolean?

I'm a student, and my software teacher gave us this example -
IF first < second
THEN display first,second
display second,first
If the two numbers, first and second were the same (say 2,2), the ELSE path would be taken, as first < second evaluates to false and so doesn't execute.
However, my software teacher said that in certain languages, both numbers being the same would be problematic and cause errors or strange behaviour (I believe he cited Visual Basic as an example). I do not see how this is possible. An IF statement is evaluated as either true or false and so one of the options MUST run and there should be no problem in evaluating whether 2 is less than 2.
Although he is my teacher and I respect him as such, I do not trust him completely and he does make errors at times. Is what he's said correct? And if so, could I have some specific examples of what happens?
Perhaps he is talking (in a round about way) about floating point imprecision?
there should be no problem in evaluating whether 2 is less than 2.
This is not always the case for some numbers stored using an imprecise representation, for example:
Dim first As Double, second As Double
first = 0.3
second = 0.1 + 0.2
If first < second Then
Debug.Print first, "is less than", second
Debug.Print "equal or greater"
End If
0.3 is less than 0.3
See Is floating point math broken?
This can manifest more visibly when one exceeds the safe bounds of a floating point type, for example in JavaScript:
> 9007199254740992 == 9007199254740993
< true
As far as I know, the expression in if (expression) always evaluates to a boolean. At least that is true in C, C++, PHP, Java, .NET, Python, Javascript...
But maybe it is not the case in some old or less-used languages.
For Visual Basic, this Microsoft documentation page clearly says that number < number will evaluate to FALSE.
Well clearly a < a is false, if a is Integer(not fractional number). However in case of fractional number this may be true of false. Let me give you instance of each for c language. C compiler uses IEEE-754 number representation for floating point.
take a=0.1273(stored in memory as:0.1272999423027039)
take b=0.12 and c=0.0073+b
now if you check, c
It is true.

Proper way to generate a random float given a binary random number generator?

Let's say we have a binary random number generator, int r(); that will return a zero or a one both with propability 0.5.
I looked at Boost.Random, and they generate, say, 32 bits and do something like this (pseudocode):
x = double(rand_int32());
return min + x / (2^32) * (max - min);
I have some serious doubts about this. A double has 53 bits of mantissa, and 32 bits can never properly generate a fully random mantissa, among other things such as rounding errors, etc.
What would be a fast way to create a uniformly distributed float or double in the half-open range [min, max), assuming IEEE754? The emphasis here lies on correctness of distribution, not speed.
To properly define correct, the correct distribution would be equal to the one that we would get if we would take an infinitely precise uniformly distributed random number generator and for each number we would round to the nearest IEEE754 representation, if that representation would still be within [min, max), otherwise the number would not count for the distribution.
P.S.: I would be interested in correct solutions for open ranges as well.
AFAIK, the correct (and probably also fastest) way is to first create a 64 bit unsigned integer where the 52 fraction bits are random bits, and the exponent is 1023, which if type punned into a (IEEE 754) double will be a uniformly distributed random value in the range [1.0, 2.0). So the last step is to subtract 1.0 from that, resulting in a uniformly distributed random double value in the range [0.0, 1.0).
In pseudo code:
rndDouble = bitCastUInt64ToDouble(1023 << 52 | rndUInt64 & 0xfffffffffffff) - 1.0
This method is mentioned here:
(See "Generating uniform doubles in the unit interval")
EDIT: The recommended method has since changed to:
(x >> 11) * (1. / (UINT64_C(1) << 53))
See above link for details.
Here is a correct approach with no attempt at efficiency.
We start with a bignum class, and then a rational wrapper of said bignums.
We produce a range "sufficiently bigger than" our [min, max) range, so that rounding of our smaller_min and bigger_max produces floating point values outside that range, in our rational built on the bignum.
Now we subdivide the range into two parts perfectly down the middle (which we can do, as we have a rational bignum system). We pick one of the two parts at random.
If, after rounding, the top and bottom of the picked range would be (A) outside of [min, max) (on the same side, mind you!) you reject and restart from the beginning.
If (B) the top and bottom of your range rounds to the same double (or float if you are returning a float), you are done, and you return this value.
Otherwise (C) you recurse on this new, smaller range (subdivide, pick randomly, test).
There are no guarantees that this procedure halts, because you can either constantly drill down to the "edge" between two rounding doubles, or you could constantly pick values outside of the [min, max) range. The probability of this happening is (never halting), however, zero (assuming a good random number generator, and a [min, max) of non-zero size).
