Project Settings Recommends Compiler Warning: "Suspicious Moves" - c++

In an Xcode project, I'm getting a weird warning. What is it and is it a bad thing?
Here's the warning:
Project 'Little Hoot' - Enable Recommended Warning
This will enable the following recommended compiler warning:
Suspicious Moves
It is also recommending I updated another setting too.
Target 'Little Hoot' - Update C++ Standard Library
The 'libstdc++' C++ Standard Library is deprecated. This will update the setting for Target 'Little Hoot' to 'Compiler Default', which is the recommended value.
I have looked online and I'm unable to find an answer for at least the first warning.

The "Suspicious Moves" Project/Target setting seems to control the -Wmove compiler warning optionin LLVM/Clang, which is a group of 3 other warning options: -Wpessimizing-move, -Wredundant-move and -Wself-move.
Those options generate these warnings:
warning: moving a temporary object prevents copy elision
warning: moving a local object in a return statement prevents copy elision
warning: redundant move in return statement
warning: explicitly moving variable of type A to itself
(From the Clang documentation at
So it's probably not a big deal whether you accept the recommendation and enable the warning, or go without it. You just won't be told if you make things slower with those suspicious moves.

I also got this message from Xcode recently while setting up a new project. My steps were removing the reference from files (such as Info.plist), creating folders directly on Finder, and adding files back to Xcode. I suppose it's a security feature but if your case is like mine, it's only a warning.

Both of these warnings refer to settings in your project not reflecting the recommended defaults. They were probably both triggered after you upgraded your version of Xcode or imported an old project into a later version of Xcode.
Unless you have good reasons to do otherwise, it is best to follow the recommendation. The easiest way to do that is click in the yellow triangles that accompany the warnings and allow Xcode to make the appropriate changes to the settings.

You should turn all warnings on, with the exceptions of pedantic warnings, unused parameters, and auto-synthesised properties; these three warnings warn for tons of good code. Same for static analyser warnings.
Then you look at what warnings you get and fix them. If you haven't done this before, then I'll estimate that 20-40% of all warnings are actual bugs in your code.

You’ll be able to see warning detail in issue navigator section. You can fix it by selecting issue. This will show an alert stating necessary changes to be done in project settings.
Click on Perform Changes button. This will make necessary changes in Project settings and thereby removing this warning.


How can I change the number of errors GCC displays without invaliding the CMake cache?

I have a C++ project that I build using GCC and CMake.
Generally I like to compile with -fmax-errors=1. My normal workflow is to fix the first error and then rebuild since subsequent errors are often caused by the first one.
But unfortunately, with C++20, an error involving a constraint failure is often treated as multiple "errors" by GCC. In order to see why the constraint failed, I need to see more than one error.
So occasionally I like to set -fmax-errors to a higher number, probably 2, when such an error occurs.
But changing the compiler flags (by manually changing CMakeLists.txt or passing a cache variable to cmake on the command line) invalidates the CMake cache and makes the build start from scratch.
This behavior generally makes sense of course; arbitrary configuration changes could require a rebuild. But we humans understand that changing the compiler's error-formatting behavior doesn't require a rebuild. Is there a way of expressing this distinction to CMake?
Or, failing that, is there a clever way of working around this? I thought of having CMake read an environment variable at the time when the compiler is invoked (not at the time when cmake is run), but I can't find any documentation suggesting that this is actually possible.
(I could probably create a script that forwards most of its arguments to g++ but also adds -fmax-errors="$MY_COOL_ENV_VARIABLE" and then tell CMake that the script in question is the C++ compiler to build with, but I imagine that this might violate some of CMake's expectations about the "compiler.")
At the advice of Marc Glisse, I gave the approach that I hypothesized in parentheses at the end of the question a try. This in fact works quite well.
I now have a Python script called in the top-level directory of my project. I point CMake to the script in the usual way in which one specifies a C++ compiler.
Now I was actually a bit terse in the question for the sake of exposition. In actuality I regularly build this project with both GCC and Clang. So I want to be able to specify the C++ compiler to CMake when I invoke cmake.
cmake my-src-dir -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++
So has to take a few extra command-line flags, --my-project-cxx-compiler and --my-project-num-errors-flag.
Then the script invokes the compiler (whose executable is the one specified by --my-project-cxx-compiler), forwarding all of its command-line arguments except the extra ones mentioned above and adding f"{num_errors_flag}={os.environ.get('MY_PROJECT_NUM_ERRORS', 1)}". (The name of the compiler flag specifying the number of errors to display must itself be passed as an argument to the script because GCC and Clang call the flag --fmax-errors and --ferror-limit respectively.)
The trick is simply that the logic in CMakeLists.txt that determines which arguments to pass to needs to execute before CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER is overwritten.
The user just interacts with CMake as usual and changes the value of the MY_PROJECT_NUM_ERRORS variable at any time in order to get a different number of errors from the compiler.