This also works for (min, max), or even picking a number in the rounded sufficiently fat Cantor set. So long as the measure of the valid range of reals that round to the correct floating point values is non zero, and the range has a compact support, this procedure can be run and has a probability of 100% of terminating, but no hard upper bound on the time it takes can be made.
The problem here is that in IEEE754 the doubles which may be represented are not equi-distributed. That is, if we have a generator generating real numbers, say in (0,1) and then map to IEEE754 representable numbers, the result will not be equi-distributed.
Thus, we have to define "equi-distribution". That said, assuming that each IEEE754 number is just a representative for the probability of lying in the interval defined by the IEEE754 rounding, the procedure of first generating equi-distributed "numbers" and the round to IEEE754 will generate (by definition) an "equi-distribution" of IEEE754 numbers.
Hence, I believe that the above formula will become arbitrary close to such a distribution if we just choose the accuracy high enough. If we restrict the problem to finding a number in [0,1) this means to restricting to the set of denomalized IEEE 754 numbers, which are one-to-one to a 53 bit integer. Thus it should be fast and correct to generate just the mantissa by a 53 bit binary random number generator.
IEEE 754 arithmetic is always "arithmetic at infinite precision followed by rounding", i.e. the IEEE754 number representing ab is the one being closest to ab (put differently, you can think of a*b calculated at infinite precision, then rounded to the closes IEEE754 number). Hence I believe that min + (max-min) * x, where x is a denomalized number, is a feasible approach.
(Note: As clear from my comment, I was first not aware that you where pointing to the case with min and max different from 0,1. The denormalized numbers have the property that they are evenly spaced. Hence you get the equi distribution by mapping the 53 bits to the mantissa. Next you can use the floating point arithmetic, due fact that it is correct up to machine precistion. If you use the reverse mapping you will recover the equi-distribution.
See this question for another aspect of this problem: Scaling Int uniform random range into Double one
There's a really good talk by S.T.L. from this year’s Going Native conference that explains why you should use the standard distributions whenever possible. In short, hand-rolled code tends to be of laughably poor quality (think std::rand() % 100), or have more subtle uniformity flaws, such as in (std::rand() * 1.0 / RAND_MAX) * 99, which is the example given in the talk and is a special case of the code posted in the question.
EDIT: I took a look at libstdc++’s implementation of std::uniform_real_distribution, and this is what I found:
The implementation produces a number in the range [dist_min, dist_max) by using a simple linear transformation from some number produced in the range [0, 1). It generates this source number using std::generate_canonical, the implementation of which my be found here (at the end of the file). std::generate_canonical determines the number of times (denoted as k) the range of the distribution, expressed as an integer and denoted here as r*, will fit in the mantissa of the target type. What it then does is essentially to generate one number in [0, r) for each r-sized segment of the mantissa and, using arithmetic, populate each segment accordingly. The formula for the resulting value may be expressed as
Σ(i=0, k-1, X/(r^i))
where X is a stochastic variable in [0, r). Each division by the range is equivalent to a shift by the number of bits used to represent it (i.e., log2(r)), and so fills the corresponding mantissa segment. This way, the whole of the precision of the target type is used, and since the range of the result is [0, 1), the exponent remains 0** (modulo bias) and you don’t get the uniformity issues you have when you start messing with the exponent.
I would not trust implicity that this method is cryptographically secure (and I have suspicions about possible off-by-one errors in the calculation of the size of r), but I imagine it is significantly more reliable in terms of uniformity than the Boost implementation you posted, and definitely better than fiddling about with std::rand.
It may be worth noting that the Boost code is in fact a degenerate case of this algorithm where k = 1, meaning that it is equivalent if the input range requires at least 23 bits to represent its size (IEE 754 single-precision) or at least 52 bits (double-precision). This means a minimum range of ~8.4 million or ~4.5e15, respectively. In light of this information, I don’t think that if you’re using a binary generator, the Boost implementation is quite going to cut it.
After a brief look at libc++’s implementation, it looks like they are using what is the same algorithm, implemented slightly differently.
(*) r is actually the range of the input plus one. This allows using the max value of the urng as valid input.
(**) Strictly speaking, the encoded exponent is not 0, as IEEE 754 encodes an implicit leading 1 before the radix of the significand. Conceptually, however, this is irrelevant to this algorithm.

Representing probability in C++

I'm trying to represent a simple set of 3 probabilities in C++. For example:
a = 0.1
b = 0.2
c = 0.7
(As far as I know probabilities must add up to 1)
My problem is that when I try to represent 0.7 in C++ as a float I end up with 0.69999999, which won't help when I am doing my calculations later. The same for 0.8, 0.80000001.
Is there a better way of representing numbers between 0.0 and 1.0 in C++?
Bear in mind that this relates to how the numbers are stored in memory so that when it comes to doing tests on the values they are correct, I'm not concerned with how they are display/printed out.
This has nothing to do with C++ and everything to do with how floating point numbers are represented in memory. You should never use the equality operator to compare floating point values, see here for better methods:
My problem is that when I try to
represent 0.7 in C++ as a float I end
up with 0.69999999, which won't help
when I am doing my calculations later.
The same for 0.8, 0.80000001.
Is it really a problem? If you just need more precision, use a double instead of a float. That should get you about 15 digits precision, more than enough for most work.
Consider your source data. Is 0.7 really significantly more correct than 0.69999999?
If so, you could use a rational number library such as:
If the problem is that probabilities add up to 1 by definition, then store them as a collection of numbers, omitting the last one. Infer the last value by subtracting the sum of the others from 1.
How much precision do you need? You might consider scaling the values and quantizing them in a fixed-point representation.
The tests you want to do with your numbers will be incorrect.
There is no exact floating point representation in a base-2 number system for a number like 0.1, because it is a infinte periodic number. Consider one third, that is exactly representable as 0.1 in a base-3 system, but 0.333... in the base-10 system.
So any test you do with a number 0.1 in floating point will be prone to be flawed.
A solution would be using rational numbers (boost has a rational lib), which will be always exact for, ermm, rationals, or use a selfmade base-10 system by multiplying the numbers with a power of ten.
If you really need the precision, and are sticking with rational numbers, I suppose you could go with a fixed point arithemtic. I've not done this before so I can't recommend any libraries.
Alternatively, you can set a threshold when comparing fp numbers, but you'd have to err on one side or another -- say
bool fp_cmp(float a, float b) {
return (a < b + epsilon);
Note that excess precision is automatically truncated in each calculation, so you should take care when operating at many different orders of magnitude in your algorithm. A contrived example to illustrate:
a = 15434355e10 + 22543634e10
b = a / 1e20 + 1.1534634
c = b * 1e20
c = b + 1.1534634e20
The two results will be very different. Using the first method a lot of the precision of the first two numbers will be lost in the divide by 1e20. Assuming that the final value you want is on the order of 1e20, the second method will give you more precision.
If you only need a few digits of precision then just use an integer. If you need better precision then you'll have to look to different libraries that provide guarantees on precision.
The issue here is that floating point numbers are stored in base 2. You can not exactly represent a decimal in base 10 with a floating point number in base 2.
Lets step back a second. What does .1 mean? Or .7? They mean 1x10-1 and 7x10-1. If you're using binary for your number, instead of base 10 as we normally do, .1 means 1x2-1, or 1/2. .11 means 1x2-1 + 1x2-2, or 1/2+1/4, or 3/4.
Note how in this system, the denominator is always a power of 2. You cannot represent a number without a denominator that is a power of 2 in a finite number of digits. For instance, .1 (in decimal) means 1/10, but in binary that is an infinite repeating fraction, 0.000110011... (with the 0011 pattern repeating forever). This is similar to how in base 10, 1/3 is an infinite fraction, 0.3333....; base 10 can only represent numbers exactly with a denominator that is a multiple of powers of 2 and 5. (As an aside, base 12 and base 60 are actually really convenient bases, since 12 is divisible by 2, 3, and 4, and 60 is divisible by 2, 3, 4, and 5; but for some reason we use decimal anyhow, and we use binary in computers).
Since floating point numbers (or fixed point numbers) always have a finite number of digits, they cannot represent these infinite repeating fractions exactly. So, they either truncate or round the values to be as close as possible to the real value, but are not equal to the real value exactly. Once you start adding up these rounded values, you start getting more error. In decimal, if your representation of 1/3 is .333, then three copies of that will add up to .999, not 1.
There are four possible solutions. If all you care about is exactly representing decimal fractions like .1 and .7 (as in, you don't care that 1/3 will have the same problem you mention), then you can represent your numbers as decimal, for instance using binary coded decimal, and manipulate those. This is a common solution in finance, where many operations are defined in terms of decimal. This has the downside that you will need to implement all of your own arithmetic operations yourself, without the benefits of the computer's FPU, or find a decimal arithmetic library. This also, as mentioned, does not help with fractions that can't be represented exactly in decimal.