Cannot disable warnings caused by the Boost Library

I am trying to eliminate the warnings in my project so I can turn on the flag that treats warnings as errors. The project uses the boost library, specifically the Concept_check.hpp and cuthill_mckee_ordering.hpp files. The warnings 4510 and 4610 are shown in the concept_check.hpp file and I have tried to disable them using #pragma warning push and pop. The warnings are caused by the boost library trying to instantiate a class using the template found in concept_check.cpp when there is no constructor written for it.
My Question is this: Is there a more sure fire way that I can disable these warnings without modifying the boost code? I am using Visual studio 2010.
Perhaps you are looking in the wrong direction. As Alan Stokes pointed out, the warning is there for a reason. I have three hints that are perhaps not the answers you expect, but may bring an acceptable solution:
Instead of silencing the warning, just fix the error. I don't know your code, but there are other people that had a similar problem which was possible to fix by just declaring a variable.
Another question is: why do you want to turn all your warnings into errors? Is it really neccessary? I agree that normal code should always compile without warnings. But these warnings are not originating from your own code. Consider a static code-checker that warns you about issues where your compiler is blind about.
If you have to use -WX, move the offending code into a static object/library/module so you will be bothered about the warning only when you need to recompile this module. You could use specific compile options for this module, to get the warnings completely out of your way.
There is another possibility, but I'm not able to check whether it really works. According the Microsoft Documentation it is possible to set the warning level of specific warnings. (there are similar options for GCC). First, switch all warnings to error:
Then, set the warning level of the two offending warnings to zero:
/W04510 /W04610
A complete commandline would look like this:
cl source.cpp /WX /W04510 /W04610
The best solution would be to combine this with hint 3 above. This way, the specific compiler options are only used for the files that cause the warnings.
Maybe these solutions work.
You can disable specific warning from a .h file (#pragma warning( disable: ... ).

ZXing Library: Errors in iOS: private field 'cached_y_' is not used

I am currently trying to use the ZXing Library for an iOS Project. However I can't even get the sample Projects to work.
The ScanTest Project, as well as the ones that I created myself throw the following error in the BinaryBitmap.cpp file.
In file included from /Volumes/Macintosh HD/Users/Tim/Downloads/zxing-2.1/iphone/ZXingWidget/../../cpp/core/src/zxing/BinaryBitmap.cpp:20:
../../cpp/core/src/zxing/BinaryBitmap.h:33:7: error: private field 'cached_y_' is not used [-Werror,-Wunused-private-field]
int cached_y_;
1 error generated.
I searched on Google and Stackoverflow, but have not found a solution for the problem.
I have tried it with both the current stable release of XCode and the beta.
I don't know if anybody else has got this problem too, but any help would be greatly appreciated.
This is clang, right? You can read about the relevant compiler options here.
The error message is telling you which compiler flags are relevant.
-Wunused-private-field means you get warnings about private member fields of classes (or structs, ...) that are not used anywhere. The warning is because you probably did mean to use them. This would not normally stop the compilation, but...
-Werror turns warnings into errors. A lot of people use this option to force themselves to write very clean code. Taking this one out should be enough.

How to repair Visual Studio locals/watches in C++ (Debug build)

Sometimes VS autos/locals/watches break and instead of variables/values all I have is different kinds of:
CXX0029: Error: not struct pointer
CXX0033: Error: error in OMF type information
CXX0072: Error: type information missing or unknown
CXX0025: Error: operator needs class/struct/union
Rebuilding project, cleaning PDB/NCB etc doesn't solve it. What can I do?
Look at this Microsoft support note on: FIX: CXX0033 Error in OMF Type from Forward Class Declaration
Once you fix the PCH problem cited in the support note, I think all your errors will go away.
There is in fact a solution that lets you keep using precompiled headers: check out this more recent KB article and the documentation of the /Yl switch - which seems specifically tailored to this error.
Just add to the stdafx.cpp (or your own custom /Yc file) command line '/Ylxxxx', where xxxx stands for an arbitrary function name in your lib.
I recently faced symptoms identical to yours (in VS2010), and that solved it for me.
Are you trying to debug the "release" build? If so, many local variables will not exist as "debuggable" elements. You can get around this (if you must debug the release build) by debugging at the assembly level and look at the register values (vs. stack values, where auto/local would be in the debug build) and cast them appropriately in the "watch window".
Otherwise, build the Debug build and debug that build version. You'll get assertions where preconditions are not met, relevant/irrelevant stuff dumped to your output window, and more straight-forward debug single stepping.
It helped me to switch from using a program database (/ZI) to "c7 compatible" (/Z7). Switching off precompiled headers did not make a difference. Neither did rebuilding.

how to get rid of "In class initializer for static data member ... is a C++0x extension" warning in Xcode 4

I can get rid of the warnings in the build log by adding -std=c++0x to "other c++ flags", but they still show up in the side pane. I'm guessing that the other flags are not being passed to clang or whatever is responsible for parsing code for the gui...
Any ideas?
The warnings have mostly disappeared, but I'm not sure why. And every time I think they're gone, I get a few again. I suspect that forcing a build of every project in the workspace has some effect, but I'm really at a loss.
In any case, modifying "other c++ flags" does seem to affect the GUI warnings, contrary to my assumption when I asked this question. But it takes time. Ahh, Xcode.
Use a pragma instead of a command line switch, as described in the answer to "Is there a way to suppress warnings in Xcode?"