Another solution is to use fractions to represent your numbers. If you use fractions, with bignums (arbitrarily large numbers) for your numerators and denominators, you can represent any rational number that will fit in the memory of your computer. Again, the downside is that arithmetic will be slower, and you'll need to implement arithmetic yourself or use an existing library. This will solve your problem for all rational numbers, but if you wind up with a probability that is computed based on π or √2, you will still have the same issues with not being able to represent them exactly, and need to also use one of the later solutions.
A third solution, if all you care about is getting your numbers to add up to 1 exactly, is for events where you have n possibilities, to only store the values of n-1 of those probabilities, and compute the probability of the last as 1 minus the sum of the rest of the probabilities.
And a fourth solution is to do what you always need to remember when working with floating point numbers (or any inexact numbers, such as fractions being used to represent irrational numbers), and never compare two numbers for equality. Again in base 10, if you add up 3 copies of 1/3, you will wind up with .999. When you want to compare that number to 1, you have to instead compare to see if it is close enough to 1; check that the absolute value of the difference, 1-.999, is less than a threshold, such as .01.
Binary machines always round decimal fractions (except .0 and .5, .25, .75, etc) to values that don't have an exact representation in floating point. This has nothing to do with the language C++. There is no real way around it except to deal with it from a numerical perspective within your code.
As for actually producing the probabilities you seek:
float pr[3] = {0.1, 0.2, 0.7};
float accPr[3];
float prev = 0.0;
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
accPr[i] = prev + pr[i];
prev = accPr[i];
float frand = rand() / (1 + RAND_MAX);
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if (frand < accPr[i]) break;
return i;
I'm sorry to say there's not really an easy answer to your problem.
It falls into a field of study called "Numerical Analysis" that deals with these types of problems (which goes far beyond just making sure you don't check for equality between 2 floating point values). And by field of study, I mean there are a slew of books, journal articles, courses etc. dealing with it. There are people who do their PhD thesis on it.
All I can say is that that I'm thankful I don't have to deal with these issues very much, because the problems and the solutions are often very non-intuitive.
What you might need to do to deal with representing the numbers and calculations you're working on is very dependent on exactly what operations you're doing, the order of those operations and the range of values that you expect to deal with in those operations.
Depending on the requirements of your applications any one of several solutions could be best:
You live with the inherent lack of precision and use floats or doubles. You cannot test either for equality and this implies that you cannot test the sum of your probabilities for equality with 1.0.
As proposed before, you can use integers if you require a fixed precision. You represent 0.7 as 7, 0.1 as 1, 0.2 as 2 and they will add up perfectly to 10, i.e., 1.0. If you have to calculate with your probabilities, especially if you do division and multiplication, you need to round the results correctly. This will introduce an imprecision again.
Represent your numbers as fractions with a pair of integers (1,2) = 1/2 = 0.5. Precise, more flexible than 2) but you don't want to calculate with those.
You can go all the way and use a library that implements rational numbers (e.g. gmp). Precise, with arbitrary precision, you can calculate with it, but slow.
yeah, I'd scale the numbers (0-100)(0-1000) or whatever fixed size you need if you're worried about such things. It also makes for faster math computation in most cases. Back in the bad-old-days, we'd define entire cos/sine tables and other such bleh in integer form to reduce floating fuzz and increase computation speed.
I do find it a bit interesting that a "0.7" fuzzes like that on storage.

Accurate evaluation of 1/1 + 1/2 + ... 1/n row

I need to evaluate the sum of the row: 1/1+1/2+1/3+...+1/n. Considering that in C++ evaluations are not complete accurate, the order of summation plays important role. 1/n+1/(n-1)+...+1/2+1/1 expression gives the more accurate result.
So I need to find out the order of summation, which provides the maximum accuracy.
I don't even know where to begin.
Preferred language of realization is C++.
Sorry for my English, if there are any mistakes.
For large n you'd better use asymptotic formulas, like the ones on;
Another way is to use exp-log transformation. Basically:
H_n = 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + ... + 1/n = log(exp(1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + ... + 1/n)) = log(exp(1) * exp(1/2) * exp(1/3) * ... * exp(1/n)).
Exponents and logarithms can be calculated pretty quickly and accuratelly by your standard library. Using multiplication you should get much more accurate results.
If this is your homework and you are required to use simple addition, you'll better add from the smallest one to the largest one, as others suggested.
The reason for the lack of accuracy is the precision of the float, double, and long double types. They only store so many "decimal" places. So adding a very small value to a large value has no effect, the small term is "lost" in the larger one.
The series you're summing has a "long tail", in the sense that the small terms should add up to a large contribution. But if you sum in descending order, then after a while each new small term will have no effect (even before that, most of its decimal places will be discarded). Once you get to that point you can add a billion more terms, and if you do them one at a time it still has no effect.
I think that summing in ascending order should give best accuracy for this kind of series, although it's possible there are some odd corner cases where errors due to rounding to powers of (1/2) might just so happen to give a closer answer for some addition orders than others. You probably can't really predict this, though.
I don't even know where to begin.
Here: What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic
Actually, if you're doing the summation for large N, adding in order from smallest to largest is not the best way -- you can still get into a situation where the numbers you're adding are too small relative to the sum to produce an accurate result.
Look at the problem this way: You have N summations, regardless of ordering, and you wish to have the least total error. Thus, you should be able to get the least total error by minimizing the error of each summation -- and you minimize the error in a summation by adding values as nearly close to each other as possible. I believe that following that chain of logic gives you a binary tree of partial sums:
Sum[0,i] = value[i]
Sum[1,i/2] = Sum[0,i] + Sum[0,i+1]
Sum[j+1,i/2] = Sum[j,i] + Sum[j,i+1]
and so on until you get to a single answer.
Of course, when N is not a power of two, you'll end up with leftovers at each stage, which you need to carry over into the summations at the next stage.
(The margins of StackOverflow are of course too small to include a proof that this is optimal. In part because I haven't taken the time to prove it. But it does work for any N, however large, as all of the additions are adding values of nearly identical magnitude. Well, all but log(N) of them in the worst not-power-of-2 case, and that's vanishingly small compared to N.)
You can find libraries with ready for use implementation for C/C++.
For example
Unless you use some accurate closed-form representation, a small-to-large ordered summation is likely to be most accurate simple solution (it's not clear to me why a log-exp would help - that's a neat trick, but you're not winning anything with it here, as far as I can tell).
You can further gain precision by realizing that after a while, the sum will become "quantized": Effectively, when you have 2 digits of precision, adding 1.3 to 41 results in 42, not 42.3 - but you achieve almost a precision doubling by maintaining an "error" term. This is called Kahan Summation. You'd compute the error term (42-41-1.3 == -0.3) and correct that in the next addition by adding 0.3 to the next term before you add it in again.
Kahan Summation in addition to a small-to-large ordering is liable to be as accurate as you'll ever need to get. I seriously doubt you'll ever need anything better for the harmonic series - after all, even after 2^45 iterations (crazy many) you'd still only be dealing with a numbers that are at least 1/2^45 large, and a sum that's on the order of 45 (<2^6), for an order of magnitude difference of 51 powers-of-two - i.e. even still representable in a double precision variable if you add in the "wrong" order.
If you go small-to-large, and use Kahan Summation, the sun's probably going to extinguish before today's processors reach a percent of error - and you'll run into other tricky accuracy issues just due to the individual term error on that scale first anyhow (being that a number of the order of 2^53 or larger cannot be represented accurately as a double at all anyhow.)
I'm not sure about the order of summation playing an important role, I havent heard that before. I guess you want to do this in floating point arithmetic so the first thing is to think more inline of (1.0/1.0 + 1.0/2.0+1.0/3.0) - otherwise the compiler will do integer division
to determine order of evaluation, maybe a for loop or brackets?
float f = 0.0;
for (int i=n; i>0; --i)
f += 1.0/static_cast<float>(i);
oh forgot to say, compilers will normally have switches to determine floating point evaluation mode. this is maybe related to what you say on order of summation - in visual C+ these are found in code-generation compile settings, in g++ there're options -float that handle this
actually, the other guy is right - you should do summation in order of smallest component first; so
1/n + 1/(n-1) .. 1/1
this is because the precision of a floating point number is linked to the scale, if you start at 1 you'll have 23 bits of precision relative to 1.0. if you start at a smaller number the precision is relative to the smaller number, so you'll get 23 bits of precision relative to 1xe-200 or whatever. then as the number gets bigger rounding error will occur, but the overall error will be less than the other direction
As all your numbers are rationals, the easiest (and also maybe the fastest, as it will have to do less floating point operations) would be to do the computations with rationals (tuples of 2 integers p,q), and then do just one floating point division at the end.
update to use this technique effectively you will need to use bigints for p & q, as they grow quite fast...
A fast prototype in Lisp, that has built in rationals shows:
(defun sum_harmonic (n acc)
(if (= n 0) acc (sum_harmonic (- n 1) (+ acc (/ 1 n)))))
(sum_harmonic 10 0)
(sum_harmonic 100 0)
(sum_harmonic 1000 0)
So, the next better option could be to mantain the list of floating points and to reduce it summing the two smallest numbers in each step...